creepy empathy deficit entitled babies female beep boop incel men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men post contains sarcasm PUA rape culture stalking

“Females want to be preyed upon.” It Came From the Unapproved Comments, Part 237867


By David Futrelle

I learn so much from the comments that people leave here that I don’t let out of moderation. So I thought I’d share some recent nuggets of truthiness with you all.

“Females, deep down, want to be preyed upon.”

In response to my post about the incel dude who likes to terrify 14-year-olds by asking them creepy questions and then following them down the street, some dude calling himself Strong Silent Type typed out this horrifying nonsense:

Don’t be so PC. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s good confidence training for young dudes or these InCel/PUA types. And it’s harmless fun for the rest of us.

The truth is, most women/girls get a little bit of a rush from it. It’s a controlled dose of fear/danger/excitement. Like a roller coaster. It’s similar to flirting. Males need to hunt. To be predators. And females, deep down, want to be preyed upon.

I do a version of this by walking very, very quietly as I come up behind a female startling her. Or when I hear the distinctive sound of high heels around a corner, I’ll time my pace so that as soon as she makes the turn I’ll be right there. The fact that I’m fairly tall and bearded with an imposing presence makes the impact more intense.

That moment when her heart skips a beat… when she inhales and momentarily freezes… It’s something primal for both of us. I’ve mastered how to look menacing without doing anything overtly improper. I won’t apologize or give her a smile or say something or give any of the non-verbal cues she’s looking for to signal everything’s OK. I’ll just stare and drag that moment out a bit too long.

Then I keep moving. Maybe next time, sweetheart. I know the female walks away with a little bit of a buzz just like I do.

Does this guy really believe this (and/or do this) or is he trolling? Either way, he’s a huge asshole.

“The mere existence of incels is testament to the degradation of women.”

So says some dude called Steve:

I see so much bullshit swirling around the whole concept of incels. The real reason that incels have become a thing is that something we all used to take for granted has been discovered not to be true.

We all used to assume that men had no bottom. “Men will fuck anything,” the conventional wisdom ran. But now we’re finding that we do have a bottom after all. More and more women today are simply so awful that men are deciding that celibacy is preferable. The mere existence of incels is testament to the degradation of women. It’s a badge to wear with pride.

INCEL pride!

“A man marooned on a desert island will survive (well may).”

Brinbrin62 has apparently never watched Naked and Afraid, or truly considered the long-term effects of an all-seagull diet.

MGTOWs are not adopting a “cat lady” lifestyle. This is what all single-at-40 women eventually become, but not men. Men are not as prone to mental illness due to loneliness than women are. A man marooned on a desert island will survive (well : may). A woman will die, and fast.

Men can thrive alone. Aging single women… just end up loving cat (and liquors… and meth).

You may not agree with the impact of feminism on the occidental civilization and other “conspiracies” theories. But some of these theories may be true.

Well, I guess you chose the blue pill, so…

I love the reference to “occidental civilization” which has become a bit of a racist dogwhistle these days. Amazing how many of these misogynists also turn out to be huge racists.

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6 years ago

Strong Silent Beardo with that first comment is… pretty much everything I despise in men. Absolutely loathsome, I don’t even have adequate words.

Going to note that IIRC being a predator animal is statistically quite dangerous, because most prey animals fight back. e.g. Rabbits can kick really hard, as can ungulates. Also prey animals don’t have a culture that actively discourages them from fighting back, and punishes them legally for doing so if they survive.

The adrenaline response, gee, that’s fun stuff. I really dig being pitched headfirst into Survival Robot Mode and losing most of the next day to panic attacks. What’s not to love? Just kidding, I hope Beardo picks up norovirus.

And I hope we can have a society free of awful men like him some day, gods willing. Until then, well… let’s just say there’s a reason I’m a Joanna Russ fan.

6 years ago

+3 Holy Mace ‘CreepBleeper’
comment image

6 years ago

Some fancy maces kicking around. Prefer a sledgehammer handle myself – 3 quid as opposed to 300. I’m a bit tight when it comes to the spending. Plus, they’re not illegal in any jurisdiction. 😛

6 years ago

Here come da fisking that none of these trolls explicitly asked for, but you just know they’re asking for it, because they’re (stinkingly awful) men! Ready? Here goes…

Don’t be so PC.

Don’t fucking tell me how to be, asshole.

There’s nothing wrong with this.

Says a man with whom EVERYTHING is wrong. And who is, consequently, wrong about everything.

It’s good confidence training for young dudes or these InCel/PUA types. And it’s harmless fun for the rest of us.

No, it’s not. And NO, it’s NOT.

The truth is, most women/girls get a little bit of a rush from it. It’s a controlled dose of fear/danger/excitement. Like a roller coaster. It’s similar to flirting.

No, it’s NOT. I don’t get excited by strange men. Especially when they start acting THIS fucking strangely. What I do get, is an urge to run so fast that the creepy fucker is left inhaling dust and coughing his fucking lungs out.

