By David Futrelle
We may have all overdosed on the hideously depressing incel coverage over the last week, so I thought today we could take a break and drop in on an ever-so-slightly less toxic misogynistic subculture, namely our old friends the MGTOWs, or Men Going Their Own Way So Completely That All They Do Is Bitch About Women.
Let’s just pop in on a discussion I found — don’t ask me how, I don’t even remember — over on MGTOW.com. The subject: “Does feminism promote bestiality?”
Take it away, young MGTOW:
I’m rather young, so i can’t really say if it’s been increasing or not, but i suspect so.
When i was 17, i was hugely obsessed with statistics, and i one day ran into a survey done asking female dog owners if they had ever had sexual intercourse with their dog. 1 in 10 stated that they had.
I haven’t been able to find it back as since then google’s search algorithms have been completely feminized so i can no longer find dick all on the net
Ah, yes, it couldn’t be that you misremembered the study, must have been a “feminized” search engine.
Anyway, after an admittedly halfassed attempt at Googling I couldn’t find it either and the most recent widely cited study I did find (from way back in 1974) suggested that a) the percentage of women who had sex with animals was less than two percent (1.9%) and that b) the percentage of men who’d done the same was more than twice that (4.9%). So I’m guessing the study our young MGTOW “remembers” is either imaginary or completely unscientific bullshit.
Also, ewwww.
So anywho, that got me thinking, about why so many girls had dogs as pets and not the cute fluffy cats
To protect them from creepy weirdos like you?
Why they would always have a male dog, and never a female dog – wouldn’t you expect them to get a female dog?
[citation needed]
I came to the conclusion that women were just extremely f~~~ed up and disgusting when it came to their sexual desires.
Of course you did.
NOW! 5 years later!
I was on a movie set a few days ago, doing some gay ass artsy film lol… and the assistant director had a male dog… which she slept with.
This dog whined when ever he was away from her for more than 5 seconds!!!
So, it got me thinking, i mean, she sleeps with the dog every night, how on earth is she not f~~~ing it?
Sometimes my cats sleep on my bed. I DON’T HAVE SEX WITH THEM.
I mean, who sleeps with their dog!
She actually literally cuddled with the dog… probably giving it more affection than any man she’s ever known… lol.
Just got me thinking, pretty entertaining thing to think of.
Since i was 17, i have noticed both a serious increase in feminism and female relations \w dogs… but i can’t really say if the two are linked or even if the latter has been increasing of if its just my increased awareness.
So… Thoughts?
Have you ever caught any women doing weird stuff with their dogs? LOL.
Fun topic eh?
Naturally, a number of other MGTOWs had their own equally thoughtful opinions on the subject:
Gross. You want to know what’s really sick is when I see male and female dog owners. When a male dog owner sees his dog humping something, he gets stern and p~~~ed off and yanks him away. When a female sees it, she’s all “omg lol so cute”. They think it’s adorable but if you walk up to her and just say something she thinks it’s rape. There was a study about women getting aroused by seeing bonobo monkeys f~~~ing. It was all over the place. Girls gone wild for monkeys.
Well that was an interesting exercise in free association.
One MGTOW had some thoughts about “old ladies.”
why do you think those old ladies and women over 40 own a small dog?
they pour that freaking peanut butter all over their
Ok, I’m just going to stop him right there because I think we all know where that’s going.
Some of the commenters aren’t quite as bothered by the whole sex-with-dogs thing as Mr. OP. As one puts it:
I don’t frankly give a f~~~. As long as the dog wasn’t forced to [CENSORED BY DF BECAUSE IT’S DOG SEX], then I’m fine with it. There was an incident wherein a dog tried to hump me. I was a kid, and it never occurred to me that I was raping him. Listen, if the woman bends over and the dog starts humping her then I consider that to be conscentual. She offered, and he took her up on the that. Let them f~~~ dogs. If anything I find it amusing, but in all sincerity I have no moral qualms with what you call “beastiality”. I wouldn’t do it with a dog, or goat, or horse, but if the animal is willing, and you’re into that, then be my guest. I hear it’s illegal though, so you might want to keep it to yourself.
