By David Futrelle
In case you thought that all the mainstream media attention they’ve been getting lately might lead some of the internet’s so-called “involuntary celibates” to reflect upon and maybe even reconsider their hateful beliefs, the answer so far seems to be a huge “no.”
On this, the fourth anniversary of Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in Isla Vista, California, the regulars on the Incels.me forum are enthusiastically celebrating what they call “St. Elliot’s Day” with an assortment of memes and semi-ironic paeans to his alleged greatness — and looking forward to further killing sprees as the “beta uprising” unfolds.
In a thread titled “Happy Isla Vista Day Everyone!!!” one especially prolific Incels.me commenter called chudur-budur (who has posted nearly 3000 comments since joining the site last November) declared:
Bathe in a pool of starbucks vanilla latte. Cleanse yourself from all your sins. Pray to your lord for forgiveness, because he has sacrificed his life to save us from the plight.
Happy Isla Vista Day!!
Yawmul Isla Vista Mubarak!!
Dozens of other commenters, many of them sporting Elliot Rodger avatars (at least for today) joined in with their own only-semi-ironic hosannas.
“Bless Saint Elliot and his crusade against an evil twisted world,” declared one. “Viva isla vista,” added another.
“i will reread his manifesto in his memory,” yet another promised.
The only note of dissent came from a commenter who lamented that Rodger began his massacre by stabbing his male roommates, whom some incels have decided were incels themselves.
In another thread, forum regular Blackpill101 offered a deadly earnest defense of Rodger’s act of terrorism — and condemned those in the incel world who think that all the talk of “St. Elliot” makes incels look bad and provides fodder for their critics in the press and in the Incel Tears subreddit.
“You are a cuck if you condemn Elliot Rodger’s actions,” he wrote,.
“Muh I don’t wanna seem like a violentcel to those cucktears people! I’m a good boy!”
Elliot Rodger was so fucking justified in his actions to take revenge on society and even save some incels too. He might have not been successful as Alek [Minassian, the Toronto van killer], but he sacrificed himself for sub8 males and incel ideology at large. If you read parts of his manifesto, you’ll realize that he lived a ragefuel life as an ugly, subChad individual. Imagine having a sister and watching her get fucked by Chad daily, while listening to it all. This is what he witnessed. …
Elliot will always remain a martyr to us. We shall praise him for fighting back against the degenerate society that made him hate and “go ER.”
Happy ER day
In still another thread, a relatively new Incels.me commenter called VinnyVan made the case that Rodger was not the beta male the world saw him as but rather a true “Alpha Omega.”
Anyone who calls a self loving mass murderer “beta” is a moron. Mass murderers are inherently Alpha because they take out their anger on others and not themselves. That is what sets them apart from tens of thousands of beta males across the world who suicide each year. Elliot killed because he wanted to and he enjoyed every bit of it. He murdered his beta Asian roommates because they were loud, obnoxious and pissed him off.
I believe that Elliot being beta male is pushed by people who refuse to admit that his looks held him back not confidence. Elliot was full of confidence, he saw himself as better than most guys, better dressed, classier. more intelligent.
In a followup comment, VinnyVan added that Rodger “stabbed 3 people to death in cold blood. That’s not a cowardly way of killing someone.”
Anyone who thinks incels could be somehow fixed if the women of the world were to “give them a chance” and have sex with them clearly has not spent much time listening to them talk amongst themselves.
It’s been proven that Elliot didn’t have any mental illnesses or autism or other disablilties. He was also a white supremacist despite his half Malaysian side.
This whole comparing entitlement, bigotry, terrorism and just all around horribleness = mental illness/autism, this ableism; really, really needs to stop. I don’t just see this from the alt-right I see this in social movements too.
I thought Morgan was just ignorant when he said we should stop talking about race but I am shocked of all the other things he said and did. I lost all respect for him too.
They’re celebrating a nutball mass murderer who admitted in his rambling manifesto that his problems were his own fault, who then committed suicide rather than face responsibility for what he had done.
Typical of these jerks.
Here’s some better stuff that took place on May 24:
1830 – “Mary Had a Little Lamb” by Sarah Josepha Hale is published.
