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This random incel’s theory on how bone structure determines everything about you will rattle your bones

Chad using his superior bone structure to charm the ladies

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By David Futrelle

In their forums online, where no one can see what they look like, self-described “involuntary celibates” come across as some of the most repugnant human beings that have ever walked the earth. Yet somehow incels think it’s their looks, not their personalities, that drive the women away.

Indeed, one commenter in the Braincels subreddit has managed to convince himself  that personality, for all intents and purposes, doesn’t exist — and that it is actually our bone structure that determines how the world treats us, and how we act.

In a post a week ago, everythingshewants7 set forth the basics of his theory, informing his fellow incels that “[p]ersonality does not exist, and I do not give a shit about it.”

Let’s see if we can follow his unique logic.

People behave the way their environment wants them to behave, and the way people treat them. The way people treat them is based on bonestructure.

Two sentences in and already I feel like I need a flow chart. So the environment takes one look at a person’s bone structure, and then issues a set of instructions as to how other people should treat them? Or does a person’s bone structure tell the environment how it wants people to treat them? Who’s driving this car anyway?

As people can’t resist social pressure, they start behaving according to other people’s expectations.

So a person’s bone structure is some sort of invisible puppeteer that determines people’s expectations, which in turn determine how these people treat the person with that bone structure acts, which determines how that person acts? Again, if someone could draw me a diagram I might understand a bit better.

So, if you look intimidating, people will treat you with respect or fear, and you’ll start to behave like the tough guy.

Well, ok, that make a certain sense. I mean, look at this intimidating-looking apex predator fearlessly attacking a much larger enemy.

Tremble before this kitten’s SUPERIOR BONE STRUCTURE!

Meanwhile, ladies use their not-so-intimidating bone structure to trick the world into thinking that they’re not evil sluts.

If you look innocent as a woman, people will think you’re girlfriend material and a nice person. You start to behave according to these expectations. Not only do you start to behave like that, you will perceive yourself as a nice, caring woman.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world she was girlfriend material.

What does this mean? It means personality is a social construction, and nothing else.

Wait, personality is socially constructed? I thought it was determined genetically by a person’s bone structure.

It basically does not really exist. Since I know this, I don’t give a shit about people’s personality anymore.

So bone structure is socially constructing something that doesn’t exist. Got it.

There’s nothing as fake and constructed as personality. You see a nice feminine woman, and you think she’s girlfriend material. Most likely, she’s the biggest slut of all, forcing [her] to lead a double life.

Wait, so bone structure only determines personality (which doesn’t exist) when a person is on their best behavior in public? It doesn’t affect their real personality (which also doesn’t exist, I presume)?

Behind closed doors, she’s being fucked by one chad after the other.

I should have known that the dastardly Chad was going to make his inevitable appearance. Damn you, Chad! Damn you all to hell!

When she steps out of the door, she plays her role. This is our so called ‘civilized society’. Nothing, nothing you see is real.


I think I might have to lie down for a while.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

NOTE TO READERS: Sorry I haven’t been able to post for several days; I re-injured my back and the combination of back pain and my chronic headaches kind of did a number on me. Feeling a bit better today. Thanks for you patience!

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Schnookums von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
6 years ago

Incels: From Sad Boners to Sad Bonerstructures

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Yet another school shooting. This time in TX. 8 dead, supposedly. It’s come to the point where my first thought was “is this an incel or a MAGA?”

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

8 dead in the Sante Fe High School shooting.


6 years ago

I got a crisp clean new Macdonald note that says “incel.” Place yer bets, place yer bets….. *sigh* Just listening to President Fuckweasel wax poetic about is enough to make the blood boil. Blue wave, Mueller, somebody get these fucksticks out of office, and get it done yesterday….

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

Some select quote from the ABC newsfeed* that came over my phone about this:

“It has been happening everywhere. I wasn’t surprised it happened here,” one student told KTRK. “I was just scared. I just kept running.”

“I’m scared to even go back,” said one student, crying. “It’s just not something that you should feel throughout the day, being scared. Especially somewhere where we say the Pledge of Allegiance.”

School shootings have “been going on too long in our country,” President Trump said today from the White House.
“Too many years, too many decades now, we grieve for the terrible loss of life and send our support and love to everyone affected by this absolutely horrific attack,” he said.

According to this article, the shooting took place in art class, and the shooter and one other is in custody. Over/under on the race/gender of the shooter being white male, and on when people start proposing cutting art classes to cut down on shooting incidents?

*I’d link the article, but this is from a phone feed, and there was no link to copypaste here. 🙁

6 years ago

Incel or other alt right. I guarantee it.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
6 years ago

According to this article, some rando idiot in a MAGA hat showed up at the school with a pistol and a flag as the shooting was still going on. The police stopped him, fortunately. Bet the asshole thought he was “helping.” Or worse, maybe he was there to say “but muh 2nd Amendments!” *sigh*

When will it end?

6 years ago

I’m so glad that you’re feeling a little bit more capable, Dave!!! This post made me laugh out loud multiple times, and not only because the kitten here has quite the superior bone structure indeed. I wish human bones healed as well as cat bones 🙁

((to be clear. My bones remain intact. My partner on the other hand, seems to have had insufficient bones to handle the impact)).

