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Prevent future incel terrorism by banning makeup, forcing women to have sex with creepy weirdos, creepy weirdo suggests

Cher weaponizes her eyelashes in an attempt to bamboozle men with makeup trickery

By David Futrelle

So here’s a screenshot floating around the internet that offers a sensible, common-sense solution to the problem of incels literally murdering people because they’re angry no hot women with have sex with them.

And by “sensible” and” “common-sense” I mean, “what the fucking fuck is this fuckery?”

Here’s the full text if you’d rather not squint at that:

People make is sound as if the “Incel Rebellion” is a laughing matter and that people don’t understand problem.

The incels are not the problem, but rather they are a symptom that something is very wrong in our society — and unless their legitimate grievances are addressed this could very soon spiral out of control just like what happened in Iraq, Libya and Syria when their respective governments refused to address and deal with the legitimate grievances a portion of their popolation had.

Calling the Incels a bunch of virgins and “frustrated losers with communication skills equal to that of an autistic potato” is oversimplifying the problem yes they are all that but why are they frustrated virgins?

The real issue is that with the advancement of makeup, healthy at any size bullshit, feminism and through social engineering a lot of women have become detached from reality. The reason these Incels arn’t getting laid is because women with a sexual market value equal to theirs use makeup to go from a 3/10 – 7/10 (false marketing in my opinion and should be a punishable offense) to fuck with men above their league.

So I propose that rather than making Incels look bad we look at the reasons they’ve become this way and what steps we can take to deconflict and reverse things because, let’s be real calling them names, labeling them a terrorist organization etc isn’t going to make the problem go away.

There are several ways I propose we do this:

1) Women are no longer allowed to wear makeup, ie falsely advertise their beauty and hence stop them from banging guys above their league.

2) Women are only allowed to date men with equal sexual market value to them. State-mandated tests should be made and everyone get a sexual-market value card ranging from 1/10 to 10/10, like an ID card.

3) Every time a woman sleeps with a new man she lose one 1 rank on her sexual-market value card until she reach the lowest rank 1/10.

4) There’s no way to rise through the ranks other than through excercise

5) Women with more than 9 sexual partners and single moms should be forced by the state to date and have sex with incels that can’t get any women despite the above changes.

This would deal with the problem not the symptom and is the ay we deal with everything from counter-piracy to counter- terrorism. The incel threat is real and should be treated the same way.

Though I haven’t been able to track this screenshot to its source, my guess — as someone who has been reading this sort of shit for years — is that it’s a sincere post from an incel sympathizer. If it’s a parody, and I really don’t think it is, it’s pitch-perfect, written by someone who has utterly mastered contemporary internet misogynist logic.

H/T —  r/BadEconomics via Talia Lavin on Twitter.

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6 years ago

@idli sambar revolution

Ooglyboggles, again, what exactly is it that you think I think by “had it coming”?

Then kindly explain what “it” means, regarding “had it coming”?

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

Ooglyboggles, didn’t you watch the video above? That makes it clear what I meant.

6 years ago

@idli sambar revolution
Answer. The Question. What did you mean by “had it coming”?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

I’m sorry but as a WOC myself I have to say these WoC who kissed the asses of these white males had it coming.

What is ‘it’?

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago


stop digging, please just explain your meaning

people are asking in good faitg

6 years ago

Ok, I read what Idli wrote too, what I got was that they think WoC joining the altright deserve to be harassed by altrighters.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

Doesn’t the video make it clear? The specific women I specifically referred to in the comment kissed white manosphere ass at a time when the seed of alt-right racism was being planted (but not entirely noticeable by them). Now the manosphere has gone full throttle with its HBD and nationalism rhetoric. Again, already explained clearly in original comment. Whatever pearl clutching shock these women have since experienced from their ass kissing coming back to bite them in the ass, is a “you don’t say?” For the final time, here’s the video in case you didn’t see it.

IgnoreSandra - Lady of Smoke

I’m less interested in us doing Idli’s homework for them, and more in them actually explaining what “it” is. I reserve divining meaning from meaninglessness for interacting with my cat.

Videos are not an answer to a question. Answering the question is the answer to a question.

Now answer Ooglyboggle’s question. She deserves an actual answer, not this rambling shit.

6 years ago


Oh yeah, Dream is a total effin’ dillhole. Didn’t give two shits about the suffering of people (or even his own subjects) while moping about his petty hangups.

Still, I think he at least had our alt-right friends pegged about their fantasies.

I agree on the weird pregnancies too. The one that confused me most was Rose Walker’s, as it was with a guy who was a one-night stand and she didn’t strike me as the most nurturing person in the world (particularly when she was literally heartless). As for Hippolyta Hall, her psyche probably wasn’t the most stable following her time spent in the Dream Dimension, and she probably felt that Daniel was all that she had left of Hector after Morpheus killed him the second time.

