actual activism racism trump

CALL YOUR SENATORS to demand action on the nearly 1500 migrant children “lost” by HHS

Trump doesn’t care about brown children

By David Futrelle

I haven’t done one of these CALL YOUR REPS posts in a while, but the news that the the Department of Health and Human Services has “lost” nearly 1500 migrant children, most of them fleeing violence in Central America, has made me feel sick. PLEASE CALL your Senators to demand that those responsible be held accountable for this, And demand that the Department of Homeland Security cease its policy of separating families at the border.

If you don’t have your Senators’ numbers already, go to

Here’s some more details on the story from the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — A top official with the Department of Health and Human Services told members of Congress on Thursday that the agency had lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children it placed with sponsors in the United States, raising concerns they could end up in the hands of human traffickers or be used as laborers by people posing as relatives.

The official, Steven Wagner, the acting assistant secretary of the agency’s Administration for Children and Families, disclosed during testimony before a Senate homeland security subcommittee that the agency had learned of the missing children after placing calls to the people who took responsibility for them when they were released from government custody.

The children were taken into government care after they showed up alone at the Southwest border. Most of the children are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, government data shows.

At an anti-abortion event earlier this week, Trump declared sanctimoniously that “every child is a precious gift from God.” But apparently that only applies if they’re white.

What the fuck kind of country are we living in?

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Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Already did. I’ve been a mess about this all day. I don’t know what else to do.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
6 years ago

Today has been an utter cavalcade of horrors. I’ve been upset about this since before even getting out of bed. The depths of their evil’s got all hell for a basement.

Trump supporters can go and choke on their economic anxieties.

6 years ago

Made the call. Glad to see Senators going in on this. How the hell does one lose 1500 kids?!

6 years ago

Good luck getting repubs to care about this. They probably see it as a good thing.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

The Handmaid’s Tale was a CAUTIONARY NOVEL.

Raven, Nudger of Dead Things and Loremaster of Dark Ugly Places
Raven, Nudger of Dead Things and Loremaster of Dark Ugly Places
6 years ago

We’re officially living in one of the worst timelines, I think….

6 years ago

I hope they are okay, how can you loose people in a democracy?

6 years ago

Worth also noting the ACLU’s allegations against ICE:

This dates back to before Trump, they were starving and raping children under Obama. There should be war crimes trials over this, or at least some kind of trials. I want to see prison sentences, but I don’t expect any, because of course not.

Called up my Senators when the thing about the missing kids came out, but again, I don’t expect anything to come of it. Will call again.

TBH, I’m scared by how easily I’ve gotten numb to suffering outside my social circles, and also by how ineffectual and complicit Democrats have been. Almost all of them voted for SESTA/FOSTA, almost all of them voted for Serve And Protect. They keep confirming his nominations even when they’re unqualified, incompetent, and just plain horrible.

IDK, it’s just so easy to lose hope. I know that’s extremely dangerous, but still, it’s hard not to.

6 years ago

One other thing I wanted to mention. Doesn’t quite fit. I feel like America has always, as long as I’ve known it, had a really strong drive towards sadism. Bullying, misogynist porn, conservative ideology, just the whole general atmosphere.

It’s not just a sense of literal sadism being culturally okay, it’s like… a sense of obligation towards pain? That creating suffering is unnecessary, useless, wrong, evil, and uncivilized, but Has To Be Done Because It Is Necessary Even Though We Can’t Explain Why. Like Omelas writ large. I wonder if it’s an artifact of our origins in genocide and slavery, some kind of deeply ingrained idea that *someone* must be made to suffer because the social order will collapse otherwise.

But when I saw Trump first getting serious about 2016 ticket, I got really scared, because I saw he was appealing to that ingrained sadism. I found myself thinking, “He’s going to win *because* he’s so relentlessly cruel.” The gleeful sadism is a feature, not a bug. (And one that he shares with totalitarian leaders in general, if Arendt is correct.)

IDK where I’m going with this, it just scares the living daylights out of me.

6 years ago

Given what we know about right-wing projection, what odds can I get that they’ll turn out to be in the basement of a pizza shop?

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

also by how ineffectual and complicit Democrats have been. Almost all of them voted for SESTA/FOSTA, almost all of them voted for Serve And Protect. They keep confirming his nominations even when they’re unqualified, incompetent, and just plain horrible.

This is because the Democrats are a right-wing party and always have been.

6 years ago

@Dalillama: true, but it’s still been shocking for me to see in action to this extent. That may be a measure of how sheltered/privileged I was in some ways until recently, IDK.

SESTA/FOSTA was where it really hit me TBH. Though considering the propensities of rich and powerful men, and considering how the bill creates conditions favoring pimps and clients, I wonder how much of its support was self-serving in ways other than just PR.

