creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incel mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever MRA

Incels debate Texas school shooting: Is Dimitrios Pagourtzis too handsome to be /ourguy?

School shooting suspect Dimitrios Pagourtzis

By David Futrelle

In the wake of today’s school shooting in Santa Fe — which left ten dead and another ten wounded — the mood on is unusually subdued. On the highly active forum for self-described “involuntary celibates,” school shooters and other mass murderers are celebrated as heroes, with Elliot Rodger, who killed six in Alta Vista, California in 2014 as an act of “retribution” against women for rejecting him, regarded as a veritable incel saint.

But nobody on is hailing the Santa Fe shooting suspect, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, as the second coming of ER.

In part that’s because, less than a month after a horrific act of mass murder in Toronto by a self-desctibed incel brought their community more media attention than ever before, users and mods alike are worried that any excessive displays of enthusiasm might lead to their forum being shut down.

And in part that’s because a lot of the regulars on aren’t convinced that Pagourtzis is ugly enough to be a true incel.

Oh sure, there are some who are celebrating Pagourtzis’ alleged gun rampage as an act of heroism in the war against “normies.”

“THE INCEL REBELLION HAS ALREADY BEGUN!” cried one commenter, quoting from the Facebook message posted by Alek Minassian shortly before, police say, he deliberately ran down pedestrians in downtown Toronto, killing ten.

“[L]et us pray for the victims and their families,” another commenter in the same thread wrote sarcastically. “Hopefully they will suffer immensely.”

“A nice surprise for my Friday,” wrote a commenter in another thread devoted to the shootings.

“Fucking based,” added another in the same thread. “I hope the normslime suffered as they drew their last breaths.”

“Very good news” agreed a third, “guy might not have looked traditionally incel but he did rack up a nice score.”

In yet another thread, a commenter took pleasure in imaging the teenage girls likely killed in the rampage. “Take that hypergamous sluts,” he declared.

But not everyone was quite ready to canonize Pagourtzis as the newest incel saint. For one thing, he’s not dead, a fact that led some on the board to mock him as a “pussy” too cowardly to end his rampage with a dignified suicide.

But the real sticking point for many on was that, in their minds, Pagourtzis is simply too conventionally attractive to merit the incel moniker.

“He looks like a high tier normie,” noted one ambivalent commenter, ” but maybe he is a mentalcel.” (That is, someone whose romantic and sexual woes are allegedly caused by their mental problems rather than their looks.)

“This dude has chad looks,” complained another in the same thread. “Just look at his masculine frame, lose big forearms and big wrists and pretty face. Next to him I look like a piece of shit with my skinny fat, manlet body, ugly face, small forearms and wrists like twigs!”

“If I was that good looking I would have never heard of this site,” sniffed a third.

Still, not everyone on is convinced that Pagourtzis is a “high tier normie,” much less one of those hated Chads.

While the alleged shooter isn’t ugly, one commenter noted, he’s also “not a Chad which means he may as well have been ugly. Women make no distinction between a 1/10 and a 5/10. You’re either hot or not.”

Others said they suspected he was a “manlet” — that is, too short to catch the eye of Chad-obsessed Stacies.

Still others detected what they saw as a fatal flaw in his facial structure that would forever disqualify him from female attention. “NEGATIVE CANTHAL TILT,” one commenter thundered. “1 flaw = ITS OVER”

What on earth is “negative canthal tilt,” you may wonder — at least if you’re not an incel or a plastic surgeon. It means that your eyes droop a little at the outer corners. NCT has become something of an obsession with incels trying to find flaws in their own appearance because they refuse to believe the real flaw is in their personality.

Trust me, fellas. The real problem isn’t your looks. It’s literally everything else about you — as your reaction to this tragedy makes very clear.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Uh oh, fellow Stacies and Beckies. I think our Chads our being stolen by Brads. Brad Pitt maybe even

comment image

Good news for incels I guess.

6 years ago

Also, he was a ham:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ scildfreja

Far as I’m concerned he can go walk into the sea

So it was you that threw him in the Hellespont. We’ve told you before about abusing your time travelling abilities.

Brandy Turing
Brandy Turing
6 years ago

WWTH, that was reported in the New York Times yesterday, but it wasn’t an official conclusion from the authorities. It was a statement made by a fellow student.

Kole Dixon, 16, a sophomore, said he was standing outside history class when the fire alarm suddenly went off. He sprinted out a side door, and heard gunshots in rapid succession over the sound of the fire alarm.

When the shooting stopped, Mr. Dixon said that friends told him that the gunman first entered an art classroom, said “Surprise!” and started shooting. The suspect’s ex-girlfriend was among the people shot in that classroom, he said.

6 years ago

@ Scild

You’re right, Byron could be a prize arse. Sometimes I wonder what attracts people to his type.

