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“Crying Nazi” Chris Cantwell wants mixed-race women to become “breeding opportunities” for racist white dudes

Thirty minutes into Netflix and breed and he gives you this look

By David Futrelle

The last time we checked in on alt-right gun enthusiast Christopher Cantwell, the infamous “crying Nazi” arrested on weapons charges after the debacle in Charlottesville last summer, he was battling online with fellow alt-rightists angry that he had agreed to become an informant for the FBI — which he claimed was part of an ingenious master plan to give the FBI dirt on antifascist activists.

Still, the attacks directed at him by fellow racists don’t seem to have diminished his own enthusiasm for an alt-right white ethnostate. Cantwell, out on bond, is still spewing out racist nonsense on his internet radio show. But it’s what Cantwell, a former contributor to antifeminist hate site A Voice for Men, is saying about women that is truly astonishing.

Let’s start with the racism. In a rambling diatribe posted on his site earlier this month, Cantwell rails against the US intervening further in Syria, warning Trump that

No matter how many wars you wage for the Jews, no matter how many sons and daughters you give them, they will always oppose your efforts to Make America Great Again, because subversion runs through their veins. 

Waxing apocalyptic, he warns of the race war to end all race wars.

We are on the brink of planetary racial cataclysm the likes of which the world has never seen, and from which we may never recover. The white race has been overrun in Europe and the United States. If we were to defeat Russia militarily, what sizable homeland would whites have remaining? …

White power has become a dirty phrase in the modern political lexicon, and that is exceedingly unfortunate, because it is precisely that power which has made civilization possible. We may well be nearing the point at which that power fades from history, and the savagery we have sacrificed so much to stave off eclipses the whole of the Earth.

No racist dogwhistles for Cantwell; he just straight up blares an airhorn while doing a Nazi salute.

Speaking of which:

Adolf Hitler was not some madman bent on mass murder for his own entertainment. He recognized a growing danger to the whole of humanity, and he resolved that he would stop at nothing to protect us from that threat. 

However hair-raising Cantwell’s remarks on Hitler are, he isn’t particularly original in his racism. It’s when he starts talking about women that things begin to get really, er, interesting.

In the comments to the post I’ve been quoting, Cantwell found himself in an argument with Radio Aryan head boy “Sven Longshanks” on the best way to make sure there are enough women to go around in their future white ethnostate. Cantwell, well aware that the current alt-right movement is just a tad male-heavy, suggests that maybe, just maybe, they should think about allowing some non-white ladies in to their imaginary white utopia, for breeding purposes.

Imagine we manage to pull off our political migration and secede Maine and New Hampshire for white nationalists. We shockingly enough find ourselves in a situation that resembles our conferences, in that the vast majority of participants are male, creating a dangerous gender disparity which threatens the stability of our nation.


Cantwell has a somewhat out-of-the-box solution:

We update our immigration policy to permit women, but not men, of less than perfect genetic integrity into the country. You wouldn’t want to flood the place with negresses …

JFC, dude.

… but say you let half asian or half latina women come into the country, creating a gender disparity in the opposite direction, and legalize polygyny. 

And then it’s time to make the babies!

Most of Cantwell’s colleagues on the racist right would see this as “white genocide,” given that the children of mixed-race couples are, by definition, also mixed-race. But Cantwell sees this sort of “race-mixing” as the solution to “white genocide.”

Cantwell even considers setting aside his anti-abortion beliefs so the future inhabitants of his imaginary ethnostate will be able to protect themselves from the specter of not-quite-white-enough men.

We further institute a sex selective abortion policy, so that the only male children allowed to be born are of sufficiently pure lineage.

To say that this would not produce people as white as me inside of a few generations is just plain untrue. We are absolutely capable of breeding out undesirable traits through intelligent eugenic practices, but we need to think about it instead of, dare I say it, purity spiraling.

Er, isn’t a white ethnostate pretty much the ultimate incarnation of “purity spiralling?”

