By David Futrelle
Alt-rightish PUA blogger Heartiste seems to be transforming before our eyes into the internet equivalent of a cranky old man from a 1970s sitcom who’s forever grousing about how you can’t tell the boy hippies from the girl hippies because they all have long hair.
In a recent post, Heartiste laments what he sees as the rise of “cultural hermaphroditism,” that is,
a strange and creepy merging of the sexes in America toward an androgynous unisex of masculinized females and feminized males.
But Heartiste doesn’t see this alleged new androgyny as simply a matter of style. No, he thinks that women are becoming mannish and men are becoming womanish biologically, with more and more women sprouting angular “manjaws” while men’s hips grow broader.
“While research is scant, I believe based on what I see happening around me that this cultural androgynization has a biological component as well,” he contends, suggesting that the lack of actual evidence for this alleged biological trend is the result of the evil forces of political correctness making it impossible for scientists to get grants to study such things as “the enlargement of women’s jaws or the narrowing of women’s hips.”
Naturally, as an aspiring cranky old man, Heartiste is most horrified by what he thinks is happening amongst the millennials, declaring that
the androgyne phenomenon is getting worse, and goes beyond desexualizing or uni-sexualizing fashion statements. Something profoundly disturbing is going on with the bodies of, in particular, American Millennials. Sexual dimorphism is flipping; the sexes aren’t just converging on an asexual norm…they’re swapping body types!
First with the avocado toast, now this! Damn Millennials.
I see so many 20s and 30s women with the broad shoulders and narrow hips natural to men, and so many men with the narrow shoulders and broad hips natural to women. It’s as if the sexual market turned upside down and switched sexes.
Even if we were to accept that the “sexual marketplace” is a real thing, how on earth could it cause literal changes in human bodies over the course of a single generation?
Well, don’t expect an answer to that from Heartiste, who’s got his thesaurus out now.
Manjaws lumber cityscapes on africanized pelvic fulcrums as their cantilevered shoulders cut swathes through cowed crowds. Their vaginas seem misplaced on them.
As unsettlingly, soyboys swish and swivel on bulbous pear-shaped haunches, supporting droopy unmuscled flesh that recedes upwardly to strangely child-like clavicles and diminutive shoulder spans, upon which soft rounded heads jerk fearfully out of the way of the manjaws with snapping vaginas.
This is the worst David Cronenberg movie ever.
Social conditioning can’t do this to bodies.
Wow. A rare acknowledgement of reality from Heartiste.
Something evil lurks in our environment, in our ecology, that’s responsible for the sexual polarity reversal.
And we’re back into the land of mystical conspiracy-mongering.
I suspect that the same evil is responsible for the xenophilic anti-White virtue sniveling insanity currently gripping the White Left, and which left unanswered and unchecked will mean the end of America as a nation distinct from the vast dirt and dystopia fields of the Hued World.
So there’s, what, a chemical in the water that causes women to grow “manjaws” and men to grow wider hips? And it also makes people mad at racists? Like the sort of racists who refer to countries that don’t have majority white populations as “the Hued World?”
If the March of the Manjaws and the Mewl of the Micemen proceeds apace, what consequences can we expect to see unfold in our society?
Whatever they are, I just hope they’ll lead to fewer people writing like this.
Heartiste is convinced that the future armies of “masculinized women” will combine the worst characteristics of “both men and women.” They’ll be “stridently aggressive and competitive like men but lacking the instinct of loyalty, cooperativeness, and duty of men.” Yet they’ll also be “cruelly subversive and passive-aggressive like women but lacking the nurturing vulnerability and intoxicating femininity of women.”
And yes, he’s predicting all this because he’s convinced himself that there are more women walking around with square jaws than there were a few years ago.
But wait, what about the men with the wide, childbearing hips?
Somewhat the reverse applies to feminized men, who have the submissiveness and avoidance mentality of women hitched to the single-minded focus of men, and the indiscriminate nurturing of women weaponized by the tribal boundary patrolling of men.
Is it just me or did that sentence just lurch its way into complete incoherence there at the end?
Within a few generations of this grotesque circus side show we will likely see society eating the last of its seed corn as once-admired institutions succumb to abject corruption, in-fighting, vapid credentialism, even more vapid moral preening, and finally systemic breakdown of basic civilizational functions.
Amazing what you can deduce from seeing a few women with square jaws on your way to work one day.
Frankly, if Heartiste is an example of what “civilization” creates, I think we would all be better off if we did lose civilization.
How convenient that masculine women would get the worst of men/women in his mind, but feminine men would get the best. Like, based on what?
The only thing that surprises about that Nathan Larson story is that he isn’t running as a Republican. Of course, it also does not surprise me that he’s a Libertarian. So.
RE: the Nathan Larson article
So this dude claims to not have committed any crimes and also brags about raping his wife. Yeah, I don’t fucking believe for a second he isn’t lying about the crimes.
I really, really hope that this piece of shit never has the chance to ever interact with his daughter again, nor with any other children. Ideally, with no other human beings ever.
Can this please finally be the thing that gets people to stop expecting we sympathize with incels?
RE: Nathan Larson
Well, he sounds like an exemplary father. I am surprised he doesn’t have any custody rights.
I hope his wife’s lawyer is taking copies as well, as evidence why he should never be allowed near his daughter ever
Off-topic, everyone, but remember that darned “30 Year-Old Millennial Who Wouldn’t Leave His Parents Home”? The one with more than a passing resemblance to obnoxious “Anti-Feminist”, Thunderf00t? The one whom Alex Jones flew out and gave $3000 to? Welp, the Daily Mail came out with more about the young gent — it seems he’s tried to get custody of or visitation rights to his eight year-old and is very bitter about it (despite technically being granted supervised visitation rights), he was arrested for stalking (someone else entirely), he was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic – a diagnosis he rejects and insists has been brought up purely to victimize him as he fights for his son, and he has a lever action 30.30 rifle that he says he keeps for protection and a compound bow for hunting…
The mother of his child said that she had pleaded with police to take the rifle from him, but they have told her there is no cause. I think many of us have heard this awful, awful tune before. Let’s hope that his name never gets spread across the news ever again, and that everyone involved remains safe and healthy.
