#gamergate drama kings entitled babies evil imaginary ladies gamebros men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed special snowflaking vaginas

More like Battlefield VAGINA! Doofuses attack imaginary video game ladies by all making the same dumb joke

Oh that’s clever, bet no one’s thought of this yet

By David Futrelle

So the gamebros are up in arms about the fifth installment in the Battlefield series, Battlefield V, because the game, set in World War II, has LADIES in it, which makes it TOTALLY UNREALISTIC because there were NO LADIES in WWII, well ok maybe there were actually a bunch of ladies in WWII, some of them serving in combat even but goddammit WHY CAN’T OUR MALE SPACE BE SACRED ah bloo bloo bloo.

So anyway a bunch of these broflakes have decided to fight the female menace … by all posting the same dumb joke.

Gotta love all those Tweeters with anime avatars complaining that Battlefield V isn’t “realistic” enough. YOU KNOW PEOPLE’S EYES AREN’T THAT BIG IN REAL LIFE RIGHT?

Well that’s enough of that. There are more. Many, many, many more.

Even if you don’t speak German I think you can probably figure out what that last one is saying.

It’s always a bit amusing to me when dudes get mad about asskicking female characters in video games, claiming that these characters are “unrealistic” or “historically inaccurate.” VIDEO GAMES AREN’T REALISTIC. THAT’S WHY WE LIKE TO PLAY THEM. In real life, hedgehogs mosey along through the grass at about one-billionth of a mile an hour; in video games you can play a blue hedgehog that speeds through an assortment of surreal  landscapes at supersonic speeds.

In real wars, if you get shot, you fall down injured and maybe even die; in video games you can barrel ahead after being hit multiple times — and regenerate your health by hiding behind something for a few seconds.

I think these gifs say all that need to be said about the “unrealistic ” complaints.


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6 years ago

Who wants to grab the mod tools when it comes out and adapt Project Millipede?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

And something that will burn the OP’s shorts:

A Night Witches Game!! – by Bully Pulpit Games
Night Witches is a tabletop role-playing game about women at war. As a member of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, you’ll answer the call of your Motherland.


Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Speaking of World War II, here’s a song that came to my mind today, about a ship that started out as a steamer, then was converted to an armed merchant cruiser for wartime service. The captain went down with the ship and was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross:

for valour in challenging hopeless odds and giving his life to save the many ships it was his duty to protect. On the 5th of November, 1940, in heavy seas, Captain Fegen, in His Majesty’s Armed Merchant Cruiser Jervis Bay, was escorting thirty-eight Merchantmen. Sighting a powerful German warship he at once drew clear of the Convoy, made straight for the Enemy, and brought his ship between the Raider and her prey, so that they might scatter and escape. Crippled, in flames, unable to reply, for nearly an hour the Jervis Bay held the German’s fire. So she went down: but of the Merchantmen all but four or five were saved.

6 years ago

Bombing in Mississauga restaurant. 15 injured, but so far no fatalities:

Huh, the Star also has this article on Kermit J. Peterson… from the guy who got him his job:

Headline says it all… kind of a terrifying read at places. Peterson seems to be on the verge of megalomania the way he talks about “five minutes to midnight.”

Seriously, getting more than a few Jim Jones vibes about him.

6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

That’s another element of WWII that doesn’t enter the popular discourse very often. Having toured the HMCS Sackville in Halifax Harbour, there’s a lot to be said about the bravery of the merchant crews and those tasked with protecting them.

How those kids (and at least the corvettes were crewed by 18- or 19-year old kids) survived out there in the frigid North Atlantic is nothing short of astonishing on its own.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Katamount AND there’s been another school shooting, this time in Indiana. 😛 Fortunately, no deaths.

Too many shitheads in this world. :/;-suspect-in-custody/3520607/

6 years ago

Sorry to be spamming, but I found this article that sets the record straight on the Bob Rae years (relevant to the Ontario election):

I was five years old when Rae became Premier, but even I remember the Rae Days when I got the day off school because the teachers weren’t being paid. And even after 28 years, I still get Bob Rae scaremongering on Twitter.

Yet those same people refuse to remember the dark days of the Harris years that followed….

Hey fellow Ontario Mammotheers, want a blast from the past? Check this out:

Man, Bob Rae could rock a mullet back in ’85.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Katamount Thank you for the Bob Rae link! I’ve been looking for something like that to post in rebuttal whenever I see comments about how horrible the NDP is when they get in power. (Yes, sometimes it’s true, but then, that’s true for all parties.)

6 years ago


So this game has superpowered horses, proto-Transformer airplanes, and Warner Bro. characters running around. Did I sum up those clips right?

Yup. The franchise is basically a bunch of cartoon superheroes crouch-running around a Very Serious Battleplace.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
6 years ago

I read recently about Operation Hannibal. When the Red Army advanced into Prussia in late 1944, the Courland Peninsula (in Latvia) was cut off from rest of German-controlled territory. A massive evacuation by sea was begun, bringing as many civilians and troops to Kiel as possible. The two greatest maritime disasters in history occurred when two of the ships were sunk by Soviet submarines. The survivors made it to Germany in time to surrender to British troops.

Hardly anyone outside Germany knows about it, but it was three times bigger than Dunkirk. All of those terrified people crossing the Baltic under constant attack from the air and sea, and the best they hope for was becoming a POW in the West instead of the East. Over half of them were civilians.

Stories like this make me realize why post-war Europeans would have thought, “here’s an idea – let’s never do this again.” For Americans, war is a foreign country; you go there, most of you come back.

6 years ago

It’s always hilarious to me when someone (like Swig up there) rants, screaming and crying, and then asks if the imaginary other person is triggered. Like nah, bro, the only crying I’m hearing is coming from you. Leave it to a bunch of dudbros to write “Battlefield Vagina” over and over and think someone ELSE is triggered.

