are these guys 12 years old? creepy icky girls men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW creepos wonder: Does feminism promote bestiality?

Well I never!

By David Futrelle

We may have all overdosed on the hideously depressing incel coverage over the last week, so I thought today we could take a break and drop in on an ever-so-slightly less toxic misogynistic subculture, namely our old friends the MGTOWs, or Men Going Their Own Way So Completely That All They Do Is Bitch About Women.

Let’s just pop in on a discussion I found — don’t ask me how, I don’t even remember  — over on The subject: “Does feminism promote bestiality?”

Take it away, young MGTOW:

I’m rather young, so i can’t really say if it’s been increasing or not, but i suspect so.

When i was 17, i was hugely obsessed with statistics, and i one day ran into a survey done asking female dog owners if they had ever had sexual intercourse with their dog. 1 in 10 stated that they had.

I haven’t been able to find it back as since then google’s search algorithms have been completely feminized so i can no longer find dick all on the net 

Ah, yes, it couldn’t be that you misremembered the study, must have been a “feminized” search engine.

Anyway, after an admittedly halfassed attempt at Googling I couldn’t find it either and the most recent widely cited study I did find (from way back in 1974) suggested that a) the percentage of women who had sex with animals was less than two percent (1.9%) and that b) the percentage of men who’d done the same was more than twice that (4.9%). So I’m guessing the study our young MGTOW “remembers” is either imaginary or completely unscientific bullshit.

Also, ewwww.

So anywho, that got me thinking, about why so many girls had dogs as pets and not the cute fluffy cats 

To protect them from creepy weirdos like you?

Why they would always have a male dog, and never a female dog – wouldn’t you expect them to get a female dog?

[citation needed]

I came to the conclusion that women were just extremely f~~~ed up and disgusting when it came to their sexual desires.

Of course you did.

NOW! 5 years later!

I was on a movie set a few days ago, doing some gay ass artsy film lol… and the assistant director had a male dog… which she slept with.

This dog whined when ever he was away from her for more than 5 seconds!!!

So, it got me thinking, i mean, she sleeps with the dog every night, how on earth is she not f~~~ing it?



Sometimes my cats sleep on my bed. I DON’T HAVE SEX WITH THEM.

I mean, who sleeps with their dog!

Uh, half of all dog owners?

She actually literally cuddled with the dog… probably giving it more affection than any man she’s ever known… lol.

Just got me thinking, pretty entertaining thing to think of.

Since i was 17, i have noticed both a serious increase in feminism and female relations \w dogs… but i can’t really say if the two are linked or even if the latter has been increasing of if its just my increased awareness.

So… Thoughts?

Have you ever caught any women doing weird stuff with their dogs? LOL.

Fun topic eh? 

Naturally, a number of other MGTOWs had their own equally thoughtful opinions on the subject:

Gross. You want to know what’s really sick is when I see male and female dog owners. When a male dog owner sees his dog humping something, he gets stern and p~~~ed off and yanks him away. When a female sees it, she’s all “omg lol so cute”. They think it’s adorable but if you walk up to her and just say something she thinks it’s rape. There was a study about women getting aroused by seeing bonobo monkeys f~~~ing. It was all over the place. Girls gone wild for monkeys.

Well that was an interesting exercise in free association.

One MGTOW had some thoughts about “old ladies.”

why do  you think those old ladies and women over 40 own a small dog?

they pour that freaking peanut butter all over their

Ok, I’m just going to stop him right there because I think we all know where that’s going.

Some of the commenters aren’t quite as bothered by the whole sex-with-dogs thing as Mr. OP. As one puts it:

I don’t frankly give a f~~~. As long as the dog wasn’t forced to [CENSORED BY DF BECAUSE IT’S DOG SEX], then I’m fine with it. There was an incident wherein a dog tried to hump me. I was a kid, and it never occurred to me that I was raping him. Listen, if the woman bends over and the dog starts humping her then I consider that to be conscentual. She offered, and he took her up on the that. Let them f~~~ dogs. If anything I find it amusing, but in all sincerity I have no moral qualms with what you call “beastiality”. I wouldn’t do it with a dog, or goat, or horse, but if the animal is willing, and you’re into that, then be my guest. I hear it’s illegal though, so you might want to keep it to yourself.

Well, that’s enough MGTOWs for one day I think.