Well, that’s enough MGTOWs for one day I think.
Brony, thanks for the clarification, and all of my sympathy at unpacking after a move.
Yeah, I’m not sure why MGTOW are so sure they know the sex of everyone’s dog. Mine is female and people think she’s male all the time. I really don’t know why. Maybe people just always thing a biggish dog is male or that all dogs are male?
I have noticed that Lassie aside, when characters in movies or on TV have a dog, it is almost always male.
re: unpacking after a move…
wtf, I just leave much of it packed for the next move…
We can’t even handle verbal consent as a group yet. Let’s wrap our brains around that one in terms of effective social messages, strategies and structures before we think about non-human body language maybe?
Things will be unpacked until I get storage solutions. Otherwise old game consoles like the intellivision will probably stay packed.
Also my wife and I have been in two places since we moved out of our respective parent’s houses in 2000.
Prabhupada said, “You will find very beautiful girl is keeping very big dog. They are trained to have sex life. And that is cause of syphilis.” – Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.9.9, Informal Class in Room, 25 April 1972, Tokyo
Syamasundara: And every time she tried to have a child, because they lead such a decadent life, she has miscarriage every time.
Prabhupada: That means she has got syphilitic poison. Girls who cannot bear child means there is syphilitic poison. Either the man has got syphilitic poison or the woman has got syphilitic poison. And for these men, syphilis is not very uncommon.
Sudama: In this country, it is now also very, like epidemic.
Prabhupada: Syphilis. All over Europe. When Dr. Ghosh, who is my friend, he came to see me in Allahabad? One doctor? So he is friend. He told me that when he was student, Colonel (indistinct), one big professor, medicine, he was lecturing. He was Englishman. He said that “In our country, seventy to eighty percent of the student community, they are suffering from syphilitic attack.” So in our country, in India, if one is attacked with syphilis, then he is taken as very abominable. His character is not good, it is understood. So he said, “Horrible,” Dr. Ghosh, because he was Indian student. So Colonel (indistinct) replied, “Why you are saying horrible? In your country ninety percent people are attacked malaria. So there, syphilis. So as a medical practitioner why you take this disease as bad or that disease as good? Your business is to see that there should be no disease. Don’t consider in that way, that ‘This disease is good, this disease is bad.’ ” That’s nice explanation. But fifty years ago or hundred years ago syphilitic poison was very much prevalent. Still it is in Europe and America. And now it is spreading all over. And in Ayurveda it is said, phiranga, phiranga. Phirangi. The Europeans are described in Vedic literatures as phirangi, their name is phirangi. So this syphilitic disease is mentioned in the Ayurveda, the disease brought by the phirangis. And the doctor says that originally it was spread through dog. The unmarried girls, they keep dog for sex. You do not know? He knows. You will find very beautiful girl is keeping very big dog. They are trained to have sex life. And that is cause of syphilis. The dog is full of syphilitic germs. It is called phiranga in the Ayurveda. And one who has got syphilitic germs, his life is doomed. Unless it is properly treated and cured, so many disease will follow. So many. This craziness is also due to syphilitic poison, parents.
Sudama: There is a case of a very famous gangster, Al Capone, and others. They died in the prison house of syphilis of the mind, brain.
Prabhupada: Just see.
Sudama: They went crazy.
Prabhupada: So how much by nature the sex life is condemned in so many ways. Therefore we say “No illicit sex.” It will save you from so many encumbrances. Sex life is not denied, but this unrestricted sex life is very very abominable in human society. But they are encouraging unrestricted sex life. They are distributing tablets, encouraging others to have sex life. Never mind. Unmarried girls they are keeping dogs. One lady in America, she told me that the dogs are kept for this purpose. When I was going to walk in that park in Brooklyn, the young girls are bringing dogs, big, big dogs.
Idli, your shit was deleted last time, due to your bashing a religion uneedlessly, and here you are, doing it again.
David EXPLAINED why, and lo and behold. Here you are, doing it again.
I am now convinced that with your “poor misunderstood incels” and your inability to honor requests to knock it the fuck off, you are not posting here in good faith.
Go the hell AWAY.
