advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement Alek Minassian creepy elliot rodger incel mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Just another horrific reminder that incels are a bunch of wannabe Elliot Rodgers

Eliot Rodger, incel idol

By David Futrelle

In the wake of the Toronto van attacks, the mods on have apparently decided to hide some of the more incriminating discussions on the site. Like this little thread, which they deleted — but not before the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine grabbed a copy of it.

I guess this thread was just a little bit too enthusiastically pro-mass-murder for its own good. Forums Incels Inceldom Discussion Sororities are our target Thread starteranondump Start dateYesterday at 11:40 PM anondump anondump Recruit - JoinedApr 15, 2018 Messages51 Yesterday at 11:40 PM#1 Sororities are whore headquarters. Those are your targets. Not schools. Get it right. L9xddddd L9xddddd Recruit - JoinedMar 30, 2018 Messages164 Yesterday at 11:40 PM#2 high iq post StormlitAqua StormlitAqua Recruitcel - JoinedMar 2, 2018 Messages460 Yesterday at 11:44 PM#3 L9xddddd said: high iq post Agreed. Also, Imagine the media outrage if a sorority was shot up. It would be front-page for weeks because prime roast died. A fraternity getting shot up would be 2 days, tops (only b/c they are chads). :feelsautistic: 22 y/o virgin, aspergercel, traditional Lutheran Christcel :feelsautistic: :feelsree: DEATH to degeneracy. :feelsree: ​ Letting Go Letting Go SE Asia or bust - JoinedMar 12, 2018 Messages1,195 Yesterday at 11:51 PM#4 Anyplace where young women convene are ideal targets. Sororities, schools, nightclubs, coffee shops, women's marches... I'm salivating for more acid attacks on shallow foids. Give them a taste of what we've had to endure our entire lives. The hateful stares, the laughter, the rejection, the mistreatment. I want them to suffer as much as I have suffered for 35 years and counting! Last edited: Yesterday at 11:54 PM anondump anondump Recruit - JoinedApr 15, 2018 Messages51 Yesterday at 11:54 PM#5 Fucking sorority sloots think they got it made and their daddy gubmit will protect them on their cushy life on ez mode. Itd be a shame if an angry incel were to destroy their illusion. BlkPillPres BlkPillPres Veteran - JoinedFeb 28, 2018 Messages1,064 Today at 1:11 AM#6 anondump said: Fucking sorority sloots think they got it made and their daddy gubmit will protect them on their cushy life on ez mode. Itd be a shame if an angry incel were to destroy their illusion. I like how much this comment contrasts with your "innocent and cute animal" avatar lol The concept of "deserving" is inherently false, a slight of hand utilized by society to keep "lesser men in their place". Youtube Channel - Garbage Garbage Veteran - JoinedFeb 16, 2018 Messages1,073 Today at 1:29 AM#7 L9xddddd said: high iq post Panda Panda Veteran - JoinedDec 18, 2017 Messages1,085 Today at 1:31 AM#8 i dont blame stacies. i blame becky. our looksmatches who have abandoned us for chad are the ones who ruin everything. Weirdcel Weirdcel Mythic - JoinedJan 29, 2018 Messages4,871 Today at 1:53 AM#9 OP, Incel Tears double agent? Panda said: i dont blame stacies. i blame becky. our looksmatches who have abandoned us for chad are the ones who ruin everything. This. We need to get back to pre-sexual revolution EVILcel EVILcel Recruit - JoinedMar 9, 2018 Messages283 Today at 2:01 AM#10 anondump said: Sororities are whore headquarters. Those are your targets. Not schools. Get it right. Be wary of the one gray star posters Weirdcel Weirdcel Mythic - JoinedJan 29, 2018 Messages4,871 43 minutes ago#11 EVILcel said: Be wary of the one gray star posters Joined: Apr 15, 2018 Avatar: goofy cat picture spammed on 4chin UndesirableMale UndesirableMale Ugly, lesser male - JoinedMar 24, 2018 Messages38 33 minutes ago#12 Tinder CEO's are. tooth monster tooth monster Recruit - JoinedApr 21, 2018 Messages5 29 minutes ago#13 Letting Go said: Click to expand...Bitch looks like Eric Andre. UnfortunatelyINCEL98 UnfortunatelyINCEL98 Major - JoinedFeb 27, 2018 Messages2,235 29 minutes ago#14 L9xddddd said: high iq post NORMIES DESERVE HOLLOW TIPS ONLY TRUECELS KNOW THE PAIN. I am a TRUECEL / TRUECEL + 5.5 Inch wrist + Prominent EYES + Scrawny + Niggercel Juxtaposition6 Juxtaposition6 Commander - JoinedJan 1, 2018 Messages3,381 25 minutes ago#15 7000 guests already

