armageddon incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

A possible silver lining to World War 3? Incels hope they can rape women while Chad is off fighting on the front lines

Nuclear War: A possible solution to incels’ never-ending dry spell?

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights Activists, Red Pillers, and so-called Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the possibly impending collapse of civilization. In the post-apocalyptic world they imagine, they’ll be the ones with the skills and supplies to survive, and the once-proud women who rejected them in the past will come groveling to them for help, desperate to trade their bodies for a can of beans.

The strange creatures who call themselves incels (involuntary celibates), despite their many agreements with MRAs and MGTOWS, have a rather less cheery view of our possibly postapocalyptic future. In the future dystopian hellscape they imagine, it is the mythical Chad, not them, who will be able to capitalize on the chaos.

Over on, the website that many of Reddit’s more extreme incels fled to when Reddit closed down the Incels subreddit, one regular commenter offers his weird take on the subject:

[RageFuel] After WW3, there will be another Baby Boom driven by chads and chads alone.  Thread starterRitalincel  Start dateThursday at 2:16 AM Ritalincel Ritalincel Brainlet - Thursday at 2:16 AM#1 Not only will >90% of incels most likely die off duirng WW3 (due to drafting and nuclear weapons being used on us), chads returning from service will go on to impregnate nearly every surviving foid.  So, any incels who are remaining will be completely mogged by a bunch of Chad Jr's.

In case you’re wondering “completely mogged” means “completely dominated by.” “Foid” is short fro “femoid,” aka woman or girl.

But some of Ritalincel’s colleagues think there might be a bit of a silver lining to the almost complete destruction of the earth.

Sadist Admiral - Thursday at 2:45 AM#2 Thats why you get your sex while you can, when "war crimes" are allowed if you get what I mean

On the off chance you don’t get what he means, he means rape.

Sadist’s suggestion inspired one of his fellow incels to relate an old war story his great-grandfather used to tell:

Dekim ricefevercel - Thursday at 10:19 AM#13 Sadist said: Thats why you get your sex while you can, when "war crimes" are allowed if you get what I mean Reminds me of a war story from my grandfather's father. His squad was clearing houses in a Romanian village, but one of the houses had an explosive attached to the front door, and it killed one of the guys. To avenge him, they killed the men in the house and raped all the children and women, and then killed them too. That's from ww1 btw.

Apparently Dekim’s grandfather was really quite a charming fellow.

 Dekim ricefevercel - Thursday at 12:56 PM#19 Sadist said: brutal, but did they also rape the boy children? cause thats fucked. Idk I was was like 8 when he told me that story. He is dead now. He also told me another story about a guy who was robbing corpses on the battlefield. One time he found a woman with a gold tooth and he tried to take it out, but she turned out to be still alive and started screaming, so he quickly slit her throat. After he returned home he had 3 children and all were born with defects and turned out retarded

Another regular offered his own post-apocalyptic fantasies, which to his credit involve actual consensual sex:

blackcel Veteran - Thursday at 10:24 AM#15 Think man, THINK. you fuck the girls while the young Chads are fighting. That is why there was a baby boom, not because of the Chads returning and fucking the shit out of their wives, but wives being lonely and having sex with men who were not their husbands. This is also why russian males look so subhuman while their females are hot. ALl the Chads died on the front lines and the subhuman incels who couldn't fight were able to impregnate entire villages.  WW3 will never happen, though

Blackcel does seem a little confused about a couple of things. There’s not going to be much “fighting” in World War 3, when and if it arrives; most people, including soldiers, will be killed the instant the bombs and missiles explode.

He’s also a bit off when it comes to genetics, seeming to think that girl babies get their looks entirely from their mothers, while boy babies get theirs only from their dads. Which if true would kind of defeat the purpose of sexual reproduction entirely.

I guess expecting incels to know anything at all sex is probably asking way too much of them.

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Patty Thinkerer
6 years ago

I just don’t get what “winning” is to them anymore. Hoping WW3 gets rid of all the Chads, so they’ll be the only men left, then the
womz will have to date them, muhahahaha! Sounds sad.

