men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs: We don’t hate women! Also MGTOWs: Learning to hate women is the best thing to happen to me!

How MGTOWs see themselves .NOTE: No one else sees them this way.

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By David Futrelle

Do MGTOWs hate women? It’s not a difficult question for most of those who’ve ever encountered the MGTOWs to answer. (The answer, by the way, is “yes.”)

But MGTOWs themselves have some trouble with the question. On the one hand, they would like the world to believe that they don’t hate women. On the other, they really really really fucking hate women.

We can see this, er, tension play out in the following two comments from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Call it a Tale of Two MGTOWNs.

MGTOW is peace

In a recent thread devoted to the (more apparent than real) differences between so-called MGTOWs and so-called Incels (“involuntary celibates”), a fellow called Ed_Moy insisted:

MGTOW is a peaceful walking away from co-habitation, dating and relationships with women. We realize the game is rigged to our disadvantage, so we choose not to play anymore and focus on making ourselves better versions of what we currently are. There is more to life than just fucking and marriage and kids and the “white picket fence” life.

INCEL’s are bitter and furious that the game is rigged and have stormed off, preferring that the game change so they can enter it again with an advantage in the dating and relationship realm. They want to fuck and are mad they can’t or it’s so much harder to do so in today’s climate.

HUGE DIFFETENCE between the two.

MGTOW is peace, we don’t hate women. We feel sad that both genders have been sold a bad bill of goods on how life works in 1st world cultures, and are walking away from it all to find a better path in life.

This comment got a positive response from the r/MGTOW regulars, earning 22 upvotes.

“Learning to hate women is the best thing to happen to me”

Some months earlier, a MGTOW calling himself ancap-biochemist had a rather different story.

Ever since embracing misogyny my life has become something I can be proud of. My career has taken off, I’m in great shape, my finances are solid, I’m more well rested, better fed, my sexual gratification became better*, I’m more focused, happier, and more philosophically grounded in reality.

. * When I was still sleeping with women (which I’ve made a conscious choice to never do again earlier this month, after a risky ONS) – there was a marginal increase in my enjoyment of sex. When I used to masturbate (I’m also trying the no-fap thing in addition to celibacy, since early this month) it was also more enjoyable with more misogyny.

Mr. ancap-biochemist then took what he called “a quick digression into celibacy/no-fap” that involved discussion of the “sperm retention thing” that I think we can safely skip because ew.

Returning to the topic of hating women – it is the best thing to have happened to me because, I think, that women are a disappointment regarding virtues. They’ve been sold as a panacea for all of men’s ills (she will civilize you, make you food, clean your house, give you a moral foundation, massage your sore muscles, listen to your problems, blah, blah, blah). The Woman TM wonder-drug is like heroine [sic] … pretty soon you’re spending all your time and money supporting a drug habit.

And, make no mistake, love is a drug. Love will blind and stupefy a man into taking a bad deal.

Think about the following; nature endowed men with a survival advantage for using their wits in a hunter-kind-of-way. …

The love-drug lowers a man’s IQ to that of the woman (or lower). All that beautiful women see are idiot men. When the men leave the women they become expert hunters and survivors who have brought nature herself into submission, and cracked the very atoms which constitute the [or “a”] fabric of our material existence. Men are smart, but not around women.

Hating women has reversed that weakness which was required to continue the species.

Hating women has made me a stronger person… because, let’s face it – there’s a lot to hate, and women make you weak. …

Women love powerful men, and fuck them readily… and if a man (unburdened by women) is free to excel due to his natural advantages and without his natural inhibitions … then he becomes the “alpha” male – women reactively lubricate their vaginas and accelerate ovulation toward the man who has become strong thereby, and their husbands become jealous. …

The freedom and strength is too great of a reward not to raise a middle finger toward those cucks and tell their whores to fuck off.

My life is too great to give up. And hate (toward such an ugly thing as woman/white-knights) can be the most healthy response a man can have.

This post also got a positive response from the r/MGTOW regulars, earning 94 upvotes.

In other words, MGTOWs seem to agree that they both don’t hate and do hate women.

Let’s just split the difference and say that they really fucking do hate women.

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F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

@ Rabid Rabbit–

*Adjusts horn-rimmed spectacles and tightens bow-tie*

…That image is from DC’s Young Romance, issue #159. Yes, the comic reads just as you’d expect– the very definition of corny. 🙂

tim gueguen
6 years ago

Ed_Moy’s comment sounds suspiciously like those from some on the racist right, who will argue that a White Nationalist is a different thing form a White Supremacist, and that they just want a place for their own people.

