By David Futrelle
So the gamebros are up in arms about the fifth installment in the Battlefield series, Battlefield V, because the game, set in World War II, has LADIES in it, which makes it TOTALLY UNREALISTIC because there were NO LADIES in WWII, well ok maybe there were actually a bunch of ladies in WWII, some of them serving in combat even but goddammit WHY CAN’T OUR MALE SPACE BE SACRED ah bloo bloo bloo.
So anyway a bunch of these broflakes have decided to fight the female menace … by all posting the same dumb joke.
thought we were getting Battlefield V, not Battlefield Vagina#NotMyBattlefield pic.twitter.com/qFrakro53g
— Harrison (@uhHarrison) May 24, 2018
Well gentlemen the SJWs are taking over it seems and we're losing first CoD fell and now Battlefield Vagina @EA_DICE you have officially ruined a good video game franchise #BattlefieldV #NotMyBattlefield #NotMyBattlefieldV
— BattlefieldGOAT (@GoatBattlefield) May 24, 2018
oh i get it
it's called Battlefield V for VAGINA
really taking this empower women thing too far
— Joey 🍄 (@MZjosef) May 24, 2018
It's a hard pass from me for #Battlefield V
The V obviously stands for Vagina.
Not even being misogynistic, 95%+ of soldiers were male, the chances of finding female fighters on the battlefield were slim to none, let alone transgender female disabled fighters. #HistoryIsHistory
— Skorge (@GearsofSkorge) May 23, 2018
Saw nothing but vagina in @Battlefield V smh. Women taking over. #BattlefieldV
— Angel Torres (@ATJ_SNS) May 23, 2018
battlefield Vagina
— 豆腐 (@mayoi894_mpik) May 21, 2018
Gotta love all those Tweeters with anime avatars complaining that Battlefield V isn’t “realistic” enough. YOU KNOW PEOPLE’S EYES AREN’T THAT BIG IN REAL LIFE RIGHT?
#Battlefield V more like Battlefield Vagina
— Commeownder🌲📉🇺🇸 (@Meowfficer) May 23, 2018
Das V in Battlefield V steht für Vagina.@EA
— bima (@bimade45) May 24, 2018
Well that’s enough of that. There are more. Many, many, many more.
Even if you don’t speak German I think you can probably figure out what that last one is saying.
It’s always a bit amusing to me when dudes get mad about asskicking female characters in video games, claiming that these characters are “unrealistic” or “historically inaccurate.” VIDEO GAMES AREN’T REALISTIC. THAT’S WHY WE LIKE TO PLAY THEM. In real life, hedgehogs mosey along through the grass at about one-billionth of a mile an hour; in video games you can play a blue hedgehog that speeds through an assortment of surreal landscapes at supersonic speeds.
In real wars, if you get shot, you fall down injured and maybe even die; in video games you can barrel ahead after being hit multiple times — and regenerate your health by hiding behind something for a few seconds.
I think these gifs say all that need to be said about the “unrealistic ” complaints.
"Battlefield has abandoned historical accuracy for political correctness" pic.twitter.com/OpCRFV2zV8
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
"It's, like, not even about the history anymore" pic.twitter.com/4GoYrXuTTJ
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
"With female soldiers Battlefield is abandoning realism" pic.twitter.com/40JrSe38nh
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
Wow. So much fail in one series of Tweets. Bet they think the Night Witches are fake, too.
Hedgehogs can actually book it pretty well at around 2 m/s. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvNEZ4WWQIk
What does Battlefield Vagina actually mean though? Is it a battle for a vagina? Or a battle fought on a giant vagina? Or are they talking about vaginas that are outfitted for battle?
I don’t get it.
Night Witches, The Rose of Leningrad, Soviet female soldiers generally, UK SOE agents Noor Inayat Khan GC, Violette Szabo GC…
Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Aleksandra Samusenko might disagree with these definitions of “realistic”; however, I suspect that many of these people won’t know who they were.
(For those who don’t know, they were both famous female Soviet military heroes in the second world war. Pavlichenko was a sniper, one of the most successful in history, and Samusenko was a tank commander within the formation that took Berlin. It is my understanding that the “-enko” surname means they’re both Ukrainians, or at least have Ukrainian names, but I am not Ukrainian and so do not know this for certain.)
On the subject of historical accuracy, though, you can see briefly in the trailer a Churchill Gun Carrier. That this is acting in frontline service is in fact even more absurd than a woman doing the same, because while women certainly saw combat during WW2, the same can not be said of the Churchill Gun Carrier, which was (correctly) considered a failure, and thus never put into production, let alone into service.
Well crap. I guess I have to re-learn how to play an FPS so I can get this game.
Nothing like an obvious joke that everyone feels a need to mindlessly tweet. I saw the Milner tweets, but don’t follow games at all and am glad to have an explanation now though ?
Anyone want to lay odds that the number of these people who have played Metroid games and enjoyed them, or watched Aliens films and liked them, is greater than 0%?
My mom was in WW 2, in combat, with a unit citation for continuing to operate the medical facility while being shelled by German artillery. Belgium, 1945
Nothing like a bunch of tantrum-throwing pissbabies crying about “politics” being in a game about war.
And of course, the people who clearly need a history lesson before they can go about being pissy about the “historical accuracy” of a video game.
