The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Please send money so I can recover from trying to make sense of these memes! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
Hey. I found some terrible MGTOW memes. So now you have to see them too.

The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Please send money so I can recover from trying to make sense of these memes! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
Hey. I found some terrible MGTOW memes. So now you have to see them too.
I think the Pennywise one is supposed to mean that women are so terrible that they would even climb into a storm drain with a demon clown if they thought they could get free money. Therefore, MGTOW. Alternatively, perhaps she’s climbing into the drain to punish him for apostrophe abuse, so you should stay away from women if you want to be free to punctuate your own way.
Okay, a)
I second ithiliana. Not because I’m a teacher, but because I’m on a stem oriented school. We have an amazing teacher in german (and great teachers other languages, too, actually) and wow. Consistent terrible grades almost all around. The other class has a horrible teacher and…. The same terrible grades.
They just don’t care about the work they hand in.
Second: The Rock as a beta. THE ROCK AS A BETA??? What’s wrong with these people? If anyone could be a Chad, he is! I wonder where they’d place Momoa.
Like. Betas are the men women settle for after being too old for the cock carousel, right? The simpering, whining weaklings?
Wtf dudes. Wtf.
“Avoid all women?” I believe that I have a better idea or two. Firstly, women need to educate ourselves about ourselves, about REAL history (as opposed to the propaganda and viscous lies that account for most of what we read in history books et al), and about what so many men ACTUALLY mean when they say or do something. Secondly, we need to begin trusting ourselves and our instincts, rather than talking ourselves out of what we know, deep inside, to be true, in a ridiculous and sometimes deadly attempt to be “nice.” How many of us, living and dead, have paid too little attention to what our guts tried to tell us, and ended up paying dearly – by being raped, beaten and/or killed – because it just isn’t “nice” to think such awful things about a guy.
Thirdly, we need to end our own racism and misogyny. We live in a racist, misogynistic and violent world, so it is natural that, regardless of our own race, we have racist attitudes and beliefs. Instead of feeling ashamed, though, we might do better to admit those feelings…own them so that they stop owning us…and use that understanding to really communicate with each other and, finally, heal those terrible wounds. Then, maybe, we can set about creating societies based on the best within us, rather than the worst. Same goes for our own misogyny and violence. Time to throw away “niceness” and become the real, the powerful, and the true beings we all are.
Fourth, when we find men who are genuinely good, honest and non-violent…intelligent, creative and loving…strong, vulnerable and awake…we need to recognise them, respect their integrity, and open ourselves to them. They do exist, as do women who are the same.
To do these takes courage. To really love and respect ones self means to walk away from the easy road. I have been trying and walking for at least 45 years, and I will continue to do so.
I am considering as part of this – my spiritual journey – doing a blog, as soon as I can learn how to do it. If I can, I may include a face-to-face consciousness raising group, as a way to work with other women locally, in the hope that this can become part of a global movement that appears to be happening.
Time to go to sleep…read The Wanderground again…explore some of the deeper joys and challenges of being, proudly and happily, a WOMAN!
Heehee. HGTOW—hobbits going their own way.
Ow my eyes are burning
I’d happily climb into a storm drain with Tim Curry. What’s your point?
Something like “Share to at least 5 men within 14 days or you’ll be cucked, your kids will turn out gay, Donald Trump will be impeached, and someone from your pre-MGTOW days will show up with a six-year-old kid claiming you knocked her up and demanding child support”?
(Trying here to think up what would be their worst nightmare scenario.)
What is wrong with third-wave feminism? I thought it was considered the gold standard these days, and it was second-wave that was full of nasty TERFs and such.
@ithiliana, Zaunthink:
I think the issue with STEM majors in humanities classes is that they’re used to having some way to definitively calculate, or at least verify that they have, the correct answer.