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idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

peevee, that he quoted from that book doesn’t mean he’s hindu. that individual himself says he’s not hindu. i’m sure you could find instances where he’s quoting koran or bible or anything else. I don’t even know how the topic of Hinduism came up here because I never mentioned it.

“Why the hell does there have to be someone posting racist shit about other religions here?”

Nobody’s doing that. It’s a quote from yet another individual misogynist accusing women of bestiality (the topic of this thread). But if David wants to delete it, I’m ok with that.

I don’t think religion and race are related in this context anyway. But that’s another topic.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

About talking at instead of with, sorry if I come off that way. I’m multitasking while scrolling through, missing a lot, and just posting when I have time between what’s going on here at work and home.

IgnoreSandra - Lady of Smoke

You can lie to yourself if you want to. You can play with semantics, you can twist words until they no longer mean anything coherent.

But you’ll have to do a lot better than that to get racist bullshit past us, and no matter how you lie to yourself, the world knows you as you are: An asshole.

6 years ago

@scild That was an extraordinarily generous response. Not sure idli deserves it but your grace makes things better.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Idli, you posted a lecture on a book that is a regious text in Hinduism. You’ve done it more than once. You have subtly denigrated Hindus more than once.

In this instance, you can try to portray it as being somehow relevant to the topic David wrote about, but I am no longer buying it.

We’ve noticed what you’re doing.

We’ve asked you to stop. So fucking STOP.


Remember Ruby Hypatia of yore, recently resurfaced and banned again? What do you think?

@IgnoreSandra, I know, right? Idli pissed off darling Mish, and that’s right up there with pissing of Scild, in my book.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


There was actually a similar poster to Idii here a long time ago. I can’t remember their name and it’s annoying me. They were before my time. But I think maybe they had Sandinista in their name? They talked about Hinduism and said weird problematic shit a lot too. Eventually they got banned for something or other.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

So if I’m reading the current mood here right, the only idli sambar anyone wants to interact with is basically an Indian breakfast soup served over rice/lentils?
comment image

(For one version I found of it; there’s like 10 zillion recipes that I saw with a brief Google search.)

6 years ago

Thank you David. She’s been nothing but a pain.

6 years ago

Welp, guess what. Syphilis was NOT transmitted to humans by dogs, or even by sex with dogs. It was transmitted to humans by HUMANS! In fact, it was apparently unheard of in Europe until Columbus’s sailors brought it back from the Americas:

It apparently mutated/evolved in Europe from the bacterium that caused yaws (a non-sexually-transmitted treponemal disease) in the indigenous peoples of Latin America. It may not even have been transmitted sexually to the European sailors at that time. Maybe the bacterium found the crotchal regions of the Europeans a congenial place to grow and mutate because it mimicked the damp warmth of the Latin American jungles in a way that the cooler, drier air of Europe could not?

Another theory is that humans caught syphilis from either sheep or cattle:

…but again, if this was the case, most likely from men humping the animals, not women letting dogs hump them.

The only conclusion I can draw here is that horny men who will literally hump anything (or anybody) are the real danger when it comes to STD transmission.

6 years ago

…I’ve never met any dog owner, much less a woman, that though ta humping dog was “cute”, but then again most dog owners I know know to spay and neuter.

Slightly OT, anyone here listen to “Can I Pet Your Dog?” It’s a very cute podcast about two women talking about dogs. It’s been keeping me sane the past few months.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Yeah, Prabhupada died in 1977, and that blog is nothing but a racist, bigoted, deeply misogynist site; I’m sure any incels reading David’s blog will be ever so happy that they have yet another source to cudgel women with an appeal to authority to use.

I feel dirty for having clicked it. If I could, I’d delete that link. Just read of the tags:

Anti-semitism Aryans Atom Bomb authority biology brain substance brainwashing breasts chaste child marriage demons dictatorship divorce education equality freedom Hare Krishna Hindu Hitler homosexuality illicit sex independence ISKCON Islam less intelligent literalism lust Manu-samhita negroes not trustworthy polygamy Prabhupada preaching protection puberty Racism rape scientific fact Slavery subservient vagina Varnasrama Vedic Culture violence women

Fucking yuck.

