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Prevent future incel terrorism by banning makeup, forcing women to have sex with creepy weirdos, creepy weirdo suggests

Cher weaponizes her eyelashes in an attempt to bamboozle men with makeup trickery

By David Futrelle

So here’s a screenshot floating around the internet that offers a sensible, common-sense solution to the problem of incels literally murdering people because they’re angry no hot women with have sex with them.

And by “sensible” and” “common-sense” I mean, “what the fucking fuck is this fuckery?”

Here’s the full text if you’d rather not squint at that:

People make is sound as if the “Incel Rebellion” is a laughing matter and that people don’t understand problem.

The incels are not the problem, but rather they are a symptom that something is very wrong in our society — and unless their legitimate grievances are addressed this could very soon spiral out of control just like what happened in Iraq, Libya and Syria when their respective governments refused to address and deal with the legitimate grievances a portion of their popolation had.

Calling the Incels a bunch of virgins and “frustrated losers with communication skills equal to that of an autistic potato” is oversimplifying the problem yes they are all that but why are they frustrated virgins?

The real issue is that with the advancement of makeup, healthy at any size bullshit, feminism and through social engineering a lot of women have become detached from reality. The reason these Incels arn’t getting laid is because women with a sexual market value equal to theirs use makeup to go from a 3/10 – 7/10 (false marketing in my opinion and should be a punishable offense) to fuck with men above their league.

So I propose that rather than making Incels look bad we look at the reasons they’ve become this way and what steps we can take to deconflict and reverse things because, let’s be real calling them names, labeling them a terrorist organization etc isn’t going to make the problem go away.

There are several ways I propose we do this:

1) Women are no longer allowed to wear makeup, ie falsely advertise their beauty and hence stop them from banging guys above their league.

2) Women are only allowed to date men with equal sexual market value to them. State-mandated tests should be made and everyone get a sexual-market value card ranging from 1/10 to 10/10, like an ID card.

3) Every time a woman sleeps with a new man she lose one 1 rank on her sexual-market value card until she reach the lowest rank 1/10.

4) There’s no way to rise through the ranks other than through excercise

5) Women with more than 9 sexual partners and single moms should be forced by the state to date and have sex with incels that can’t get any women despite the above changes.

This would deal with the problem not the symptom and is the ay we deal with everything from counter-piracy to counter- terrorism. The incel threat is real and should be treated the same way.

Though I haven’t been able to track this screenshot to its source, my guess — as someone who has been reading this sort of shit for years — is that it’s a sincere post from an incel sympathizer. If it’s a parody, and I really don’t think it is, it’s pitch-perfect, written by someone who has utterly mastered contemporary internet misogynist logic.

H/T —  r/BadEconomics via Talia Lavin on Twitter.

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6 years ago

I can not believe somebody actually said that as a suggestion.

Incels are literally the most batshit insane people that ever lived. There is no comparison.

6 years ago

@ Rabid Rabbit

There’s another way for ‘taunt the cops’ types to secure publicity without exposing their identity. It’s not expensive either and I’m not going into details as the Law of Careful Editing applies. It looks like it’s true that media blackouts probably do help deprive them of the ‘oxygen of publicity.’

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Thanks Dali, that’s interesting. It’s weird to think that people hadn’t weaponised cars before that; looking back, they seem like the most obvious terror weapon.

Re serial killers: (Trigger warning: mention of violence against trans sex workers)

I read a paper (which I can’t find now, annoyingly) which suggested that there are more serial killers than we thought, it’s just that we only see the ones who have weird ritualistic attitudes to it

When we look at murder data using sophisticated modern data analysis techniques, we can see patterns emerge which suggest that someone is killing particular types of people; and we haven’t noticed it because the individual murders blend into the background violence rate.

For example, in Chicago in the spring and summer of 2017, the number of murdered trans sex workers found in dumpsters was significantly higher than would be expected from factors which usually correlate. It’s entirely possible that a serial killer was at work there. We’d never know who they were or why they stopped.

