alpha males beta males cuck elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incel irony alert mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Unrepentant and unreflective, incels celebrate their favorite murderer on “St. Elliot’s Day”

Elliot Rodger fan art

By David Futrelle

In case you thought that all the mainstream media attention they’ve been getting lately might lead some of the internet’s so-called “involuntary celibates” to reflect upon and maybe even reconsider their hateful beliefs, the answer so far seems to be a huge “no.”

On this, the fourth anniversary of Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in Isla Vista, California, the regulars on the forum are enthusiastically celebrating what they call “St. Elliot’s Day” with an assortment of memes and semi-ironic paeans to his alleged greatness — and looking forward to further killing sprees as the “beta uprising” unfolds.

In a thread titled “Happy Isla Vista Day Everyone!!!” one especially prolific commenter called chudur-budur (who has posted nearly 3000 comments since joining the site last November) declared:

Bathe in a pool of starbucks vanilla latte. Cleanse yourself from all your sins. Pray to your lord for forgiveness, because he has sacrificed his life to save us from the plight.

Happy Isla Vista Day!!

Yawmul Isla Vista Mubarak!!

Dozens of other commenters, many of them sporting Elliot Rodger avatars (at least for today) joined in with their own only-semi-ironic hosannas.

“Bless Saint Elliot and his crusade against an evil twisted world,” declared one. “Viva isla vista,” added another.

“i will reread his manifesto in his memory,” yet another promised.

The only note of dissent came from a commenter who lamented that Rodger began his massacre by stabbing his male roommates, whom some incels have decided were incels themselves.

In another thread, forum regular Blackpill101  offered a deadly earnest defense of Rodger’s act of terrorism — and condemned those in the incel world who think that all the talk of “St. Elliot” makes incels look bad and provides fodder for their critics in the press and in the Incel Tears subreddit.

“You are a cuck if you condemn Elliot Rodger’s actions,” he wrote,.

“Muh I don’t wanna seem like a violentcel to those cucktears people! I’m a good boy!”

Elliot Rodger was so fucking justified in his actions to take revenge on society and even save some incels too. He might have not been successful as Alek [Minassian, the Toronto van killer], but he sacrificed himself for sub8 males and incel ideology at large. If you read parts of his manifesto, you’ll realize that he lived a ragefuel life as an ugly, subChad individual. Imagine having a sister and watching her get fucked by Chad daily, while listening to it all. This is what he witnessed. …

Elliot will always remain a martyr to us. We shall praise him for fighting back against the degenerate society that made him hate and “go ER.”

Happy ER day  :)🙂:):):)

In still another thread, a relatively new commenter called VinnyVan made the case that Rodger was not the beta male the world saw him as but rather a true “Alpha Omega.”

Anyone who calls a self loving mass murderer “beta” is a moron. Mass murderers are inherently Alpha because they take out their anger on others and not themselves. That is what sets them apart from tens of thousands of beta males across the world who suicide each year. Elliot killed because he wanted to and he enjoyed every bit of it. He murdered his beta Asian roommates because they were loud, obnoxious and pissed him off. 

I believe that Elliot being beta male is pushed by people who refuse to admit that his looks held him back not confidence. Elliot was full of confidence, he saw himself as better than most guys, better dressed, classier. more intelligent.

In a followup comment, VinnyVan added that Rodger “stabbed 3 people to death in cold blood. That’s not a cowardly way of killing someone.”

Anyone who thinks incels could be somehow fixed if the women of the world were to “give them a chance” and have sex with them clearly has not spent much time listening to them talk amongst themselves.

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Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago


Yeah, emos are sweet and stylish (as are most goths). They may be dark but they’re not violent.
Plus, I’m old so I associate emo with The Cure ?


We have a history of ANZAC glorification here that’s got to be seen to be believed. I was just talking with my students today about a reporter who was fired in 2015, after tweeting something critical about the behaviour of “our troops” in the World Wars. The Prime Minister personally called this guy’s boss to complain.
Also, it’s weird mentioning Yassmin again so soon, and again when talking to you, but she had a similar experience when she posted “Lest we forget” with regard to the asylum-seekers that our govt is still keeping locked up. She copped far worse, being a woman and a Muslim ?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Whenever manurespherians complain about how men are oppressed because they aren’t allowed to use makeup to cover their flaws, I think of Robert Smith and how a line in of The Cure’s songs is “she whispered ‘can I use some of your lipstick?'”

6 years ago

There is a story about when Robert Smith was in Siouxsie and the Banshees, he and one of the other guys kept borrowing Siouxsie’s clothes. She reportedly commented that they didn’t have anything she wanted to wear in return.

6 years ago

@PeeVee the Tired
That’s a beautiful thing. Let’s keep this day in mind for that reason.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@PeeVee the Tired N’awwwwwwwwww. <3

6 years ago

Oh, I was the biggest Cure fan when I was young. I used to do both my make-up and my hair like Robert Smith. <3

6 years ago

Re knives: I reread Stephen King’s “it” a while ago (I’d read it earlier when I was like twelve or so). It struck me as fairly realistic that when Mike is stabbed a single time in the thigh, he begins bleeding like crazy, he ties a belt around his leg to stop the blood flow as best he can and straight away calls an ambulance and he does survive, but it’s a really close call. And I thought that ok this is probably pretty realistic, but way different from how a stab wound in the thigh is usually presented in TV and movies.

6 years ago

Re knives: I reread Stephen King’s “it” a while ago (I’d read it earlier when I was like twelve or so). It struck me as fairly realistic that when Mike is stabbed a single time in the thigh, he begins bleeding like crazy, he ties a belt around his leg to stop the blood flow as best he can and straight away calls an ambulance and he does survive, but it’s a really close call. And I thought that ok this is probably pretty realistic, but way different from how a stab wound in the thigh is usually presented in TV and movies.

It’s important to remember that the femoral artery is in the thigh. If that gets severed, you’ll bleed out in minutes.

6 years ago

You really have to wonder why we test products on innocent animals when people like these are available.

6 years ago

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