By David Futrelle
So the gamebros are up in arms about the fifth installment in the Battlefield series, Battlefield V, because the game, set in World War II, has LADIES in it, which makes it TOTALLY UNREALISTIC because there were NO LADIES in WWII, well ok maybe there were actually a bunch of ladies in WWII, some of them serving in combat even but goddammit WHY CAN’T OUR MALE SPACE BE SACRED ah bloo bloo bloo.
So anyway a bunch of these broflakes have decided to fight the female menace … by all posting the same dumb joke.
thought we were getting Battlefield V, not Battlefield Vagina#NotMyBattlefield pic.twitter.com/qFrakro53g
— Harrison (@uhHarrison) May 24, 2018
Well gentlemen the SJWs are taking over it seems and we're losing first CoD fell and now Battlefield Vagina @EA_DICE you have officially ruined a good video game franchise #BattlefieldV #NotMyBattlefield #NotMyBattlefieldV
— BattlefieldGOAT (@GoatBattlefield) May 24, 2018
oh i get it
it's called Battlefield V for VAGINA
really taking this empower women thing too far
— Joey 🍄 (@MZjosef) May 24, 2018
It's a hard pass from me for #Battlefield V
The V obviously stands for Vagina.
Not even being misogynistic, 95%+ of soldiers were male, the chances of finding female fighters on the battlefield were slim to none, let alone transgender female disabled fighters. #HistoryIsHistory
— Skorge (@GearsofSkorge) May 23, 2018
Saw nothing but vagina in @Battlefield V smh. Women taking over. #BattlefieldV
— Angel Torres (@ATJ_SNS) May 23, 2018
battlefield Vagina
— 豆腐 (@mayoi894_mpik) May 21, 2018
Gotta love all those Tweeters with anime avatars complaining that Battlefield V isn’t “realistic” enough. YOU KNOW PEOPLE’S EYES AREN’T THAT BIG IN REAL LIFE RIGHT?
#Battlefield V more like Battlefield Vagina
— Commeownder🌲📉🇺🇸 (@Meowfficer) May 23, 2018
Das V in Battlefield V steht für Vagina.@EA
— bima (@bimade45) May 24, 2018
Well that’s enough of that. There are more. Many, many, many more.
Even if you don’t speak German I think you can probably figure out what that last one is saying.
It’s always a bit amusing to me when dudes get mad about asskicking female characters in video games, claiming that these characters are “unrealistic” or “historically inaccurate.” VIDEO GAMES AREN’T REALISTIC. THAT’S WHY WE LIKE TO PLAY THEM. In real life, hedgehogs mosey along through the grass at about one-billionth of a mile an hour; in video games you can play a blue hedgehog that speeds through an assortment of surreal landscapes at supersonic speeds.
In real wars, if you get shot, you fall down injured and maybe even die; in video games you can barrel ahead after being hit multiple times — and regenerate your health by hiding behind something for a few seconds.
I think these gifs say all that need to be said about the “unrealistic ” complaints.
"Battlefield has abandoned historical accuracy for political correctness" pic.twitter.com/OpCRFV2zV8
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
"It's, like, not even about the history anymore" pic.twitter.com/4GoYrXuTTJ
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
"With female soldiers Battlefield is abandoning realism" pic.twitter.com/40JrSe38nh
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
Hmm, i wonder if there are going famous battles like “A vagina to far”, the operation “Vaginagarden”, “The leg bridge over the golden river Kawaii”, and obviously the V-Day (the Vagina day, obviously, which, contrarily to the Cock day, is the longest… shame on me for this one).
Hmm, i think that the first time i write vagine so many time in a single sentence…
Anyway, Battlefield Vagina Vs Cock of Duty, which will be the wiener ?
I have too much empathy.
I’m actually feeling the embarrassment that these clods should be but inexplicably aren’t.
These are the same people who engaged in swatting/doxxing/harrassment/etc campaigns (with laughable military inspired ‘operation’ names) against women in the games sphere who didn’t affirm and applaud their bullshit worldviews on the pretext that Zoe Quinn had sex at some point. But, sure, the SJWs are the ones pushing Battlefield Vagina
Re: TB
Not sad he’s gone. Not happy that all the shit he helped mainstream don’t go away with him. Not comfortable with him being so young or with his family having to pick up the pieces far earlier than anyone should have to. And that’s all I’ll ever hafta say about that. Also, fuck cancer
In season 3 of The Walking Dead there was a scene where Michonne, a badass with a katana, took on the rather pen-pushing combat-avoiding Governor, and the usual gang was writing in complaining it was unrealistic that a woman could even hold her own against a man. This in a show that had the brain-dead undead in the title!
Well of course Battlefield V let me think about what the V could stand for. Victory is normally asociated with it (There was a 80s SCIFI show that is in my mind)
Comicfans may asociate it with Vendatta.
So in a way missed chance perhaps.
I mean if the game isn’t for you don’t play it.
@Dr. Thang
There were a few women fighting in WW1. Quite often they had to disguise themselves as men since women weren’t allowed to serve. One of them was Milunka Savic who became one of the most highly decorated women in history.
