By David Futrelle
It’s not like any of you need any more reminders that incels are some of the worst people on planet earth, but here’s one anyway, in the form of a comment on Incels.me from a dude who thinks that following 14-year-olds down the street in order to freak them the hell out is kinda fun and every incel should try it.
Here’s the full text:
I once approached a teenage girl (around 14 years old) by asking her for directions at first. Then I proceeded to ask for her name. She became afraid and started walking away. I followed her, and then she went from walking briskly to running. Her gait was peculiar, because she ran like a newborn fawn, turning around every so often, trying to see if I am still following.
(Now, I want to make clear that I absolutely abhor rape and did not have any intention in that direction, not molestation not any of that.)
She had no reason to be frightened. I wasn’t gonna do anything.
But the feeling when you follow a girl and she notices you, and she tries to loose you or picks up the pace. That is kind of a good feeling. You become important to her. You are no longer some random insignificant face in the crowd.I know it is kind of low-level behaviour. But I do enjoy doing that. I go to another city, look for a girl that is walking by herself and start following her. After a while they notice you. After dark, after sunset it may suffice to just walk in the same general direction as a girl that is walking in front of you. They become paranoid.
I recommend you lonely incels try it some time. Just to make her afraid. If you know your limits and don’t actually harass -let alone rape- that girl, it should be harmless psychological fun.
Yes, that girl had no reason to be scared of the exceedingly creepy dude following her down the street because he wasn’t really planning to rape her though the thought had definitely occurred to him.
H/T — @iAmTheWarax
“Don’t harass or rape her” he says, to a bunch of dudes who frequently fantasise about raping women – and he knows that.
Fucking hell.
One of these days he’s not going to follow his own rule.
Wasn’t there some MGTOW or something that posted something roughly the same as this ? Like, long ago.
“harmless psychological fun”
except to the girl, who is probably scared out of her goddamn mind.
but that doesn’t count, i’m sure, because she’s just a “foid” and not a real person.
Finding new and innovative ways to be reprehensible.
Everything I want to say about this person breaches the comments policy, and probably some UK laws on internet posts, so I’ll just stick this here instead:
I have friends staying at my house at the moment with their children, including their 14 year old son. He is very definitely a child, despite being well behaved and mature for his age. I don’t even want to think of someone with this mindset around him. And then I remember all the men that treated me like this when I was 14 and younger and how confused and ashamed I felt – although I worry some Incels will see that and feel inspired.
I wonder if the reason so many male supremacists and judges in abuse cases are ready to see 14 year old girls as somehow not children is the same reason black boys are seen as threatening adults. Their gender or their race trumps their personhood, instead of themselves as a child they stand for sex or challenge.
Or maybe it’s just sad losers picking on children because it’s easier than facing the revulsion of adults.
Okay dude, following someone, otherwise known as stalking, is actually harassing someone. Doing it to a child just makes it 10,000 times worse. I hope the next time this poop skid does this, a cop sees him and arrests him for attempting to abduct a child.
I’m also going to have to remember this post and dig it up next time some sad boner whiner complains about how horrible it is that women don’t want to talk to men on the street who are perfectly innocent and just want directions or the time or to say hello. I have also experienced the asking directions as a ruse to get close for more effective harassment. Multiple times. I’m sure a very high percentage of female/female presenting people have had these experiences too. To all the good men who don’t want women to fear you might be one of the bad ones, don’t complain to us about this. Call out your fellow men for acting like this towards women. Maybe if enough of you do it, men will cut the shit out and we won’t have to look at you with a mixture of annoyance and trepidation if you ask us for directions. Better yet, ask a man for directions instead and just let us alone. Thanks.
I’m also going to have to keep this in mind the next time someone claims harassment is a compliment. Does this look like he was trying to compliment this girl? It sure fucking doesn’t to me.
What a HB 10 man I wonder why women aren’t all over you? /s
I knew it! I knew that those things men do – stalking, harassing, and so forth – they’re not ignorant of social cues, they are, by their own admittance, actively malicious.
Now we just need to treat them as the malicious actors they are.
I feel like he just created a feminist.
Way to go, good sir!
Oh, ffs! If terrorizing children is this dude’s idea of harmless fun, his concept of actual sex must be gut-churningly awful beyond my imagination.
Okay, first off I’m not entirely sold on the idea that the guy behind this only does it for psychological pleasure. Sorry if I come off as conspiranoid, but I’m willing to wager that his guy has either attempted to or successfully raped someone.
