empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny threats

“We are Legion and i promess mass shooting will never end!” (More comments I don’t let through)

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By David Futrelle

Time to drag a few more terrible comments from the moderation queue to share with you all. Once again the most popular genre of comments I get from angry lady-haters is the time-honored “threat disguised as a warning and/or prediction.”

Let’s start with this “warning” from a dude calling himself BSG, which in this context definitely does not stand for Battlestar Galactica.

The fake news media is waking up to the inevitability of patriarchy. American elites see what’s happening to Europe and have decided they’d prefer not to be conquered and replaced. Big swinging dicks are going to run the show and put women in their place. That’s not up for debate. The current feminist dystopia is unsustainable. The only question is whether those in charge will be muslim alphas or western alphas.

Wait, we live in a feminist dystopia?

I guess Star Trek taught me wrong because I was pretty sure that feminist dystopias looked more like this:

Here’s a dude who wants us to know that it is the incels, not us, whose understanding of the world is backed up by LOGIK.

Lol. No one can actually debate incels based on logic. They are THOROUGHLY logical based on my perusal. What they say is based in undeniable fact. Whatever hypothessis they have that isn’t actually based on science would be backed up by it if it was of interest to academics, which for now, even after this thing is getting to crisis level, is still not … because no one cares to study it as long as men are on the losing side.

Those ellipses are doing a lot of work there. I left out most of his huge wall-of-text because my eyes glazed over reading it.

Luckily, an incel dude showed up to helpfully illustrate just how LOGICAL he and his fellow iucels soldiers are, if by “LOGICAL” you mean “full of rage and constantly threatening violence.” Take it away, “Incel Legion.”

We are Legion and i promess mass shooting will never end…Fuck you and fuck your world!!!!

Yeah, dude, I’m sure it’s your bone structure, not your murderous rage, that causes women to not want to sleep with you.

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6 years ago

Yeah, I’m just baffled! How do these people get through their day without other people noticing they’re seething with this much rage? Or are they? Is this just shit they say on the internetz, while acting the milquetoast in the real world?

I’d like to know if anyone in the comments has ever met someone this angry in real life, that you could see it seeping from their pores, and this seemed like the kind of thing they would say? Did you warn people? Did you run away? I find it hard to believe, that I might have had a close encounter with someone like that, and not noticed something was wrong with them. I mean I could understand if people ran away after prolonged contact, like a date, or something, but just casual everyday encountering?

Like that lawyer, Schlossberg, who was screaming racist epithets at the Spanish speakers in that restaurant. Do you think PoC could see something wasn’t right with him? Could he hide that level of hatred from his victims? (I ask this because I’ve met a lot of white people who are willing to excuse and ignore behavior that I see as being clearly suspect, especially if it’s not something aimed at them!.)

6 years ago

I was just reading the other thread and wishing I sent my ATT payment here instead. The wifi is jammed as usual. However I am inspired to get to work on this, and save money, which can be used for better things.

I was not inspired to start running amok and ripping out phone lines. Friend and business associate: You mean tin cans and string.
I stand corrected.

I also mention this as example of: STEM dudes be building all kinda shit what now? Do it work? No it do NOT.

Oh and I was thinking of signing up for ATT’s “business account” too. Guaranteed to work, is it? Yeah, I’m rethinking that.

I have no desire to even call up (like the phone works) ATT and yell at them, either. Why? The CSR or tech person you talk to, they don’t set company policy. But maybe they can help select a new plan.

If not, businesses lose customers. And you can make things clear in a polite way, which is carried up the chain of command, all businesses keep an eye on this. And when they start losing many customers, they really keep an eye on that.

Call them up and rant? Or say, which is true, I’ve always had good service with you, but this is awfully expensive compared to other offers I’ve seen, is there a new plan you could find for me? Or some kind of discounts or price breaks? Current sales for new customers? Why not me too? I am a long time customer.