I do not take any of this lightly, and I do not think it ideal, but you might recall that I opened up the show concerned that yet another Jew provoked war between white countries threatened our very existence. I genuinely fear that we are on the brink of extinction, and intelligently depriving non-white males of breeding opportunities, while maximizing our own reproductive success, is a dirty tactic of race war which our enemies have made spectacular use of.

To Cantwell, evidently, women are little more than ambulatory “breeding opportunities.” He seems to have mistaken The Handmaid’s Tale for a how-to manual.

This sort of emotional dedication to immediate racial purity, in my opinion, threatens the survival of our race by putting principles ahead of practical necessity. Women are territory, and non-whites are conquering us by conquering our women.

I’ll just repeat that last bit, because woah:

Women are territory, and non-whites are conquering us by conquering our women.

If we refuse to retaliate in kind, we are making the same error that libertarians and constitutionalists make when trying to deal with the Left. We are refusing to wield the most powerful weapon of the conflict, our own dicks, and we thereby forfeit the fight.

Yes, that’s right. He really did just say “the most powerful weapon of the conflict, our own dicks.”

Is Cantwell serious about all of this? Probably not when it comes to the “sex selective abortion policy.” But he seems to believe the rest of his nonsense. I have no doubt that he sees women as little more than “breeding opportunities” and considers his dick to be “the most powerful weapon of the conflict.” Because of course. For guys like this, it always comes back to their dicks.

However horrifying all this is, I have detected a small flaw in Cantwell’s plan.

If the alt-right is so grotesquely misogynistic that it can’t even convince racist white women to come to its conferences and demonstrations, how on earth would they manage to convince mixed-race women to come to the Nazi Republic of Maine as “breeding opportunities” for men who think that women like them are basically impure “mongrels?” I can’t imagine many mixed-race women, no matter how desperate, would jump at the opportunity to become some sort of brood mare sister wife living in a cabin in the Maine woods with some random dude who likes dressing up as Hitler.

These proud knights of the master race aren’t always so good at thinking things through, are they?

H/T — Thanks to the reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, who pointed me to Cantwell’s comments

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

I wonder if they think Jewish people who publicly self identify as white are lying to try to trick gentiles into mistakenly believing Jewish people can white? Or maybe they wear white face makeup around non-Jewish people and then go home at night and wash their faces to reveal their brown skin.

There’s some overlap with white supremacists and those who believe in lizard people so my attempt to mock them is probably running into a Poe’s law problem right now.

6 years ago

I’m inclined to think that some of those claiming to have changed from this thing to that thing are among the temporary zealots of the population.

I’ve known a few people who were very difficult to meet up with on an occasional basis. When they were 20 they were anarchists or animal rights activists or went surfing every hour they could. By the time they’ve reached 25 they’ve abandoned that and been through wicca, rock-climbing, nudist beaches and now found Buddha/ Jesus/ Mohammed. If you see or hear of them a decade later they’ve established a profitable hydroponics market garden for salad vegetables and then dropped it completely in favour of some weird version of paleo when they took up macrame, party politics or re-wilding rivers.

What they seem to be looking for is a perpetual version of the zealotry of the recent non-smoker or religious convert. Ideas, principles and values are a good thing, but not enough for people like this because they ‘need’ that buzz of new love, new job, new ideas, new place to live – all at once. And that kind of intensity is pretty hard to maintain. It’s much easier to keep the attitude and the enthusiasm and apply it to yet another upheaval in your family’s life.

6 years ago

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Can we enslave white men or commit ‘white genocide’ or whatever now? Thanks, this would most certainly please the great goddess Katie and the Fempire.

I know this is over a year old but it still breaks my heart to this day.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
6 years ago

As a white man who has chosen not to have kids, I laugh in the face of these Nazi losers. At least I chose my position after much soul-searching, whereas these sad cases will be childless because no woman will ever go near them.

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago

We are refusing to wield the most powerful weapon of the conflict, our own dicks

So this is from there that comes the “going commando” stuff…

6 years ago

In Brazil, they ran a eugenics program which involved importing European immigrants to breed out the natives and african population.