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
6 years ago


Just checked my tickets from flying back from USA last monday – no middle name. I travel a lot, and never even think about middle name on tickets (I assume it usually isn’t)

My advice for reducing travel stress (Mrs IBH also suffers) – give yourself plenty of time, then USE it.

Much stress comes from feeling you have to rush everything, and the subsequent feeling you must have forgotten somthing. And nothing causes stress better than a delayed journey to the airport if you are short of time.

Make every movement slow and deliberate. Don’t feel you have to rush from one place to the other. Don’t worry about being slow for other people, just take the time you need to feel comfortable.

EG Get out of the taxi, leave the door open until you’ve taken time to check you have everything you need, then goodbye and close the door.

At the security line, take the time you need to put things in the plastic containers – don’t rush – slow and deliberate. Before you go through the scanner, take the time to pat pockets, to be sure you got everything, then walk slowly through. On the other side take the time you need to repack bags. Each time you move from one place to the other, take all the time you need to check you have everything with you. (A small written checklist of things helps here – passport, tickets/boarding pass, phone, purse/wallet, jacket etc etc.)

Take time to check screens for boarding gates and boarding times. Then also ask at info desk to double check you have it right.

Always move slowly and deliberately. Pause and breathe calmly before each activity. Even if you don’t feel it, decide you are calm (easier said than done, I know 🙂 )

All this is possible if you give yourself an extra couple of hours for the pre flight stuff. You’ll then find you have time to kill between everything being done and boarding – use it to relax with whatever calming drink you prefer, in the nicest cafe you can find.

6 years ago

@sunnysombrera – above seems very good travel advice. I suffer from severe travel anxiety. It’s part of the reason that I haven’t been back to the US in about 6 years (recent election of the orange dumpster hasn’t helped, but I think that just gives me another layer of excuse). In fact, the whole airport ordeal has become nearly unbearable for me. I haven’t flown anywhere for pleasure in a number of years – because I get NO pleasure from it. (I have for business).

I’m starting to think about it again because instead of having a life partner who refused to give me extra time or made fun of my travel anxiety, I have a partner who is supportive and understanding. But i’m unlikely to do so anytime soon as we now have no money (not as bad as it sounds, money tied up in sorting housing and then a wedding).

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ F is for ‘Fro’;

…That image is from DC’s Young Romance, issue #159.

Get your NERD on!!!

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

The impulse to criminalize, attack, erase, shame, and pathologize the bodies of those who represent a disruption to the moralistic white supremacist norms of our world is powerful, but the beauty of our disruption is more powerful.

6 years ago

AV Club lays a further smackdown on the Dim Web chock full of comedic meme glory.

Easily my favourite sentence:

This list includes all the standard Titans Of Logic: Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, and many other assorted buzzards pecking at the corpse of human decency.

6 years ago

Thank you so much to all who posted the takedowns of Bari Weiss’s article.

I didn’t read the original one but I’ve been having some shitty days and it cheered me up to read those responses.

Also reminded me of the severly-wtf memestorm on “based mom”, but then, I just love when David makes post about memes. They make my day, every time.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Katamount;

thanx, I needed that

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

Another take on the crying jag the right-wing “ignollectuals” are having….

It’s obvious (got to be obvious even to them, Weiss wrote her b.s. in the New York Times fer chrissake…) that they’re not being “silenced”… though the voice of opposition is loud and sustained, and they no longer have the social capital to silence it.

What’s also obvious is they are no longer the voice of opposition, as the president, the congress, and the (former) supreme court are all itching to implement the conservative’s reactionary agenda.

Could it be, that the Sam Harrises, the Ben Shapiros, even the Tomi Lahrens, Megyn Kellys and Bari Weisses… have suddenly developed that uncomfortable feeling that… they’re no longer needed…??

After all, these fools paint themselves as the “intelligentsia” of the right-wing, and, as we all know, the LAST thing the bigot base is going to suffer to live is an intellectual (well, next-to-last, after a gender-non-conforming person… and after a non-christian… and after a non-white… and after — but you get my point). With the current power structure camped well behind right-wing lines, maybe the ignollectuals are feeling a little bit… unnecessary?

from the 1980’s Battlestar Galactica pilot…

Imperious Leader:
We thank you for your help, Baltar. Your time is at an end.

No! You can’t! You still need meAAAAAAARRRRGHHH!

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

Could it be, that the Sam Harrises, the Ben Shapiros, even the Tomi Lahrens, Megyn Kellys and Bari Weisses… have suddenly developed that uncomfortable feeling that… they’re no longer needed…??
After all, these fools paint themselves as the “intelligentsia” of the right-wing,

When did Sam Harris become right wing? I’m not a regular listener to his podcasts, especially lately. Did I miss a turn he made?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Alan

Is it dark? No. It has quite a bit of white space, actually.


