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Chad Vs. The Hecolopters: Today in Tweets 4/21/18 edition

The Incel Air Force launches its assault on Chad

By David Futrelle

It’s Saturday, and I’m feeling lazy, so I’m going to ignore all the frantic, sloppy tweets coming from Donald Trump’s bedroom at Mar-al-Lago and focus on the important non-Trump news of the day.

Like the Incel Air Force’s air strike against Chad (not the country).

Also, just a couple of days after being celebrated semi-ironically by Jacobin as a Marxist hero of sorts, Kanye West is hailing alt-lite weirdo Candace Owens (remember her from Gamergate days?) as a brilliant thinker.

In other developments:

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Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

My husband reads a lot of Reddit, and, it turned out, was aware of the term ‘Chad’. What he didn’t know was that Chad’s last name is “Thundercock”. I was able to help out. He choked on his iced tea.

I like Chad. I envision Chad as being a nice clean-cut young man with a good attitude about women, and and a tendency to be a bit of a Dudley Do-Right. He shares an apartment with Leroy and Ahmed, and all of them date rather a lot. They take turns to do the dishes.

Austin G Loomis
6 years ago

To dispel the bad mojo from that cursed image:

“o/` This is The Tom Green Show
It’s not the Green Tom Show
This is my favorite show
Because it is my show o/`
It’s The Tom Green Show!”

“I’d just like to say to all the other nominees in the audience, I don’t think that I deserve it any more than the rest of you. I’d like to say that. I don’t think that it would be true, though.”
— Green, accepting his five Razzies for Freddy Got Fingered at the 22nd Golden Raspberry Awards

6 years ago

@Podkayne Lives, your Chad Thundercock sounds like Ace Rimmer LOL

Jamborina Squib
Jamborina Squib
6 years ago

@Lunetta What a guy *sighs* lol

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Awww, that pug in the corner reminds me so much of my pug Marilyn, who passed away two years ago.

She was a very good girl. Miss her to pieces.

@bestofnextdoor is one of the funniest accounts I’ve ever seen. I heartily recommend it.

I was struck by that guy misspelling helicopter twice.

6 years ago

The retweets on that Candace Owens tweet are like a Who’s Who of fucking assholes. Nice of them to catalogue themselves for posterity’ s sake, will save future historians some work

6 years ago

*waves* Still alive!

*sniff* Big Boi has now left to his new home, and adult cats just FLOPPED for a long sleep after he did. Nobody’s biting and chasing their tail, nobody’s looking for a nip to suckle, nobody’s trying to pick a teenage-like kittyfit of dominance fight. Me, a mix of proud kittymom, sad kittymom and someone who is generally glad that I don’t need to look at my feet all of the time and nobody’s messing with my meds when I try to take them…

6 years ago

I’m just trying to figure out what a hecolopter is, never mind how to stop them.

6 years ago


I’m just trying to figure out what a hecolopter is, never mind how to stop them.

It sounds like some kind of dinosaur to me.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ll miss the Big Boi pics, but hopefully he’s on to a happy silly kitty life now.

6 years ago

@Lunetta and Jamborina Squib

“Smoke me a kipper,I’ll be back for Breakfast”

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

So I’ma just skip the “alt-left” part cos this is one bullshit PRATT I don’t wanna have to deal with at 8am when I’ve had like three hours of sleep.

But uh, “most feared enemy” ? What did I miss ? I had to make sure Owens was indeed who I seemed to remember she was, so I’m pretty sure she ain’t my most feared enemy right now (these days that’d be the hornets flying up from the neighbor’s garden to my window).

6 years ago

Hecalopter? Seriously?

6 years ago

I’ve always thought it was the most hilariously ironic thing that Reddit and *chan incels used “Chad” as the name of a paragon of masculinity that gets all the women, while literally every woman I’ve known uses “Chad” as the name of a douchey jackass in a polo shirt who they’d never let get near them in a million years.

6 years ago

Also, hi y’all! I used to post here a lot but I stopped because I had kids.

Been coming back lately though because my twitter account got reported by a troll and they suspended me in like literally fifteen minutes.

I’ve reported guys whose names were things like “JasTheGews1488” and it took like six months to hear back, but apparently me making fun of some shmuck’s terrible attempt at doxxing me is crossing a line.

Anyway, I figured I’d properly say hi in an open thread because I see a bunch of names I recognize from way back when which is a really pleasing thing.

6 years ago

So – you’re both using the same name for the same guys. Neat! 😛

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Binjabreel! Good to see you again.

6 years ago

@Binjabreel – I remember you, though you were posting when I were just reading. 🙂 Welcome back.
6 years ago

Man, I remember Tom Green, what’s he doing nowadays?

…reminiscing about when he had a show on MTV?

6 years ago


your Chad Thundercock sounds like Ace Rimmer LOL

Oh crap… are Incel and Chad like Rimmer and Ace Rimmer? Oh, god, they are, aren’t they.

6 years ago

‘Hecalopter’ sounds like ‘heffalump’: a word an adult uses when trying unsuccessfully to sound like a child.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Binjabreeeeel! Welcome back! Great to see you here again.

Just when I’d gotten my brain around Alan’s “helico + ptera” tidbit. A hecalopter must be a hundred-bladed craft, then.

6 years ago

You ever see Facebook’s bizarre moderator guidelines that were leaked? They divided everything into protected classes, like religion, gender, and race, and unprotected classes, like age, or location. Fairly good so far. The fucked part comes in when they combined them. In defiance of common sense, not to mention logic, subsets of protected classes were not protected, if the property that defined the subset was not protected!

In other words, toss one unprotected descriptor into a hate rant, and boom, no mods. “I hate white guys” is a strike, cause both race and gender are protected. “Black children are animals” is fine, because age isn’t considered suspect.

6 years ago


6 years ago


Holy crap that’s asinine. This is what comes of engineers not taking enough humanities classes.

Wow I didn’t expect an immediate response in the middle of the night! It’s nice to see that there’s still a bit of a community here. Lots of places on the net feel like they’ve lost that feeling.

Also, hahaha someone brought up the fact that the roots of helicopter are “helico” and “pter”?

I always used that as exhibit A in biology when some pedant tries to tell me apoptosis (I.e., programmed cell death, like when it has cancer or as part of development) should be pronounced “ay-POH-tosis” instead of “ay-POP-tosis” because the root “ptosis” has a silent p.

If it’s ay-poh-tosis then it should be heli-coh-ter” not “heli-cop-ter”.

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