Also, I am sickened by the fact that there is a “normal rate” of murdered trans sex workers.

6 years ago


Could be – or it could just be the heat.

2017 were the 6th hottest summer on record in Chicago – and there is a direct association between both temperature and homicide rates AND number of hot days and homicide rates. That gives you one bump, and when you factor in trans sex workers as being one of the highest at risk groups in the first place …

Sometimes there’s a little bit of a push to “find” a serial killer on behalf of the police and the politicians – it’s slightly more comforting for the population to think there’s one killer out there than a load of them.

Can you recall if that was specifically accounted for? If you can’t, no biggie. The details do tend to blur! 🙂

6 years ago

Men who don’t have sex: – saddest most oppressed people evar

Women who do have sex: – shameful! there goes her market value

I know it’s low on the hypocrisy list, but they expect women to routinely endure the same celibacy that motivates all their own angst and despair.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

I can’t remember specifically, but the paper was making the point that it was above even what the correlating factors would suggest. If heat is a known correlating factor, then I’d have thought that they would have taken that into account.

It’s annoying me that I can’t find the paper.

6 years ago


Thanks. If you do find it, let me know please? I have an interest in the whys and wherefores of violence.

6 years ago


Incels are literally the most batshit insane people that ever lived.

Read the comments policy, dude. We don’t talk like that here.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ EJ & Shadowplay

*warning for homicide discussion*

I used to attend meetings of the Medico-Legal Society. We chatted to a lot of coroners. The general consensus amongst them was that the actual homicide rate was somewhat higher than the official one.

There were a number of reasons for that.

Some deaths either aroused no suspicions; or if they did, nothing that would be enough to form even a prima facie criminal case. If someone says “He fell down the stairs”, then in the abscence of any evidence as to motive, there’s little that can be done to dispute that.

Sometimes there’s no evidence even that there’s been a death. There have been a number of cases here where people have claimed their partners simply upped and left them, and it’s not until years later that turned out not to have been the case.

There’s also the fact that 250,000 people a year go missing in the UK. Now most of that is just people with semi transient lifestyles, or ducking out on debt etc. But the fact is there’s a pool of missing people, especially at the most vulnerable end of society, that no one really knows what’s happened to them.

6 years ago

I do recall reading an article about under reporting homicides in the elderly and in teens – the two groups where accidental death is most common (the elderly being frail and teens being, well, stupidly risk taking).
I’d have thought the “done a runner” defense would be getting serious side eye from the bill by now though – it’s been found not to be the case too often.

Edit because unregistered was really the wrong word. Mondays are not my strong point.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ shadowplay

I’d have thought the “done a runner” defense would be getting serious side eye from the bill by now

True, and police are innately suspicious. But how often does it even come to their attention? In a close knit community there may well be gossip; but in an urban sprawl where no one really knows their neighbours, who even notices or cares? If you overhear someone in the pub saying their wife left them, would your immediate thoughts be to call the police?

As to your other point, we spent a lot of time discussing the Shipman case, and that of course is a prime example of the issue you raise.

6 years ago

Point. I’m used to the bit of city where I am – it’s more like a village than anything else (in other words, everyone is up everyones business all the time 😛 ). Keep forgetting that most city life isn’t like that.

6 years ago

Incel terrorists will be killed in the act or face justice and go to jail. It’s not really good enough but it makes me feel better when I remember this. The OP of this screenshot should be done for it. Hate speech. Incitement to violence. There is precedent.

6 years ago

Going back to yon idiot Hanson for a moment, Slate has an article on him today – rather elegantly titled Is Robin Hanson America’s Creepiest Economist?