6 years ago

I’ll admit, I wondered if they’d embrace him. Dude was on the football team. Aka the kind of Chad they usually hate.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Thanks, Brandy Turing.

In this case, I’m deferring to the student over the authorities because the authorities are so often reluctant to connect mass violence with misogyny. Even though mass shooters are much more likely than the general population to have a history of committing partner violence.

6 years ago

Welcome back, Scild. Glad you’re feeling more chipper. 🙂

6 years ago

Byron was such an incredible ass that his daughter was raised as a mathematician so she would be nothing like him (and I’m glad she was, as I’d have to find a different skillset had she not invented the field I’m in).

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


Intermittent reinforcement?

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago


Oh yes. Byron was a dick, no question. Might be why I thought of him in relation to this.

6 years ago

I liked Kate Beaton’s take on Byron.

Citizen Justin
6 years ago

Brit here. I was reading the Daily Mail today at work (yeah, I know, I know, it was the only paper in the canteen, OK?) and the picture for the article was the same one as the one for this entry on We Hunted the Mammoth, except he’d had a white ‘Hillary 2016’ hat photoshopped onto him.

However, it is likely that this was simply (very) sloppy sourcing on the part of the Daily Mail, rather than out of malice towards Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party.

6 years ago

“Very good news” agreed a third, “guy might not have looked traditionally incel but he did rack up a nice score.”

Life must not be anything more than one extended video game playing session for these “incels.”

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago


I do have a rhetorical question. If women were to be doled out to men like any other resource, and forced to have sex with the man they were assigned to …

They could be GIVEN a sex slave… they could be given PornHub’s current #1… and I guaran-fuckin’-TEE YOU they would find something ELSE to bitch about.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

The more and more I see about these incels whining about things like bone structure and canthal tilt, the more and more I am astounded by the mental gyrations these guys go through to blame their troubles on everything but the selves behind the bone structure and canthal tilt.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Dormousing, @Weird . . . Eddie

I do have a rhetorical question. If women were to be doled out to men like any other resource, and forced to have sex with the man they were assigned to …

They could be GIVEN a sex slave… they could be given PornHub’s current #1… and I guaran-fuckin’-TEE YOU they would find something ELSE to bitch about.

And I guarantee you that they would also COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PORNHUB SEX SLAVE THEY WERE GIVEN.

She’s a sex slave. I want a woman who actually wants to be with me.

I don’t want the latest fad.

Everyone’s seen her already.

My online friends say I’m being CUCKED BY MY SEX SLAVE. UNFAIR!

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

I just read an MSN account that said one of his (dead) victims was a girl who had rejected his romantic advances. Her mom said the creep wouldn’t leave her alone, and her daughter finally stood up to him, “embarrassing” him. This sounds quite incel-ish, if true.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

lose big forearms

Assuming that’s meant to say what I think it is, the fuck is a loose forearm? Sounds like something you should see a doctor about. I mean, if your forearm is loose, I think it might be a good idea to get to an emergency room immediately

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

That sounds like some sort of outfit to me not a short guy. Most of the short (still taller than me) guys I know would piss themselves laughing if they were called this

Raven, Nudger of Dead Things and Loremaster of Dark Ugly Places
Raven, Nudger of Dead Things and Loremaster of Dark Ugly Places
6 years ago

Is the photo genuine? He’s got a bisexual pin on his hat…. and that would imply that he either supports bisexuality, or is himself bisexual.

Which isn’t to say that that means he’s not an incel (if anyone is capable of being such an awful person that they strike out with everybody they’ve ever tried to date of any gender, it’s a self-identified incel), but… a bit odd, isn’t it?

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago


That photo is genuine, and yep. You’re right. This adds another layer of mystery to him…

I don’t really think he’s incel, personally.

idli sambar
idli sambar
6 years ago

But the real sticking point for many on was that, in their minds, Pagourtzis is simply too conventionally attractive to merit the incel moniker.

Elliot Rodger was better looking than this guy though.

The pin on his hat looks photoshopped.

And the comments left by the incels are so bereft of empathy I almost can’t believe anyone would even entertain such thoughts, much less type them out.

6 years ago

A man wearing a trump hat and carrying a flag and GUN to the Texas school where the shooting took place. Oh yeah that’s exactly what traumatized teens need. They need to see some guy carrying a gun to their school.

And milo saying if women are nicer to men then they wouldn’t resort to violence. Coming from the same male who thinks SJWs are too sensitive and are entitled snowflakes.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


He’s got a bisexual pin on his hat

Because I often encounter “Urban Dictionary”-type language on WHTM, I thought this was the latest way for a person to claim that they have “gaydar”–but for bisexuals.

I now see that you mean it literally.

But it would be a kickass expression.