It is my own experience that humanities classes load one up with a lot more homework than STEM ones, so that might be a factor as well. A typical mathematics class workload might be: three hours of lectures a week, one one-page assignment a week that requires applying knowledge and doing a few calculations taking one more hour, and 20 pages of reading material. A history class workload for one week might be: three hours of lectures a week, one several-page quiz that is full of contingent facts requiring rote memorization rather than something that follows from a compact set of first principles, a five-page essay to be handed in which requires many hours of deliberative and creative thinking to compose, and 200 pages of reading material.
There are valid reasons for all of this, which doesn’t make it any easier, especially for someone whose brain may be wired to prefer logically-resolvable problems to fuzzy, subjective, creativity-requiring ones.
One definite piece of advice that can be gleaned from all of this: if you’re a STEM major, don’t shoehorn all your humanities broadening requirements into one term or you’ll stagger under the workload. Try to spread it out over the full four years as evenly as possible. And if you’re an arts major, may God have mercy on your soul.
(The above being said, I should note that my own broadening requirements resulted in my learning a bunch of philosophy and linguistics, and coming into contact with Naomi Klein’s “No Logo”. The latter likely had a significant impact on my politics — I think I leaned slightly right of center coming out of high school. Now I’m well to the left of nearly everyone I run across, except here where I suspect there may be a number of bona fide actual communists — and am fine with that.)
@most of you:
That all-seeing eye is originally supposed to have symbolized God, or perhaps the Holy Ghost component of the Trinity more specifically, is it not? So it could be that that particular meme-maker is a religious believer and is putting God at the top of the alpha hierarchy, in which case it actually makes sense, so nah, that probably isn’t it.
Zaunfink, the Rock has made it clear that he will satisfy a lady orally. The fact that thinks about a woman’s feelings likely puts him firmly in Beta position.
Well at least I can agree with MGTOWs on one thing. Assassin’s Creed 4 is by far the best one.
Everything else they said is barely coherent garbage.
but, what are they trying to say? That if you like Assassins Creed 4, you have it be a MGTOW? Or that all MGTOWS like AC4?
And, if they look coward to artificial wombs and vaginas, why aren’t they satisfied with their hand?
Really, Fucking try to make sense, guys
… or at least try not to say “po-TAY-to” and “po-TAH-to” in the same sentence….
and, off topic, but president dumpster-fire has called China’s warning to the western airlines… “Orwellian nonsense”….
Better watch that… “Orwellian nonsense” is a STAPLE of the bigot base’s rhetoric!!
Weird Eddie:
Ha, like he’s ever read a book! He probably thinks Orwell was one of the Wright brothers.
the harder i try to see any sense in these graphics, the more absent said sense is.
also: Hello World!
I think the way it “makes sense” for them is that when men are in the presence of women, they become helpless and simply must harass or assault them. Women are terrible for having a problem with being harassed and assaulted.
The basic idea behind MGTOW is after all that modern women are intolerable because they’re not as silent as they used to be when they get harassed or assaulted.
@surplus to requirements
That’s a good poo t and something I’ve noticed in myself: I’m generally feeling quite good about myself coming out of an exam in languages (or anything offering open questions) only to start doubting my work within ten minutes. I don’t do that in math or programming, because I know the boundaries of the answers and, quite often, can simply check my answers during the exam itself.
In the case of the rest of my classmates it’s a mixture of generally having little interest past a passing grade and, the biggest problem, the feeling that those classes that aren’t directly related to stem aren’t important at all (which is stupid. Especially when looking at english classes.)
Today, my lurking self learned something new–that The Situation is a mangina. Which is funny, because I was always under the impression that he was of a more “Chad” or “alpha” persuasion.
Shows what I know. :p
I think it’s trying to say that if you’re a MGTOW, you’ll have time to focus on fun things like video games. If you’re blue pilled and have a girlfriend or wife, she’s going to nag you into spending all your time working hard at 2 or 3 high paying jobs to provide her scented fucking candle and bonbon money and then give you “honey do” lists on your rare hours off. Partnered men aren’t allowed to have hobbies.
Of course, this means the meme – which is presumably also pro MRA- is admitting that even though MRAs have free time away from evil women, they spend it all whining about how oppressed men are.