Can this stupid ass excuse just die already? Battlefield and other war games have never been about “historical accuracy”, it’s always been about blowing things up and pretending to be a badass you perfectly tepid shit puddle.
I’ll buy this game and never play it just to fucking spite these cockbites. I hate EA with the fire of a thousand suns, but I hate them with the fire of a thousand and one.
They can die mad for all I care.
Oh, they will… THEY WILL!!
To the guy who says that ninety-five percent of soldiers in the Second World War were male, I say… great, it’s a deal? One in every twenty soldiers in all WW2 games will be women and no one’s allowed to complain about there being too many women anymore.
But of course this is Dale Spender’s research at work, and the presence of any female characters (except for family members, sex workers, and all-purpose damsels) will be too many female characters for jerkwads like this guy. The “ninety-five percent” is just a number pulled out of his ass to gesture towards “rationality.”
I think my favourite part of this is that these are literal word-for-word copy-pastes of their “Complaints” about Battlefield 1…
… Which they all ended up buying anyway.
These are the same males who tell women and minorities to stop complaining about certain things in video games but it’s ok when they do it.
So this game has X-Men-style mutant horses and proto-Transformer planes? Kewl!! Sounds like a good investment for funtimes to me. XD
(I’m guessing the bit with the two planes is that the lower plane at least should have done a crash and burn when smacked like that by the higher plane. Or did I misinterpret what the inaccuracy there was?)
Whelp, my twitter timeline just reported to me that Jon Bain (TotalBiscuit), has died.
I’m kinda conflicted. I felt like he was an ass (and a bit of a bigot at that), but he did have a lot of good points about the game industry, and he was friends with Jim Sterling who’s a pretty swell dude, so I guess there must be something that was redeeming about him?
What’s so “obvious” about this “joke”?
I went to look at the trailer for this game and it looks pretty fun! Not realistic, but – I mean come on gamer doods, realistic FPSes don’t exist. A realistic World War Two shooter would involve you and a gang of fourty others like you huddling behind brush and debris, plinking away in the general direction of the shots being fired at you.
If you want realism, play Hearts of Iron or something. If you want a fun shooter experience, this looks great.
@RedSilkPhoenix: The bit with two planes isn’t shot by a disembodied camera; it’s from the viewpoint of a human pilot as he ejects from one plane, freefalls into the cockpit of the other, and takes off running.
Reality is now unrealistic. As it as been mentionned ad nauseam already. There were several female fighter during WWII. Most of them served in the Eastern front amongst soviet troops where some even achieved fame and honors as snipers, pilots, tank commanders, etc. It’s also good to mention that on the Western front, about 20 to 30% of the combattant of the French Resistence were women (which is rather common for insurgency groups of that nature). Not having any female representation of combattant in a historical game set in the 20th century is actually unrealistic for there hasn’t been a single major conflict that didn’t saw a certain number of female combattant.
The term they are all searching for is, uncommon, it’s uncommon to find women serving openly in combat roles and that’s the issue. They all know (or at least the majority of them know) it’s not unrealistic or inaccurate to have women fighters in a WWII setting, but they do know it was uncommon. To defend their views of women they need to enforce this illusion that women can’t and won’t fight for their friends, familly and country. It’s exactly like the same kind of people that think that if shit goes down, women will scurry back behind a male protector and accept his leadership and recognise his superiority; that feminism can only exist in an advanced and peaceful State.
They remind me of the guys who ”joke” about feminists (and women in general) being completly helpless in front of terrorist groups like ISIS, ignoring hte fact that nearly half of all kurdish fighters, those who dealt ISIS it’s most severe blow, were women; that the commanding officer who took Raqqa, their capital was women, all of which under the banner of an explicitly feminist millitia. To me, it’s a form of denialism, historical revisionism and propaganda. While the impact of women fighter might have been very modest during WWII, it still isn’t negligible (or deniable), especially for the French and Russian who needed their actions as they were facing terrible odds.
Plus, in terms of gameplay, more options is almost always better and this is an option that is neither detrimental, neither historically inaccurate or breaking with the theme of the game.
Historical Accuracy? Firstly, plenty of women served in WWII– it’s really silly and requires alot of mental gymnastics to believe otherwise.
Secondly, the last Battlefield game I played was Battlefield Vietnam. I don’t think that game was very good or accurate at all; Though one can never be completely certain, there’s high doubt in my mind that anyone was blasting Deep Purple from a tank, jeep, or APC during The Battle of Hue. I mean, I feel like kicking out the jams would have been the last thing on anyone’s mind given the circumstances.
…But hey, that’s just me.
Since others have already mentioned the Night Witches, may as well post this.
@ Paradoxical
…whoa, seriously? Geez, I haven’t thought about him in a while. I knew his reputation, so I’ve kind of avoided his stuff, but the little I’ve seen him in (a crossover LP of Terraria with Jesse Cox), I did enjoy listening to him.
Is there a word for that emotion when you’re on the cusp of feeling sad about someone’s death, but not quite there, so it’s more “disturbed” than “sad?”
@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut
Shit. I feel conficted. Like I hated the guy, one of my first posts was me basically saying “I hate that guy, I hope he spends his time with his family instead of spreading GG.” Then again he died at 33 and had a wife and kid who had to witness their loved one endure life threatening illness multiple times.