By David Futrelle
We may have all overdosed on the hideously depressing incel coverage over the last week, so I thought today we could take a break and drop in on an ever-so-slightly less toxic misogynistic subculture, namely our old friends the MGTOWs, or Men Going Their Own Way So Completely That All They Do Is Bitch About Women.
Let’s just pop in on a discussion I found — don’t ask me how, I don’t even remember — over on MGTOW.com. The subject: “Does feminism promote bestiality?”
Take it away, young MGTOW:
I’m rather young, so i can’t really say if it’s been increasing or not, but i suspect so.
When i was 17, i was hugely obsessed with statistics, and i one day ran into a survey done asking female dog owners if they had ever had sexual intercourse with their dog. 1 in 10 stated that they had.
I haven’t been able to find it back as since then google’s search algorithms have been completely feminized so i can no longer find dick all on the net
Ah, yes, it couldn’t be that you misremembered the study, must have been a “feminized” search engine.
Anyway, after an admittedly halfassed attempt at Googling I couldn’t find it either and the most recent widely cited study I did find (from way back in 1974) suggested that a) the percentage of women who had sex with animals was less than two percent (1.9%) and that b) the percentage of men who’d done the same was more than twice that (4.9%). So I’m guessing the study our young MGTOW “remembers” is either imaginary or completely unscientific bullshit.
Also, ewwww.
So anywho, that got me thinking, about why so many girls had dogs as pets and not the cute fluffy cats
To protect them from creepy weirdos like you?
Why they would always have a male dog, and never a female dog – wouldn’t you expect them to get a female dog?
[citation needed]
I came to the conclusion that women were just extremely f~~~ed up and disgusting when it came to their sexual desires.
Of course you did.
NOW! 5 years later!
I was on a movie set a few days ago, doing some gay ass artsy film lol… and the assistant director had a male dog… which she slept with.
This dog whined when ever he was away from her for more than 5 seconds!!!
So, it got me thinking, i mean, she sleeps with the dog every night, how on earth is she not f~~~ing it?
Sometimes my cats sleep on my bed. I DON’T HAVE SEX WITH THEM.
I mean, who sleeps with their dog!
She actually literally cuddled with the dog… probably giving it more affection than any man she’s ever known… lol.
Just got me thinking, pretty entertaining thing to think of.
Since i was 17, i have noticed both a serious increase in feminism and female relations \w dogs… but i can’t really say if the two are linked or even if the latter has been increasing of if its just my increased awareness.
So… Thoughts?
Have you ever caught any women doing weird stuff with their dogs? LOL.
Fun topic eh?
Naturally, a number of other MGTOWs had their own equally thoughtful opinions on the subject:
Gross. You want to know what’s really sick is when I see male and female dog owners. When a male dog owner sees his dog humping something, he gets stern and p~~~ed off and yanks him away. When a female sees it, she’s all “omg lol so cute”. They think it’s adorable but if you walk up to her and just say something she thinks it’s rape. There was a study about women getting aroused by seeing bonobo monkeys f~~~ing. It was all over the place. Girls gone wild for monkeys.
Well that was an interesting exercise in free association.
One MGTOW had some thoughts about “old ladies.”
why do you think those old ladies and women over 40 own a small dog?
they pour that freaking peanut butter all over their
Ok, I’m just going to stop him right there because I think we all know where that’s going.
Some of the commenters aren’t quite as bothered by the whole sex-with-dogs thing as Mr. OP. As one puts it:
I don’t frankly give a f~~~. As long as the dog wasn’t forced to [CENSORED BY DF BECAUSE IT’S DOG SEX], then I’m fine with it. There was an incident wherein a dog tried to hump me. I was a kid, and it never occurred to me that I was raping him. Listen, if the woman bends over and the dog starts humping her then I consider that to be conscentual. She offered, and he took her up on the that. Let them f~~~ dogs. If anything I find it amusing, but in all sincerity I have no moral qualms with what you call “beastiality”. I wouldn’t do it with a dog, or goat, or horse, but if the animal is willing, and you’re into that, then be my guest. I hear it’s illegal though, so you might want to keep it to yourself.
Well, that’s enough MGTOWs for one day I think.
@Uly; @Weirwood Trehugger:
Dogs getting coded as masculine and cats as femine seems to be a long-established trope–to the point where young children have been known to assume them to be the sexes of a single species; I’ll just leave this here:
I think the OP is full of BS and has a projector projecting from out of his ass. A bullshit ass projector if you will.
I think Idli sambar is on our side basically but I note many comment policy violations and youse all probably been paying more attention than moi.
I vote for kittens, pockets and kittens in pockets.
I always vote for kittens in pockets.
When we found Zampas, he were two or three days old. Mother were a feral who we fed (and could never catch) and had given birth in the shed. She were got by a fox one night, Zampas and his sister I found when I went to get the shovel to bury what were left. His sister didn’t make it, but he did – and he spent the first month or so of his life in my pocket. Still tries to climb in sometimes, even though he’s old and fairly massive now. 😛
That is adorable (the ending bit, not the tragic backstory)
I had a cat we rescued as a tiny little kitten from the side of the road, couldn’t have been more than a couple weeks old. She liked to climb up and sit on my shoulder while I was working on the computer or reading or doing stuff around the kitchen.
She stopped once she was too big to do it comfortably, until one day she was a grown ass 14 lb cat (she’s a Manx and a giant cannonball of a cat) and tried to leap up onto my shoulders from the kitchen table. Oh my god, it was like getting tackled by a bunch of toddlers wielding knitting needles.
Speaking of voting: fellow Brits, don’t forget to vote today, even if nobody is promising a kitten in every pocket.