6 years ago

STI nerd incoming: yaws, pinta, and bejel are all human skin infections caused by treponema palladium, but different subspecies than the treponema palladium that causes syphilis. Like most pathogens, it has its host pegged pretty well (no pun intended) – most infectious diseases don’t jump the species boundary easily or well. The whole thing is silly. Syphilis is a human disease for humans, but people love to blame women for being dirty and tainted. I do love the old WWII era posters for soldiers encouraging them to avoid “dance hall” women because of syphilis.

I love my dogs. They are both female, and the fluffy one gets coded as male and the sleek haired doberman-type bodied one gets coded as female. To combat this, fluffy one has a pink collar, and “feminine” one has a blue collar. This does not override people’s gendering by body type; probably relates back to the studies on perceptions of gender cues and the way this affect trans folks.

6 years ago

So most big diseases come from animal contact (but, uh, not like that) of one sort or another, because it’s usually the diseases that are new to a species that cause the most damage.

Also, since nobody else did the joke, if this guy can’t imagine how two things can sleep in a bed together every night without having sex he’s clearly never been married. Heeyyyoo! *badumtish*

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

So, it got me thinking, i mean, she sleeps with the dog every night, how on earth is she not f~~~ing it?

Gosh, I don’t know. I sleep with two pillows and a flat sheet and it’s all I can do not to have marital relations with them. That’s a real head scratcher.

And sometimes there’s a fork or a napkin on the kitchen table and I catch myself trying to eat them. They’re in the food location, so they must be food.

6 years ago


Yeah, when a disease that’s evolved to infect one species suddenly finds itself in a new host, it normally does not go well for the infectious agent, but every once in a while it’s close enough to be able to go berserk on the new, naive species that has never developed immunity. In terms of bacterial zoonosis, it’s pretty limited – people stab themselves with dirty needles from vaccinating animals all the time and it’s way more worrisome that there could be soil or normal skin flora introduced than any sort of illness in the animal.

6 years ago

Ayep. Also, for some reason it’s tickling me that your handle is Flora and you used it in a sentence.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Brain Bleach:comment imagecomment imagecomment image
(From the itty bitty kitty committee)comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

All of the kittens are adorable, of course. But my favorite is the torbie on the far right in the top picture. I just love the little orange patch over her eye and cheek.

I love how unique each cat’s markings are. Dracarys (kitty in my avatar) has a huge orange patch on her side with a solid black oval smack dab in the middle. It kind of looks like a reverse colored image of Jupiter’s storm. It’s my favorite thing ever. That and the bright red stripe down her back.

6 years ago


Syphilis is a human disease for humans, but people love to blame women for being dirty and tainted. I do love the old WWII era posters for soldiers encouraging them to avoid “dance hall” women because of syphilis.


And meanwhile, “respectable” upper-class men who’d gone to war — or just brothels — were bringing this disease home to their wives around the same time. Karen Blixen (the author who wrote under the pen name Isak Dinesen) was one such wife; she caught it via her husband, a Danish baron. But did anyone demonize those skeezy men for infecting women who’d probably saved themselves for marriage and put up with who knows what? NOPE. The men got lionized, and the women, ostracized.

The hypocrisy is just stunning all around.

6 years ago

And oh my heart, the sweet, wise expression on that one orange kitty with the folded paws! Squeeeeeeee.

6 years ago


Gosh, I don’t know. I sleep with two pillows and a flat sheet and it’s all I can do not to have marital relations with them. That’s a real head scratcher.

Maybe that guy owns anime body pillows?

6 years ago

She actually literally cuddled with the dog

Anyone who sees a cute dog and DOESN’T have an urge to cuddle it is probably a sociopath.

Just puttin’ that out there.

6 years ago

Now I can’t stop thinking about that Adventure Time where he travels to the pillow world.

Finn: “Sorry, where I come from, pillows are used for bedding.”
Pillow Girl: “They’re used for that here, too, you know.”

So damn many good jokes slip in under the radar in that show.

The Real Cie
6 years ago

I once found a stray kitten no older than those kittens in the video nearly drowned in a rain puddle. His eyes were caked shut with mud. I took him to a nearby no-kill shelter. I put my name down to adopt him when he was old enough, but when the family that was fostering him put their names as a second option, I let him go to them. He’d already bonded with them. I was just glad to be able to be part of him having a chance at life.
Also, it is much nicer to talk about kittens than pervy MGTOW dumbasses.