By David Futrelle
So here’s a screenshot floating around the internet that offers a sensible, common-sense solution to the problem of incels literally murdering people because they’re angry no hot women with have sex with them.
And by “sensible” and” “common-sense” I mean, “what the fucking fuck is this fuckery?”
Here’s the full text if you’d rather not squint at that:
People make is sound as if the “Incel Rebellion” is a laughing matter and that people don’t understand problem.
The incels are not the problem, but rather they are a symptom that something is very wrong in our society — and unless their legitimate grievances are addressed this could very soon spiral out of control just like what happened in Iraq, Libya and Syria when their respective governments refused to address and deal with the legitimate grievances a portion of their popolation had.
Calling the Incels a bunch of virgins and “frustrated losers with communication skills equal to that of an autistic potato” is oversimplifying the problem yes they are all that but why are they frustrated virgins?
The real issue is that with the advancement of makeup, healthy at any size bullshit, feminism and through social engineering a lot of women have become detached from reality. The reason these Incels arn’t getting laid is because women with a sexual market value equal to theirs use makeup to go from a 3/10 – 7/10 (false marketing in my opinion and should be a punishable offense) to fuck with men above their league.
So I propose that rather than making Incels look bad we look at the reasons they’ve become this way and what steps we can take to deconflict and reverse things because, let’s be real calling them names, labeling them a terrorist organization etc isn’t going to make the problem go away.
There are several ways I propose we do this:
1) Women are no longer allowed to wear makeup, ie falsely advertise their beauty and hence stop them from banging guys above their league.
2) Women are only allowed to date men with equal sexual market value to them. State-mandated tests should be made and everyone get a sexual-market value card ranging from 1/10 to 10/10, like an ID card.
3) Every time a woman sleeps with a new man she lose one 1 rank on her sexual-market value card until she reach the lowest rank 1/10.
4) There’s no way to rise through the ranks other than through excercise
5) Women with more than 9 sexual partners and single moms should be forced by the state to date and have sex with incels that can’t get any women despite the above changes.
This would deal with the problem not the symptom and is the ay we deal with everything from counter-piracy to counter- terrorism. The incel threat is real and should be treated the same way.
Though I haven’t been able to track this screenshot to its source, my guess — as someone who has been reading this sort of shit for years — is that it’s a sincere post from an incel sympathizer. If it’s a parody, and I really don’t think it is, it’s pitch-perfect, written by someone who has utterly mastered contemporary internet misogynist logic.
H/T — r/BadEconomics via Talia Lavin on Twitter.
“I’d call it anti-climactic’
In more ways than one. Roosh prides himself on withholding pleasure from the woman. Says don’t worry about if she orgasms or not unless she’s your wife. But I don’t believe he “banged” lots of women anyway. His books are fiction.
That Slate article. Ugh.
The more I read about him, the less I want to read about him…Scild’s and EJ’s opinion of him is spot on.
Yeah, the dude sets off my creepydar big time.
A sentiment that’s frequently used to deny that he’s ever raped anyone.
As several have pointed out, if you break up with a guy and he goes on to kill a bunch of people, you didn’t cause him to kill those people, he just proved you were correct to break up with him (and you probably escaped becoming his first victim).
One thing I noticed in my occasional browsing of True-Crime books or websites is that the older cases include a lot more serial killers who, contrary to the modern stereotype, were plainly doing it for money rather than kicks – usually con artists who eventually decided it was worth taking a couple of extra steps in order to collect the life-insurance payout on their latest spouse/business partner, rather than just drain their bank account and run off.* I think national databases of homicides, etc. have made it harder to get away with killing people long enough to qualify as a “serial” murderer, *except* for those who are picking victims they don’t know personally and have no obvious motive to kill; especially if said victims are marginalized in some way.
*I’d say H. H. Holmes actually fell into this category, even though he claimed, once caught, that “the Devil was in him,” and bumped up the number of victims (I think at least one person he claimed to have killed later turned up alive elsewhere); either to try for an insanity plea or because he’d decided to make the most of the spotlight.
I can see the headlines now if this guy’s plan comes to pass:
Shooter was angry over his “4” Rating.