1844 – Samuel Morse sends the message “What hath God wrought” (a biblical quotation, Numbers 23:23) from a committee room in the United States Capitol to his assistant, Alfred Vail, in Baltimore, Maryland, to inaugurate a commercial telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington D.C.
1883 – The Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is opened to traffic after 14 years of construction.
1935 – The first night game in Major League Baseball history is played in Cincinnati, Ohio, with the Cincinnati Reds beating the Philadelphia Phillies 2–1 at Crosley Field.
1962 – Project Mercury: American astronaut Scott Carpenter orbits the Earth three times in the Aurora 7 space capsule.
1992 – The last Thai dictator, General Suchinda Kraprayoon, resigns following pro-democracy protests.
1999 – The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands indicts Slobodan Milošević and four others for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Kosovo.
1743 – Jean-Paul Marat, Swiss-French physician, journalist, and politician (d. 1793)
1816 – Emanuel Leutze, German-American painter (d. 1868)
1819 – Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (d. 1901)
1870 – Benjamin N. Cardozo, American lawyer and judge (d. 1938)
1870 – Jan Smuts, South African lawyer and politician, 2nd Prime Minister of South Africa (d. 1950)
1878 – Lillian Moller Gilbreth, American psychologist and engineer (d. 1972)
1879 – H. B. Reese, American candy maker, created Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (d. 1956)
1916 – Sir Arthur Roden Cutler, Australian lieutenant and politician, Victoria Cross, 32nd Governor of New South Wales (d. 2002)
1918 – Coleman Young, American politician, 66th Mayor of Detroit (d. 1997)
1941 – Bob Dylan, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, artist, writer, and producer; Nobel Prize laureate
1943 – Gary Burghoff, American actor
1944 – Patti LaBelle, American singer-songwriter and actress
1949 – Jim Broadbent, English actor
1949 – Roger Deakins , Enghlish cinematographer
1953 – Alfred Molina, English actor
1955 – Rosanne Cash, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
1960 – Kristin Scott Thomas, English actress
Bermuda Day (Bermuda), celebrated on the nearest weekday if May 24 falls on the weekend.
Victoria Day; celebrated on Monday on or before May 24. (Canada), and its related observance: National Patriots’ Day or Journée nationale des patriotes (Quebec)
I debated for a long time whether I should go with even distribution or bell curve, and finally went with the highly scientific “bell curve + unrealistic incel standards that no one could attain + random number totally pulled out of my posterior because my last statistics class was 30 years ago”.
But in reality it’s 80%, thanks to Chad Pareto.
@ Bina:
And THAT (in the minds of entitled men) is the whole problem. They believe, probably realistically, that that WAS the way it worked before. “Before feminism… we NEVER had to take ‘no’ for an answer. If a woman had the gaul to say ‘no’, we could just take what we wanted.”
Some feel it is still that way, and given that one of those is now squatting in the white house, they may have a point. “#MeToo”, a society-wide rejection of this attitude, must rankle the MRA/MGTOW/incels no end.
@ lumipuma
I’d have to disagree with you a bit there.
Knives are notoriously difficult to defend against. Even if you know all the techniques it’s still merely an ‘improving the odds’ thing, rather than a guarantee. And the standard advice is, even if you do succeed in defending yourself, you will get cut.
Warning for gory stuff
Knives wounds are also very serious. That’s pretty obvious; but it’s even more so than guns. You have a 90% chance of surviving a single bullet wound; but only a 70% chance of surviving a single stab wound. That’s to do with physics and biomechanics.
Slash wounds are also dangerous. You only need to penetrate the torso or limbs by 1 & 1/4 inches to potentially inflict a fatal wound, and only 1/4 inch to the neck.
OT, but I wanted to sound off on it: https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2018/05/20/andrea-horwath-defends-ndp-candidate-over-remembrance-day-comments.html
The TL;DR of it is that an NDP (Canada’s left-wing party) Candidate said she wouldn’t wear a poppy because she feels Remembrance Day glorifies war and objects to the saluting of troops at major sporting events. The Cons are obviously making hay over it as a spot to hit Andrea Horwath (who has not fired the candidate).