I was thinking nature documentary. Maybe about stag beetles? Get Ron Perlman to narrate.
@ Carrie
“There was no way anyone could have foreseen this…”
WTF does this even mean? That men are running around feeding everyone soup and then yelling “Get off my property” at them?
Sound good to me.
Reading this on my phone at the mall, I had to try very hard not to burst out laughing.
Vagina dentata…what a wonderful phrase.
What is a pelvic fulcrum and how do you Africanize it?
Is it anything like galvanized zinc?
Or does he really mean “having sex with black people permanently changes your undercarriage” but doesn’t want to be obvious?
I’m old enough to remember the panic about “Africanized killer bees” (it hasn’t gone away: a relative who is a warden in Kruger National Park told me, the most common question American tourists ask is how to protect themselves from African killer bees).
Whatever process “Africanizes” stuff, it’s impressive it can be done to both bees and body parts.
If there’s one thing I never quite figured out, it was the “crisis of masculinity” bullshit that people like Heartiste go to. Case in point, the recent conservative freak-out over the University of Texas at Austin’s poster campaign trying to remind people that masculinity comes in many forms:
This is the same well of identity crisis where we get Fox News cowboy:
And that stupid “soyboy” term PJW pulled out of his ass.
I think I have a theory of where this comes from, which is a couple things. One is simple conformity; anything that goes against the grain throws people for a loop. But that doesn’t explain the angry backlash of the PJWs and Heartistes of the world. The second, and I think key to this, is a matter of striving towards societal expectations and having those goalposts changed. You’ve been conditioned your whole life that masculinity and “real men” look and behave like a certain thing, so you devote a large chunk of your life to internalizing these ideas and striving to match them, only to be told “Oh shit, it’s okay to have been myself the whole time? But I worked so hard and bought the right clothes and belittled all the right people and wallowed in a pit of self-loathing for years, now I can’t even get the adulation that I thought was waiting for me?! Screw this, it’s everyone else who’s wrong, not me!”
The irony is of course that these guys tend not to achieve the look that they strive for. I don’t hear “traditional masculinity” and think “Paul Joseph Watson.”
RE: Nathan Larson: he is the perfect argument against no consequence free speech. He should not be allowed to speak, type or use sign language, ever. He needs to be locked up for that speech indefinitely. He admits that he is an extreme danger to all around him excepting possibly other paedophiles. I would lock the door myself and throw the key into mount doom.
@Katamount: Sounds like the sunk cost fallacy …
This androgynous, agender millenial really enjoys bathing in Heartiste’s tears. The salt’s good for my skin.
Re: Larson – noted that one of the hideous sites he admits running was called incelopalypse.
This whole heartiste rant stinks of fascism. Specifically assigning a moral value to peoples body type. Just like that incel the other week banging on about bone-structure. So here we have a man of no identifiable morals accusing people of degenerate immorality for their jawlines and hip shape.
I did nazi that coming.
I think the reason that reactionaries feel threatened by anything that suggests it’s okay to not strive for the alpha male ideal is that said ideal is a crucial pillar supporting patriarchy. Not just patriarchy, but white supremacy and capitalism too. Throw out the expectation that white men are strong, tough and superior and that it’s desirable for them to be greedy and lacking in empathy to prove their manliness and patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalism just might stop looking so attractive to white males.
I have honestly never wished ill on anyone, no matter how much I’ve disapproved of their views. My reading of the incel site caused the scale to shudder and Larson has completely tipped the balance. I very much wish him, and anyone remotely like him, all the ills on offer.
If that prose were to be any more purple, it’d be on the ultra-violet spectrum.
That certainly motivates a lot of the more ideologically-bent reactionaries on a subconscious basis. Yet there’s something very visceral about the reaction that I think hits at identity and as Surplus cited, I think it’s sunk cost thinking at work in the deep recesses of the lizard brain at gets people this upset over something as trivial as a poster campaign on a college campus.
Marlene Dietrich has excellent canthal tilt! Making me feel hypergamous.
Today my husband is arranging flowers. He is very alpha with superb canthal tilt… tiny wrists though, good thing its all bullshit or I’d have to trade up huh?
But even the white men who aren’t dedicated to right wing politics understand on some level (even if they deny it to themselves and others) that they are privileged under white supremacy, capitalism and patriarchy even if they are in some ways harmed by those things. The reason white men skew more conservative than the rest of the population and the reason brogressivism is a thing is that most of the white male population is invested in preserving their own privilege, which is bound up in patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalism. They’re taught to be invested in these things immediately upon birth. It’s so ingrained they often aren’t even fully cognizant of it. This explains that visceral reaction to seemingly minor things like a poster campaign.
I should also point out that non-ideological doesn’t exist. If someone is not ideological or not political, it’s because they are for maintaining the status quo and the status quo is white supremacist, capitalist and patriarchal. Being non political is a luxury of the privileged. So I don’t think the so called non ideological reactionary dudes who get so upset over poster campaigns meant to be inclusive of different types of masculinities are really so non-ideological.
Okay, not to be a nag, but is the issue with the comments not showing up going to be fixed soon? Any word on what the issue is?
I’ve noticed it’s pretty dead around here lately, and I think a big part of that is how difficult commenting has become.