By David Futrelle
It’s not like any of you need any more reminders that incels are some of the worst people on planet earth, but here’s one anyway, in the form of a comment on Incels.me from a dude who thinks that following 14-year-olds down the street in order to freak them the hell out is kinda fun and every incel should try it.
Here’s the full text:
I once approached a teenage girl (around 14 years old) by asking her for directions at first. Then I proceeded to ask for her name. She became afraid and started walking away. I followed her, and then she went from walking briskly to running. Her gait was peculiar, because she ran like a newborn fawn, turning around every so often, trying to see if I am still following.
(Now, I want to make clear that I absolutely abhor rape and did not have any intention in that direction, not molestation not any of that.)
She had no reason to be frightened. I wasn’t gonna do anything.
But the feeling when you follow a girl and she notices you, and she tries to loose you or picks up the pace. That is kind of a good feeling. You become important to her. You are no longer some random insignificant face in the crowd.I know it is kind of low-level behaviour. But I do enjoy doing that. I go to another city, look for a girl that is walking by herself and start following her. After a while they notice you. After dark, after sunset it may suffice to just walk in the same general direction as a girl that is walking in front of you. They become paranoid.
I recommend you lonely incels try it some time. Just to make her afraid. If you know your limits and don’t actually harass -let alone rape- that girl, it should be harmless psychological fun.
Yes, that girl had no reason to be scared of the exceedingly creepy dude following her down the street because he wasn’t really planning to rape her though the thought had definitely occurred to him.
H/T — @iAmTheWarax
Yeah, I was getting some deja vu while reading.
Brain bleach:

(From the itty bitty kitty committee)
Holy crap, that stereotyping thing happened to me at the Women’s March earlier this year. A man came up to me, pointing out that my “Resist” T-shirt that I got from a pride parade didn’t have the color black on it so I had to “prove” I wasn’t racist by saying I love him! Even said, “What do I have to do to get you to love me?! Do you want me to Take a Knee?!” And thank goodness some ladies stepped in to chase him off!
I just can’t even.
The next time a dude wants to try that whole “Oh, you must be one of those feminazis who think all men are rapists…” on me, I’m honestly just gonna agree with him. Maybe that’ll get him to fuck off before I have to bust out the bear mace.
Omg thanks Pagan!
Thank you, Pagan.
Kitties were needed.
Don’t you follow me or he or she
Don’t you follow anyone you see
If you try to tail us then you better pray
That you might see the end of the day
Don’t you follow a mere child, so mild
Don’t you fuckin’ do that, that’s more than wild
The jumpin’ rope keeps swingin’ in time
And it’ll trip you up if you’re outta line
Don’t you follow a solo teen
Don’t try to take the M.O. of I.M. Meen
All you’ll get is weird looks from your peers
Or better, locked up for a couple years
Don’t you do this shit, don’t boo-fuckin’-hoo
Don’t you try to laugh it off, we got better things to do
Take a hike in the opposite direction
I’d say that’d be close to perfection
Holy crap.
They are the worst.
OMG, I needed that little munchkin kitty. Soooo much.
Ugh, creepy as fuck. Having a flashback to the dude who pulled up next to me when I was walking home from the park at age 11 and asked me directions. He kept drawing out the interaction by asking endless questions. At some point I realized he was breathing heavily. Yep, he was masturbating. I was massively embarrassed and ashamed. Then he followed me, shouting obscenities. So many shitty memories like this, and it pains me to think back to how much I blamed myself for each and every one.
Also, can I point out how creepy that “if you know your limits” part is? Clearly he believes that all men want to assault teenage girls, but good, upstanding ones like himself who “abhor rape” fight the impulse. So fucking disgusting.
I developed d-cups when I was 12 more or less over night.
I’m 34 now and still get mistaken for 16 sometimes. So when I was 12 I looked extremely young.
I’ve had guys old enough to be my grandfather creep on me since then.
These days I’m fat, so men usually don’t talk to me. They just stare at my boobs.
And that song and dance of saying no without actually using the word no is something I really don’t miss.
I don’t think men ever plot out escape routes or alternatives to theor usual paths.
Some of us do. Not many though.
OT but did anyone else see this article in the Daily Beast? https://www.thedailybeast.com/sympathy-for-the-incel
The article follows one incel and he states that all the rape threats, acid attack threats, worshipping ER are all just satire and blowing off steam. This blog is mentioned as being essentially too hard on incels.
It also blames all the violence incels have committed to mental illness. No. Being a violent self pitying asshat is not mental illness. It is entitled rage that women are not throwing themselves at these men. Stop buying their crap Daily Beast.
There’s a guy who does this in my town. Turns out it’s against the law and he has been to jail 3 times now. Next time he will get a much longer sentence as he has a bunch of parole conditions which he will probably break. Good riddance.
Sympathy? Yeah, sure, why not. It’s possible to feel sympathy for a rabid dog, but to also recognize that there is nothing that can be done for it but to put it down to prevent it from infecting others. Delenda est Incel, I say.
To hear the incel profiled in the article tell it, he has been the victim of bullying and abusive relationships by and with women (and, in the interests of fairness, I see no reason to disbelieve his experience), and that was what pushed him to identify with the incel community in the first place, because it was the only community that he felt would accept him for what he had become (i.e. ugly, socially awkward, romantically unsuccessful, ‘cucked’).