It’s a big nothing story in the long run, but it’s a glimpse into the Cult of the Soldier mentality that I’ve seen creeping into Canada since the Harper years. I’ve mentioned it before on WHTM, but I really cannot stand the “they died for our freedom” bullshit talking point. WWII is the exception–with an armed response needed to an obviously malevolent and oppressive threat–not the rule! There’s a monument on Queen’s Street that commemorates the Canadian Soldiers that died in the Second Boer War. To paraphrase the Greatest himself Muhammad Ali, “I ain’t got no quarrel with no Boer.” Show me the South African who was going to take Canada’s freedom away. Show me the Libyan. Or Afghan. Or Somali. This country has faced two invasions that threatened its existence and both came from the United States. The fact that we liberated France and the Netherlands, while poignant achievements, likely did little to safeguarded Canadian sovereignty given Germany’s distance from our shores.
Now I do wear a poppy every year because I mourn for the lives that were not lived as a result of war and the bravery it takes to rush headlong into harm’s way, but I’m not going to reverse-engineer rationales to excuse the hurt feelings of service members unwilling to reconcile the imperialist component of their service with the career they’ve chosen (or been forced into by circumstance).
Sorry for the off-topic rant, but something about a bunch of self-righteous asshats mangling history for cheap political points just grinds my gears.
Comments policy, please.
(David: WordPress screwed up and somehow submitted this under my Twitter username, please delete when you see it. =P)
Ohhhh yeah:
CW: Graphic stab wounds on dead bodies are shown in the above video. I don’t mean to gross anybody out, but Surviving Edged Weapons was showcased on RedLetterMedia’s Best of the Worst and is well worth viewing in its entirety. Not only does have surprisingly informative content about how cops are trained to handle knife-wielding suspects, but its presentation is nothing short of comedy gold in several places, particularly the Milwaukee accents (FAHK YOO!).
For those not interested in sitting through 90 minutes on knives, Cracked has you covered.
Something fantastic that happened 37 years ago on May 24, 1981:
My beautiful daughter was born. The mother of my absolutely gorgeous two grandchildren.
Yeah, I’m proud. ?
Following on Alan Robertshaw’s point, guns are more deadly because they allow you to strike multiple targets very quickly and at a distance, which allows you to hit more people much faster than you can with a knife. In a one-on-one situation, an experienced knife fighter can do just as much damage just as quickly (albeit at a much shorter range) as a marksman.
…apropos of nothing in particular, I’m reminded of something my sifu used to say: “if someone pulls a gun on you from 5 feet away, here’s how you take his gun [demonstrates technique]; if someone pulls a gun on you from 10 feet away, here’s how you throw him your wallet.”
I would prefer not to celebrate Marat’s birthday, thank you. I swear that he’s the prototype for every modern rageholic columnist that exhorts his followers to greater heights of murder. Granted, at least he wasn’t the kind of modern hypocritical wimp that will claim “just satire” when some of his followers actually go through with it, but that’s probably because he was well within the Overton Window at the time. He also got to be damn near canonized by his followers and painted just like Jesus their tribute paintings following his own assassination…so, we’ve come full-circle back on topic. Weird.
Something wonderful that happened 37 years ago on May 24, 1981:
My beautiful daughter was born. Mother to my two absolutely gorgeous grandchildren.
Yeah, I’m biased. Why? ?
Whatever. I just had this general impression that guns are more effective at mass murder. Last summer, an ISIS-inspired terrorist in Finland ran along a crowded street, stabbing random people. He managed to kill two and wound eight people before an angry mob overwhelmed him. We’ve had several shooting incidents more lethal than that, despite having somewhat sensible gun laws.
Don’t you think Rodger had to be lucky and/or skilled in ambushing three young men, without any of them running away screaming? Did he practice that shit somewhere? Anyway, it was good that he at least failed to get inside the sorority with his gun.
Some of my comments just disappear randomly? My freeze peaches are being desplatformed.
Not really, I’m going to bed.
Yeah, so much. So very much.