Males need to hunt. To be predators. And females, deep down, want to be preyed upon.

No, they don’t. And no, WE don’t. Males need to back off. And women, deep down, want you to back the fuck off, bozo.

I do a version of this by walking very, very quietly as I come up behind a female startling her. Or when I hear the distinctive sound of high heels around a corner, I’ll time my pace so that as soon as she makes the turn I’ll be right there. The fact that I’m fairly tall and bearded with an imposing presence makes the impact more intense.

It also makes you a gross-ass creeper from hell.

That moment when her heart skips a beat… when she inhales and momentarily freezes… It’s something primal for both of us. I’ve mastered how to look menacing without doing anything overtly improper. I won’t apologize or give her a smile or say something or give any of the non-verbal cues she’s looking for to signal everything’s OK. I’ll just stare and drag that moment out a bit too long.

Then I keep moving. Maybe next time, sweetheart. I know the female walks away with a little bit of a buzz just like I do.

How the hell do you “know” this, asshole? You sure do ASSume a lot. Actually, she thinks you’re a disgusting, creepy, rude piece of shit, and a sex offender waiting to happen. We all do. And trust me, the last thing any of us wants is you following us anywhere.

Now, how about Steve…

I see so much bullshit swirling around the whole concept of incels. The real reason that incels have become a thing is that something we all used to take for granted has been discovered not to be true.

We all used to assume that men had no bottom. “Men will fuck anything,” the conventional wisdom ran. But now we’re finding that we do have a bottom after all. More and more women today are simply so awful that men are deciding that celibacy is preferable. The mere existence of incels is testament to the degradation of women. It’s a badge to wear with pride.

Surrrrrre it is, Steve. Whatever you say. (wink) Including that particularly silly bit about choosing to be an incel. Thanks for unwittingly confirming that there’s nothing involuntary about your so-called celibacy whatsoever!

Actually, we all know that you schmucks just take rejection poorly, that you’re stewing in your own bile, and this shit-post is your way of saving face. It’s not working, BTW. Women these days are actually too good for you, and you secretly know it. We live longer. We live better. We make enough money. We’re able to look after ourselves, we don’t need you, and we won’t just settle for you, either. We can do better. That makes you bitter.

Tough fucking toenails, Steve. Enjoy your extended alone time, eh?

MGTOWs are not adopting a “cat lady” lifestyle. This is what all single-at-40 women eventually become, but not men. Men are not as prone to mental illness due to loneliness than women are. A man marooned on a desert island will survive (well : may). A woman will die, and fast.

Men can thrive alone. Aging single women… just end up loving cat (and liquors… and meth).

You may not agree with the impact of feminism on the occidental civilization and other “conspiracies” theories. But some of these theories may be true.

Well, I guess you chose the blue pill, so…

(points and laughs at this loser)

Dude, your bitterness is showing. I’m guessing you’re still single, and not by choice, as well as over 40. You also seem to be having tremendous difficulty with your lifestyle, and with this little thing we call facing reality. You even prefer inane conspiracy theories to actual facts. Sure must suck to be you!

Meanwhile, my cat and I are doing just fine, thanks. Better, in fact, WITHOUT you. But please, do feel free to launch yourself at a desert island sometime, just to prove your silly contentions right. We’ll not be sorry to see you go, even if it’s the last time anyone ever sees you alive. Because nobody misses a migtoe, schmo.

6 years ago

Wait, I thought women couldn’t get mental illnesses? Misogynists can’t get their misogyny straight.

6 years ago

Good “confidence training” and “harmless fun”?

These ridiculous ideas are not only harmful to others, it shows yet another lack of braining the logic.

Which can be reduced to: You never know who you’re dealing with.

Or, – How do you, Creeper, know I don’t have a gun?
Or other weapons?

Myself and some friends are having a few drinks here, because tomorrow is my (recently passed away) mom’s birthday.

Yes, I’m doing reasonably ok.
I mention my pals here because we’re all quite sim in the body range, close to or over six foot, in shape, and can, and will, kick your ass.

Creep up on someone like us?
What’s going to happen when the tables are turned on you?

This has already happened. We have all fought off muggers and probable rapists. And not only ‘date rape’, literally being jumped in the street.

Fought them off and won. One of us here put a guy in the hospital. We know how to fight. And might look somewhat slim, or those thinking “female is weaker”….. they shouldn’t be so sure. They might wind up in the hospital.

This is why we help each other out, too. If there’s more than one of you, that alone scares off many creepers.

6 years ago

Damn, it’s just so common in these guys that I didn’t pick up on the men and women being from a different species undertone of the predator/prey (false) dichotomy.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
6 years ago

These cowards always choose younger, smaller, less threatening women to harass. They get their thrills out of making other people afraid.