Hazel McNamara seemed confused about how her own body worked in general. O.o

You’re right about Death as well; her cheerfulness was definitely off-putting, but I think that was by design. It certainly endeared her to readers at least, myself included. 🙂 Although I did notice that she had a distinct personality change over the years from when we meet her in the 14th century when she grants Hob Gadling immortality (perhaps one of her days as a mortal?).

In the Death paperback, it contained some artist illustrations of death and one depicted her overlooking Holocaust victims with the same neutral expression. Perhaps she’s fatalistic to a fault too. *shrug*

6 years ago

comment image

@idli sambar revolution
What is it the alt-right men are doing to women of color that they “deserved” and that you’re accusing them of “pearl clutching” over? It’s not clear from you comments. Be specific. And I’m not going to watch a YouTube video. Use your words.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago


I think I understand what you mean, but you’re wrong. Perhaps the women of color you’re referring to erred in supporting the policies in question, perhaps they were naive… perhaps they “left a live dragon out of their calculations”. But that in no way justifies saying they “deserved” what the fascists are doing. This is a majority group that LITERALLY controls 100% of social, economic and political power, and has for centuries. They, and their fan club have made a science of stomping oppressed people for objecting to white domination, and blaming oppressed people for the damage done.

White working class men who supported trump and are now losing their livelihood? Yeah, they deserved it, but that is not ONLY because the voted for a con man, it’s also TO A MAJOR DEGREE because they are a part of the power structure.

Oppressed people do not ever “deserve it”. Not in the sense you’re using “it”.

6 years ago

@Katamount wow I forgot about Hippolyta when I wrote my comment. That makes it four.

Unity – raped by Desire when she’s in a coma. So… I guess she was still ovulating and menstruating when in a coma. So her nurses should have caught that her period suddenly doesn’t arrive when it should. Sure, they wouldn’t suspect that a supernatural entity raped her, but they should suspect that a human did and do a pregnancy test! And then seriously discuss what to do. Is it a good idea to let a comatose raped patient go through with pregnancy? The more you think about it, the weirder it gets. (I understand that this storyline was likely inspired by those old Sleeping Beauty versions where she’s raped and gives birth, but it’s still a bit weird when you set it in the modern world.)

Rose – got pregnant after a one-night-stand. It’s explicitly stated that she used a condom, but she got pregnant anyway. Sure, this can happen, but it’s unusual (properly used, condoms are 98 % safe – which doesn’t even mean there’s a 2 % risk with every intercourse, just that if you use them for an entire year of regular sex there’s a 2 % risk of getting pregnant during that time). And then she just decides to keep the baby.

Hazel – got pregnant after a one-night-stand where she also cheated on her girlfriend. She had unprotected sex but it’s still pretty unfortunate to get pregnant the one time you have sex with a guy. Also she did it without protection because despite being an adult she doesn’t understand how babies are made. Also just decides to keep the baby and her girlfriend is happy about it.

Hippolyta, straight-out magical pregnancy.

So I would have been perfectly fine with one of these stories, it’s just that when you have all of them, coupled with no one (as far as I remember) having explicit sex without getting pregnant, no one getting pregnant on purpose, and no one having an abortion, you’re left with this weird impression that babies are something that just drop down into women’s laps from the sky and women are always happy about this state of affairs. And that’s just a little uncomfortable to me. I didn’t think about this at all when reading the books when young, but I was like “eeeh” over this when reading them as middle-aged.

6 years ago


Badly. Like they don’t have the right to be there.

6 years ago

White working class men who supported trump and are now losing their livelihood? Yeah, they deserved it, but that is not ONLY because the voted for a con man, it’s also TO A MAJOR DEGREE because they are a part of the power structure.

Oppressed people do not ever “deserve it”. Not in the sense you’re using “it”.

Although… If you’re working-class, maybe unemployed too, you’re oppressed in that respect, even if you’re a white man. Likewise, you can be a WoC who’s middle-class and thus privileged in that respect and you start hanging with racists because you really wanna distance yourself from “bad” WoC, like the stereotypical picture of the welfare queen. There are so many axis of oppression and privilege so I’m not sure it makes sense to make a blanket statement about white men having it coming and WoC don’t.

6 years ago


I also noticed that none of them really struggle with parenthood or the financial cost of being a parent. Unity has money (for some reason), she dies and her money goes to Rose. Foxglove hits it big as a musician, so Alfie has stability. The only one to be seen struggling is Hippolyta and she doesn’t seem to be doing that badly from a financial standpoint from what we see of her home life. And of course Daniel is the Dream Child, so he’s got Merv or some other Dream denizen looking out for him.