Latin America did this too with the Casta system. Argentina did this specifically with their african slave populations. They deliberately recruited african males for cannon fodder in the Paraguyan War and forced the women to marry white men.
Its a sick, disgusting fantasy he and these altrighters have.

6 years ago

To defend Howard and Verne, they wrote their works a long time again, racism was much more acepted at that time. (And one of the leading editors of Howards time was a hell of a racist)

This whole think is actually a bit suprising for me, I though they wanted people to be “pure white”. (what is rubish)

Jewish people are so non-white that special names and markers were needed to identifie them.

(OT I should perhaps read more of Dune then the first book some time)

slightly annoyed
slightly annoyed
6 years ago

As a proud New England resident and a person who grew up in New Hampshire and attended school and college in Maine, I say FUCK OFF, with the idea that those states would become their ad hoc “white ethnostate”.
New England doesn’t curry to that racist bullshit. Not now, not ever.

And to any of the actual racist nazis that do live in those states. “YOU’RE the minority. Kindly do every decent human being a favor and walk directly into the ocean.”


6 years ago

Hi, folks…I’m obviously new here, and this is my first post.

First, this is a shocking but fascinating article. I commend management for writing it, and have shared it.

I also want to commend the various commenters on the site for their intelligence, wisdom, and caustic wit, not to mention some clever names and avatars.

As far as Cryin’ Chris Cantwell goes…it’s pretty clear that this guy’s idea of asking women out on dates consists of him telling some blonde that her duty to the white race was to provide him with cooking and kids. When the blondes reacted to that by yelling “SECURITY!” or something similar, he found relief for his overheated hormones by making whores moan through financial transactions. That has given him the idea that there are a lot of women who can be hired to come to the Aryan Republic of Maine to serve as Handmaids.

Furthermore, reading his stuff, I don’t think this man has the slightest capacity for human empathy in his entire life. It does not exist for him. The fact that he so easily sells out his buddies shows that he only exists to gratify his own pleasures and has a sense of entitlement the size of North Dakota. Because he was not granted all his desires based on his melanin content (as opposed to his education), he is infuriated at a vaguely-defined conspiracy that seeks to deny him his rightful position in life. I have no sympathy for him.

He can go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not receive $200.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Imagine we manage to pull off our political migration and secede Maine and New Hampshire for white nationalists
Can’t say they aren’t making a foothold at least…

6 years ago

Verne was perhaps a tad less racist than the average Frenchman of his day, which is still pretty racist; the most that can be said for Howard is that he wasn’t exceptionally racist for a friend of HP Lovecraft…

6 years ago

Sounds like he watched Zardoz and just got it backwards…

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6 years ago

how on earth would they manage to convince mixed-race women to come to the Nazi Republic of Maine as “breeding opportunities” for men who think that women like them are basically impure “mongrels?”

I think he means to sneak across the border to other states and abduct women like….like…Boko Haram.

And yeah, it all begins and ends with their dicks. They are young-ish, anti-social, racist white males who want to eschew the social rules of civilized society while still gaining the benefits of it.

6 years ago

I came here to join the conversation as usual but I have to register a complaint with this … thoughtless-at-best comment:

Racism is NEVER “acceptable”. That is an incredibly Eurocentric (and offensive) view.

There is no “academic” discussion to be had about “whether or not it’s historically accurate”, either. Whoever says racism was “acceptable back then” has certainly not thought of its “acceptability” from the point of view of people of color “back then”, and that’s just plain old clueless myopic behavior (and borderline racist itself for being so).

The audience here is NOT all white, and I’d think people would be less tactless, particularly in the current political climate.

And quite frankly I’m not interested in hearing any slop about “intent”, either. That discussion belongs in a room where the topic on the table is evidence of criminal conspiracy, not a discussion of whether or not a remark was racist (it was, because the person doing the “butbutbut” is not the arbiter of whether or not the remark was racist, even if he – and it’s almost always a he (except when it’s not) thinks he is). Just please stop.