6 years ago

I am from a small town in South Dakota (well, big by their standards but small for anywhere else) and not long ago…

Trigger warning: homicide of sex workers

…there was a series of murders of sex workers. I don’t think the police caught whoever it was. I remember one of the news stories, and the cop and news reporter take away from the whole situation was “this shows that prostitution is a much more widespread problem in ‘our community’ than we thought it was.” Wow, South Dakota police, that’s really your takeaway? Not surprising really, considering that the state is fairly well-known for its “anything other than white straight men aren’t people” attitudes.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Sorry I haven’t been very participatory.

Last day at the apartment and then moving to a different state. My wife and her sister left with the three cats the day before yesterday (18 hour drive).
The movers removed most of the stuff yesterday. The last of it goes in the car. I’m exhausted packing up until the last minute but I still need to do some cleaning and show the new owners all the stuff that never got fixed.
I wandered around trying to remember the routines and favorite places that Mister, Tyra, Casper (cats) and Benny (ferret) had. It’s harder than I thought but I haven’t had Adderall for three days (my own fault, picking up the prescription today). No ghosts, only memories. I tossed a toy down the hall anyway.
It’s so empty here.

6 years ago

Hey, whaddya know…? This conforms to what I wote about incels just last Friday on a comment on Wonkette:

Quoting me:

…I don’t think sex as a biological function is at the top of their mind. Consider that one of the more prominent Pick-up “Artist” dillholes named Roosh V, in one of his many “Bang” books (shudder along with me) actually does not describe the actual act of sex in any but the most clinical of terms, and only does so in a page or two at the end. He spends the bulk of the book describing all of these methods of grinding down women, coercing them night after night–for months!–and then the payoff, the final act of sex that he’s spent all this energy, money and dignity in accomplishing… and it’s just a few minutes of awkward flesh grinding. On to the next unfortunate soul!

I’d call it anti-climactic save what it represents to the reader: social validation. You’ve successfully coerced a woman into making herself as vulnerable as possible, so it’s something you can hold over her the rest of her life, and it becomes a notch on the proverbial bedpost that you can brag about to your friends. Your friends might not believe you, but you can rest assured that it did actually happen.

Even if it didn’t happen, you can plausibly claim it did. Why? Because the social dynamics at play correspond to what society reflects in its marketing and popular media: men as aggressive seekers of sex, women as the manipulative gatekeepers, and each matched according to the social hierarchy. 8s with 8s, 3s with 3s, and only with money or power could a 3 find an 8. Disrupting this dynamic disrupts their concept of the world as they know it, hence the seemingly contradictory hatred of sexually active women when theoretically more women being more sexually active should be a boon for them if sex was really what they were after.

They’re eager to maintain this hierarchy more than actually break free of it, and I think that’s what a lot of the thinkpieces about “incel” culture miss

6 years ago


No ghosts is very good. Memories are also good. 🙂

Drive safe!

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

That’s a great point, Katamount. Incel is the logical extrapolation of PUA culture.

We saw it before with PUAhate / Sluthate, after all.

6 years ago

This serial killer discussion reminds me of the very weird case of Swedish alleged serial killer Thomas Quick/Sture Bergwall (the latter his real name, but he went by Quick for a while). He was put in a facility for the criminally insane after, if I remember correctly, a case of botched sexual assault and another case of physical assault, and those were crimes he almost certainly committed. Under influence of a therapist dedicated to uncovering repressed memories and a shitload of drugs he began “remembering” that he was actually a serial killer and had committed all these murders, with all these grisly details, including cannibalism. Loads of previously unsolved murders and disappearances were pinned on him after he confessed to them, even though the evidence besides his confessions were really shaky indeed. To cut a long story short, it eventually turned out that he was just making shit up (but he was pretty seriously disturbed and probably believed it himself while he was telling these stories). So, a bunch of murders pinned on him turned out to still be unsolved after all. Also, at least one supposed murder victim actually turned up alive later on, since he’d only gotten off the grid for some reason I don’t remember right now.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Here’s an article about Illinois’ weather: (I live in the Chicagoland area)

Summer wasn’t all that hot, (it was pretty moderate, actually) but late September was *miserable*. I stood up in my sister’s wedding, which was one of the hottest days in that heat wave.