I need the money! We have mammoths to hunt! 🙂
I should work this into my price reduction pitch to them 😀

Anyway, yeah, a sort of analogy here. Why be mean and rude? Let alone threaten people? For what? It usually gets you nowhere, and worse, looked at in a negative way.

And for these Super Smart Manly Braining and STEMming men: Fix the phone system then, why don’t you?

6 years ago

I’d like to know if anyone in the comments has ever met someone this angry in real life, that you could see it seeping from their pores, and this seemed like the kind of thing they would say? Did you warn people? Did you run away?

I met a guy on a dating site. I ignored the initial red flags because I hadn’t been in a relationship at this point that wasn’t abusive, so I still hadn’t undone the conditioning to gaslight myself. So I told myself he was just lonely, just awkward. Then we met in person and the creep factor was just so high. And he kept talking about guns; he thought he could impress me with that knowledge. He kept trying to get close to me, trying to get me to let him touch me. He kept dropping in sexual talk to try and get me in the mood, too. He also kept saying gross racist and misogynistic things. At the first opportunity I practically sprinted back to my car, watched to make sure I knew which car was his and that he wasn’t following me, and took a really winding way back home.

6 years ago

Ah yes, nothing like violent threats to prove how THOROUGHLY logical based your argument is and that it’s not at all based on emotion.

6 years ago

Ah yes, nothing like threats of violence to show incels are THOROUGHLY logical and not at all based in emotion.

6 years ago

And you can make things clear in a polite way, which is carried up the chain of command,

No, seriously, it’s not. You can rant and rave, you can explain your position in thr calmest, most reasonable tone possible, it doesn’t matter. All you’re doing is running up the CSR’s call times and setting them up for a harangue from their supervisor. Above half the time you’re not even talking to an employee of the company you’re ostensibly calling. You’re being connected to a third-party contractor who was probably repping for Verizon last month. They can’t even talk to the policymakers at their own company, let alone anyone at ATT. If you ask about this, they will lie to you, and say that they are not such contractors. Failure to do so gets them fired. I know this from extensive personal experience, and from knowing a lot of folks in that line of work.

6 years ago


Yes, I have encountered people just as angry in real life. I was taking a Japanese history class and there was a guy in there who refused to interact with me at all. At one point I got to class early and a group of us were hanging out and talking in the empty classroom. The guy was there, and in the middle of the conversation, out of nowhere the guy looks at me and glares and sort of growls at me: “I know you hate me you f*cking b*tch.” Then keeps glaring. In front of everyone. We just sort of stopped for about 30 seconds to process wtf had just happened, then kept going. But, yeah, that guy… so much rage it wasn’t even containable.

Cats in Shiny Hats
Cats in Shiny Hats
6 years ago

All I have at this (aside from horrified staring) is to thank you for not letting these things through into comments. They seem to me like they’re entirely about trying to shock and upset those of us who read this blog and actually understand and care about the issues it touches.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

We are Legion and i promess mass shooting will never end…Fuck you and fuck your world!!!!

You are legion?

Nah, you are assholes.

And your promesses aren’t worth the paper they’re not printed on.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

We are Legion and i promess mass shooting will never end…Fuck you and fuck your world!!!!

You are legion? Nah, you are assholes.

And your promesses aren’t worth the paper they’re not printed on.

6 years ago

How do these people get through their day without other people noticing they’re seething with this much rage

I have met people this angry, that spew this, and strangely, other people don’t notice. They just sort of shrug and go their way, assuming the angry one is just kidding, or something. So many people seem to not be prepared to accept that people are this angry. I have a brother who spews this garbage, and people think he is just joking, trying to get a rise, or something, and don’t really believe it. They just ignore him, and assume he’s charming if you get to know him better. (He’s not – he’s Trump with less class).