6 years ago

OMG, I didn’t know this and my mind went to very dark places imagining where these children might be. I will call my senators – I will even try and get an actual snail mail letter off to them about this – these poor children.

David, I’m with you. I don’t know what kind of a world we are living in – and so many things seem to be snowballing.

@Cybergette – I like the sadism theory and your general description. I was taught in college that America is still culturally puritanical. In the past few years, I’ve really been able to see this with a clarity like never before. I think the puritanism and the sadism are connected, especially in the drive to sadism because it is a duty that you describe. How do we break people out of this misplaced ethic?

6 years ago

Horrendous and terrifying. Good luck everyone with a US representative to call: I hope you get through to them.

Here in England, the appalling local Conservative MP came back from maternity leave with her baby in a sling – in order to vote that the government should renege on its promise to accept some unaccompanied child refugees.

Soon after that, the refugee camp at Calais was stomped, the people dispersed, and at least 30 children who were living there are currently unaccounted for.

Re: Trump’s “every pregnancy is a gift of God” – anyone like to take bets on how soon it will be before we discover how many abortions he has paid for? Via a dodgy lawyer, most likely.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

Trying to find out if anything can be done to help from outside the US, too.
Those poor kids and their families.

6 years ago

For anyone who hasn’t yet seen it, Chris Hayes got visibly upset interviewing a bloke from the ACLU and an immigration lawyer about this.

6 years ago

This is just…

I have often thought “What is wrong with you people?” probably a couple of thousand times in the past two years. But this?

Look, we have to have borders, and we need to try to make sure those who enter are not criminals, etc. There is no reason to think of those who want to come here are bad or evil. Shit I, and a huge majority of people in the US are the descendants of people who wanted to come here. Our whole county is full of the children of people who had enough gumption to try to better their lives. I’ve always thought that that was part of what gave the US a bit more of a spark than other places. Of course, the idea that the US has more spark than other places is bullshit—an idea left over from childhood indoctrination— but I still think immagents provide a huge amount of energy, because they are not so fucking complacent.

The only possible reason for dehumanizing these people at all is florid racism. That has been going on a long time. But this? This is more like Nazi Germany than my country.

So I say again, once more, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

There should be riots in the streets. Instead a bunch of people who think they are more or less moral and decent people are going to vote for these evil fuckers. Again.


6 years ago


Yes, I think you’re right re puritanical attitudes and sadism going together. One of the big common denominators for abusively behavior is the abuser saying, “This is for your own good.”

6 years ago


Re breaking people out of the ethic, I think a good start on the small scale is making cruelty unacceptable person-to-person and within communities. Calling out people on it when they engage in it, and making them feel remorse or at least shame, whether they’re coming from a sadistic and malicious or more banally evil place.

But then I keep seeing this turn into vengeance mobbing against even further marginalized people, so… IDK.

On a certain level I feel like there’s no substitute for a majority of people being able to say about something cruel: “No, that’s fucked up and I’m not doing it.” If people don’t have that basic benchmark – about torture, about bullying and sexual abuse, about social mobbing, about free market economics, whatever – then I have no idea how to reach them or fix things.

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
6 years ago

Want to get even angrier?
In immigration courts, people have to present their own case (or hire their own lawyer) as there is no requirement that anyone be provided with legal representation, because it is not a criminal court.

Children may have to represent themselves in immigration court – where Federal judges have argued that children as young as THREE years old can be coached in enough immigration law to represent themselves.

Any judge who would say this does not care about justice being wrung out of the law, but using the law as a pro forma rationalization to ignore justice – “Hey, we gave them their day in court! So what if they were only 3?”

John Oliver on immigration courts:

ACLU on children in immigration courts:

(BYW, John Oliver poses as a comedy commentator, but does a fantastic job of presenting background information on various political and social issues.)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

It’s been confirmed that “Some” (read: Most if not all) of them were “Given” (read: Sold) to child sex traffickers.

*sighs* -.-#

Given what we know about right-wing projection, what odds can I get that they’ll turn out to be in the basement of a pizza shop?

Try the basement of Trump “Modelling” Agency.

(A)utonomous (E)scapist
(A)utonomous (E)scapist
6 years ago

@Otrame: Sorry to say this, but your country has always been more like Nazi Germany than you’d like to admit…

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

@David: Sorry for misremembering my screen-name, my browser no longer auto-fills my details on here.

@Otrame: Institutionalized and blatant racism is not a bug, it’s so intimately woven into the fabric of capitalist representative democracy that the only way to rectify it is to tear the entire system down and build a new society on the rubble-pile.

6 years ago

Look, we have to have borders, and we need to try to make sure those who enter are not criminals, etc.

I strongly disagree. Freedom of movement shouldn’t be just for rich white folk.

Criminals aren’t trying to get in, that’s just bullshit scare stories.

6 years ago

Holy shit. This is bad. 🙁