And hers was an outdoor ceremony. I nearly passed out.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Some people have read Hanson’s piece and concluded that he believes women should be forced to have sex with men who strike out on Tinder, like some sort of giant socialized harem. I don’t think that’s the case.1 The professor, again, leans libertarian and, as he clarified on Twitter, opposes all sorts of government redistribution, including in this case. He further says that “redistribution” of sex, for him, means “changing the distribution” of sexual activity, and that he believes there are ways the government could help men find partners in bed beyond forcing women into sexual slavery.

Yeah, even if he’s trying to troll progressives by saying sex redistribution is just as ridiculous as income redistribution, he’s still revealing himself as a misogynistic piece of shit. Because women are human beings. Money is not. If he thinks it’s equivalent, he is saying he sees women as things that can be accessed and traded. Between this and the “gentle rape” thing, shame on GMU for not firing him. It is not safe for female students to be around him. Or around the male students he is teaching these ideas to. If I were a student or a parent of one, I would be protesting.

6 years ago

Stewart Lee had a great bit at the end of his Political Correctness standup routine (one actually pointing out how dumb it is to fret over the world being too PC) where he talks about a Daily Mail writer angry that murdered sex workers aren’t being described as “sex workers” but rather as “women.”

The gag with the microphone is just perfect.


Actually, has anyone noticed we don’t have famous serial killers anymore? I wonder if this is because criminal investigations are so much more sophisticated that it’s hard to get away with serial killing unless you target marginalized populations that the public and media won’t get upset about?

You’re definitely right about criminal investigations being more sophisticated. Just watching my Forensic Files show… beyond DNA and fingerprinting, there’s twelve thousand ways of tracing a suspect’s movements. Make a call and a cell tower will pick you up. Tire treads are carefully catalogued. Every car part has a serial number. Every purchase with a credit or debit card can be tracked.

As I think about Canada’s recent history with serial killers… yeah, it’s basically down to police indifference that allows them to operate. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka were apprehended after two kidnappings and three murderers (one was Karla’s sister). Russell Williams was clearly a case of sudden escalation from home invasion to sexual assault, kidnapping and murder, and cops had him in a matter of months. Only Robert Pickton and (it appears with every passing day) Bruce McArthur seemingly were able to kill more than 2-3 times over a span of a number of years, and that’s because they targeted vulnerable populations.

As for what makes a killer famous… I think it has to be either a signature or an MO, and those are more likely to get you caught in this world of forensics.

Unless they all have a convention like they did in Sandman.

I still find it darkly amusing that Morpheus’ admonition of his creation wasn’t that the Corinthian was a malevolent murderer who inspired other malevolent murders, it’s that his actions were too petty and small.

Hey, it’s just like Morpheus was describing our incel friends here!

6 years ago

The guy thinks women (but not men) should be tortured as punishment for cuckholdery.

6 years ago

Well Dream is pretty horrible himself. He doomed a girl to Hell for a thousand years because she turned him down. Re-reading these books as an adult I’m like…. WTF. WTF. Don’t give me crap about how he’s different from humans and our human morality doesn’t apply to him and yada yada, because we’re clearly meant to see him as a hero, albeit a somewhat dark one. There’s this ep, for instance, where he frees a muse who’s been kidnapped and raped and takes revenge on her rapist, and we’re supposed to cheer for this. But is it really better to doom a girl to a thousand years in hell than to rape her? Dooming her because she turned you down? WTF man.

Also, it’s kind of weird that there are at least three women in the series who become pregnant in very unusual ways and all keep their babies. I have a hard time pinning down why this bothers me? Maybe because it kind of removes their agency. Babies sort of just fall into their lap like gifts from God or something, and boom they’re mothers.