I have also met people who post like this on the internet, but when you meet them in real life, they seem quite ordinary. Oh, if you get to know them well, you may hear them say strange things, but not like this. I have a nephew who is quite charming, but when he gets on the internet, he spews this garbage constantly (though he is not an incel; more like an MRA). My son has tried to argue him out of it, but no use. He’s drunk the Kool-Aid (he was brought up on the Kool-Aid – it was part of his every meal).

6 years ago

Lol feminist dystopia.


6 years ago

@ Dalilama,

Yes I don’t have any illusions about “big business”, I’m saying that if you threaten to cancel service you will often be offered a cheaper plan.

I too was in this line of work, while in college, and then went on to different big biz.

And many do take dissatisfied customers seriously.

You can get cheaper deals if you call and ask too. And in my experience you’re more likely to get them if you don’t act like a jerk about it.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

Kat-They ARE legion, a legion of arseholes! And nothing says arsehole more than threatening violence. And these guys wonder why women stay clear of them!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

and i promess

Yes, yes. You are a mess. A hot steaming mess. Thanks for the warning.

I’d like to know if anyone in the comments has ever met someone this angry in real life, that you could see it seeping from their pores, and this seemed like the kind of thing they would say?

I meet people all the time that give me a bad vibe and I’m always proven right. Like my friend who had an abrasive boyfriend. I didn’t think it was just the fact that he was a smug libertarian that annoyed me when I met him. Despite my rep as a meanie pants troll buster here, I can usually get along with people even if I don’t like that them that much. But this guy, my friend had to intervene to keep us from getting into a screaming argument. He was douchey about politics and about the game of Cranium we were playing. It was just no surprise to me when he turned abusive on her. Luckily she broke it off with him before things got too serious. He turned out to have a criminal record for stalking a different ex too.

Then there’s that guy I used to work with who seriously creeped me out. I couldn’t even explain why. It was just a feeling. He did mansplain our job to me and another woman who had both been there longer, but that was the only concrete thing he did that was objectionable. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that he was off in some way though. So I just avoided him as much as possible. Then he got fired after sending an email to one of the female managers in which he ranted about how she was doing everything wrong and he could run the whole place better. After this, someone looked into his background more and it turned out that he had a criminal record for molesting a minor female relative of his.

I always trust my instincts around men. If they feel off to me, I never brush it aside. Not ever. I’m sure these incels all give off that gross feeling to the women around them and that is why no one wants anything to do with them.

6 years ago

How do these fools survive in their everyday lives?
If they hold jobs, I can’t imagine how they work around ppl without their repugnant views coming out somehow.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

The fake news media is waking up to the inevitability of patriarchy.

Yeah, because patriarchy is so inevitable that people have been fighting against it for fucking centuries.

American elites see what’s happening to Europe and have decided they’d prefer not to be conquered and replaced.

I’ll take “Thinly Veiled Racism” for 200, Alex.

Big swinging dicks are going to run the show and put women in their place. That’s not up for debate.

I’ll also take “Blatant Transphobia and Cock Fetishists” for 400 Alex.

What is it with these guys and thinking that either they have the biggest, swinginist dick, or that they’ll gladly bow down to the dude who has it?

We don’t know what size of dick most (cis) dudes have, because most people have the tact to not whip it out to “run the show and put women in their place”. Anyone who would do such a thing are quickly “put in their place” by people who value basic human decency.

The current feminist dystopia is unsustainable.

This whole bit is a huge [citation needed], but allow me some questions:

1. How is the current society we are living in a “feminist dystopia”?

2. How is the current “feminist dystopia” unsustainable? Is it economic? Social? What evidence do you have that supports this?

3. How long has this “feminist dystopia” been current? Have there been multiple “feminist dystopias”? What did people do before the “feminist dystopia” became a form of society?

Show your work OP.

The only question is whether those in charge will be muslim alphas or western alphas.

And we move from “thinly veiled racism” to “BLATANT racism”.

Funny how often “racists” and “people who hate feminism” tend to be one and the same, innit?

Lol. No one can actually debate incels based on logic. They are THOROUGHLY logical based on my perusal.

