men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs: We don’t hate women! Also MGTOWs: Learning to hate women is the best thing to happen to me!

How MGTOWs see themselves .NOTE: No one else sees them this way.

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By David Futrelle

Do MGTOWs hate women? It’s not a difficult question for most of those who’ve ever encountered the MGTOWs to answer. (The answer, by the way, is “yes.”)

But MGTOWs themselves have some trouble with the question. On the one hand, they would like the world to believe that they don’t hate women. On the other, they really really really fucking hate women.

We can see this, er, tension play out in the following two comments from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. Call it a Tale of Two MGTOWNs.

MGTOW is peace

In a recent thread devoted to the (more apparent than real) differences between so-called MGTOWs and so-called Incels (“involuntary celibates”), a fellow called Ed_Moy insisted:

MGTOW is a peaceful walking away from co-habitation, dating and relationships with women. We realize the game is rigged to our disadvantage, so we choose not to play anymore and focus on making ourselves better versions of what we currently are. There is more to life than just fucking and marriage and kids and the “white picket fence” life.

INCEL’s are bitter and furious that the game is rigged and have stormed off, preferring that the game change so they can enter it again with an advantage in the dating and relationship realm. They want to fuck and are mad they can’t or it’s so much harder to do so in today’s climate.

HUGE DIFFETENCE between the two.

MGTOW is peace, we don’t hate women. We feel sad that both genders have been sold a bad bill of goods on how life works in 1st world cultures, and are walking away from it all to find a better path in life.

This comment got a positive response from the r/MGTOW regulars, earning 22 upvotes.

“Learning to hate women is the best thing to happen to me”

Some months earlier, a MGTOW calling himself ancap-biochemist had a rather different story.

Ever since embracing misogyny my life has become something I can be proud of. My career has taken off, I’m in great shape, my finances are solid, I’m more well rested, better fed, my sexual gratification became better*, I’m more focused, happier, and more philosophically grounded in reality.

. * When I was still sleeping with women (which I’ve made a conscious choice to never do again earlier this month, after a risky ONS) – there was a marginal increase in my enjoyment of sex. When I used to masturbate (I’m also trying the no-fap thing in addition to celibacy, since early this month) it was also more enjoyable with more misogyny.

Mr. ancap-biochemist then took what he called “a quick digression into celibacy/no-fap” that involved discussion of the “sperm retention thing” that I think we can safely skip because ew.

Returning to the topic of hating women – it is the best thing to have happened to me because, I think, that women are a disappointment regarding virtues. They’ve been sold as a panacea for all of men’s ills (she will civilize you, make you food, clean your house, give you a moral foundation, massage your sore muscles, listen to your problems, blah, blah, blah). The Woman TM wonder-drug is like heroine [sic] … pretty soon you’re spending all your time and money supporting a drug habit.

And, make no mistake, love is a drug. Love will blind and stupefy a man into taking a bad deal.

Think about the following; nature endowed men with a survival advantage for using their wits in a hunter-kind-of-way. …

The love-drug lowers a man’s IQ to that of the woman (or lower). All that beautiful women see are idiot men. When the men leave the women they become expert hunters and survivors who have brought nature herself into submission, and cracked the very atoms which constitute the [or “a”] fabric of our material existence. Men are smart, but not around women.

Hating women has reversed that weakness which was required to continue the species.

Hating women has made me a stronger person… because, let’s face it – there’s a lot to hate, and women make you weak. …

Women love powerful men, and fuck them readily… and if a man (unburdened by women) is free to excel due to his natural advantages and without his natural inhibitions … then he becomes the “alpha” male – women reactively lubricate their vaginas and accelerate ovulation toward the man who has become strong thereby, and their husbands become jealous. …

The freedom and strength is too great of a reward not to raise a middle finger toward those cucks and tell their whores to fuck off.

My life is too great to give up. And hate (toward such an ugly thing as woman/white-knights) can be the most healthy response a man can have.

This post also got a positive response from the r/MGTOW regulars, earning 94 upvotes.

In other words, MGTOWs seem to agree that they both don’t hate and do hate women.

Let’s just split the difference and say that they really fucking do hate women.

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Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

There is more to life than just fucking and marriage and kids and the “white picket fence” life.

Right, there’s also endlessly posting hate-filled rants and memes.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

and chocolate! don’t forget chocolate!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

They’ve been sold as a panacea for all of men’s ills (she will civilize you, make you food, clean your house, give you a moral foundation, massage your sore muscles, listen to your problems, blah, blah, blah).

