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“Femoids” turn to lesbianism only when they can’t snag a Chad, man that no woman will have sex with explains

Is the answer as simple as a lack of Chad?

Note: This is the second installment of the r/MaleForeverAlone Files series

By David Futrelle

Of all the types of women who won’t have sex with them, lesbians are the most perplexing to the self-proclaimed “involuntarily celibate” men of the world.

After all, according to incel ideology, all women are utterly obsessed with “riding the cock carousel” for as long as they can manage it, having sex with as many buff and handsome “Chads” as they can find (and with Chad’s black brother, whom the floridly racist incels call Tyrone). As the incels see it, men have the penises, and men have the money, so why on earth would any woman want to have sex with women instead? (MGTOWs sometimes find themselves wondering the same thing.)

According to a recent post on (which I found reposted without attribution on the MaleForverALone subreddit), lesbians don’t actually want to have sex with other women at all. They simply resort to other women because they can’t get the attention of any nearby Chard or Tyrones — and don’t want to degrade themselves by having sex with the sort of guys who frequent online forums like or the MaleForeverAlone subreddit.

“Lesbianism is nothing but a manifestation of the femoid misery that occurs when the bitch isn’t able to acquire Chad or Tyrone,” explains the non-sex-having dude who calls himself PM_ME_STRIPPERS.

Since they are not able to get genetically superior men they decide to acquire the next best thing: another femoid. In their mind, they would rather fuck a person of the same gender than sleep with genetically inferior man.

I’d really like to see the math here. How many Chad points does a guy need before women will sleep with him rather than with other “femoids?” Could a super-hot femoid outrank a lesser Chad? In the case of a tie between a Chad and a femoid, does a threesome ensue?

Which is why most of these c*nts are nothing but bisexuals, or bisexuals in denial.

Says the non-sex-having expert on female sexuality.

Most dykes would deny such a thing, yet their actions says otherwise. What are these actions, you may ask? Well, first being, most of these so-called “lesbos” have had some kind of sexual/or romantic relationship with at least one man before, yet act as if they are totally pure of a males touch.

Dude. Historically. huge numbers of gay people were forced (or forced themselves) into heterosexual relationships and/or marriages because, in the intensely homophobic societies in which they lived, they basically had no other choice. Even today, some women  whose sexual orientation is pretty much 100% lesbian will try to force themselves into heterosexual relationships because they don’t want to be disowned by their homophobic parents, or thrown out their church, or worse. Sometimes women who think they’re probably lesbians but who aren’t completely sure about their sexual orientation will try to have sex with a man just to see if they could be with a man.

Someone’s sexual orientation is not defined in a straightforward way by their sexual actions; the world is messier than that.

Even when they engage in sexual intercourse with another femoid, they would use strap-ons, which are shaped as cawks, to pleasure each other.

Lesbians who use strap-ons don’t cease to be lesbians any more than a straight dude who puts something in his butt is immediately transformed into A Gay. Sex toys are sex toys. There are lots of guys who regularly masturbate using a sex toy shaped like a big flashlight. That doesn’t mean they’re flashlightsexuals who want to fuck actual flashlights.

One must wonder: why would two bitches, who are only attracted to the same gender, use an object that is shaped based of the opposite sexs genital to pleasure themselves?

Uh, because it feels good?

Totally defeats the purpose of being a carpet muncher.

If a woman only wants to have sex with other women, it doesn’t matter what she does or what sex toys she uses when she’s having sex with other women; she’s still a lesbian.

Also, I find it funny how dykes tend to say that they don’t need no man, yet, they use a mans sperm to get themselves pregnant. Quite hypocritical, if you ask me.

I’m pretty sure that wanting a baby (and the sperm you need to conceive one) is different than wanting a man.

As you can see, even though carpet munchers are with other femoids, deep down they still crave cawk; especially Chad and Tyrone’s. It is a desire that they can never get rid of, and that would always haunt them until the end of time.

Stop trying to make “lesbians aren’t real” happen. It’s not going to happen.

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IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
6 years ago

Is it just me or is anyone else seriously bothered by the number of dehumanising words these douche-canoes invent to replace the word woman?

