By David Futrelle
In case you thought that all the mainstream media attention they’ve been getting lately might lead some of the internet’s so-called “involuntary celibates” to reflect upon and maybe even reconsider their hateful beliefs, the answer so far seems to be a huge “no.”
On this, the fourth anniversary of Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in Isla Vista, California, the regulars on the Incels.me forum are enthusiastically celebrating what they call “St. Elliot’s Day” with an assortment of memes and semi-ironic paeans to his alleged greatness — and looking forward to further killing sprees as the “beta uprising” unfolds.
In a thread titled “Happy Isla Vista Day Everyone!!!” one especially prolific Incels.me commenter called chudur-budur (who has posted nearly 3000 comments since joining the site last November) declared:
Bathe in a pool of starbucks vanilla latte. Cleanse yourself from all your sins. Pray to your lord for forgiveness, because he has sacrificed his life to save us from the plight.
Happy Isla Vista Day!!
Yawmul Isla Vista Mubarak!!
Dozens of other commenters, many of them sporting Elliot Rodger avatars (at least for today) joined in with their own only-semi-ironic hosannas.
“Bless Saint Elliot and his crusade against an evil twisted world,” declared one. “Viva isla vista,” added another.
“i will reread his manifesto in his memory,” yet another promised.
The only note of dissent came from a commenter who lamented that Rodger began his massacre by stabbing his male roommates, whom some incels have decided were incels themselves.
In another thread, forum regular Blackpill101 offered a deadly earnest defense of Rodger’s act of terrorism — and condemned those in the incel world who think that all the talk of “St. Elliot” makes incels look bad and provides fodder for their critics in the press and in the Incel Tears subreddit.
“You are a cuck if you condemn Elliot Rodger’s actions,” he wrote,.
“Muh I don’t wanna seem like a violentcel to those cucktears people! I’m a good boy!”
Elliot Rodger was so fucking justified in his actions to take revenge on society and even save some incels too. He might have not been successful as Alek [Minassian, the Toronto van killer], but he sacrificed himself for sub8 males and incel ideology at large. If you read parts of his manifesto, you’ll realize that he lived a ragefuel life as an ugly, subChad individual. Imagine having a sister and watching her get fucked by Chad daily, while listening to it all. This is what he witnessed. …
Elliot will always remain a martyr to us. We shall praise him for fighting back against the degenerate society that made him hate and “go ER.”
Happy ER day
In still another thread, a relatively new Incels.me commenter called VinnyVan made the case that Rodger was not the beta male the world saw him as but rather a true “Alpha Omega.”
Anyone who calls a self loving mass murderer “beta” is a moron. Mass murderers are inherently Alpha because they take out their anger on others and not themselves. That is what sets them apart from tens of thousands of beta males across the world who suicide each year. Elliot killed because he wanted to and he enjoyed every bit of it. He murdered his beta Asian roommates because they were loud, obnoxious and pissed him off.
I believe that Elliot being beta male is pushed by people who refuse to admit that his looks held him back not confidence. Elliot was full of confidence, he saw himself as better than most guys, better dressed, classier. more intelligent.
In a followup comment, VinnyVan added that Rodger “stabbed 3 people to death in cold blood. That’s not a cowardly way of killing someone.”
Anyone who thinks incels could be somehow fixed if the women of the world were to “give them a chance” and have sex with them clearly has not spent much time listening to them talk amongst themselves.
That little article really doesn’t paint him in a very good light, does it? “Liberal educators such as George Galloway and Nigel Farage” indeed.
Once again, one tiny, terrible detail leaps out at me from the awfulness.
Not that Rodger would have been justified in any case, but did his victims have knives? Because murdering three unarmed people with a deadly weapon sounds pretty fucking cowardly to me.
Yes, surely a “supreme gentleman” would have handed his intended victims a blade of equivalent size beforehand and insisted that they respect the duelling equivalent of the Queensberry Rules?
Have you folks seen The Handmaid’s Tale for men?
VinnyVan probably thought ER The @$$hole was “brave” to kill his “beta Asian” roommates because VV believes a stereotype that all Asian males are black-belt martial-arts studmuffins, so killing three of them with only a knife is “brave”.
@Julia: Thanx. I re-posted that over on Wonkette. 🙂
If numerical values of each human being’s worth are evenly distributed, then 70% of the population would be “sub-8”. Of course, if it’s distributed on a bell curve instead, then 90% of people being ranked below an 8 is possible.
Of course, this assumes that there’s any kind of consistent logic to ranking a human being on an allegedly “universal” scale of attractiveness and worth. Or that the idea that some human beings are intrinsically worth more than other human beings has any merit to begin with. Which is a faulty assumption from the get go.
Because he perceived himself to be unattractive, probably because that way he could blame his absolute romantic failure on forces beyond his control (looks/genetics) rather than his atrocious personality.
Nah, it’s actually difficult to kill normal able-bodied adults with a knife. That’s why mass murderers usually prefer guns if they can get any.
Rodger used a knife on those three men, probably not out of sportsmanship but because it was a quiet method, not to spoil his planned intrusion of the sorority house, which was apparently his main target.
You know, for all the manospherian’s claims that the scale is universal, I’ve never seen a definitive list of physical characteristics that go with each numerical ranking. Just as everyone knows that Leos love attention and Tauruses are stubborn, everyone should know that 3’s have huge awkward feet and 9’s are almost perfect, but have a tiny asymmetry in the size of the eyes that keep them from getting ranked a ten.
IIRC, back in the day at least some incels refused to sympathize with Rodger because he was indeed quite good looking and wealthy and complained about clearly imaginary rejections from women he’d never asked out.
