By David Futrelle
Time to drag a few more terrible comments from the moderation queue to share with you all. Once again the most popular genre of comments I get from angry lady-haters is the time-honored “threat disguised as a warning and/or prediction.”
Let’s start with this “warning” from a dude calling himself BSG, which in this context definitely does not stand for Battlestar Galactica.
The fake news media is waking up to the inevitability of patriarchy. American elites see what’s happening to Europe and have decided they’d prefer not to be conquered and replaced. Big swinging dicks are going to run the show and put women in their place. That’s not up for debate. The current feminist dystopia is unsustainable. The only question is whether those in charge will be muslim alphas or western alphas.
Wait, we live in a feminist dystopia?
I guess Star Trek taught me wrong because I was pretty sure that feminist dystopias looked more like this:
Here’s a dude who wants us to know that it is the incels, not us, whose understanding of the world is backed up by LOGIK.
Lol. No one can actually debate incels based on logic. They are THOROUGHLY logical based on my perusal. What they say is based in undeniable fact. Whatever hypothessis they have that isn’t actually based on science would be backed up by it if it was of interest to academics, which for now, even after this thing is getting to crisis level, is still not … because no one cares to study it as long as men are on the losing side.
Those ellipses are doing a lot of work there. I left out most of his huge wall-of-text because my eyes glazed over reading it.
Luckily, an incel dude showed up to helpfully illustrate just how LOGICAL he and his fellow iucels soldiers are, if by “LOGICAL” you mean “full of rage and constantly threatening violence.” Take it away, “Incel Legion.”
We are Legion and i promess mass shooting will never end…Fuck you and fuck your world!!!!
Yeah, dude, I’m sure it’s your bone structure, not your murderous rage, that causes women to not want to sleep with you.
Big dicks always wish they ruled the world. Sure, they get to the top sometimes, but they’re knocked from their perch eventually (we can hope). The swinging part of the dick’s statement I don’t get, but don’t care to understand, either.
And yes, as most here observed already, the last critter is a mess.
Oh, and I wish I lived in a “feminist dystopia”. My life thus far would’ve been tons easier.
RR, I think people were making fun of the troll whining about feminism in society creating a “dystopia”.
Oh dear. I see one of them, at least, DID get through:
Fortunately, a quick knee to the nuts puts paid to THAT bullshit.
Maybe no one cares to study it because (a) it’s not a scientifically worthy subject, and (b) men are most certainly NOT “on the losing side” of anything. Meaning, it’s not even a subject. Ever thought of that?
Yawwwwwn. Where have I heard that before?
And if you “promess”, I pro-cleanup. No guns for you, little boy.
He looks more wiggly than swingy, but he probably wishes he were swingy. And big.
That last one puts me in mind of a song by one of my favorite bands (“New Legion” by Ego Likeness), who Mr. Incel Legion would surely hate for the feminist bent of their music. Lyrics:
We are property, we are passed around
Evolving currency, trophies displayed so proud
Designed for your comfort, callused for your pleasure
Our specific worth depends on how you measure
To those who lit the match: your house is burning too
To those who fan the flames: this will come back to you
To those who cannot speak-
To those whose mouths are empty-
We will stand for you, for we are many
We are justice we are treason
we are karma we are reason
My name is Legion
I call Medusa, and now you’re stone
I call Lamia; your child is gone
I call the sirens, to see you drown
I call Medea- she takes you down
I call the Strega, and you are cursed
I call the Loa, for something worse
I call on Lilith, and her kin
My vengeful sisters will break you in
We are justice we are treason
we are karma we are reason
My name is Legion
Dear Commenters who are not let through:
Dude, feel free to promess so long as you stay pro at miss[ing].
Also, if your penis is ALWAYS big and swinging, it’s probably a medical emergency, and you should get thyself hither to an emergency department.
Off topic of post, but in topic with thread kindof:
Z&T I feel your pain on the internets. I have verizon with a mobile hotspot, because the local internet/communications companies REFUSE to lay cables out to my neighborhood.
Which, with permafrost, is kind of understandable even if it is frustrating.