This is patriarchy in a nutshell.

The answer to this bullshit is not to believe that women are terrible. It’s to realize that women are human beings. Not a miracle drug that exists to solve men’s problems. Not a horrible, destructive and addictive drug that brings men to ruin. Just human beings. Why is this such a difficult concept?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

Why is this such a difficult concept

I think it’s because they really, really want to believe in the “woman is the miracle drug” idea

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

Tango through the tangle of wretched contradictions
Sashay your merry way through two-faced lies
With a dance so macabre, you’d be tempted to sob
If it didn’t already burn your eyes

Nothing to respect and everything to side-eye
Where truth is hard to pin down
So pack your haz-mat suits, they’ll already think you’re in cahoots
But there ain’t a king from which to steal a crown

6 years ago

I want to bleach my eyes. The New York Times had an article about the Intellectual Dark Web – it’s as though MRA tenticles are spreading everwhere.

6 years ago

she will civilize you, make you food, clean your house, give you a moral foundation, massage your sore muscles, listen to your problems, blah, blah, blah

You’re describing the relationship between a little kid and his mother. Eventually the kid grows up, and his expectations mature.

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

MGTOW is a peaceful walking away from co-habitation, dating and relationships with women. We realize the game is rigged to our disadvantage, so we choose not to play anymore and focus on making ourselves better versions of what we currently are. There is more to life than just fucking and marriage and kids and the “white picket fence” life.

See if this was all there was to it, there wouldn’t be any fucking problems.

There’s nothing wrong with “peaceful walking away” from dating or relationships, and realizing that there’s more to life than the nuclear family “american dream”.

But that’s not where the issue lies. The issue is that they won’t go their own fucking way already, they just want to sit there and whine and kvetch about how women are the cause of all their perceived problems with society as a whole, instead of looking at the actual, factual causes.

Instead of going “Huh, looks like patriarchy, capitalism, racism, and all these other things are pretty bad and harmful.” They just double down on the misogyny because many women have had the same idea as they did about “peacefully walking away” from traditional relationships and they’re mad about it.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

We realize the game is rigged to our disadvantage, so we choose not to play anymore and focus on making ourselves better versions of what we currently are. There is more to life than just fucking and marriage and kids and the “white picket fence” life.

How odd that anytime women say the exact same thing men like these label them “evil feminazis”. Could it be … hypocrisy?!

When the men leave the women they become expert hunters and survivors who have brought nature herself into submission, and cracked the very atoms which constitute the [or “a”] fabric of our material existence.

Ten’ll get you one it turns out there were a bunch of women who made important but undersung contributions to the Manhattan Project.

(google google…)

Yup. 🙂

Wouldn’t be surprised if women sometimes hunted the mammoth, too.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

The authors argue that sexual equality may have proved an evolutionary advantage for early human societies, as it would have fostered wider-ranging social networks and closer cooperation between unrelated individuals.

“Sex equality suggests a scenario where unique human traits, such as cooperation with unrelated individuals, could have emerged in our evolutionary past.”


and this:

Modern humans formed an alliance with wolves soon after we entered Europe, argues Shipman. We tamed some and the dogs we bred from them were then used to chase prey and to drive off rival carnivores, including lions and leopards, that tried to steal the meat.

“Early wolf-dogs would have tracked and harassed animals like elk and bison and would have hounded them until they tired,” said Shipman. “Then humans would have killed them with spears or bows and arrows.

Nope, wolves hunted the mammoth….

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

When the men leave the women they become expert hunters and survivors who have brought nature herself into submission

*Citation required.

What natural forces have men dominated?

Wind? Hurricanes and tornadoes still happen, so I guess that’s a no.
Water? Drought and flood still happen, I guess that’s another no.
Fire? Heatwaves still happen, and you sure as hell can’t do a damn thing about volcanoes, so no again.
Earth? Earthquakes, ’nuff said.
Gravity? Nope.

On the other hand I can name one thing that men have done to “nature herself”, you’ve raped her.

6 years ago

women reactively lubricate their vaginas and accelerate ovulation

You caught us, women actually have control over all of our bodily functions including ovulation. We only have them to make men angry.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

The only thing I’m accelerating is my urge to vomit. And if these numpties really were focusing on improving themselves as much as they claim they are, why is so much of their valuable improvement time spent spewing on the intarwebs about how women are the fount of all evil?