(emphasis mine)

still, in the 1940’s/50’s, the mere mention of “civil rights” would not only get you canned from your professorship (and at Yale, not Evergreen State), but also placed on an “informal list” of persona non grata…. That was surely ok with the predecessors of today’s ignollectuals.

6 years ago

‘…having been denied the more public platform of a professorship at a college you never heard of.’


6 years ago

Something to read…

It appears some “red pill” “relationship counselor” is suing Reddit:

I have not read this thoroughly yet, got hung up on the word “praxeology”.

6 years ago

I once read Sam Harris book on free will, because some people told me “oh you work on free will? You gotta read this new super interesting book by Sam Harris!”

It goes roughly like this:
First he defines “free will” (not in an explicit definition, but a definition does emerge from the text anyway) as something completely, utterly impossible.
He claims that “ordinary people” think that we have free will in this completely, utterly impossible sense, despite the fact that there’s actual research showing that most people do not have such strange beliefs.
He then goes on to say that science has proven that free will in this sense doesn’t exist, despite the fact that if you define “free will” the way Harris does, it’s obviously impossible and any science becomes redundant.
He goes on to completely mis-characterize philosophical schools on free will, because apparently it was too hard to learn what they were actually about.
In the final part of the book he goes on about how “we” never have any clue why we do anything. Maybe you should speak for yourself only…

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago


When did Sam Harris become right wing?

I believe he went over to the Dark Side after the Elevatorgate controversy, tho reading his work, he has always been very much the “I’m right, you’re stupid” school (not implying that school is exclusively right-wing, but they do very much rely on it as a tool if argument). He had some podcast stuff about how “lady brains” just couldn’t grasp his deep, intricate skeptic logic.

His anti-religion might be unpalatable to the bigot base, but his raging sexism and entitlement are right in their wheelhouse.

After the ladybrain fiasco, there was a song on a blog mocking him… anyone remember/have link?

That’s about the same time (and same subject, Rebecca Watson n SkepChick) that Richard Dawkins shit the nest…

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

Meanwhile, the NRA has appointed a convicted criminal who sold guns to Iran as its new president.

I mean, he’s a gun-runner, so of course they’re going to like him, but have they not considered the optics? Now everyone in favor of gun control can start their discussions with the phrase “The NRA’s criminal president.” And just as right-wingers are popping the champagne because Cheeto’s single-handedly starting a war in the Middle East, the NRA’s run by a guy who dealt with the bad guys.

Though I do like North calling proponents of gun control terrorists and suggesting that gun owners are like African-Americans in the civil rights era.

6 years ago

He had some podcast stuff about how “lady brains” just couldn’t grasp his deep, intricate logic.

Lol ok so that’s why I thought his book on free will was crap!

6 years ago

First he defines “free will” (not in an explicit definition, but a definition does emerge from the text anyway) as something completely, utterly impossible.

…He then goes on to say that science has proven that free will in this sense doesn’t exist, despite the fact that if you define “free will” the way Harris does, it’s obviously impossible and any science becomes redundant.

I’m reminded of a discussion where someone’s “proved” that the supernatural does not exist. It went as follows:

“Supernatural” means anything that is not part of the natural world.
“The natural world” means everything that exists.
Therefore, “the supernatural” does not exist.

6 years ago

A interesting fight among the rightwings. Vox Day is attacking Jordan Peterson.
Should we get popcorn or should we be worried that that helps one of them?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

“Supernatural” means anything that is not part of the natural world.
“The natural world” means everything that exists.
Therefore, “the supernatural” does not exist.

That’s actually Carl Sagan, from the original Cosmos (book)….

It’s kinda like Windows “Help”… absolutely correct, but meaningless in any context.

6 years ago

I am so happy about the seagulls in the illustration supplementing this post. So happy. It’s the sprinkles on the turd cake that is the drawing of that angry dude. So apropos. So seagull.

That being said…

*runs over to Theo Beale’s bog, I mean blog, to witness alleged attack*

6 years ago

I have it from Camestros Felaptons blog, should be a better source for the stomach of the people here.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Rabid Rabbit;

Meanwhile, the NRA has appointed a convicted criminal who sold guns to Iran as its new president.

and sez the new prez (regarding the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting survivors)…

“They call them activists. That’s what they’re calling themselves. They’re not activists — this is civil terrorism. This is the kind of thing that’s never been seen against a civil rights organization in America,” he said.

“You go back to the terrible days of Jim Crow and those kinds of things — even there you didn’t have this kind of thing,” he said. “We didn’t have the cyberwar kind of thing that we’ve got today.”

content warning: enraged ranting to follow….




fucking moron