You may notice that some of the commenters accuse the OP of being a troll from the anti-incel IncelTears subreddit. But if you go to the archived thread (this isn’t visible in the screenshot) you’ll see that several of those agreeing most enthusiastically with the OP are prolific posters with many thousands of comments between them. Because of course.

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6 years ago

I want pockets, too. I pretty much wear jeans all the time for the pockets even though they don’t fit me that well any longer.

Not for adults, but this site puts pockets in all their clothes for girls: dresses, shorts, leggings.

And this one is starting to put them in skirts.

6 years ago

I also don’t think that we should give incels some kind universal moniker. Partially because of the reasons previously stated by other posters, and partially because whatever name we pick will almost certainly also be the name for some decent folks, and lumping in a name with some people as toxic as incels seems like it causes splash damage.

If they actually need a term beyond ‘incel’, which I think works just fine, something like Dipshit would work best, imo.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

The MRAdjacent habit of using actual people’s names to represent the social archetypes of their ideology is something that I really dislike. It not only leads to essentialist thinking and the Fundamental Attribution Error, but also inevitably causes splash damage. I would prefer that we didn’t do it.

Also, re pockets, I heard a splendidly dorky cosmology joke from @jenniferemorrow on twitter, and I want to pass it on.

Me: *looking through a telescope*: Wow, the universe is so beautiful
God: *placing hands inside black holes*: Thanksssss, it has pockets

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Kat, I’m so glad the kitty is with you now. And I’m glad that you’re safe (if not without scars) ?

Thanks, Mish! It’s been an adventure for both my kitty and me.

And I agree that naming incels would be not so great. As Catalpa pointed out, plenty of decent people would be hurt by it. Daniel Ellsberg (Watergate whistleblower) and Daniel Berrigan (lefty Roman Catholic priest) both strike me as good guys.

Not to mention the fact that Stormy Daniels is scoring some important points against the Orange One. (Visualize a winking face here.)

6 years ago

My husband’s name is Daniel, and I think we’d both resent that.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

I’m still annoyed about the whole handbag thing. Like, incels think we should wear basically a bodycon vest that doesn’t cover our butt, and then they criticise us for having a nice bag to carry our stuff in? Get your hands off my fucking handbags, incels, the patriarchy gave you pockets

Also, Chad is buying Stacey a genuine Gucci fucking handbag as a sign of his love. And I bet he let her pick the handbag she wanted, too. No handing out scratchy Ann Summers underwear in the wrong size for Chad; he’s actually thought about it and bought Stacey something he knows she’ll like. Maybe it was her birthday.

You know, I think Chad and Stacey are probably a really happy couple <3

6 years ago


That made me feel ridiculously cheery for some reason. Thank you! 🙂

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

Actually, it doesn’t even say Chad bought the handbag. Maybe Stacey bought it herself out of her earnings as a partner in a law firm.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
6 years ago

Since the name Dan came up, I just want to say that it’s my husband’s name, and he’s about the opposite of incels – while he didn’t have sex until his late 20s, that was because he felt he needed a strong emotional connection with someone to have sex with them (not knocking on anyone who enjoys casual sex, just as his own personal preference [and as it happens mine also]), and it took time to find that emotional connection, wwhich happened to be with me. He also realises that sex is a mutual thing, and generally has a super healthy sexuality, despite growing up in a religious family which I know can give some people weird hangups about stuff. He has clinical depression, and spent years hating himself, but never took that out on other people or believed that he was owed something by them. He’s caring and thoughtful and just altogether awesome.

So on top of the name thing being, as so many have said by now, a ridiculous concept in and of itself, can we please leave Dan out of it? 🙂

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago


You’re welcome!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Modest bit of goodish news. City worker who made fake porn of colleague who rejected him gets banged up.