I also live in a reception hole, and am LUCKY to have a single bar. Two is pretty much a miracle.
So much expensive. So little benefit. Yet, still REQUIRED as a student, because all my homework requires internet. 🙁
Nobody wants to
A lot of yahoos like these seem to be obsessed with dicks and the size thereof. Probably partly because they see the world through the lens of domination and mine’s-bigger-than-yours and you’re not made at life unless you do and/or have bigger or more. The other part is because these pathetic pieces of shit KNOW, deep down, that having a penis is the only thing that keeps them from being even bigger nonentities as human beings in society than they are already, and that they’re pretty damn pitiful even with a dick. Of any size.
S’my take anyway.
Incels aren’t legion, they are a finite quantity and will go extinct soon enough, quicker if they keep banging on about mass murder.
You hear that incel legion. You are a death cult and your actions will lead to only one conclusion. Lol.
You know, I just no longer give a rat’s ass or a flying Saxonism WHAT these guys think, feel or say. I care about the following: the health and well-being of children and the planet, the awakening of the human spirit, women and our happiness and well-being. Any society that does not put the planet and the children front and center and, instead, values males and their mad grab for power, money and attention, is suicidal.
Men, as far as I am concerned, have great value – providing that their actions actually promote the healthy life and happiness of the planet and all life forms. Those who continue to insist that they can do whatever they want…that those of us who are harmed by them and their actions are to blame…that the ownership of a penis basically means that they are the kings of all they survey and that “god” loves them best and approves their wars, greed, cruelty and claims of right-of-access to all things (especially women’s bodies)…The list is too long. Suffice it to say that, rather than rant, rage and weep anymore, I choose to make the well-being of planet, children, women and life my concern.
Any male who gets in the way of fulfilling these is of no interest or concern, save insofar as we may need to defend life. All males who recognize that we are all connected and the well-being of one is intertwined with all is a true man and my welcome brother.
As an european, I can easily spot the guys who have never lived in the so called “hot” spot in France.
Their belief that muslims are overruning Europa is insultingly easy to dismiss. It’s like they did not even care about doing something remotely credible.
*petulant foot stamp*
“They are THOROUGHLY logical, based on my gut feelings.”
@Samantha – I agree. It isn’t the “feminist dystopia” that’s unsustainable. It’s the big swinging dicks and their unfettered, short-sighted greed that are harming the planet, to the point of threatening homo sapiens’ continued existence. We’ve tried that model for several millennia, and it’s never worked out well.
These guys need to get out of the way. Climate change is upon us. Humanity doesn’t have time to stop and coddle their boners.
True, but that’s because attempting to use logic to debate with an incel is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. It doesn’t matter how much proof and reason you have on your side, the incel will knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like he won.
@Vucodlak thank you for the song! That band is amazing and totally my cup of tea. 🙂 I’ma add them to my shelf.
Excuse me? I keep reading similar sentences and wonder what they are on about. How exactly does the American elite see Europe (Europe as a whole, or what? I mean, never mind that the EU consists of 28 countries and each one is facing its own challenges)?
Is he talking about women running amok and enslaving men? Or is he talking about Europe being pretty much run by Sharia law? I can never tell with those idiots. They go from sexist to racist and back in 0.02365 seconds.
If you listen to them Europe is a giant no-go area by now. They think you go out to get a kebab and come back wearing a hijab. I can not stress this enough: It’s nothing like that.
I live in a city that was always heavily populated with Turkish immigrants. I grew up with muslims around me ever since I can think of. And in the recent years a lot of refugees followed. Did we have some problems as well, of course we did (some of them massive). That tends to happen when you accommodate over a million people, you tend to get a couple of assholes in the mix. But f%&! them, we still did the right thing.
Wasn’t “I, Promess” the first draft title of an Arthur C. Clarke classic?
Re: dudes that angry in real life. Oh yes indeedy. One or two.
