By David Futrelle
The MGTOWs of the world, it’s safe to say, didn’t enjoy the royal wedding any more than the white supremacists did. In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are still grousing about it, lamenting that the over-the-top spectacle of it all was giving women hope that they too could land a prince — or, failing that, at least a man with some cash in his bank account.
The royal wedding, one British MGTOW complained, assured ordinary women
that no matter how much of a train wreck you and your life is….you can still fool your dream cash cow in to signing that contract to make him your cash cow for the rest of your life.
Most of the MGTOWs ire, like that of the white supremacists I wrote about on the royal wedding day, has focused on the person of one Meghan Markle, the new Duchess of Sussex.
The white supremacists hate the fact that she’s mixed race. The MGTOWs, well, they hate pretty much everything about her, from her age (an ancient 36!) to her background as an actress to her allegedly inadequate arse. Oh, and they hate the fact she’s mixed race, too.
While most royal-wedding-watchers oohed and ahhed over the photos showing the happy couple looking at one another with obvious adoration, one MGTOW Redditor managed to find one picture of Markle with a slightly strange expression on her face that, in his mind, indicated the presence of pure evil. (It’s the photo at the top of this post, minus the demonic redness I added to it for this post.)
Needless to say, the MGTOW community agreed with this assessment, and then some.
One fellow, whose reach exceeded his grasp, vocabulary-wise, suggested that Markle’s “evil” look was evidence that this golddigger was staking her claim to an exceedingly rich vein of gold.
In another thread on Markle, MGTOW Redditors expressed their astonishment that an actual prince would marry such an allegedly average-looking woman.
No doubt her knees are too pointy as well.
But the alleged longness of Markle’s face was less distressing to Reddit’s MGTOWs than her extremely advanced age. Why on earth would Harry allow himself to be ensnared by a women “pushing 40” — she’s 36 — instead of a 19-year-old virgin of the sort that MGTOWs and other Manospherans fetishize? Why would Harry accept a used woman when he could have gotten one mint-in-box?
Yes, by all means, slip some Islamophobia in there alongside the misogyny.
When one commenter ventured the opinion that she was actually sort of a hottie, he was quickly put straight.
That’s right: Handsome Harry, Afghanistan war veteran and literal prince, is no Chad but rather a betabucks cuck.
A few commenters have convinced themselves that Markle isn’t a “real” woman at all.
Have we covered all the forms of bigotry yet? Not quite, but this little exchange should take care of most of the rest.
Bigotry Bingo!
And then there’s this fellow, who combines a vivid imagination with a somewhat limited understanding of how women conduct their careers.
MGTOWs, so consumed by jealousy and desperate sexual longing that their sour grapes have blue balls.
Because they’re mad that they can’t. And that with Fleshlights, maybe they can, but those things aren’t self-cleaning like an actual vagina.
Basically, they’re mad at everything, and too busy kvetching to ever Just Go Their Own Damn Way Already.
@Citizen Justin:
They do. Their continual Internet foamage demonstrates that on an ongoing basis, 24/7, 365.2425 days a year.
So, fun game: Who wants to guess what word the “WolfgangBreitweit” meant instead of “orifices”? My guesses are either “artifices” or else he was trying with traditional MGTOW grace of language to get at the idea that he’s been enslaved by evil magical vagina.
Women are the MGTOWs’ tar babies. The harder they fight and thrash, the more entangled they become with the very thing they hate the most.
Is this person under the impression that MGTOWs were somehow in the running to be Duchess of Sussex, and Harry went with the cheaper option?
I wasn’t going to go all in for that royal wedding business, but my small-r republican partner is away for work and I had an invite to a royal wedding watching party from some friends who know how to throw a lavish buffet. And it was fabulous. I watched the wedding. I mean yes, I was full of prosecco, but I actually cried. And then after more prosecco I texted my boyfriend and said “Hey, let’s get married next summer” and he said “Sure, why not?”
And then I woke up with a headache the next day and thought wtf? I don’t want to get married next summer when I don’t even know where I’m going to be living and any house we get will probably need significant work on it. I’d rather have a kitchen than a wedding and I don’t think there’s money to do both and I know I don’t have the mental space to do re-fit and wedding and work and parent. And even though I’m planning quite small and simple, I want to throw a party with an open bar, because fuck it – I want to celebrate! So I don’t want to get hitched without the party.
Anyway, I thought it was great. As an American in Britain, I thought it was an amazing mix of cultures and traditions. I thought the couple looked happy and in love without that deer in the headlights look that you see in younger couples sometimes. Meghan’s profile on the Royal Family website says she’s proud to be a woman and a feminist. She and Harry have already supported charities that do important but ‘controversial’ work such as support to poor girls and women during menstruation.
Anyway, the fact that these bozos are all twisted up about it, is just icing on the elderflower and lemon cake.
Can I just say I also love the fact that the dress was a full sleeve – I don’t do lace or sheer sleeves or sleeveless and it’s really hard to find a wedding dress with proper sleeves in plus size. Now they’ll be everywhere!
These sad pointless fucks… No redeeming features whatsoever. Empty dead husks. Zero zilch nothing. They are HB=zero and they deserve nothing but ashes. All that prevents me from saying they should be killed are my principles from which I do not bend.
Sorry if that was a little dark but it’s fundamentally disgusting to read these evil men and their inability to recognise humanity in others. If they ceased to exist the world would lose nothing of value.
Harry’s dad went for the “marrying the young English rose” option. That didn’t seem to be the recipe for wedded bliss. Maybe some MRA types are too young to remember all that …
That’s the Daily Prophet for you…
ChimericMind: I assumed they actually meant ‘orifices’. Pretty gross way of putting it, but then everything about MGTOW is pretty disgusting.
Nequam-The accuracy of that gif never ceases to amaze me. It fits these fools very well. I love it.
Bigots get pissed off at people who say or do things the bigots don’t like…
Mixed-race people are what bigots don’t like
@F is for ‘Fro’:
If I were to guess, and to expand on what Eddie said, I’d believe MGTOWs and assorted other racist people view mixing ethnicities as being part of that whole “white genocide” thing they’re so paranoid about.
Your anger is completely understandable and warranted! There’s no need for you to feel bad! You might want to tone it down a bit so you don’t violate the content policy, though ?
A couple things to chip in:
1) Unlike a lot of left-aligned folk who see the monarchy as a corrupt colonial institution only existing to siphon millions away from critical social services–which it is and does–I still see the value in the tradition of monarchy as an aspect of history, both good and ill. As this wedding has demonstrated, there is a ceremonial pageantry that still has the power to inspire. Despite the British monarchy being far removed here in Canada, I feel it every time I pass the old postal stations since repurposed into Starbucks and McDonald’s–royal monograms still carved into them.
Huh, well if that isn’t symbolism, I don’t know what is. Okay, I’m not selling this well, but the point is that with all the trappings of late stage capitalism–the brand identities, the lifestyle marketing, the custom realities–it’s nice to have something that you look at as a tradition that has carried on since olden times to today. The monarchy inspired much of what Canada was and is. It just needs to have a leash put on its checkbook.
Plus our Governor General is boss.
2) I found the comment that Harry could have quote-unquote “been plowing his way through 20-year-old sluts” rather telling because based on what I remember from the tabloids a decade ago, it seems like that’s exactly what Harry was doing at the time. Clearly he didn’t find the party lifestyle fulfilling once he got to his 30s and found something in Megan Markle that was deeper than whatever connections he made with lovers in Vegas or wherever he was doing the naked billiards.
There’s kind of a “I want this guy’s life!” anger that appears to be drawing the ire of these jackasses, as if Harry was supposed to relish in his youthful excesses and be grateful every day for the privilege that these so-called MGTOWs clearly want but can’t get.
Boy, the jealousy is BEYOND obvious in those posts.
@Citizen Justin; Scoots2; Ms Vanilla Rose:
That’s what I thought of, too. Prince Charles and Diana.
I’m not British, so take the following for what it’s worth – I think that the British monarchy are an amazing link to history.
Has it occurred to anyone that MM didn’t have to gold dig? And that in reality she is giving up a lot to be with Harry? Like for instance ever having a minute to herself in public ever again?
MM was a successful actress on a successful television show. The kind of thing that pays well not only at the time, but in syndication and streaming residuals if I understand correctly. The kind of thing that allows one a beautiful house, possibly near water and security. Nor was her career over, even by the standards of patriarchal capitalism.
Instead she chose to be the most scrutinized woman in the world, at least for the foreseeable future. Those royals have strict rules too. This isn’t an easy life and MM is far too successful, savvy and sophisticated, not to mention smart, to be unaware of the downside. Honestly, as long as you’re willing to live in a mansion rather than a castle what could Harry buy her that she couldn’t buy herself? And as I’ve spent time explaining, the castle comes at a high price. We can only assume, added to the visible evidence that Harry and Meghan love each other.
These MGTOW guys are reprehensible in every way. Even a beautiful, successful woman is labeled a gold digger.
An aside, it struck me while I was writing this, that considering the demands and pressures of royal life, a mature, confident, successful actress isn’t the worst choice to try and cope with the reality.
@ Dormousing_it:
Thanks for the comment on the British Monarchy. Whilst monarchies aren’t perfect (no constitution is) they can at least provide continuity, a focus for national identity (not always a positive thing, I know) and even a living link to ancient heroes/heroines (if you are into that sort of thing.) I can’t help being wary of a system that can spawn the Orange Oaf as a head of state, or has even been subverted elsewhere to produce and/or support even less appealing leaders.
Yup. Partying and having casual sex in your twenties and settling down in your thirties is a very normal life trajectory that manurespherians get all outraged about. Because instead of the reaction everyone else has, which is to realize that young people with lots of energy who aren’t ready to settle down eventually do become ready as they age, they decide that it must be that past the wall sluts with big vaginas are desperate to grab beta bux from a cuck. Despite all the evidence that lots of thirty somethings of all genders and orientations actually want to fall in love, get married, possibly have kids and don’t want to go clubbing every night.
Just want everyone to take note how often Black women and bi-racial Black women get called transgender in these circles. Its a typical racist trope that’s fairly common, accusing Black women of not actually being women, while also enfolding transmisogyny into their base thoughts patterns, as well.
So yeah, they have all the phobic/ism bases covered I guess.
I find calling a biracial black woman a “transgender” personally sickening.
But these guys did not exactly read Dale Carnegie’s book…
Meghan Markle is 5’7. The average Miggie (my little nickname for mgtows) claims to be 6′ or more.
Yet they’re…’scared’, of her.
I find calling a trans person “it” both disgusting and rage-inducing.
I also find it highly amusing that they’re calling a war vet and literal prince a ‘beta cuck’.