But that completely ignores the fact that there are alternatives towards going full ‘black-pill’, which he did. And that his later attempts to remake himself while still remaining in the incel sphere of influence are almost certainly futile. And it in no way excuses the fact that the incel ideology is a toxic stew of rage, hate and self-loathing.
And the article’s sub-heading:
Is completely missing the point that toxic masculinity is a failure of masculinity.
So, while I can sympathize with the shitty things that have happened to that incel specifically, I cannot say that I have any sympathy for his and his chosen community’s shitty decisions and shitty ideology afterwards.
I feal angry on behalf of the victim.
I would find it funny if that guy gets arrested.
About the other think:
VD if you want to feel better a recomend the parody from Theophilus Pratt (I think writtername could be Theo Pratt). I don’t know if the audiobook written by John Scalzi is still around.
It is totally unreasonable to judge white western men by what they say, how they act or the company they keep. Consequences are for brown people.
There it is again: notice me, the cry of the mediocre man looking for a way to matter in the world.
I know that it’s pointless to appeal to empathy when interacting with a skidmark like this, but perhaps it would be more productive to get him to think about his own future? There will come a time in his life when he looks back on his past, and asks himself: what have I done which I can be proud of? When the answer is “women and children feared me, because I weaponised creepiness”… well, even the worst of us is unlikely to find that very satisfying.
Escape route seem in my view a sadly common life of thing view for basically all sort of non-male cisgender people. That don’t make them any more acceptable ; one of the insidious thing with thoses to me is the nagging doubt about if it’s paranoia or not since most other people tend to discount their necessity and no authority will ever give actual help for that, like if it was somehow normal. At least in my experience.
While I don’t think that all incels are redeemable (and I wouldn’t bet *any* are), what to do with them is still an open question to me. Arbitrary house arrest or prison is too dangerous a path, and their place certainly isn’t in an hospital either.
@Aribaster : what an horrible article. I particulary dislike the “failure of masculinity” part, because I think incels are a feature of the system, not a bug. What would be “not having masculinity failure” ? Having even more self-entitled jackholes ? It’s the existence of implicit masculinity test who is the entire problem !
@Pie agreed about the consequence thing.
Even the Talmud recommends not negotiating with incels:
Rab Judah said in Rab’s name: A man once conceived a passion for a certain woman, and his heart was consumed by his burning desire [his life being endangered thereby]. When the doctors were consulted, they said, ‘His only cure is that she shall submit.’ Thereupon the Sages said: ‘Let him die rather than that she should yield.’ Then [said the doctors]; ‘let her stand nude before him;’ [they answered] ‘sooner let him die’. ‘Then’, said the doctors, ‘let her converse with him from behind a fence’. ‘Let him die,’ the Sages replied ‘rather than she should converse with him from behind a fence.’
…for his wrists sufficeth not.
I will say I did “plot escape routes” but that is because I am small and I was sexually assaulted few times before by other men. I think if this didn’t happen probably I would not feel so uncomfortable or vigilant. I know that what I feel and think is basically reality for most women, especially women in my profession who are seafarers. they are often alone woman on board a vessel with 20 men and sometimes many days journey to land – and it is not as if ports in any country are a safe place to be where you will find help and compassion.
I forgot what I meant now. but I always think any woman seafarers I sail with are very brave, braver than me, and it is sad that they must be just to do their job.
I gigglesnorted so hard at Moggie’s post that I got soda water in my nose, choked, and ended up with the entire cafeteria staring at me.
It was worth it.
Ugh *shudders*
These dudes make me really glad I have a slight inclination towards violence. If I feel threatened, I threaten right the hell back. I carry a knife and used to have pepper foam, though I’m lucky I’ve never had to use them. Even when I was a teenager, I’d stare down dudes who thought they could intimidate me. At least I haven’t had to physically fight a guy in about ten years, so that’s a…plus, I guess.
And every once in a while I’d wonder if I was overacting, but when dudes post crap like that, I stop second guessing my reactions. And I agree with a few people above me – if this guy isn’t a rapist already, he probably will be soon.
This guy is framing scaring people as harmless fun?
I think you’ll find there was harm, actually. Scaring people is a form of harm. It’s only fun if the other person is having fun.
I’ve seen some interesting people on here, but I honestly think this is one of the most terrifying posts I’ve seen.
It is not the first time he has followed someone; he even has a method for doing it. He chooses vulnerable people (teenage girls). He thought about rape while he was following her. He enjoyed her fear because it made him feel powerful.
I would be very surprised if this doesn’t escalate. He seems to be very big on how “not touching” means he’s all golden…..but I’m certain he’ll be able to doublethink his way into “indecent exposure doesn’t hurt people”.
If you read this, creeper, you are doing harm. You are doing harm by following these girls; let alone anything else you may be considering. And you can minimise, and tell yourself all the lies you like, but you are doing harm and you will do more harm. Please. Get help. Go and see a therapist, go to the doctor, talk to someone. Now.
Ugh. I need a bath.
On another note, I am not a big fan of either The Sun or Rupert Murdoch, but I did enjoy the incels article, which referred to them as “women-hating losers” and – in an incredible stretch for The Sun – didn’t appear to contain an ounce of blame for women.