This double speak about “behave like a rapist, but don’t cross that line” seems to be about training other men to go about this shit in order to normalize this behavior. And like most people who go on power trips (because this shit is about imposing yourself on others), the person who wrote this knows that the more people engage in this “hobby”, the more they will wonder how far is too far. He knows these people will inevitably cross that line, from which there is no going back.
This asshole is trying to groom rapists.
I haven’t really experienced asking for directions leading up to harassment personally, but I talked to a trans woman a while ago who told me that it’s happened to her several times that a man leads in with some seemingly innocent question, then begins really staring at her, and then suddenly turns really aggressive and threatening with “You’re not a real woman! I knew it! You’re a man!” so she has to flee. She said she feels much safer with a wonderbra on, because then men tend to focus more on her boobs and there will be less instances of that.
Sorry for the OT but in the UK, Amazon is advertising SJWs Always Lie by Vox Day & Milo as one of today’s Kindle Daily Deals. Obvs I’m not going to buy it. What else can I do?
Cue the reason I try to avoid socializing.
I have experienced men trying to get close to me. Most of the time I try to avoid permitting that, some of that’s because I’m afraid of that aggressive reaction.
I’ve had almost this exact experience as the 14 year old girl while walking home from school. He did try to grab me though and I ran all down the street and hid in someone’s yard until he was gone. I suffered high anxiety over this event for years.
I have told my 8&11 year old girls that there is basically no reason an adult stranger ever has to talk to them while they are alone especially a man. I said not to give directions, help find pets, say their name or age. Basically to leave for help immediately.
I have always shut down the idea that men don’t know what they are doing. That they don’t mean to do it. They fucking know and they do it on purpose.
This reminds me in a way of this Ray Bradbury short story that creeped the hell out of me. There’s the one everyone knows from ‘Dandelion Wine’ about the girl who freaks herself out on her walk home because there’s a serial killer in town, and just when she gets home and thinks she’s safe, it turns out the killer was waiting for her in her living room (I’m pretty sure, it’s been ages since I read it).
The one that really creeps me out is in ‘Bradbury Stories’ and it’s done from the killer’s perspective as he’s going around town with no one the wiser.
‘Harmless fun.’ *shudder*
Yeah and it seems to be a kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t (look like a “real woman”) too.
I remember this conversation I had with another trans woman who looked very conventionally attractive. She said that originally, she just saw this as a blessing. She got the feeling that she was almost fast-tracked through transitioning (in Sweden transitioning is payed for by public health care, but the whole process usually takes a really long time, you have to wait for ages for your surgeries and so on), and thought this might have something to do with the fact that even pre transitioning she looked very feminine, slender build, feminine-looking face and so on so doctors were quick to diagnose her and quick to approve treatments (obviously this shouldn’t factor in, but we know people can often be prejudiced and irrational, so I have no problem believing this).
But after transitioning, she experienced so many times that some man fell in love with her, and when she told him she was trans he got so heartbroken because he thought he couldn’t possibly date a trans woman, and the whole thing ended up with her consoling him for making the mistake of falling for someone who was trans.
Eventually she got into a long-term relationship with an emotionally abusive asshole who demanded that she not tell any of his friends that she was trans, and he said if they’d ever found out he’d tell them that she’d tricked him and he didn’t know.
She’d just made the decision to be super open from now on, and maybe receive other kinds of transphobia (like open threats and shit) regularly from now on, but not having to deal with this particular kind of shit any longer.
Power-tripping, useless sack of semi-sentient shit.
And yeah, there’s no way this rapist in training is gonna be content with ‘only’ scaring/traumatizing young girls. It’s practically a given that he will rape.
And that he will inspire other men to follow in his footsteps by encouraging them to basically get off from violating boundaries.
@Dvärghundspossen and Sandra
Goddamn. That sucks.
And agreed that this asshole is rapey as shit.
I hope that this guy [not specified by me because I respect our comments policy]. And I hope whatever girls/women he targets survive the experience.
I’m old now, but I remember guys doing stuff like this to me when I was a teen. Yeah, it helped me to figure out why feminists are needed and so I became one – starting at about 13.
I hope this guy gets what he gives and that he enjoys it exactly as much as his poor targets do.
Off topic question: How do I upload/post with an avatar? The post in the welcome package is defunct.