Okay, so if I start at “As conventionally attractive as a political cartoon of Quasimodo,” only rarely wear makeup, and have had more than 50 sexual partners of all races and genders, that should put me at a solid “I don’t give a shit.” =P
(Psst, lurking incels, wanna know my secret? 1. Be nice to people, 2. Actually fucking ask.)
I loved the earlier discussion where people suggested that you become reflective like a mirror and other weird stuff when you go down to negative numbers!
“I made tuna. Steak. Grilled tuna steaks with lemon and butter sauce, on toasted buns, with lettuce, tomato, mayo, cheddar cheese, and spicy brown mustard.
Plus fries (Arby’s curly fries, they have them at stores now and you bake them in the oven.)”
Remember that manosphere ladies auxilery blog by that African American Christian lady who married a German, forgot her name. She made it a rule on her blog that the men had to be automatically respected but the woman commentators had to “earn” their respect. Mind you, I think 100% of the male commentaters were white. And of course we know that now, most of the manosphere and it’s auxileries like the “Christosphere” (yes they called it that) were to go full throttle Storm Front just a few years later. I’m sorry but as a WOC myself I have to say these WoC who kissed the asses of these white males had it coming. The women commentators on that blog were all married, all flirting with them there while their husbands were away at work, all trying to one-up each other by posting what they made for breakfast, lunch, dinner and bullying wives and moms who had jobs outside the home. Claimed they were “homesteading” while blogging/commenting all day. What was that blogs name?
Oh, and remember the “Girl Game” blog? Whatever happened to that.
One of the writers was a Muslim (I think her family hailed from Palestine but not sure). Then there was an Indo-Carribbean contributer. Both of these girls were flirting with and totally kissing the asses of the old white men in the Manosphere. This was about 5 years ago and I remember seeing the seeds then and thinking “it’s just a matter of time before the manosphere goes full Storm Front. What on earth are these women doing?!”
And here we are.
And oh yeah, about the indo-carib one, I think her name was Sophia iirc. When she first ventured into Manosphere she had on her profile, non-ironically, that she majored in “Women’s Studies” in college. then later when the manosphere made fun of women’s studies she told them she only took the courses to “challenge” the profs and narrative. Yep.
She and the Muslim girl (Betti I believe her name was) also contributed to this small right wing political blog (basically created by her, Betti and 1 or 2 other unknowns). While Betti made a good case for Muslim conservativism as she was a practicing muslim who observed the religion’s strict conservative protocols, Sophia was doing live online streaming of sex with her bf who was from Australia living in the basement of her parent’s house in Canada. How is that “conservative” exactly?
Also, I guess her bf was an incel who had to migratecel to Canada in order to get a woman. Australia is a huge place (and so is Canada). Something ain’t right if they had to look to the other side of the world just to get laid.
I remember when the manosphere first started critiquing “multiculturalism” and Sophia was perplexed and wrote something, “multiculturalism doesn’t bother me as i’m living in a very multicultural city and I like it”. Plus her parents being from Trinidad. I remember thinking then, “who on earth would a woman like this (or any woman) court the manosphere which is clearly going in a very racist direction”.
I guess some people will do anything for attention.
I’d rate my SMV as 3.142…/10; but maybe I’m just being irrational.
(That one’s for Tash)
“Wow, South Dakota police, that’s really your takeaway? Not surprising really, considering that the state is fairly well-known for its “anything other than white straight men aren’t people” attitudes.”
How do they treat the native population there?
Yeah, it’s about as common as the rape backstory in terms of misogynist plotlines written by men. TV Tropes calls it Mystical Pregnancy:
So you definitely homed in on this being super problematic.
I read The Sandman when I was in college and it was first being published. I found it interesting, disturbing, and appreciated the literary/mythical/historical elements brought in. I never finished the series because I graduated and moved away from the college comic book library.
Dream really was such an asshole. But Death was cool. There’s a reason why you see a lot more people running around with her on their T-shirts etc than Dream.
Yup. And as much as I hate to quote Dubya Bush (and acknowledge that he’s nowhere near the colossal shit that Donnie Drumpf is), we don’t negotiate with terrorists. We don’t even care that much if they die by suicide, by cop, or after decades in prison without parole, like Charlie Manson.