The thing about WW2 is that you can’t really compare the armies then to the armies now. The second world war soldiers were conscripted civilians who had no choice about going to war, rather than professional volunteers who picked it rather than a civilian career. One of those groups is a nation-in-arms, the other is just a group of hired killers.
As an Afrikaner (aka Boer) myself, I’ve got some quarrels with individual Boers, and you probably would if you knew them too. However, I have no quarrel with the nation as a whole, and that’s who you always end up fighting when a war breaks out.
Also, thanks! You should go visit, it’s lovely!
@ lumipuma
Guns are obviously a more effective mass murder weapon because they work at a distance and you can get a lot of shots off. That’s gun control argument 101. But at close quarters knives are lethal. In the example you post someone was able to kill two and wound eight, and that was one person versus a crowd.
And yes, in an ambush, which Elliot used, it’s very easy to stab someone without them reacting. In fact most people, if they haven’t seen the knife, aren’t even aware they have been stabbed. At best they think they’ve been punched; until they notice the blood.
@ katamount
My old London Krav group used to train the Met’s ‘Fast Entry Teams’ against knives. It was at this really cool place where they’ve got like full size streets for practicing riot stuff. Although of more interest to me was the free canteen (free for us anyway; I tried to eat my council tax back).
Can confirm, stabbing someone to death is actually way more difficult than it looks in the movies. You either have to hit something vital or stab them a lot so they bleed out faster (which is why you always hear about people being stabbed like 60 times in the news.)
Also, can we stop associating incels with emos? I actually kinda like the emo/scene aesthetic and it feels weird to have incels thrown in there.
I’m reminded of something my fencing maestro taught us: If it can penetrate the skin, it can go all the way until it hits bone or the air on the other side. And if the first quarter-inch or so is sharp enough to penetrate the skin, you are officially at risk. ‘Cos even sports blades can break, so safety, safety, safety, and if the marshal says, “HOLD!” then you freeze.
@Alan: I would expect being stabbed to hurt more, and differently. I haven’t been cut with a weapon myself, but I have been cut accidentally by assorted things on a few occasions, and punched on others, and being cut generally hurts more, and more sharply, based on my own experience.
@David: I’m suddenly seeing a fair number of duplicate posts appearing here. What’s up with that? And why is the comment submission form forgetting my name and email all of a sudden? It’s never done that before, and it’s extremely inconvenient.
Another birthday boy: Albert Bouchard, once of Blue Oyster Cult; his birthdate is mentioned in the song “Revenge Of Vera Gemini” (“24th of May/I gathered up your reins”):
(Unfortunately, I was unable to find a video with Bouchard and Patti Smith, who co-wrote the song, performing together; it’s a duet between a male narrator railing against a woman he perceives as treacherous and the woman chiming in with haunting fragments of counterpoint–which has a certain sad relevance to the subject at hand.)
Morgan Freeman?!
oh, that makes me sad. I always thought of him kind of like my dad, a reassuring presence in an unsafe world.
Obviously I have not read enough Morgan Freeman news, given the comments made here about things he has said and done 🙁 🙁 🙁
Oh well. I was wondering how long it would be before someone I actually liked got outed as an asshole.
Guess it’s now. 🙁
@ Victorious Parasol
I guess that’s why the Resurrection of Pons came as such a surprise. Everyone thought being run through by the broken foil would kill him. It must have been the most welcome news Pons ever received that the blade hadn’t hit anything vital.
@Cats in Shiny Hats:
True dat. When I was suicidal, I was still allergic to this kind of snot-nosed brat.
*snerk* I really should have thought of that one.
Point taken (no pun intended).
He was running around among the crowd, attacking individual people who didn’t really have time to react. Some onlookers started chasing him and caught him just before the cops arrived. The cops ordered everyone to stop fighting, and when the stabber wouldn’t surrender, they shot him in the legs. He was treated in a hospital and survived.
Now, there’s a court argument on whether it qualifies as a terroristic crime. Reportedly he did intend to attack Finland as a nation, but very possibly the attack wasn’t either sufficiently dangerous to the state, or sufficiently fear-inducing to the public. (Sorry, I can’t really properly relay the legal context and arguments here.)