Hi everyone, long time reader, first time commenter.
Slightly off topic but looking for advice.
My mother in law and brother in law have recently started to become more far right. They are both lovely to me, though we have had tense political discussions before- this is a new level. I think its because of some recent family issues. My mother in law has started watch A LOT of RT (Russia today) which she sees as being non-bias on the UK unlikely all mainstream media (what!) and she attended a ‘free speech’ rally in London at the UK where speakers included Milo, Lauren Southern, Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson. My partner has spoken to her about this and she said it wasn’t a far right rally (clearly was), that is just what the media would report it as because its not a mainstream view. She is also convinced that the UK is in danger of becoming a Muslim majority country under sharia law- she seems London having a Muslim mayor as proof of this.
So she is clearly slipping in deep and the brother in law is quite vulnerable (he is totally the kind of guy to become an incel)- I am worried about them. Anyone have any ideas on how to deprogram them from this evil bullshit? Maybe some tactics for myself and my partner? He isn’t as politically/feminist aware as me but he gets that’s what she says is crazy.
Thanks! And thanks to this blog for allowing me to immediately know something was wrong when I saw Milos name.
@Surplus, ithiliana, Zaunthink:
That wasn’t my experience. I was a CS major and the workload in my CS classes was brutal. I was glad for the Technical writing class because it was a lighter workload (though I would have rather tested out and taken another CS elective since I wasn’t learning anything new).
My CS degree required a technical writing class that was actually part of the CS program and specifically aimed at CS, and each writing project had a specific pattern to follow and was about a technical topic of your choice. It was easy to verify you’re following the correct patterns and there was a peer review cycle before each assignment was turned in, so your peers could help keep you on track. The techbros still couldn’t get it right. They didn’t care and didn’t see why they had to be in this class. They submitted their peer reviews to me late and not even halfway done and didn’t listen to my feedback. Well, with the exception of the ESL guy who felt like my corrections meant I was attacking him. It was a pretty miserable class for me as a peer reviewer with professional technical writing experience. I can only imagine it’s horrible for the two professors teaching it full time.
I’m trying to figure out who the ‘zeta’ males are in the first one… Man on Mountain, Tesla and… Bilbo Baggins? Are Hobbits the ideal MGTOW, or is the actor who plays one particularly asexual?
I have never seen more mantrums in one place than on this thread
It’s amazing.
I love how so many men think that being asked to be quiet for a minute and listen to women is the biggest affront on the entire planet.
MGTOW on Mountain reminds me of a post turtle.
And why “zeta”? There are lots of letters between alpha and omega. MGTOWers seem more like “iotas”.
Holy hell, these memes are telling, particularly the pyramid one and the “Blue Pillology” one. With the pyramid one, it claims the pyramid is how “women see things”, but then place themselves in the same hierarchy as “Zeta males,” doing nothing to challenge or reject that hierarchy as presented. So we’re forced to conclude that they accept the hierarchy, they’re just not happy with their place in the pyramid.
Of course, we could have told them that.
As for the “Blue Pillology” meme, it’s infinitely telling that the only thing that they ever portray their “red-pilled” MGTOWer doing is playing video games or watching television. It’s never reading or painting or enjoying the outdoors or playing an instrument or indulging in a constructive hobby or skill, it’s always just being a base consumer. Wow, such freedom.
Speaking of “holy hell,” I was reading this Chicago Reader article on the Satanic Panic and it mentioned you, Dave! They published you all the way back in ’96? Very cool.
My Dad took an Eng.Lit for STEM Majors course as an undergrad and from his reminiscences, I think he enjoyed it – the prof was a WWII naval vet who got very emotional over Keats. I don’t know what Dad’s grades were, though. For what it’s worth, his present-day ability to write prose is pretty good.
I’m starting to think they’ve reached the point in The Screwfly Solution where, having run out of women, they start attacking men. the rock does seem like an unwise choice of target, though.
Why did they have to bring up Assassin’s Creed IV? WHY??
And inspired me to read the book
The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down
by Colin Woodard
Capt. PK