6 years ago

@ Victorious Parasol:

On a similar but slightly less tragic note, I learned a few weeks ago that the first commercial aircraft to circumnavigate the globe was a Pan-Am Clipper whose crew, in the first week of December of 1941, were doing their regular flight down to New Zealand and heard about Pearl Harbour shortly before reaching Aukland.

Their emergency instructions in the event of war were to consider themselves and their plane on loan to the US Navy, so they contacted them after landing and were told to strip off anything that identified them as an American craft and try to get back to US territory without being captured by any members of the Axis. This ultimately required them to plot a new flight path, around the other side of the globe.

They made it back by early January of 1942.

6 years ago

Part of me wants to force these incel bozos out of their basements and do this as a stage show: “The Battlefield Monologues”.

Normal men and women can sit in the audience and throw rotten fruit at them.

6 years ago

Yup. The franchise basically a bunch of cartoon superheroes crouch-running around a Very Serious Battleplace.

I saw some of those clips on Twitter last night and honestly, I got more realism out of the 1990 Red Baron game.

comment image

comment image

Marvel as you go from a plane that handles like a shopping cart with a bad wheel to a plane that handles shopping cart with a good wheel!

Thrill as you stall out every eight seconds trying to gain altitude on your opponent!

Be amazed at the realism of your single machine gun jamming after firing it for more than two straight seconds!

Lose yourself (and the bombers you’re escorting) in stunning 8-bit landscapes!

Fly shit aircraft as the Entente gets eaten for lunch by the Fokker Scourge until 1916.

Get killed by the greatest aces ever to take the skies as they outmaneuver your Sopwith Snipe with their Fokker Eindeckers, after they’ve brought wingmen to a duel they promised to fly solo (yes, they cheat!).

Am I selling this game right? 😀

(Actually, the game itself is pretty fun. It’s customizable, so you can actually turn off the realism factors like gun jams and fuel depletion and just enjoy mowing down hapless enemies as you rack up victories en route to promotion, medals and your own custom plane! There’s very little more satisfying than seeing the screen read “You’ve just killed Manfred von Richthofen! Save recording?” Yes, yes I would like to record it!)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago


Yep. The console commandos have no idea that wars aren’t won by steely-eyed lantern-jawed alphas. Talis has a couple more songs about the heroes who didn’t wear uniforms:

6 years ago


Headline says it all… kind of a terrifying read at places. Peterson seems to be on the verge of megalomania the way he talks about “five minutes to midnight.”

Wow, thanks for that article. Holy shit. That’s… that’s quite something. Wouldn’t surprise me if his followers start wearing brown shirts.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

wars aren’t won by steely-eyed lantern-jawed alphas

The historical record shows that they are typically won by the side with superior logistics, unless there’s a very huge tech disparity (on the order of conquistadores vs. Incas).

6 years ago

There is an old adage that “History is written by the victors,” so it seems likely that wars are won by historians.

6 years ago


Seriously, where’s Call of Duty: Zululand or Battlefield: Transvaal? Nope, still milking that one conflict where there was an unambiguous repressive and expansionist project on the part of the Axis powers.

Well, they did branch out a teeny bit; there was Battlefield Vietnam. I was kinda hoping they’d follow it up with a Battlefield Korea, but instead we just got a series of boring modernish/futurish warfare games instead.

Battlefield Transvaal sounds like it would be interesting, though perhaps having a game where both sides are assholes might be difficult to sell?

6 years ago

having a game where both sides are assholes might be difficult to sell?

Warhammer 40k has been going strong since the 80s AFAIK.

Jamborina Squib
Jamborina Squib
6 years ago


Ontario Mamother here in the northern half. The year Rae’s ndp was voted out was my first ever year voting as I turned 18 a month before the election. Mom worked for the incumbent mpp and we were all members of the riding assn. I had the privilege of not only seconding the incumbent’s nomination for reelection, but Premier Rae was to appear for a speech before the official stuff. The MC forgot to write a French version of her thank you – she was Anglophone- so my bilingual self was asked to write something up less than half an hour before the speech and I spoke it after hers. Rae was a decent man, was kind to my nervous and shaking self and made me feel welcome. Doesn’t deserve the vitriol he gets in this province.

6 years ago

Robert Walker-Smith wrote

Stories like this make me realize why post-war Europeans would have thought, “here’s an idea – let’s never do this again.” For Americans, war is a foreign country; you go there, most of you come back.

It’s a shame people exspecially in my homecountry didn’t learn that after the first world war.
I think what played a role also was the total loss, no one could denie it this time.
A horror about everythink that happened during the time of the dictatorship (not to tricker filters) played hopfully a role, too for never again.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation wrote:

The historical record shows that they are typically won by the side with superior logistics, unless there’s a very huge tech disparity (on the order of conquistadores vs. Incas).

There are historians that are sure that WWII was basicly lost shortly after it started. You can’t win if you atack a enemy whit way superior numbers in an area that is unknown to you.
Numbers are a huge factor in the war, if you have a similar technological level.
And the quality of the leadership plays a role, too.
Motivation of soldiers…

6 years ago

The historical record shows that they are typically won by the side with superior logistics, unless there’s a very huge tech disparity (on the order of conquistadores vs. Incas).

And Conquistadores vs Incas was won by the side whose immune systems were accustomed to Old World disease loads. Their better tech ~helped,~ I guess.

6 years ago

Holding the Incan Emperor hostage helped out Pizzaro a lot as well.

6 years ago

I love practically everything about this thread and this community but, given my nym, I would be remiss if I didn’t say

GNU Terry Pratchett