6 years ago

Why did I read that? Why?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m confused about why the incels will be exempted from the draft. Does the military reject you for wrist circumference reasons now?

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago

World war 3 won’t have no draft… civilization will collapse in the first 2 days

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Arguably we’ve been having WW3 since 1945. Just if you’re lucky enough to live in the US or Western Europe you don’t have to notice it.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

They prolly believe they’re too smart to get drafted.

If a draft ever happens in their lifetime, you’ll see incels giving Nugent-style advice to each other, it’ll be fun.

6 years ago

WWTH: I think it’s because they think “asshole” is a medical condition.

6 years ago

I’m confused about why the incels will be exempted from the draft. Does the military reject you for wrist circumference reasons now?

Look up the stats for draft rejection sometimes. You’ll be surprised.

Basically, if we can’t get them to a decent standard of physical fitness in 8 weeks, they’re a no.
If they have physical problems, even if they don’t rise to the level of a disability, they’re a no.
If they have obvious mental problems (other than low intelligence but including very low intelligence), they’re a no.
If they have more serious legal problems, they’re a no. Don’t tend to teach criminals how to kill more efficiently.

You’d be surprised how many get weeded out just on those aspects.

The military is not a dumping ground. Not even in times of all out war.

6 years ago

Don’t forget bone spurs!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Hey, they’re serious. Especially the ones that keep switching between legs.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


The UK seems to be a bit pickier than the US. The military had to ease a lot of their standards during the peak of Afghanistan/Iraq deployment because there weren’t enough people to meet the standards. That was for a war that needed a pretty small percentage of the population to enlist.

Fortunately, I doubt there’ll be a call for a draft again. But if there is, at least the US military will be probably be taking everyone of a certain age.

I tend to think the future of warfare is more of the cyber attack. Not that I’m an expert on these matters, but that’s how it seems to me. I mean, Russia has been able to meddle in US elections and hack into infrastructure and disrupt it and hardly anyone cares. Very few Americans are frightened or angry. Putin is just getting away with it scotfree. Compare that to the anger Americans experienced at 9-11. It seems like a state is better off chipping away at their enemy’s ability to be properly functioning democracy than it is to do a traditional military attack.

Once again, sci-fi writers have been good at predicting the future. In the Foundation series, the empire was taken down by a small group of people making small attacks on the infrastructure that could look like governmental incompetence and eroding public faith in them.

6 years ago

I’d be on the group W bench.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

I hope Dekim is lying. Not only is his great-grand father an evil piece of shit for what he did, he was evil enough to feel comfortable telling an EIGHT YEAR OLD about his horrific war crimes. Sickening!

Another thing that bothers me, is how male soldiers feel entitled to raping civilian ‘enemy’ women. Why is it mostly women and girls who get treated like this? They may have killed the men (which is bad enough). But they were particularly sadistic to the women/girls. Do female soldiers go about raping the men? No. Male soldiers shouldn’t do that shit, either.

6 years ago

WWTH : one of the thing to be wary of is that a lot of people overplay cybers wars for political reasons. (most of them being military officers). The first one who may one day have verifiable, quantified effect is the russia one, but for now it’s unclear it had any effect at all. (propaganda, on the other hand …)

There is a lot of speculation that one can turn a country off by hacking into their energy grid and what not. But it’s entirely speculative that this would have any lasting impact.

I do agree that there won’t be more draft. If only because of a simple reality : the army need actually competent worker. Most of the work in an army now isn’t fighting, but logistic and support. In France, military officers are mostly against any attempt to start mandatory military service again due to them having 0 use for them, and that’s despite the french army having trouble recruiting enough people.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Spoils of war. To people who see women as more akin to property than people, they’re spoils of war along side gold bars, captured buildings and vehicles, and looted paintings and other art, rather than civilians. 🙁

6 years ago


The military had to ease a lot of their standards during the peak of Afghanistan/Iraq deployment because there weren’t enough people to meet the standards.