No. No idli does not.
it was on a few years old thread so it was deleted. I didn’t bash a religion here either. I simply copy and pasted what an individual said, and its absolutely horrific. if you get mad, get mad at the individual or at what he said, not the poster.
“Lacking willing romantic or sexual partners, despite vigorous efforts to obtain a partner. ”
Many might be assholes and some even domestic terrorists.
Why are you still here?
He told you it was bashing a religion needlessly, and there is absolutely zero reason for you to post this.
Go post this on some bloody incel threads. With your sympathetic demeanor towards them, I’m sure they’ll welcome yet another reason to treat other women and other cultures like shit.
Idli, you have now devolved into the sealioning dictionary troll. You’re going to tell us what the dictionary says when you can search the archives where the incels tell you themselves what they are?!?
Please. Stop.
I mentioned a religion on that thread, that’s why he said that. Here there is no mention of any religion at all, by anyone, anywhere.
It’s relevant.
why are you here? Clearly you do read our posts. Why do you ignore us?
People are upset with you, but you don’t seem to care. Why?
Stop! Hammer time!
It is NOT relevant. It wasn’t relevant then, on that old post, and it is not relevant now.
It is you, subtly bashing Indian culture again.
You have been asked multiple times to stop posting problematic things, ignoring the requests or justifying your need to post them.
Please stop.
Oh, and do you honestly think that if I posted about a crappy lecture about the Gospel of Matthew, people wouldn’t know we’re talking about Christianity?
That’s the same reason people know you’re bashing another religion, without specifically saying it’s about Hindus.
Knock it OFF, idli.
jfc is there a mammoth thread I can go into without seeing this shite every time
Stop fucking ruining this space. It’s one of my few pleasures on the interwebs; one of the rare spaces where I know that mental illness won’t be made fun of, or lazily associated with violent assholes, and where I know that I won’t have to deal with ignorant racism that hurts my family every day.
Jesalin mentioned the hammer. It’s very tempting. I’m too angry to think clearly so I’m taking a wee break for the day.
<3 Mish
Have kitties.

what I posted has nothing to do with Hinduism or indian culture, at all. I understand most if not all people here will be unfamiliar with either or both but some simple research can show that such attitudes and lies (or misunderstandings) about women and dogs have nothing to do with either indian culture or hinduism. in addition the individual I quoted claims not to be hindu, and distances himself from Hinduism, so there’s that.
its out there, and one of the more extreme ramblings, so that’s why I posted it.
I ❤ you, darling Mish.
If you continue to double down and offend the other commenters, I will contact David for a ban. Stop posting weird shit about Indian or Hindu culture and STOP DOUBLING DOWN.
you just couldn’t help yourself with throwing in the krishna-dog-sex story on this thread too. yuck. wtf is wrong with you. I REMEMBER THE SHIT YOU POSTED EARLIER THAT WAS DELETED.
“Bhagavata Purana also known as Śrīmad Bhāgavata Mahā Purāṇa, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam or Bhāgavata, is one of Hinduism’s eighteen great Puranas.”
One two-second Google search proves your assertion that your post wasn’t relious-based to be untrue.
Yes, that is some sexist garbage. Just like in pretty much every major religion. Patriarchy extends everywhere. Each country and culture expresses these horrible sexist tendencies in their own ways. The material you cited up there is one of them.
If you want to talk about the troubles in your culture, that’s fine. Intersectionality is important. This is not the way to go about it.
Because you haven’t been talking with us, you’ve been talking at us. Engage in the things we’re already talking about! Have a conversation before you drop a set of gross, skin-crawly quotes on us out of the blue.
There are lots of important differences, and incredible energy, in the feminist movements in India, and those perspectives are certainly welcome here. But you have to engage with us and not at us.
I hope you can see the difference between them! That’s why you’re ruffling feathers, I think. Give it a think.
Goddess fuck.
Why the hell does there have to be someone posting racist shit about other religions here? Oh wait, there doesn’t have to be. They’re just unrepentant assholes.
That’s what usually pings my trolldar. People with an agenda, usually trolls, don’t want to be part of the community. So they don’t care when the community is offended. It is inconsequential to them.