We talk about it often enough, but, well. Thanks, commenter asshole, for being living confirmation.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago


When Creep #1 calls his behavior a “controlled dose of fear/danger/excitement”, he means he controls the situation. Creeps like that must have the perception they’re in control of their environment and the people in it, or they go off the deep end, because they’re such emotionally stable folk, you know.

Actually, there’s plenty about them that can be exploited, if one has the misfortune of having regular contact with them. But, it’s better to let them fade away, if possible. Their behavior and/or creepiness become their own undoing.

And Creep #3 may be puffed up about Miggies not being “cat ladies”, but beer swilling, gun stroking, middle aged loners have nothing to be that proud of. And the meth part is projection. Most meth heads I’ve seen were born/live as males.

Creep #2 is just pathetic, like most of his ilk.

And I love the mace solution to creep problems!

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Also, we can always just kick their arses.

6 years ago

Bina, great comment!
And +1 for the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference. 🙂

6 years ago

I do a version of this by walking very, very quietly as I come up behind a female startling her. Or when I hear the distinctive sound of high heels around a corner, I’ll time my pace so that as soon as she makes the turn I’ll be right there. The fact that I’m fairly tall and bearded with an imposing presence makes the impact more intense.

Some asshole tried to do this to my mother once while she was walking in a park. Then her two ninety-pound dogs (whom he didn’t see at first) both lunged at him. She didn’t apologize or give him a smile or say something or give any of the non-verbal cues he was looking for to signal that everything was OK. She just stared at him and started to let go of the leashes.

Needless to say, he hauled ass before he became kibble.

6 years ago


Thanks! I was wondering if anyone would catch what I threw in there…

6 years ago

Ew. I hope that first creep pulls that crap on the WRONG lady in the very near future.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

@Hippodaemia – That is a wonderful story. Your mother sounds awesome.

Personally, I hope Tall Bearded Creep rounds the corner and encounters a woman with a strong startle reflex and a lidless cup of scalding hot coffee.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

That first one is spine chilling. Reading it I felt like I was listening to a creepypasta. There is no buzz in getting stalked like that, in fact it’s very frightening and stress inducing (which has negative outcomes on physical health). And let’s not forget that it’s 14 year old kids the original talked about. Mere children. I remember being 14, naïve and very scared. Something like this would have terrified me for weeks. If I were 14 now I’d probably be even more scared, what with all the online news and documentaries about human trafficking and child porn. The men who wrote these things need to be investigated.

” Men are not as prone to mental illness due to loneliness than women are. “

But studies show the opposite. That single women fare better in both mental and physical health than single men do.

In fact, in the elder years it’s largely men 70+ (widowers, divorcees, etc) who are looking to marry or at least live with a woman in the last decade of life. All the old ladies are enjoying their space, time and independence and don’t want to have to “take care of an aging man” in their golden years, so they frequently pass on offers.

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
6 years ago

Perhaps it’s time to resurrect the fashion for hatpins. You can still find these as accessories, only now they’re called “stickpins” and are intended to be worn in the lapel of a woman’s jacket. Not to mention that every steampunk accessories site is going to have some.

6 years ago

“MGTOWs are not adopting a “cat lady” lifestyle. This is what all single-at-40 women eventually become, but not men. Men are not as prone to mental illness due to loneliness than women are. A man marooned on a desert island will survive (well : may). A woman will die, and fast.”

Do these guys realize how many wives outlive their husbands, sometimes by decades? And sure, some of them get Alzheimer’s or dementia, but plenty are sharp for years afterward, if not until the day they go.

(Also, which is it? Are men institutionally marginalized under the Matriarchy as shown by their increased rate of mental illness, or are men less prone to mental illnesses [brought on by loneliness] than women?)

6 years ago

What an asshole. While sometimes I like it when my partner is particularly pouncey, that’s more like the roller-coaster experience -except better because I know I can stop it at any time.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
6 years ago

I’m sure my mid forties, cat-loving husband would have something to say about that, Steve.

And that first asshole richly deserves a startled stiletto heel right in his instep.

6 years ago

And that first asshole richly deserves a startled stiletto heel right in his instep.

It probably happens a lot – not that he’d dream of mentioning it. 😛

6 years ago

I would glare at him and brandish my golf umbrella. He should be locked up for stalking.

As for number #2, being marooned used to be one of my favourite fantasies. Off topic has anyone here played The Long Dark I’m loving that game. In sandbox mode I can play as a woman and I’m the only human alive. Such blissful solitude. Just me, the wolves and the inevitability of death (hint- turn wolf fear up and frequency down for a longer more peaceful game)

6 years ago

Watching Annihilation was anxiety fulled roller coaster going from admiring the surreal beauty of the shimmer to visceral horror at the things it does to the expedition.

What this guy is doing is asking for a justifiable self defense plea (from someone else).

(I recommend annihilation if you like surreal horror.)

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
6 years ago

The mace of Molag Bal was my preferred WOC for most of the time I spent in Skyrim

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Tansy

last I checked carnival rides don’t follow you through dark alleys

There’s a Stephen King novel in there…