Sort of. It’s more the population has changed than anything else for that though. For the US forces specifically (and this is just what I’ve been able to access quickly, as you say our system is a bit different):

They had to ease the physical standards, specifically weight and vision, because a horrible number of candidates were failing out on that and only that.
The weight thing is a societal problem. Vision is odd, but its very noticable that there are fewer and fewer people with very good vision (I’d incidentally fail out on vision if I were applying now – standards have changed since the 70’s and colour vision is considered much more important)

Two of the so called “morals” standards got the chop completely – and rightly. (DADT were a temporary and completely wrong headed bandage – and the DA part is kind of difficult to apply if the person who is supposed to DT is really obvious about things. As they have every right to be!) It’s included under the heading of loosening standards by the armchair generals though.

Minor medical issues, including ones corrected, are no longer given much weight – although they can and will affect your career path and possibly your branch of service. Each branch has it’s own list of dealbreakers – which are now mission tied, not blanket. No one cares if a comms tech needs glasses. A sniper, on the other hand, they fuss about it a lot. 😛

Me – I HATE conscription. There is no good way of integrating draftees with volunteers, and as Kitchener’s Army showed back in 1915 having draftee only units is basically cooking cannon fodder.

Not that the draft will happen for WW3. Einstein’s take on WW4 – possibly.

6 years ago

Sorry to DP, but going to add one thing more, since a mate just got back to me on this. (She’s a recruiter, USMC, and recruiters LOVE complaining 😛 ):

The biggest standard they had to ease? Literacy.

Don’t know what the hell is going on with the school system there, but she’s getting candidates who literally can’t write their own damned names.

6 years ago

In case you’re wondering “completely mogged” means “completely dominated by.”

I assume this is because they recognize the great power of our leader, Mog.

If anyone needed more proof they don’t see women as human, they find the rape of boys disgusting but not that of women or girls.

6 years ago


Don’t tell Moggie of this power! 😛

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

There is a lot of speculation that one can turn a country off by hacking into their energy grid and what not. But it’s entirely speculative that this would have any lasting impact.

Oh yeah, it’s hard to imagine that one country could just shut of another’s infrastructure all at one. But do little localized things here and there and people get more and more dissatisfied.

I actually think the Republican’s obstruct everything thing during the Obama administration had nothing to do with policy or even hating Democrats and everything to do with making the public view the government as broken. This has two benefits for their wealthy donors. One, it makes privatization look better if government is seen as inherently incompetent. Two, it makes the public throw their hands up in frustration, say “a pox on both their houses” and stop caring about policy, giving the .001% the free and clear to do whatever the fuck they want.

It’s no surprise to me that Putin saw what was already happening and decided to accelerate it. Why hit us himself when he can get us to destroy ourselves with minimal effort and no blood?

Fortunately, Trump’s awfulness combined with the NRA’s awfulness has inspired young people here to not be apathetic. So there’s hope. I’m not trying to be too overly negative. I just think Putin’s agenda is to try to get the US to collapse from within. I don’t know that it’ll work. It probably won’t. But he’s been at least a little effective.

Sorry my comment is so US centric. But if there is a WWIII in some form, it’ll be sparked by the US vs Russia, probably.

6 years ago

Ummmm, Dekim I don’t know that I would go around and at best imply that my own grandfather was “ret*rded”, but I guess to each his own.

6 years ago


That’s been their playbook since Reagan.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Yep. And then the people economically harmed by 40 years of it still think it’s the fault of Mexicans stealing their jobs or welfare queens or whatever. So I guess it’s a damn effective playbook.

*weeps into my pinot grigio*

6 years ago

Ever notice how right wing fantasies always involve brutal wars and the collapse of society or what would be dystopian dictatorships in young adult novels?

And then on the left we have the United Federation of Planets?
Because I’m starting to think of a certain Python sketch…

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

re: Alice’s Restaurant…

I went to see Arlo at Johnson County Community College during the 50th Anniversary Alice’s Restaurant tour (and got the t-shirt!!)
comment image

The most incredible thing about the idea of him getting out of the draft for a littering conviction is… it’s true.

Arguably we’ve been having WW3 since 1945.

THAT ain’t no lie…

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