Wow Mulinka Savic is almost exaclty 100 years older than me – just 3 days difference! I love learning about these heroic women
Wow Mulinka Savic is almost exaclty 100 years older than me – just 3 days difference! I love learning about these heroic women!
Roosh Vagina?
No, of course not. Roosh V knows less than nothing about vaginas. I speak with authority on the topic of vaginas because I have one on my person at all times.
Just as the “W” in George W. Bush most assuredly does not stand for “women,” so too the “V” in Roosh V does not stand for “vagina.” What it does stand for is disinfotainment.
ooops! David please will you delete one of my double comments?
*dons mansplaining trilby*
Actually, V stands for the roman numeral 5.
These dudes are always griping about disposable males being cannon fodder for the battle front. They should be happy that women are joining in.
*dons mansplaining trilby*
Actually, V stands for the roman numeral 5.
These dudes are always griping about disposable males being cannon fodder for the battle front. They should be happy that women are joining in.
@occasional reader
You win the internet
It seems highly appropriate to share this song on this thread.
On this day, this seems like a good thread to share this song:
Crap. Sorry for the double post there. 😛
something happening today with double posts…? there is a gremlin
‘Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard – Boiled Egg !’
Ah, May 25th! Thanks to the unseasonably early summer, lilacs have just begun flowering where I live.
As long as the gremlin just diplicates harmless comments let him have some fun.
Oh hey, I was just talking about the Cult of the Soldier in the last thread! Here’s another sterling example!
Seriously, where’s Call of Duty: Zululand or Battlefield: Transvaal? Nope, still milking that one conflict where there was an unambiguous repressive and expansionist project on the part of the Axis powers. At least the Battlefield series took at stab at the First World War. Never played it, so I don’t know how well it turned out, but they actual delved into the Great Imperial conflict that engulfed the whole damned planet and made sure to actually make it global (AFAIK).
I actually think the sexism plays into the Cult of the Soldier as well. For all the lauding of the military that takes place in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, I know that female soldiers and sailors are treated like shit in both the US and Canada, with flagrant sexual harassment issues throughout the chain of command. A bunch of dipshit fanboys who think that popular media depictions of events makes them history scholars sounding off on women in combat is just the icing on the shit sundae. So much for respecting the troops.
I don’t know, when it comes to me and WWII games… there’s a thousand stories to tell and I’m sure seeing any of them depicted would be huge, but it’s always the same handful of battles involving the US and Russia (with the UK occasionally let in from the back yard). Call of Duty 2 was really the only one I felt that did the major events justice, but even that one felt kinda hemmed in by its focus on Europe (although it was nice to see the desert war depicted). World At War got some Pacific Theater action in, but that one felt even more disjointed with massive time jumps between missions.
Overlord, Stalingrad, Berlin, they’ve been done. Try something new! North Africa, Burma, Honk Kong, Italy… seriously, a simulation of the Battle of Monte Cassino where you play as a Polish soldier storming the ruins… I am on it like a bonnet.
Hell, if you can somehow depict the Battle Off Samar… now that would make for some high seas drama! Not sure how you could do it in a video game, though.
As for TotalBiscuit… never watched, only knew him to be a GamerGater. Cancer sucks and is awful. TB sucked and was awful. And that’s all I’ll say on that.
RE:guys crying about Women in XCom
I bet they also had a few thing to say about the ‘ride of the valkyries’ achievement as well.
Regarding TB: Just the idea of a web celebrity (if you can call it that) dying is surreal af to me. Like, I have the weirdest feeling of pseudo-survivers guilt right now? I was just having a normal day while he was dying – really surreal. I don’t know much about the guy, but I know he defended some of his trans women guests from harassment, so he at least did something nice.
Regarding Battlefield: Getting really tired of all these WWII shooter games that thrive on fighting without acknowledging the politics behind it. Wolfenstien II came the closest to actually SAYING something about it, though it had a few missteps. And it’s an EA game, so it’s probably gonna be full of microtransaction/lootbox bullshit like Call of Duty WWII was.
Jim Stirling is an okay dude, though I understand how his persona can be a bit abrasive for some. It’s through him I found out about Laura Kate Dale, who’s a trans woman game journalist. He’s also one of the few queer and polyamorous “game journalists” I know, which is a plus.
The irony of reading this post while learning about Deborah Sampson in my college history class!
…and literally having a discussion about whether Women’s History is still needed ??
Re: Total Biscuit
My opinion of him is kind of torn between knowledge of his serious douchiness during GamerGate but I like his contributions to Polaris Co Optional podcasts. I remember reading a tweet of a year or two ago where he said he’d been given less than a year to live. I checked up his channel last week and saw he’s still alive AND saw an interview he did where he said his cancer had stabilised. And I decided I felt happy about it. After all, cancer fucking sucks.
On another note, I’m not even Irish but I’m feeling the hype around today’s referendum. COME ON IRELAND DO THE RIGHT THING.