6 years ago

Re the pocket topic: I usually wear men’s clothes, although there are a lot of tight pants designed for men up here in Scandinavia. I still prefer tight men’s pants to tight women’s pants because a) better pockets – obviously you can’t keep too much in your pockets when the pants are tight, but they’re still more spacious than the pockets on most tight women’s pants, and b) more space in the crotch. Despite not having a dick I appreciate this. Don’t want seams grinding against my labia when I walk and sit.

@Shadowplay: That’s funny, I have a couple of pants with loads of pockets on that I wear on hikes, and I call this style of pants “Leifeild pants”!

6 years ago

I’m the one who used ‘Ian Sell’ when writing the story of a specific imaginary incel. I certainly didn’t intend it to be used as a generic name for all incels, in the way incels use ‘Stacy’ to refer to all sexually active women. It was merely a storytelling device.

Unless someone can point out a sentence that would be improved by use of a generic name over just using the work ‘incel’, I’d also be in the ‘no’ camp.

6 years ago

I’m curious what sort of specific criteria these guys would give you if asked them how exactly to divide people into objective numerical categories of attractiveness. There are so many possible subtle variations of even the same human face that it seems impossible.

6 years ago

Also, weirdly enough, their idea of Becky looks exactly like one of my best friends from high school.

6 years ago

Good! Was disappointed at first at the short sentence but the fine and his dismissal at work (under “misconduct” as well!) made me feel better. Good on the company for taking the right action.

Yes to pockets.
No to giving incels a name.
Yes to idli either changing their habits or going away.

6 years ago

Speaking as someone whose actual RL name is Stacy, I agree with not giving incels a group person name. Who would want to be associated with that toxic group?

As for me, I’m mostly bemused because l’m nothing like their Stacy stereotype.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ sunnysombrera

under “misconduct” as well!

Gross misconduct; which of course it was in both senses of the word.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Let’s not ruin Dan, please. Dans are awesome. (Except for that one kid in junior high school.)

Referring to all members of a group by the same name, like Tyrone or Muhammed, implies that their true name doesn’t matter. Erasing someone’s name is a form of power. It’s why bullies hand out nicknames.

That being said, at this point Chad, Stacey, Becky, and Katie feel like really awesome imaginary friends.

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
6 years ago

Um…hello, is this on?

I’m not sure anyone here will remember me, as I have not commented in months (and at some point during David’s long hiatus I stopped checking WHTM every day, so I have had to make some good getting-up-to-date in the past few days).

Of course what prompted me to come here was that you-know-what-event had incels suddenly being mentioned in mainstream Spanish press, and like most people have already expressed, I’m glad the good word is getting out but horrified it had to be like this.

Locally, in between the feminist strike in March 8 and the recent uproar against the “wolfpack” rape trial sentence, this might well be the year of a major feminist breakthrough in Spain, one could only hope.

And to think I was this close to getting sucked by the PUA vortex after my divorce.

Okay, I want to end this re-acquaintance post with a big kudos and thank you for James Fell, whose blog was the first place where I found a link to WHTM, and whose posts made me also swiftly get rid of wonky fitness and nutrition ideas as well as getting me again on the right path which I should have never strayed from.

Good day and nice to see you all again.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponised Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponised Vagina
6 years ago

Further observation: as a fashion obsessive, I would like to point out that Becky is on fleek, thank you very much. The “nerdy bun” is massive right now, as are backpacks, ankle boots and normcore grey hoodies. That’s a girl who knows what’s hot. I would not be surprised if Becky works in fashion and spends her time off listening to cutting-edge techno with people who call themselves things like “Hoover” and “Betty Nadir”.

Stacey’s style game isn’t up there, but she does look like great fun. Stacey, if you ever want to grab a cocktail and swap stories of all the terrible dates you had with angry entitled men before you met Chad, let me know. We could ask Becky. I bet she knows the bar we’re all going to want to go to next year.

Haha sorry, I’ll stop making up lives for these two now. The pictures really grabbed my imagination!

6 years ago

Saw the other version of Stacey and Becky.

Hopefully the pic will post:

It’s a sad pic.

Though the one in the middle makes me laugh slightly – “What is this thing called boo – k?”

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago


I like to see that as a lovely story about one woman’s discovery of reading and comfortable footwear

6 years ago


You have a good PoV. Again. Going to enjoy your story about them instead. 🙂

Edit to add:

If anyone wants to laugh at a Nazi (and hasn’t already seen this, tend to be late to these parties)

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Oh hey, Spaniard in the Works! I remember you. It’s great to see you again.