These guys had better think long and hard about that, because whichever way you slice it, they come to bad ends…and all of them will be involuntarily celibate for real, ha ha.
They complain about hot women not having sex with them so the solution is to enact a system where hot women are not allowed to have sex with them?
Ok. So why are they complaining?
Nobody EVER has it coming not for ANY reason, least of which for not following your standards for their sexual expression.
@Solecism: Thanks for telling me about the trope! I like TVTrope, but didn’t know about the mystical pregnancy trope.
I actually never liked Death because she was sooooo upbeat and happy all the time that I found it annoying. Also I hate when she tells that dead baby who complains about his short life that “you got what everyone got: A lifetime”. Look, if my boss were to, like, pay my male colleagues double what he pays me and I went to complain and he said “you get what everyone gets: A salary”, he wouldn’t be wise and profound, he’d be an asshole.
Still, back when I was like 20 and first read it everyone kept telling me how much I looked like Death so I was constantly reminded of her *lol*.
Now it sounds like I hate Sandman, but on first reading it I loved it and was blown away like everyone else. Nowadays I think it’s got a lot of problems but I still realize that overall it’s a high quality comic.
Idli, I’m uncomfortable with this –
Women can post things online without flirting. Perhaps they were looking for community of like-minded people?
I don’t know the website, and you haven’t linked to it so I can’t look myself. But you described women posting things online in ways that participate in the website as ‘flirting’ twice in that comment, and… It just seems off.
You are also assuming that they are lying, with the use of ‘claimed’ in there. Maybe they aren’t?
Ninja’d by kupo, but also agreeing. No one deserves this shit, no matter what they do.
@ bina
I’m not sure if it’s any better, but the phrase is usually attributed to Reagan in his 198-something speech about the Tokyo Treaty. Although Reagan himself attributed the policy, if not the quote, to Margaret Thatcher.
But I suspect there’s probably earlier examples even than that.
ETA: Which is ironic of course because the government was having back channel talks with PIRA all the time.
I just had an unpleasant eye – opener from the local television news and need to get it out of my system. An influential incel (may his name be forever reviled, but I’m not going to say it) went to school in my home county. Yuk.
Really busy today so can’t much comment, but wanted to drop this in the conversation:
Women are allowed to flirt for fun. There is no expectation of sex, relationships, or infidelity along with flirting. There’s nothing immoral about it, and if men (incel or otherwise) make assumptions that more is implied, that’s not the responsibility of the woman.
I hope that’s the case at least!
@ idli:
You do not want to know….
re: Hanson article in Slate n Hanson in general… Double Yoo Tee Eff?!?!? Why is George Mason giving this creeper a platform? Because he’s an economist? Not if he does an economic analysis of a concept (Sexual Market Value) that only exists in the tortured minds of a group of overaged adolescents.
And to equate it with income inequality, probably the biggest problem in the history of society is completely disconnected.
I’ve experienced both sex deprivation and income deprivation — they’re not remotely comparable.
I’m not incel, I’m “niarratt”*, for six years, and the worst it’s caused me is having to cook for one. I experienced loss of income for four months in the late 90’s, and I was malnourished, had no medicine and was seriously looking at living on the streets.
Hanson’s kind of “white privileged woe” is meaningless, distracting and should not be tolerated by progressive society.
* “not in a romantic relationship at this time”
“No one deserves this shit, no matter what they do.”
What shit are you referring to exactly, Rhuu? I think you may have misunderstood what I was talking about.
Maybe you miscommunicated rather than Rhuu “misunderstanding”? Because you said women “had it coming” for flirting with men, in a thread where we’re discussing people being murdered and you never stated what “it” was. But it doesn’t fucking matter because no one deserves a god damn thing for flirting. Not one thing.
@idli sambar revolution
And as a WoC I have to say, what the fuck?!
Ooglyboggles, again, what exactly is it that you think I think by “had it coming”?
Think this, but even more ridiculous considering woc and a muslim woc immigrant kissing white manosphere ass;
@idli sambar revolution
You fucking tell us what you mean by it, then. Because right now it sounds like you mean anything negative that has happened to WoC at the hands of white men.