pledge drive

Spring 2018 PLEDGE DRIVE!

Excellent idea

It’s PLEDGE DRIVE TIME again. Well, way past time, really. DONATE HERE NOW! Please?

The past several weeks have, I think, been a reminder of the unique role this blog plays. Many media outlets only discovered “incels” after the horrific attack in Toronto. I’ve been writing about them, and warning about them, since 2011. Various media outlets have been coming to me with questions; I wouldn’t have been able to develop the expertise I have on the male supremacist movement without your help over the years.

We Hunted the Mammoth couldn’t survive without your support. If you appreciate the blog, please give what you can by clicking the “donate” button below!  

Donating, as always. is easy. You don’t need a PayPal account and you don’t need to live in the US. You can also set up recurring payments through PayPal if that’s more convenient to you.

This past year has been really rough for me. If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know that I had to take time off due to a sort of perfect storm of health problems — in short, a worsening of my chronic migraine and sleep problems combined with a drastic worsening of my depression after I tried out two new meds that didn’t work. Plus another health scare in the middle of it all.

I’m doing better now on all fronts — except the migraines, though I’m hopeful that will change soon with new treatment — but the combination of the time off and my assorted medical expenses means I could really use some extra help this time around. 

Some of you kept donating during my time off — including several very generous people I can’t really thank enough — and I am eternally grateful for that.

But if you haven’t donated since the last pledge drive, please consider digging a bit deeper this time. 

An added incentive: If you all donate enough, I may be able to do away with the ads on this site entirely. A very generous donor enabled me to get rid of the most intrusive ads on the site last year, and I intend on keeping those off. But I’d like to get rid of all or most of the rest, especially since some of them have been causing problems for some people on mobile.

As always, I appreciate donations of all sizes. And if you can’t swing a donation at the moment, for whatever reason, you can support this blog in any number of non financial ways as well, from sending along tips for posts, to sharing WHTM links on social media, to using my Amazon Affiliate link in the sidebar whenever you order from Amazon. And of course I appreciate those who have turned the comments section here into a real community. All these things help a lot, so big thanks to everyone who contributes in these ways.

Thanks again to all of you!

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Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

I’d like to provide an additional incentive, if it’s alright with David.

If we get to a certain threshold (which Dave can determine–I’ll throw in either $5K USD or “no more ads” as a placeholder), I’ll get to the point of writing up a proper theme song!

6 years ago

I dropped a few bucks your way–I miss participating in the group discussions! The last few years have been tough, though things are starting to get better, but I always read and appreciate the work you are doing and have done for so long.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
6 years ago


You will always be welcome! <3

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

Next Friday is payday, I’ll throw some cash in the bowl

6 years ago

Thank you, David, for this blog. I’m happy to read that you’re feeling better.

6 years ago

I have an idea, maybe someone else can help?

I’m kind of broke and unemployed, do have some inheritance $ to survive on. It’s not a whole lot of money and I have to be careful with it.

I did also inherit a piece of vacant land. Which the lawyer says I should get rid of. I’m not entirely sure how to do this, it’s in a different state, CO, (US) in an area kind of out in the middle of nowhere which never really took off.

The guy (atty) keeps telling me to “get rid of it”. And “you might get a few thousand out of it”. Cynical me wonders if he’s trying to buy up these parcels cheap. Said several times also, “It isn’t really worth anything and you could just let the county take it back for unpaid taxes.” Shopping the tax sales, are you?
And the property tax on this is next to nothing.

Does anyone here have any ideas? Dave, I’ll turn the title over to you and you can sell it. Guesstimated worth in the 2 – 5K range.
Or, go live there! In a tent! Does have some utilities connected.

Mr. Alan R is a lawyer here? Any legal people have any thoughts on this? (I have a lawyer too, all he said is that I have to “make this a priority” and have to do it myself.)

It’s all “paperwork”. I could turn this over to anybody and they could sell it for some few bucks.

I also had the idea, because there is some housing development in the area – donate it to a non profit org. They could build a shelter. Yes, even for men, too. I don’t know how that works. I just thought of giving this to people who could use it. I could just sign it over to DT and he could sell it to a shelter too.

I’m not sure what to do with this. It’s kind of a white elephant but things may be done with it, and it’s worth a bit of money, anyway.

I’m cash poor otherwise, and unemployed, and I did not inherit a lot of money. I do have this that could be made use of by others.

Atty said he might be able to “squeeze a bit of money out of it”. It isn’t worth a whole lot of money and I’d rather see it put to good use. If I donated it, it would work as a tax write off for me also.

Any ideas?

6 years ago

Thank you David for wading through the muck to inform us. I wish I could do more.

6 years ago


I actually had my probate lawyer buy a property that I inherited. (It was legit and ethical and shit). So your lawyer shopping the property isn’t out of the question.

6 years ago

@ Cornychips,

I hear you. And in my case here, I also think the guy is kind of …. scatterbrained. It is true that this piece of land is kind of – junk – and it might not be so much as shifty operations as that this guy is kind of a moron.

Or maybe he just presents himself that way….
Has also been, at times, kind of condescending toward me.

Does seem to be kind of a linear thinker, also.

And I know, myself, this piece of land isn’t worth much.

I will gladly donate it to a good cause though 🙂

6 years ago

So I got some fun news on Monday. My therapist is moving in month or so. Hopefully we can find someone new before then, but still. I started this whole thing back in February, and she was booked full through April, so I was just taking appointments when she had someone else cancel. This was supposed to be the first month of regular sessions, and they’ll likely be spent basically starting over.

6 years ago

David –

I’m one of those monthly repeaters via PayPal, and I am happy to provide such support in appreciation for what you do (and it means all the more that it’s coming from a man and not from another member of the Revolted Sisterhood of the Double X). With that in mind, is this pledge drive also aimed at such supporters in hopes of getting a lump sum donation in lieu of the monthly one, or is it more useful/valuable to you to continue getting the same repeating donation each month?

6 years ago

The donate button doesn’t seem to work for me? When I click that my credit card is Swedish the site just starts loading and loading and it never gets anywhere.

6 years ago

Okay I got further in the process now but then something goes wrong and the site says my donation didn’t go through…

6 years ago

The “Buy on Amazon, Support WHTM!

BOOKMARK THIS LINK and do all your Amazon shopping through it; WHTM will get a cut, and it won’t cost you extra” link won’t open. I had saved the link long ago (and still shop Amazon through the old link), so I’m wondering do my purchases through your [old] Amazon link still send you ‘a cut’??

If so, excellent; if not, I’ll go back to other sites I used prior.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
6 years ago

David, is there any chance of an affiliate link for I’m guessing probably not but thought it worth asking

Tashi Licious
6 years ago

I just tossed five bucks your way for being the inspiration for the Discord Server which I took over with evil intentions

laughs in evil

Also, for any Canadians, if you donate 5 USD, it will be converted from 6.66 CAD. Possibly for today only.


6 years ago

@ David,

No worries, my friend who knows real estate took a look at this thing today and said: “Good luck unloading that.” And it may have a (tax) lien on it which means that it may have “negative worth”.


Somehow I have just become even more broke!

It’s a good thing I have a sense of humor.

6 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes: Thank you! It would be lovely to get back into the swing of things. I’m not teaching this summer, and the new anti-depressant is working well, so I’m going to try!

@David: I’d be happy to sign up for a small regular donation via Patreon (PayPal won’t let me donate automatically monthly unless I make an account with them, and due to past history, no way, PP!).