One drank at a pub I worked in as a student. A horrible angry guy: it seemed to radiate off him. He constantly made excuses to get the female staff to come over to him (it was service at the bar, not at table) and if you happened to be collecting glasses in a crowded room he’d try and grope you. I was much shyer and more passive than I am today, but eventually a couple of us compared notes and complained. I’m not sure whether the landlord took us seriously or not: the guy got banned anyway a day later after starting a fight (I didn’t see it). He was a youngish and (IMHO) quite good looking fellow, too, but he had some kind of bee in his bonnet that would repel you from 100 yards. That was in the 80s so no internet to stoke his rage. I wonder what he’s like now – if he made it.
A couple of family members have been intermittently racist, misogynist ranters. Sometimes violent too: I’m glad guns are hard to find in England as I can think of a few situations I and other women connected with them might not have walked away from.
But one of them, I’m glad to say, has been treated for multiple addictions and does seem to be quite a bit better.
I don’t think we should bury the lede here… which is that “Angel One” was a terrible episode.
Actually, the whole first season of TNG was terrible (“Code of Honor” anyone?) No wonder Denise Crosby wanted out.
Hilarious 80s sci-fi missteps aside, it’s definitely a trope now that anybody who self-styles as “logical” or “rational” is anything but. Even Spock, the most logical being in science fiction, understood that it wasn’t the end all and be all:
It’s also rich that these so-called “logical” guys are the ones that get upset (read: emotional) at either the stupidest crap imaginable (like college campus protests) or at the tiniest slights to their unbearable egos. But apparently male anger in the service of dominance, that’s totally consistent with logic and rationality, while feeeemale anger or emotion is “hysterical.”
I’ll never quite wrap my head around that glaring double-standard.
Why, a man who might dream of having a loving wife and family someday is forced to confront the fact that his dream is not guaranteed to come true. How much more dystopian could things possibly get?? :O :O :O
I think many men nowadays are just starting to recognize on a deep level what women have been forced to internalize for tens of millennia: Your relationship status is a consequence not just of what you want, but also what other people want. You’ve heard the old misogynist joke about the old maid?
OLD MAID: “No, I never cared to marry, but in my young days I could have married anybody I pleased!”
YOUNG GIRL, aside to her friend: “I guess she never pleased anyone.”
Well, a bunch of misogynist men are now finally becoming aware that men as well as women need to please their potential partners in order to have a relationship. And there’s no guarantee that they’ll ever find somebody who likes them well enough to marry them, and there’s no magic formula for making that happen.
Now that they’re realizing that they’re not automatically entitled to relationships merely on account of their “big” “swinging” dicks, they’re throwing massive toddler tantrums and screaming that we’ll all be sorry someday.
No, we won’t. We’ll never be sorry for asserting women’s right to be autonomous adults and to reject asshole men, even though violent tantrum-throwing asshole men will doubtless commit many more misogynist-terrorist murders before men in general finally manage to process the fact that women are autonomous adults. Even being murdered by a misogynist terrorist asshole is still better than having to marry one.
(And as @Ohlmann pointed out, these assholes are also completely deluded about the prospects for feminism vs. patriarchy in immigrant communities in Europe. European Muslim women, even ones from very repressive patriarchal societies, as a group are embracing education, employment, freedom and feminism.)
Oh hey, Nathan Robinson at Current Affairs has an article that touches on the “logical” branding of those broadly opposed to current emancipatory movements: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/05/fear-of-the-sjw
I think Robinson pinpoints a real phenomenon of pushback against those movements, but I think he’s too sympathetic with critics of what’s deemed “identity politics.” Cuz I’ve seen this shit too, particularly from what I guess I could call the “Bernie contingent” who see class issues overriding those of racial or gender inequality, basically saying: “Shut up about your extrajudicial murder stuff, black people, a $15 minimum wage will help you anyway!” Well, can’t quite use the extra money if they’re dead… so maybe work on both?