Then am I? My first instinct when seeing or hearing a dog, cute or otherwise, is to get out of its vicinity as quickly as possible. One tackled me when I was a very small child.
Ha! And oof – Manx are solid! First cat after we were married did that – shoulders were Charlie perches. Tore the hell out of my favorite coat.
She were an odd one – we lived in a rental place two doors down from the pub, and she’d come into the pub looking for me on a Thursday, jump up on my shoulder and sit there watching everyone. Never moved from her place, not even when fights broke out. Whenever I deployed, she’d still go into the pub every Thursday and perch on my usual stool instead. 😛
Edit: @Moggie – Partner’s getting ready right now 🙂 We’ll go vote then she’ll go back to bed for a couple hours.
I would like the little white and orange kitten in the middle of the top pic to come and live with me plz
If it is a girl I shall call it Mary Wollstonecraft because there is nothing I find cuter than very smol kittens with very large names
Japan: robot dogs get solemn Buddhist send-off at funerals
Either this guy has trouble telling subject and object apart or he’s taking “see what you’re making me do” to a new low.
Dog mum here who have her dogs sleep in her bed and somehow still avoid having sex with them. Me, Husband and our three dogs all sleep in the same big bed, and it’s super cosy! (Obviously we shut them out of the bedroom when it’s sexy times though 😉 ). However, sometimes when we’ve been away on trips, my dad has stayed in our house to babysit them, and for some incomprehensible reason he finds it hard to sleep when he’s got dogs all over him!
Re dogs being coded male, I don’t think that applies to all dogs. In my experience toy dogs, and in particular the fluffy ones, tend to be coded female.
I think it’s the latter. He’s mocking the general principle that domestic animals do not consent meaningfully to sex with humans, even if they appear enthusiastic.
Yes, in that instance it was more like the dog was sexually assaulting him, inasmuch as dog humping human can be considered sexual or assault.
I have a long and firm pillow in my bed.
I use it to stabilize myself when sleeping on the side.
I also have a few sachets of lavender blossoms scattered around the head of my bed.
Don’t fuck any of that, though.
My cat sleeps on my bed. There are a lot of issues with this:
waking me up and asking for scritch
waking me up and asking for food
waking me up when he has nightmares and meows himself awake
curling up in a ball in such a position that I am unable to turn over
But I’ve never felt the urge to have sex with him. I have MASSIVE side eye for this guy.
don’t ever have a pet
I don’t. Both eyes are on him, wide open in complete disbelief that anyone can be so irredeemably idiotic as to post this crap.
I had a big black lab that I adopted from a shelter. Most loyal companion ever up until we had to put him down due to back leg paralysis and severe back pain. He slept with me until he could no longer go up the stairs. But it was because he had separation anxiety from having been lost from whoever his original owners were. And he was also the gentlest dog who got along with animals and children (although, his wanting to be friends with the apartment cats never appealed to those cats). But because he was such a giant dog, when I walked him at night around the neighborhood, I didn’t get harassed or catcalled at all (and it happened if I was alone).
So yeah, big dog = appearance of safety. And big dogs tend to be assumed males, anyway.
These guys are probably getting off on bestiality fantasies (it seems to be a staple of misogynistic porn fantasies).
And like one of the things these guys complain about is feminists using affirmative consent to ban sex or something,
so feminists=hard line on verbal consent=having sex with non speaking animals? It makes no sense at all.
I apply the Harkness test to beings I would like as partners,
IRL dogs fail the test as do cats on on the “human or greater intelligence” criteria alone, dolphins might pass that one but fail the “communicates with language” criteria since we have no lingua franca between us, D&D dragons pass both with flying colors leaving the “above age of consent for their species” criteria as the only barrier (other then consent its self of course).
Also for the record I’m pan and have managed to share a bed with people and some how not have sex with them.
Yeah and some parents have their babies sleep in the bed with them and continue with this up through toddler age. Ugh ugh ugh on thinking how this guy would interpret that.
My little nephew A thought, when he was around three, that there were only two species of non-human animal: Cat and dog. He thought, for instance, that “horse” was a dog breed. I have no idea where he got that from…
Our kids were crawling in with us odd times until they were about 7 or 8.
@Dvärghundspossen yeah, a lot of people at my dog park have to check with me in regards to my dog, since they think he’s a girl a lot. Then they just go with him being a big loveable fuzzball and keep going. On the other hand, there’s a ton of female pit-mixes around us that a lot of people mistake for male dogs, ditto for shepherds. So yeah, I can see some incel dude just making an assumption that the pit he sees around a woman is a male dog when it’s in fact a lady.
In regards to single women having larger dogs, there’s also the security factor. Someone might be more hesitant to try and victimize a person who has 40+ lbs of loyal muscle and teeth with them on a frequent basis. It can also just make the person who owns the dog feel safer.
In addition, depending on where you live, shelters may have an overabundance of “tough” breeds due to local dogfighting problems or other issues. In my hometown, almost every shelter dog was at least half pit bull or German Shepherd back when I was in middle school. Add in a lot of people want to rescue dogs (and a young single woman living on her own may not have the disposable income to get a breeeder’s pup) and yeah, you’re going to get a lot of people with “tough” looking dogs who are actually cuddle monsters that just want to be loved and snuggled and live with their human forever.
These guys are astoundingly jealous that animals get to sleep in womens’ beds, but not them. Cucked by cute, fluffy, adorable, affectionate pets. It isn’t fair! Women MUST be doing immoral sexthings with them. Women have no other purpose than sex, and also it makes the universe balance out if the mean meanies who dare to reject these upstanding prizes among men secretly practice bestiality.
They never quite stick the landing on their cognitive gymnastics, do they?
Hmm… Maybe they think about “doggy style” a bit too literally…
By far the best home defense.