And yeah, Calliope… Gaiman’s treatment of her is troubling to say the least. Didn’t much care for that story in general.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

I am getting such an mrex vibe right now, and I have, since almost the beginning.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Okay, having read the resurrection post of idli’s on a long-dead thread, I’ve come to the conclusion that idli isn’t here in good faith.

6 years ago

Yeah that was really weird, I agree.

6 years ago


I’m not sure if it’s any better, but the phrase is usually attributed to Reagan in his 198-something speech about the Tokyo Treaty. Although Reagan himself attributed the policy, if not the quote, to Margaret Thatcher.

But I suspect there’s probably earlier examples even than that.

ETA: Which is ironic of course because the government was having back channel talks with PIRA all the time.

I’m sure you’re right about that; it’s just that Dubya’s was the one that stuck in my mind the most. He said it with such a weaselly little sneer; maybe that’s why. There he was, dragging the world into Gulf War II and maybe World War III, and he was smirking. I just wanted to punch the TV set everytime I heard that buzz-saw voice of his rasping in fake Texan. Things like that have a way of being hard to forget…

‘Course, Reagan said the most inane things with such actorly earnestness, and seemed honestly befuddled to hear that things were not as he claimed they were. (Probably because, as he was already suffering with mild Alzheimer’s by the time he got to the White House, he WAS honestly befuddled. Still doesn’t make him any less a dreadful leader, though.) He was easy to make fun of, when all was said.

As for Milk Snatcher, I paid less attention to her snufflings because she was across the pond, but if memory serves, she probably said it with a supercilious sneer. Given that she was talking about people acting (however awfully) on behalf of those whom HER people had been oppressing for centuries, that really was the rotten cherry on the top of the shit sundae. Her nastiness was a given. Her deep-down hypocrisy doesn’t surprise me, either…after all, she could see it was going to escalate unless someone blinked.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this, now. But maybe it’s time to repurpose the one good thing some historically bad leaders said, and also remind these guys that they’re just lucky no one can pick them out of a crowd, or they’d all be rounded up before one of them does something even worse. They’re dangerous because they’re both insidious and ordinary. They have no appointed leaders or speakers to address the public at large, just a loose-knit cluster of random wankers moaning in Greek chorus about the Unfairness of Life. Any one of them could go off at any time. We can’t see them coming until they’ve done their damage. But that doesn’t mean they’ll ever gain the upper hand. There simply is no compromising with crackpots who just want to watch the world burn. These guys, unlike the various factions of the IRA, don’t have any solid political points to back their awfulness up. Just a ludicrous “plan”, which they must secretly know is unworkable, for “redistributing” women as chattel. As though we couldn’t think our way out of THAT wet paper bag.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
6 years ago

I had my first record scratch moment in Sandman while rereading Kindly Ones. When Rose Walker encounters avatars of The Three in the nursing home, some attitudes and beliefs about the differences and relationships between men and women are expressed that prefigure, in some ways, their later persecution of Dream. There’s a definite element of what I’d consider gender essentialism that gave me pause.

I suspect that Gaiman may be unaware that there are male-bodied, male identifying people who do not view women as the Other in quite that way.

6 years ago


Unless they (serial killers) all have a convention like they did in Sandman.

In a deeply disturbing series, that was the bit that totally creeped me out.

I see the above comments on the series with interest. I can’t comment because a) it’s been 15 years since I read them, b) my late cat pissed on them (not lit crit; I was keeping tall books at floor level and he had incontinence issues, but that doesn’t stop them being unsanitary & binned), and c) I can’t afford to replace them.

tl;dr – I have nothing else useful to say about Sandman except it doesn’t surprise me to find readers here.

6 years ago

I seriously hope I didn’t set this person off by talking about cooking….

@ Pee Vee,

Fellow Chicago Landers waving hi here 🙂

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

re: Sandman
Dream being kind of a shit is IMO the point of the series; he spends it a)realizing he’s a shit, b) realizing that he’s been too shitty for too long to realistically make amends for it, and that despite his efforts to change, he’s still being shitty to people all over the place, and c)deciding that the universe is probably better off with someone else in his place.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Z & T,


Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago


Hippolyta, straight-out magical pregnancy.

Actually, no. Hippolyta Hall was pregnant with Daniel in the last story arc of Infinity Inc. And as near as I can figure from the few issues I saw of that last story arc, there was nothing involving magic in the conception. Just a normal long-term relationship that had an unexpected pregnancy happen. (Or at least as normal as one between two superheroes gets, anyway.). How and why Dream decided that Daniel was his destined heir, I have no clue. Have yet to read the issues that stated the reasoning on that.