The issue surrounding identity politics backlash is one of proportionality. I actually think that call-out culture is quite useful and does have the capacity to spur institutional change, but its excesses and choice of targets needs to be given due thought. I have no problem sounding off on a response tweet to a politician, but a random a-hole YouTuber… I might say my piece in a response video comment, but I usually leave that individual alone, particularly if other people have said what I’ve had to say. Similarly, pointing out a wrongdoing by somebody prominent is important, but if they make it clear they’ve learned their lesson (that Matt Taylor “Shirtgate” guy is a great example), then they should be left alone. It’s in the doubling down on harmful opinions where people start to court real repercussions (but it’s also where these people find their audience). James Damore clearly wanted a piece of that right-wing aggrievement pie. Ditto Lindsay Shepard at WilfLau. This is where care must be taken.
If I have any critique of the current crop of activists, it’s that they need to better adapt to the media environment. I still think back to what happened to Chanty Binx. A half-second clip of her shouting “Patriarchy!” at an obnoxious shitheel was enough to have her memed across the planet for years. Contrapoints is arguably the best at adapting so far, but I still think there’s something to be said for the Steve Shives mode of baseball cap-wearing Joe/Jane Frontporch look with feminist attitudes. People have already associated coloured hair and the thick rimmed glasses with “SJW”, the idea being that young people with that look are so removed from the hardships of life typically associated with blue-collar professions that they’re somehow “spoiled snowflakes.” You and I know it’s not true, but I don’t see that image going away anytime soon, so it might be a better tactic to avoid that look whenever engaging the antis.
Because they’re not looking for “debate,” they’re looking for somebody to add to another “cringe” compilation. Don’t give it to ’em.
An OT comment to be sure, but I was thinking of one of Michael Brooks’ characters on the Majority Report that he came up with but never used again: the enlightened militiaman. “Alright, so we got our arsenal stocked up, but we need to get more organic produce planted to support biodiversity and reduce harm to pollinators. Fertilizers are a tool of the globalists, people! Now where are we on the solar panels and compost area?”
Shouldn’t we have the FBI watching him? I mean the last time we had males spouting garbage like this they shot and killed people. We need the FBI watching everyone in the manosphere. These males are dangerous terrorists.
I don’t think these people understand the meaning of “dystopia”.
an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. The opposite of utopia.
Society (as a whole) is better than ever before. We have better healthcare, better education, better food, less crime and more comfort than any human has ever had since we first fell out of the trees and started hitting each other over the head with rocks. We have a standard of living that people from 50 years ago would find unbelievably luxurious.
And as for YOU, incels, you are clearly paid enough and have enough to eat, or you wouldn’t have all these free hours to bitch on the internet. And you can afford your computer and your games and your “eat sleep rape repeat” teeshirts or whatever. Get over yourselves.
I’ve met any number of creepy angry entitled men. I always find the best way to deal with them is to pretend to misunderstand them and treat them as if they are your friend. They aren’t, of course; but if you wear a big enough smile you can puzzle them into thinking their intentions are different and then they don’t escalate.
See: the guy who once accosted me when I was walking home from a party at 4am. He was going the other way; I saw him staring at me, and then he actually turned round and started following me home without an invitation. He aggressively told me all about how he had a sad boner because women didn’t like men in army uniforms (he was a squaddie). He was staring at me in a way that made me legit terrified.
I did the following routine: “It’s so generous of you to take time out to make sure I get home safely. You never know who is out there, after all. There’s all kinds of people around. I was feeling so worried about walking, my taxi didn’t show, I was stranded. Thank you so much. I’m so glad you showed up.” And by the time we got to my place, he was convinced he was the biggest white knight ever and went off happily with a hugely puffed ego after: “I’m so sorry I can’t invite you in. Thanks again for taking care of me.”
I’m not proud of that. But he was terrifying. There was no way I was escalating that shit.
Maybe that last meant to say that they were lesion? It would be more contextually accurate.
That’s an interesting strategy! I’ll bear it in mind, though I very fortunately haven’t come across many angry misogynists in my life so far.
Curious what BSG might actually stand for (maybe someone can clue me in?) Google did offer a list, of which this seemed a likely answer: Broad Sweeping Generalization.
Oops. Actually he called himself BSD, not BSG. “Big swinging dick.”
That’s right, I made a typo and didn’t realize it and then I made a joke about the typo, because I’m a big swinging idiot.