Ignoring the ususal sexual epithets, B* C* S* etc: “femoids” ffs – unsurprising that their next logical step is viewing half the population as literal farm animals.

6 years ago

@Thomas Andrews

What on earth is a femoid?

It’s a word they use to dehumanize women, big suppose there. It’s replacing “andro” (a prefix meaning male) from the word “android”, with the prefix “femo”, instead (which I assume is supposed to mean “female”, since these dudes have apparently never come across “gyno”, which is the actual distaff counterpart to “andro”. But no one ever accused these dudes of being clever.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

What on earth is a femoid?

They used to use ‘female human organism’ or FHO. But then they realised they were ‘cucking’ themselves by suggesting women were human; so they came up with femoid as an alternative.

(Not kidding)

6 years ago

I have always wondered what incels think happens with women rejected by Chad if they can’t become incels. So now they think they become lesbians. But than they also say lesbians don’t exist.
So what is it?

The fact that lesbians are choosing for free to reject Chad and to live happily with other women destroys all the bullshit incel-theories.
So i get why incels say that lesbians don’t exist, or if they do, they didn’t wanted to become lesbians, even if this is clearly false since lesbians had and still have to fight for their right to be who they are. Rather than accepting that women are individuals with different sexual orientations, incels invent these absurd theories to justify their hatred against women.

6 years ago

Hmmm… where have I heard all this before…?

BANKY: You’re still dwelling on the dyke, aren’t you?

HOLDEN: Lower your voice.

BANKY: What’d I tell you – she just needs the right guy. All every woman really wants – be it mother, senator, nun – is some serious deep-dicking. (notices receptionist’s look) Sorry. (to Holden) That’s why I can’t buy lesbians. Everyone needs dick. See, I can buy fags. Bunch of guys that need dick – just plain need it? That I get. Lesbians? Bullshit posturing. But – live and let live, I guess.

HOLDEN: I’m sure the gay community appreciates your support.

Great, this guy’s taking his cues from poorly-realized Kevin Smith characters from 20 years ago. Fantastic. Because Banky couldn’t conceive of lesbians not using some kind of phallic object either, nor could he conceive of any woman not being interested in them.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

This is what hate and bigotry do to the imagination. It hems you in, collapses your ability to stretch. Everything becomes about the self, about the way you hurt or the way you suffer; everything is an attack on you. A collapse to the kernel, a reduction to an unthinking, reactionary state. An inability to conceive of possibilities outside of yourself.

What a sad little world they live in.

We really got to stop their world from leaking into ours, though. eugh.

6 years ago

They simply resort to other women because they can’t get the attention of any nearby Chard

Yes, I am easily amused; why do you ask?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

Even today, some women whose sexual orientation is pretty much 100% lesbian will try to force themselves into heterosexual relationships because they don’t want to be disowned by their homophobic parents, or thrown out their church, or worse. Sometimes women who think they’re probably lesbians but who aren’t completely sure about their sexual orientation will try to have sex with a man just to see if they could be with a man.

And that’s before we get into the whole “It’s a spectrum, not a binary” thing. If I’m attracted to 99 women and one male video game character man, the latter doesn’t magically cancel out the former.

6 years ago

From the original comments:

Most lesbian relationships are unstable as well, many of their relationships end too soon.

Hahaha, oh man, lemme tell you about a little thing called ‘U-hauling’ 😛

Also, did anyone notice the comment from super creepy guy complaining about people judging him for wanting to have sex with mares?

6 years ago

This is just the recycled stereotype from before the mainstream fetishization of Lesbianism. Nothing bad ever truly stays buried.

6 years ago

If cis women were serious about lesbianism, they would just mash their eggs together until a baby happened. Obviously.

6 years ago


Also, did anyone notice the comment from super creepy guy complaining about people judging him for wanting to have sex with mares?

I feel like there should be a word for people who seem to believe that everyone else could (or secretly does) enjoy the same fetishes that they do.

I hadn’t read the original thread, but now I go back to look at it, I see…

Lesbians are the women that have too high standards and haven’t found the gigachad they seek.