6 years ago

The NYT took another bite of the Peterson apple, but this one doesn’t look all that favourable to Peterson… or his supporters.

Key excerpt:

Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married.

“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

Mr. Peterson does not pause when he says this. Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end.

“Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.”

I laugh, because it is absurd.

“You’re laughing about them,” he says, giving me a disappointed look. “That’s because you’re female.”


Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

Methinks the OP thinks Skeleton Man! is a real thing….

Skeleton Man- The Axis of Awesome

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, the shooter posted Nazi iconography and got his weapons from his dad. I guess he’s a MAGA.

Right wingers are already spreading photo shopped pictures of him with a Hilary Clinton hat and claiming he was antifa. Because of course they are.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Katamount Peterson obviously doesn’t count the men who are laughing at him, either. “BETA CUCKS ARGLBLARGLE!!!”

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

I will admit that my first thought about all the ‘personality is a social construct’ stuff was that it really boiled down to:
“You are all NPCs and extras from Central Casting, and I can tell what you are just by looking at you because people like you are only cast for the roles I expect.”

It’s not even necessarily misogyny (though it’s that, too); it’s straight up assuming that Hollywood stereotype casting is reality.

idli sambar
idli sambar
6 years ago

I have something to say about this “enforced monogamy”. I’m part Indian (dot, not feather, and yes that’s what we actually say in jest), anyway, arranged marriage/enforced monogamy makes up most of the marriages in India even today. As far as benefits, there are some, but it’s a mixed bag despite the low divorce rates in India. We all know that just because a marriage lasts a lifetime it doesn’t mean it was a lifetime of love.

“Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end.”

Bull. The whole reason hypergamy was enforced in India from ancient times is precisely because women do not always or even often naturally go for mates who are the most high-status or even a status higher than they are. Arranged marriage norms came about so women would marry men of their own status or higher. By the way I’m using “hypergamy” in the original way it was used, not the way the Stupidsphere uses it. If you wiki “hypergamy” India’s arranged marriage system is used as an example of precisely this and I can say that it is still going on, largely unchecked.

Even with this system there are still men who do not marry. Some don’t want to and others’ parents simply cannot find a suitable match who’s family agrees to the arrangement. Then you have the unfortunate situations where gay people are “enforced monogamy” arranged to opposite sex partners and that creates so much grief all around. Then you have people who just don’t want to marry for whatever reasons and they are practically forced to.

Peterson knows crap-all about enforced marriage.

It would be better for incels to take up a practice like meditation or some sort of spiritual path that can help them to accept their life situation and make peace with it. Celibacy as in Buddhist, Hindu or Christian monkhood wasn’t created just for voluntary celibates. It’s also a kind of refuge for those who cannot find mates.

6 years ago


Right wingers are already spreading photo shopped pictures of him with a Hilary Clinton hat and claiming he was antifa. Because of course they are.


According to one PeeVee retweeted, yon fool Cernovich is involved in this BS too:

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@Jenora: it’s straight up solipsism, is what it is.

Meanwhile, over at Counterpunch there’s a TERF denying he’s a TERF and then going on to erase the experiences of every transperson who experienced a vast improvement in their happiness and mental health after taking HRT…

6 years ago

Sorry to hear about your back pain. In case you haven’t heard of this, you can take acetaminophen with ibuprofen at the same time for a better effect. Here is an article explaining that it’s safe:

I hope you feel better.

6 years ago

It would be better for incels to take up a practice like meditation or some sort of spiritual path that can help them to accept their life situation and make peace with it. Celibacy as in Buddhist, Hindu or Christian monkhood wasn’t created just for voluntary celibates. It’s also a kind of refuge for those who cannot find mates.

I really hope they don’t “make peace” with their situation.

Their situation is hating women for choosing to date the people they want to date, rather than being forced to date violent, abusive men.

Their situation is fantasizing about killing sprees to get back at the world for existing in a way they don’t approve of.

Their situation is worshipping mass killers, especially those who targeted women.

Their situation is wanting women dead or enslaved.

I hope they never come to peace with that.

6 years ago


Well, attitudinally, anyway. Legally, he’s married and has a daughter.

I feel sorry for both those womenfolks. He must be such fun at parties (she said, dripping snark all down her housecoat…)

Oh! And he’s also been charged with professional sexual misconduct (and more than once!) in his capacity as a working shrink. I’m sure you’re all shocked, SHOCKED to learn that, eh?

6 years ago

Almost as shocked as I am to learn that it’s all being swept under the table while he gets to self-report on his progress . . .

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh, look. I see someone is still pushing fake ass bullshit about how some incels are good people.

I remain so annoyed that I’m a megabitch if I don’t walk around with a giant grin on my face at all times, but men can celebrate murder and rape and be considered sympathetic figures.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What the everlasting fuck? How is that even legal?

Teachers are often (though not always) great, but on an administrative and state/district policy level, it seems like schools are increasingly set up to prime students for either prison or shitty jobs where every little movement is monitored and controlled. Learning? Not so much.

idli sambar
idli sambar
6 years ago

“If you don’t [smile] you get called to the office or down to see your guidance counselor,” Julianna said. “You have to talk about your problems then. You have to, or you get detention.”

Maybe it’s a misguided attempt at trying to get students to open up and talk about their problems so they can work through them?

6 years ago

Are you seriously defending this rule?