By David Futrelle
So the gamebros are up in arms about the fifth installment in the Battlefield series, Battlefield V, because the game, set in World War II, has LADIES in it, which makes it TOTALLY UNREALISTIC because there were NO LADIES in WWII, well ok maybe there were actually a bunch of ladies in WWII, some of them serving in combat even but goddammit WHY CAN’T OUR MALE SPACE BE SACRED ah bloo bloo bloo.
So anyway a bunch of these broflakes have decided to fight the female menace … by all posting the same dumb joke.
thought we were getting Battlefield V, not Battlefield Vagina#NotMyBattlefield pic.twitter.com/qFrakro53g
— Harrison (@uhHarrison) May 24, 2018
Well gentlemen the SJWs are taking over it seems and we're losing first CoD fell and now Battlefield Vagina @EA_DICE you have officially ruined a good video game franchise #BattlefieldV #NotMyBattlefield #NotMyBattlefieldV
— BattlefieldGOAT (@GoatBattlefield) May 24, 2018
oh i get it
it's called Battlefield V for VAGINA
really taking this empower women thing too far
— Joey 🍄 (@MZjosef) May 24, 2018
It's a hard pass from me for #Battlefield V
The V obviously stands for Vagina.
Not even being misogynistic, 95%+ of soldiers were male, the chances of finding female fighters on the battlefield were slim to none, let alone transgender female disabled fighters. #HistoryIsHistory
— Skorge (@GearsofSkorge) May 23, 2018
Saw nothing but vagina in @Battlefield V smh. Women taking over. #BattlefieldV
— Angel Torres (@ATJ_SNS) May 23, 2018
battlefield Vagina
— 豆腐 (@mayoi894_mpik) May 21, 2018
Gotta love all those Tweeters with anime avatars complaining that Battlefield V isn’t “realistic” enough. YOU KNOW PEOPLE’S EYES AREN’T THAT BIG IN REAL LIFE RIGHT?
#Battlefield V more like Battlefield Vagina
— Commeownder🌲📉🇺🇸 (@Meowfficer) May 23, 2018
Das V in Battlefield V steht für Vagina.@EA
— bima (@bimade45) May 24, 2018
Well that’s enough of that. There are more. Many, many, many more.
Even if you don’t speak German I think you can probably figure out what that last one is saying.
It’s always a bit amusing to me when dudes get mad about asskicking female characters in video games, claiming that these characters are “unrealistic” or “historically inaccurate.” VIDEO GAMES AREN’T REALISTIC. THAT’S WHY WE LIKE TO PLAY THEM. In real life, hedgehogs mosey along through the grass at about one-billionth of a mile an hour; in video games you can play a blue hedgehog that speeds through an assortment of surreal landscapes at supersonic speeds.
In real wars, if you get shot, you fall down injured and maybe even die; in video games you can barrel ahead after being hit multiple times — and regenerate your health by hiding behind something for a few seconds.
I think these gifs say all that need to be said about the “unrealistic ” complaints.
"Battlefield has abandoned historical accuracy for political correctness" pic.twitter.com/OpCRFV2zV8
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
"It's, like, not even about the history anymore" pic.twitter.com/4GoYrXuTTJ
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
"With female soldiers Battlefield is abandoning realism" pic.twitter.com/40JrSe38nh
— David Milner (@DaveMilbo) May 23, 2018
This is for you, Weatherwax.
Ja, und er ist auch unglaublich doof und unoriginal.
Battlefield Viagra?
Hah. At least when it started out it didn’t take itself so seriously.
My great-aunt was a medic during World War II. She was with one of the paratrooper squadrons that went into London after the bombing. She found a dead Nazi pilot and took his armband and an insignia medal. This eventually ended up with my father. After he had a stroke, he insisted that it was evil and should be destroyed. I think it ended up in a box somewhere in my parents’ basement. If I find it, I will donate it to the Holocaust Museum.
@The Real Cie
Your great-aunt sounds badass. Also potentially, technically, a war criminal.
David Milner seems to believe that he is a 95 year old veteran who can remember the war like it happened yesterday. Too bad he isn’t.
@The Real Cie
The museum probably doesn’t want it. They’ve got more of that sorta thing than they could possibly need or use.
Um, did you look at the gifs accompanying his tweets? Cos the sentiment you’re reading into his words isn’t the one that I’m seeing.
They get offended about a woman in a WW2 game but defend a game about a school shooting.
Pewdiepr*ck is at it again
Speaking of games, on change.org there is a petition for the removal of ‘super seducer’ if anyone wants to sign it. Hopefully it will remove the game.
Speaking of games, there are petitions on change.org for the removal of ‘super seducer’ and that new school shooting game.
Well since a group of right-wing religious fundamentalists managed to get steam to remove all the anime dating sims I’m sure super seducer will get removed as well.
Jim Sterling video on the news
I don’t really care about this. Yes, it’s to make video games more appealing and welcoming to women and disabled people, but I would like it if people boycotted EA’s, Activision’s and Ubisoft’s games enough to put them out of business in order for games and other intellectual property to be fair to the consumer again, so I consider these complaints a blessing.
After that though, men should have something done to them to make gaming a better place for women.