Now, the critical voices seem to have given up or left the incel community – unless David just omits them, which I don’t think likely and aren’t going to research. As is usual in the veneration of saints, passing of time makes people forget or not care about how the person really was like.
From my reading of his manifesto and from his friends, Rodger never actually approached any woman. He was painfully shy so it appears that rejections was all in his head.
Insert joke about “normie distribution”.
For some reason, the comment system wants me to re-enter my nym and email every time. I sent one comment as just Lumipuna, and it went to wait for moderation.
May 24 is celebrated as Victoria Day in Canada (now the nearest Monday to the 24th so we can have a long weekend). It was Queen Victoria’s birthday, and also my mother’s – at 95 she’s still with us and got all her marbles, though slowed physically.
Of course we can believe it. We’ve been telling you this, repeatedly, which you’ve ignored in favor of your own personal definitions of what incel’s are and believe. But you don’t care to listen to us, only to talk at us, because you’ve never even tried to have a conversation here, just a one-way dialogue.
Incidentally, it’s also Tommy Chong’s birthday!
Happy 80th to the big TC!
As for the rest of this “incel” gobbledygook… I repeat my request for a moratorium on this flavour of “irony”. Because the one thing that’s nice about those interested in social justice is that we’re typically up front about what our agenda is (and barring the anarchists and communists, it’s pretty milquetoast). I’m certainly up front with who I am (democratic socialist). And while I’m sure that the hideous people quoted in David’s OP would most certainly cop to being terrible people if asked, I’m kinda tired of the defensive “they’re just memes, bro!” reaction these fucknuggets always deploy when appropriately called out.
Don’t want to be labeled as irredeemably awful? Don’t make me wade through twelve layers of Elliot Rodger memes to find that little nugget of humanity you’ve got left. Odds are it won’t impress me anyway. You are who you pretend to be and all that.
(Aside: I’m also having the issue with needing to re-enter my details)
May 24 is Victoria Day in Canada (now celebrated on the nearest Monday to the 24th so we can have a long weekend). Also my mother’s birthday; she’s 95 and still sharp, though slowing down physically.
Obviously being ‘good looking’ is subjective, but Rodger ticked a number of the boxes for it.
I think the ‘ugly’ thing is something that has been tacked on later by others, who cannot say any man is good looking because ‘no homo bro’ and he wasn’t packing huge muscle.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ has a similarly good looking sociopathic character. Dennis is more of a PUA wannabe who abuses women when he can, but he does share that self pitying utter lack of self awareness that is so prevalent in the whole sickening shitpile.
Some things are bugging me here. Time to dig in…
Y’know, for a bunch who keep kvetching about “cucks” and their hatred for nonwhites, you’d think that they’d refrain from using vaguely Arabic-sounding phraseology for their idiotic pseudo-celebrations. (Same goes for “Viva Isla Vista” — don’t they also hate Mexicans for being handsome, brownish “alphas”?) But I guess even what you hate comes in handy for SOME things…
He didn’t “sacrifice himself” for ANYTHING. Because nothing happened after all the dust settled. Nothing changed. Nobody saw him (or any of these guys) as anything but twisted, evil and deranged. And nothing about this ever WILL change, because these guys keep painting themselves into that victim corner. Their inane ideology will NEVER be widely adopted, because the overwhelming majority of people have their heads on straight. Nobody’s going to “redistribute” women (super-8 OR sub-8!) to guys they don’t even like. Women are going to go on choosing their own partners or going it alone, whichever way works out best for them. Free will, in short, is going to prevail, and fuck these terrorists. Nobody is going to turn the world into Incellandia. No matter how many knives they pull or how many vans they rent or whatever other methods they come up with to try to terrorize us all into submission, WE WILL NOT SUBMIT. It’s been a month now since Minassian went on the rampage, and you know what? Toronto is mourning for the dead, but carrying on as usual, without any pity for the terrorist. THAT’s your grand incellestuous future, emo boys. CHOKE ON IT.
And yet, even with that attitude, people saw him as a creepy little dweeb. Not because of how he looked (which is, to my eyes, quite normal and even cute), but because he acted like the world owed him something. He grew up with wealth and luxury, and he was very spoiled, and he figured women should be leaping onto his dick for that. That’s not how it works. If you want somebody, you have to ask them…and if they say no, you have to take that as an answer, respectfully and without rancor. You can have looks and money, and undoubtedly it helps, but if you have no decent personality, you’re fucked…and I don’t mean sexually.
No, that’s psychopathic. And definitely a sign that the ladies weren’t just rejecting him for nothing. If he could do that to his roommates, he could do that to anyone. Who wants a deranged killer for a boyfriend? Who wants to sleep with him, not knowing if she’ll wake up still alive and unhurt the next day? Nobody who doesn’t have a death wish, that’s who.
I think even few with a death wish would want to hang around these guys because what would they do to you short of death? The possibilities are endless and terrifying.
Ugh you guysssssss
Why are humans so awfulll?
Women accuse Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior, harassment
Yes, all men. ._.
Did anyone see that Lean Cuisine tried to start a marketing hashtag to have women share what having #ItAll means to them. Of course, mostly people are just using it to criticize body shaming and the weight loss industry. I love it when the internet turns shitty corporate marketing on itself.
Here’s my humble contribution 🙂
I lost all respect for Freeman after his garbage comments essentially blaming civil rights activists for racism, and racism and misogyny go hand in hand, so I can’t say I’m surprised. Disgusted, but not surprised.