Just because YOU can’t argue with incels based on logic, doesn’t mean that no one is capable of doing so. You’re not as infallible as you like to think, broseph.

Though I do have to wonder if you tried very hard at all, considering that they might have been saying exactly what you wanted to hear.

What they say is based in undeniable fact.

Whatever hypothessis they have that isn’t actually based on science would be backed up by it if it was of interest to academics, which for now, even after this thing is getting to crisis level, is still not … because no one cares to study it as long as men are on the losing side.

So now it’s a “hypothessis”? I thought it was “undeniable fact”?

And nice try on the “Science would agree with us if it wanted to study what we’re saying!”

Because science has studied these things. You’re wrong. And you’re willfully ignorant of the truth.

Because if you were to face the facts (the actual facts, not what incels claim to be true), it would mean you’d have to take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and realize that the reason women don’t want to sleep with you isn’t because of your wrists, or the tilt of your eyes, but because you say shit like this:

We are Legion and i promess mass shooting will never end…Fuck you and fuck your world!!!!

No one wants to fuck that.

And you’re mad about it. You’re mad that no one wants you despite your shitty personality, so you’re trying to be edgy by lashing out at people who you feel “owe” you something.

But here’s the ice cold tea boo boo: No one owes you shit.

No one owes you sex, no one owes you a relationship. And even if you were to get these things, I don’t think you’d change at all. Because when you give someone what they want after they lash out, they just keep escalating.

So, if we give the incels the HB10 girlfriends they want when they start killing people, when they start making their threats, what’s to stop them from doing more when they start wanting more?

What’s to stop them from more mass killings when they get tired of their government-mandated HB10 girlfriends? When their girlfriends stop being HB10s because they inevitably get old? Or they gain a little weight? Or they don’t wear makeup for a day?

Hate to break it to you (not really), but we don’t negotiate with terrorists.

6 years ago

For all those who answered : Thank you! That was helpful.

I was baffled that people like that manage to hide their wrongness so well. It’s not that they’re hiding it, I guess, but that people are excusing it, because it falls short of actual criminal activity, that they cant do anything about, maybe.

I always listen to my instincts when it comes to the people around me. As a Black woman of size, I absolutely have to. I do not have the luxury of ignoring or excusing questionable statements or behavior. It could mean the difference between life and death for me, I think. And I’m sure it’s probably saved my life a few times (or saved me serious trouble, at the very least.)

Good instincts, and the willingness to listen to them, is something I’ve always found highly admirable!

6 years ago


If they hold jobs, I can’t imagine how they work around ppl without their repugnant views coming out somehow.

A considerable number of workplaces are dominated by people who share those views.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

These are the guys for whom the Republic of Gilead is a wet dream but they don’t realize that they are such nothings that even if it were a real society, they’d still be at the bottom rung — even the Handmaids would be higher.

6 years ago

What is it with these guys and thinking that either they have the biggest, swinginist dick, or that they’ll gladly bow down to the dude who has it?

We tried to ask Mick Dash but all we got was a bunch of gibberish.

They keep their jobs because most of the people in power are white dudes blinded by privilege. I had a guidance counselor decide I was going to flunk out of all my classes and take 10 years to get a degree and that it wasn’t worth his time to even go over the degree requirements with me. And I’m sure I wasn’t the first nor the last to experience that level of blatant sexism, but he’s a white dude, so he still has his job.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Big swinging dicks are going to run the show and put women in their place. That’s not up for debate.

I picture a bunch of giant rubber penises hanging from outside fixtures like streetlights: when the wind blows, they swing back and forth, knocking people over. But I would leave room to debate about this. More scope for the imagination that way.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

I’m down for a Feminist Dystopia, let’s do it!

6 years ago

i promess mass shooting will never end

You’re “Pro-Mess” alright.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

@F is for ‘Fro’

So long as that’s “Dystopia for non-feminists” and not the reverse.

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