6 years ago

@Pie : I know that phenomen as “It’s alway projection”

6 years ago

A common joke in the circles I hang out in runs along the lines of, “I’m a bisexual woman. That means I’m attracted to some male celebrities and almost every woman I know.” It’s funny because it contains truth. Sorry, incels, the peen just isn’t that important when it comes to attraction. I know it sucks when one has nothing else to offer.

6 years ago

I wonder what these dipshits would think of asexuals. Are we only asexual because we can’t attract any high status men OR high status women?

6 years ago

Maybe we are asexuals because we Went Our Own Way? 😉 jk ofc

6 years ago

Two things:

One, it’s always horrific the extent to which the hideous opinions we see from these dudes are basically mainstream cultural views from a few decades ago. “Lesbians are just sexually frustrated”? “Women don’t have the intellectual capacity to be considered adults”? Christ you dipshits, get an original thought that wasn’t debunked in 1923.

And two, it’s always baffling when people just keep making their intellectual frameworks more and more torturous and convoluted instead of just admitting that hey, maybe they’re off base here.

For example, OP here thinks that insisting that all lesbians are actually bisexual somehow saves his bullshit paradigm, but wouldn’t the existence of bisexuality in women *also* invalidate every damn thing he thinks he believes about how women work?

This makes me think of that “nobody can debate incels on logic” comment. Because they’re right. Nobody can, for the same reason nobody can debate me on the development of Sumerian grammar and it’s influence on the proto-Semitic language family- I don’t know a goddamned thing about it.

Also, would it blow these dummies’ brains right out their skull to find out that there is a considerable population of lesbians who think the whole strap-on thing is actually really problematic, or what?

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Re: “femoid”

I used to cringe at Heartiste’s use of “leftoid” back when he was a regular subject of this blog. IDK if it was his own invention – it seemed to match his tryhard habit of inventing and popularizing new slurs. Anyway, there seems to be a common edgelord pattern of using -oid to modify the concepts you want to disparage.

Is it a deliberate portmanteau of “android” or “humanoid” or such? Who knows. In that case, the etymology of “femoid” would be apparently “female” and a Greek suffix denoting “kinda-like-female”. Now, “female” isn’t a Greek word but neither is “human” in “humanoid”.

6 years ago

I swear, these guys are so slot A-tab B. Boring and unimaginiative.

You know, a part of me blames porn for that (although the other part of me blames commodification in late-stage capitalism for stunting the imagination of a lot of people). I think it’s safe to say that most of these guys consume a lot of porn and tend to base their view of the sex they’re so angry they’re not getting on what they see on PornHub or another site like it (not paying for it, of course). They seem to think that the lesbian sex they’re spoon-fed by mainstream porn is the only way that it actually happens.

Like I’m sure if you told them that tribadism can take place in the missionary position, it would blow their minds as much as if you told them some don’t like strap-ons.

Hell, they probably don’t know what “tribadism” is.

In fact, I was relistening to David’s interview with Matt Binder on his DOOMED podcast this morning and one thing that was mentioned stuck out for me: these guys really do think they’re living in a 1980s teen comedy. Their imaginations have SO atrophied that they can’t imagine life being anything other than Saved By The Bell. Some probably are still teenagers and thus the bullshit cliques of high school are their reality, but it only lasts four years and for those out of high school, what’s their excuse?

6 years ago


Lesbians are the women that have too high standards and haven’t found the gigachad they seek.


Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

I guess after ‘gigachad’ is ‘terachad’. If we’re talking about units of measurement that keep women from sleeping with these paragons.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Why would an incel, when he masturbates, get off on stroking his own gender’s genitalia?

See, they only enjoy masturbating halfway. Their dicks like it, but their hands don’t. And when they’re done they have to go plunge their hands in bleach to wash the gay away.

On another matter entirely, I’ve always been a bit confused by the term “carpet-muncher.” I mean, sure, maybe some people have a pubic-hair-chewing fetish (no shame there, your kink is not my kink and that’s OK), and I suppose it plays into the whole “Lesbians are hairy erhmegurd” thing, but honestly, wouldn’t the person you’re going down on be happier if you spent a bit less time on the carpet and more on Satan’s Doorbell?

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
6 years ago

Satan’s Doorbell

New one for me. Thanks for the LOL. 🙂

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago