alt-right anti-Semitism chad thundercock elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies femoids incel jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels embrace Jordan Peterson after he calls for “enforced monogamy”

Jordan Peterson unleashes his inner incel

By David Futrelle

The “involuntary celibates” who congregate on the forum have previously celebrated such lovely fellows as Toronto van killer Alek Minassian, a self-described incel who murdered ten pedestrians in a symbolic attack against sex-having “Chads and Stacies,” and Elliot Rodger, the incel “saint” whose 2014 murder spree in Isla Vista California helped to inspire Minassian’s rampage.

Now the incels — or at least a portion of them — have a new hero: Canadian self-help guru and angry fussbudget Jordan Peterson,

On Friday. you may recall, the New York Times ran a highly critical profile of Peterson in which the Jung-quoting lobster-hierarchy fetishist offered some thoughts on how to stop young men from taking up guns and vans and massacring as many people as they can. In one of his chats with the Times’ Nellie Bowles — conducted after the Toronto attacks but before Friday’s shooting in Santa Fe — Peterson suggested that the real solution to incel violence is “enforced monogamy.”

Here’s how Bowles described their discussion:

Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married.

“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

Mr. Peterson does not pause when he says this. Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end.

“Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.”

I laugh, because it is absurd.

“You’re laughing about them,” he says, giving me a disappointed look. “That’s because you’re female.”

This is the sort of nonsense you might expect in an incel forum, or from some similarly reactionary manosphere hangout. And so it’s hardly a surprise to see many on hailing Peterson as a new incel idol. The only real question is what took them so long?

In a post yesterday, one prolific commenter brought Peterson’s interview to the attention of his fellow forum regulars, asking “Is Jordan Peterson, our guy?”

More than a few commenters responded with an enthusiastic “yes!”

“What he is saying is exactly what I have always been saying,” declared someone calling himself SaintMarcLepine, the moniker a dark tribute to the Canadian misogynist who murdered 14 women at Montreal’s École Polytechnique in 1989.

RageAgainstTDL was even more enthusiastic:

This is absolutely brilliant. He is forcing mainstream writers and the public to confront the idea of monogamy and explain why feminism has destroyed it for their own chad-hungry desires.

Peterson is contrarian by nature too. He thrives on disagreement. So he won’t let this go. The more feminists argue they have a right to only fuck Chads, the more he will highlight how damaging this is to society.

The tide is turning.

A wannabe philosopher calling himself TheWitchKing pounded out a thousand-word treatise which could be summarized as “lol, Peterson is triggering the femoids.” Here are a few snippets; I’ve removed, among other things, the author’s extended musings on Peterson’s similarity to Loki, the Norse trickster god.

I usually have little use for Peterson or his philosophy, but I can’t help but admire anyone capable of provocation of this magnitude.  … Peterson is striking at one of the most precious values of the modern West: the agency of women when it comes to the matter of sexual selection and reproduction.

With this act Peterson has crossed a kind of threshold … The idea of compulsory monogamy is not some idea that will merely inspire outrage among radical feminists and the members of academia surveying the world from the dizzying heights of their ivory towers. Rather, the idea of enforced monogamy is the stuff of nightmares of every modern daughter of the West. …

Informed by the Enlightenment values that championed the freedom of the individual, the sexual revolution was kind of a dawn for women. What Peterson is suggesting would be tantamount to murdering the light of that new day and plunging women back into the prolonged nightmare they believed that had finally escaped. …

Sadly or happily, depending upon your perspective, the amusement to be had at all of the outraged shrieking is the only good thing that’ll come from Peterson’s scandalous idea.

Mikepence made essentially the same point in a few short sentences:

He really got them riled up with this. Femoids cringe at the thought of being within 10 feet of an ugly guy, she can’t imagine actually being in a relationship with one

It’s almost as though incels are less interested in dating and/or marrying women than they are in terrifying them and/or making them miserable.

Animeincel was equally smitten with Peterson:

Yes he is on our side, and his very very smart. He is just not as aggressive yet cause he know media will slaughter him then. He understands the incel problem 100% and I love him.

Like Animeincel, Weed is convinced that Peterson is an incel ally who can’t quite say that outright just yet:

I think Peterson tries to appear as neutral as possible but deep down he is on our side.

nklfdnblidnfbli wondered if Peterson was directly cribbing from him.

i mentioned enforced monogamy in the incelcast, maybe peterson listened to that and got the idea from me? mainly we need it because almost all girls want only chad and chad is polygynous.

While Peterson was a bit vague as to what he meant by “enforced monogamy,” nklfdnblidnfbli was happy to spell out what he himself meant by the term.

 here’s how i think it should work
– people can opt in or opt out of enforced monogamy
– if they opt in they pay lower taxes and get free basic income from the govt
– marriage laws must first be overhauled so that men aren’t disadvantaged and family courts are fair
– in enforced monogamy people must be married to have sex, and if you get divorced you have to go through a 6 month waiting period where you are not allowed to have sex, this is to discourage people from getting married and then divorced for every hookup

Huh. That seems a bit, er, elaborate, but I guess it might increase the odds that dudes who hate women and love murderers will eventually have sex.

All this said. there were more than a few in the thread who weren’t quite so excited about Peterson’s incel turn. Some were turned off by Peterson’s paeans to self-improvement — incels dislike being ordered to clean up their rooms, Peterson-style, nearly as much as they hate being told they need a shower.

Others thought Peterson was little more than “controlled opposition,” blaming his recent rise to fame on the machinations of, you guessed it, the (((Jews))). (Of course Peterson isn’t Jewish, and while he’s not a Christian either, he’s a big Jesus fan whose beliefs have been described as similar to Kierkegaard’s “Christian existrntialism.”)

“Peterson is a gatekeeper attempting to keep men from turning to far rightwing ideologies to correct their problems,” declared WarriorSkull.

He does warn women that he constantly sees career women … end up in their 30’s desperate for children and unable to secure a man for obvious reasons. This isn’t sufficient to make much of a dent in the direction our culture has and will continue to head, but the jews will continue promoting him as a “safe” alternative to rabid leftism.

ElliotRodgerHere put it more bluntly:

Jordan peterson is a f*ggot judeophile. fuck him, he is popular among the MGTOW cucks

In a later comment he added that Peterson “has a horribly ugly jewish wife.”

Starystulejarz compared Peterson to other alleged tools-of-the-Jews like Alex Jones and … Richard Spencer?!?

he is (((((controlled opposition))))) like alex jones, mark dice, trump, lauren southern, richard spencer, they will tell you 15-50% truths and rest is misinformation to brainwash you and keep you in state which jews want you to be (not to wake up and swallow blackpill fully)

Apparently this sort of conspiracy theorizing is contagious, as I can’t help but wonder myself if this little chorus of anti-Semites, all of them relatively new members on, are part of an alt-right recruitment squad deliberately targeting angry, troubled men.

Another new recruit, a fellow calling himself rabbiter, kicked back hard at the notion that Peterson was “controlled” anything.

People like Jordan Peterson have helped a lot in moving the Overton Window in the last 3 years or so. We need more people like him. Anyone who criticizes him as “controlled opposition” needs to be sent to a North Korean Gulag.

Unfortunately, I think rabbiter is right that Peterson is nudging the Overton Window rightward — and bringing some of the worst ideas that have been floating around in the manosphere into the mainstream. “Enforced monogamy” is probably not the last terrible incel idea Peterson will bring to his growing audience in the next few months and years as he continues to explore his own inner incel.

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6 years ago

If we have to make sure men get married so they won’t go on a murderous rampage, then does that mean “enforced monogamy” will make sure all gay men have partners as well?

6 years ago

Excellent leftist vlogger ContraPoints put out a video about Jordan Peterson earlier this month. I highly recommend it. NSFW*.

*ContraPoints’ aesthetic leans heavily on semi-ironically over-performing decadence. Although IIRC everything in this video is technically safe for work, it’s likely to raise eyebrows.**

** E.g. a scantily clad woman in a bathtub, surrounded by candles, pouring milk onto both herself and a low-quality printout of Jordan Peterson’s face taped to a mannequin.

*** God save the Lobster Queen.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

So wait. These guys need GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE to find a woman?


Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

God Save The Lobster Queen
Long Live Our Lobster Queen
Her – claws – are – ver – ry – big
Dressed – in – a – fan – cy – wig
Thinks – Pe – ter – son’s – a – pig
God Save Our Queeeeeeeen

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago
6 years ago

He really got them riled up with this. Femoids cringe at the thought of being within 10 feet of an ugly guy, she can’t imagine actually being in a relationship with one

This is true…I do cringe when I am within 10 feet of a man with a hideous personality.
However, I am a flesh and blood mammal, so “demoid” (oh hell, I’m keeping that typo) is a little inaccurate.

6 years ago

@Weird Eddie:

It’s white male ENTITLED nonsense… the family belongs to him, he’s responsible for their keep, and his privilege tells him they would be lost without him, so he’s perfectly within his right and his responsibility is to take them with him.

Uff, that’s true. I sit corrected.

And yeah, how feckin’ entitled, indeed. White male nonsense doesn’t get any whiter. Or maler.


God Save The Lobster Queen
Long Live Our Lobster Queen
Her – claws – are – ver – ry – big
Dressed – in – a – fan – cy – wig
Thinks – Pe – ter – son’s – a – pig
God Save Our Queeeeeeeen

Brava! And just in time for Victoria Day, too!

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago

I like the old Firesign Theater joke;

” God save our gracious King
Owner of everything…”

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

That’s awesome news Dvärghundspossen!

6 years ago

Perhaps Petersen was talking about socially enforced monogamy. Who knows? He gave no context surrounding his statement, which is why ambiguity can be read into his statement and the “You misinterpreted him!” card can get pulled. Objectivists pull that move all of the time when someone criticizes Rand.

Sometimes misinterpretation or misunderstanding is the fault of the audience; sometimes it’s the fault of the author. In this instance, it is the latter. Trained sociologist here. If I’m talking about a socially enforced rule – that is, what Durkheim would call a “social fact” – then I am going to damn well be clear about that. Vague theorizing and statements don’t get you green lights from the manuscript review committees – something as an academic Petersen should be more well-aware of.

Derrida was vague too, but at least we have a large body of secondary analysis that is in fairly good agreement about what he was talking about.

6 years ago


My mother told me she had a dream, around the time her divorce from my father was being finalized. She dreamt that a rat was sitting on her chest. I think the symbolism is obvious

That sounds like Sleep Paralysis, a semi waking nightmare. Feelings of having something on one’s chest frequently impacting breathing have been reported since antiquity.

Kit Kat
Kit Kat
6 years ago

Carrie Cutler’s answer (the 1st one) looks at Peterson’s tendency to claim misrepresentation – especially following the Cathy Newman debate.

I’ve also heard him (or possibly his supporters in his name?) claim that the gains of feminism – i.e. the increased work force participation of women (and thus a movement away from mandated domesticity, something which many conservatives seem to be almost irrationally phobic of) has caused things such as wage stagnation and pushed for the necessity of a dual income household.

However, if you’re going to say that feminism’s main effects are a weakened social fabric (re the pill and increased acceptability of birth control / abortion – albeit to a much lesser extent) and a weakened economy (as argued in above paragraph), you would be admitting that the economy and society were dependent on a high level of mandated domesticity / motherhood. This arguement could then be rather similar to arguing that the abolition of slavery in the US resulted in a weakened social fabric and economy. However, if a society and economy are dependent on a mandated and enforced labour (or straight up slavery) carried out by a specific segment of the population, then how desirable is it to maintain that society? I think that when the last question is asked, is when the real characters of those who consider themselves conservatives (in particular) come out.

Disclaimer: Quora isn’t exactly perfect, but I thought that this answer to a Jordan Peterson question may be of some interest.

Sorry for long post.

Kit Kat
Kit Kat
6 years ago

My apologies.

I’ve still not quite worked out how to properly use the link system.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Sleep paralysis is so scary. I’ve only had it once and I hope I never do again. My head was turned to one side, and I felt that if I couldn’t turn away from the door, something was going to come through it and kill me. I was absolutely convinced of it. Eventually I fell back to sleep.

Sleep paralysis seems to behind the incubus and succubus myth, alien abduction claims and a lot of perceived ghost sightings. Brains are so funny.

6 years ago

Chiming in from my lunch break at summer internship:

Congratulations Dvärghundspossen! That is awesome news, and I’m super happy for you and your significant otter. Yay for good jobs and benefits and not having stupid hours. 🙂

Out of time to do anything on topic after reading thread, but job news was too exciting NOT to say anything about.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Congratulations, Dvärghundspossen!

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

A wannabe philosopher calling himself TheWitchKing

6 years ago

Congrats to Dvärghundspossen!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


That’s incredible news. Congratulations to you and best wishes to your husband & posse of hunds!

idli sambar
idli sambar
6 years ago

Peterson’s already walked this back to “I was talking about socially enforced monogamy, not state-enforced”, followed by a lot of evopsych babbling. But that…is what we already have?

We have both. The State most certainly enforces monogamy. Polygamy is illegal.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy


Just saw this now, and did a happy dance in your honour. Fantastic news!

comment image

idli sambar
idli sambar
6 years ago

“Was it really a good thing, for example, to so dramatically liberalize the divorce laws in the 1960s?

I probably have amongst the most conservative views of divorce of anybody posting here due to my cultural upbringing, however I recognize that with easier (but still not easy) divorce access, the people who stay together these days must really want to, at least compared to previously. That’s a good thing, no?

As far as incels thinking the average-cute Beckies who aren’t as hot as Stacie should want to be with them, who says that looks is the only equation in a relationship? Just because 2 people may be 5’s lookswise doesn’t mean they have anything else in common to draw them to one another. Relationships are largely about shared values, long term ones anyway.

Going back through WWTM archives I came across the one about the drunk RoK poster at an AmRen event who got kicked out of a bar for harassing women, repeatedly approaching, “You’re fat and I’m bald. Let’s dance.”

When he was taken back to his hotel room he kept saying “the fat girl had not right to reject me.”

So they’ve got this idea about how if they have a physical flaw and a woman has what they perceive to be a physical flaw, that makes them equals and the women should recognize that and go for them.

How ironic that Matt Forney was part of the crew that went back to the bar and apologized profusely to everyone there for this guy’s behavior and bought a round of drinks for everyone.

I guess white nationalists are worried about getting a bad reputation! LOL.

6 years ago

Feelings of having something on one’s chest frequently impacting breathing have been reported since antiquity.

While this is true, it isn’t always caused by a form of sleep paralysis. Sometimes it’s Felid Dyspnea, a feeling of weight on the chest with accompanying difficulty breathing, which is caused by having a large cat on your chest. It is neither uncommon nor life threatening. It is most often seen in houses where there are cats.