The mind, it is stumped.

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
6 years ago

Because I am a man, naturally I am very, very good at maths, as all men are. (I am terrible at maths. There are a few STEM subjects I can get through, but mostly I’m a humanities boy from day 1.)

I do, however, know that 94 is more than four times 22.

I mean, we’ll give the older thread some points for veterancy, but it seems like in the contest between “we don’t hate women” and “HATING WOMEN IS BEST”, misogyny is currently on its victory lap.

…Or rather mysogyny. I try not to pick on people’s spelling errors (in public, anyway; I judge in private and then remind myself it’s not a big deal and communication and classism), but that one’s ALWAYS there. It’s started to haunt me a little.

6 years ago

If men are so much better off without women, how come many powerful CEOs and world leaders and influential celebrities have wives/girlfriends? MGTOWs once again blaming women for their own life troubles.

On another note, DAE get really really really anxious before travelling? Like, so-anxious-I-could-cry anxious? I’m flying out on Friday afternoon and the thought of having to manage getting to the airport in the first place is just the start of my nerves. Things could go wrong. I already need to call British Airways tomorrow morning since my middle name is on my passport but not my ticket (since they don’t ask for it) and I don’t want to be blocked from flying for that small error.

They’ll probably charge me a fee to change it as well. ?

Sorry. Feelings dump over.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

women reactively…accelerate ovulation toward the man

I’m picturing a tiny egg laying rubber inside the Fallopian tube as it goes from 0 to hypergamy in 60 seconds. Sometimes more than 1 egg gets released and they drag race.

During an IVF cycle, it’s like NASCAR in there.

And, make no mistake, love is a drug.

Hate is a drug too. A strongly potent and addictive drug. It gets in the way of change.

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
6 years ago

While we’re at it, as Buttercup Q. Skullpants dredges out: “And, make no mistake, love is a drug.”

Roxy Music or Grace Jones?

6 years ago

“… she will civilize you, make you food, …”

This inspired me to grill up a mess o’ cheeseburgers, (plus fries too), for me and my female friends 😀

Yes, it was all REALLY GOOD! too! Oh and yes of course plenty of beer to wash it down 🙂



6 years ago

@sunnysombrera – the middle name thing on passport but not ticket – that’s absolutely not an issue.

Tosca; Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Tosca; Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
6 years ago

@ Surplus to Requirements,

Wouldn’t be surprised if women sometimes hunted the mammoth, too.

In modern hunter-gatherer societies, women collect up to 90% of the food. No word on how much of it is seagulls.

6 years ago

They are really really mad that women are human beings, aren’t they? Is it really that hard to accept that people will be people and that maybe sometimes, your partner will be dealing with their own problems and won’t be up to playing emotional and physical support 24/7?

It’s a give and take, fellas, you should try it sometime.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

I keep staring at the image in the OP in horrified fascination, and sort of want to see the rest of the comic. I mean, the young woman’s nicely drawn in a cheesecake sort of way, but the man… His proportions are just wrong. I don’t see how his legs can support that torso, he has no neck, and even if he did his head is about as small as Trump’s hands. And I’m pretty sure his hair is what Trump wishes his was like, up to and including the hi-lighter yellow.

Just… in the rest of that comic, is he as poorly designed? What strange nuclear accident created this mutant? Is it the redhead’s fault? Did she maliciously shrink his head and take his neck as a divorce-rape payment?

And what exactly is the seagull on the lower left flying away with?

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago


Out of topic :
I have seen someone speak about it two posts ago, but it seems that the procurator Eric Schneiderman was as bad as the people he was fighting against, in term of domestic and sexual violence, and racism. Thus his resignation.

Have a nice day.

6 years ago

Zohmigosh, these dudes. They don’t object to cultural systems like patriarchy but rather where they fit into it. They seem just fine with racism and misogyny so long as they aren’t targeted. These are not dudes protesting “the game”; they’re protesting that they can’t force anyone to play anymore without repercussions that are uncomfortable.

6 years ago


If men are so much better off without women, how come many powerful CEOs and world leaders and influential celebrities have wives/girlfriends? MGTOWs once again blaming women for their own life troubles.

Well obviously, if those men didn’t waste so much time and resources on women they’d be trilionaires and we’d have flying cars and sexbots and 14 inch penises for anyone who wanted them (and maybe some other less important things, too).

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