'bating boobs creep-shaming creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter

Were you tricked into wanking over a picture of Gordon Ramsey’s forehead? This dude’s got your back

To be fair, Gordon Ramsey’s forehead is sexy af

By David Futrelle

So our old buddy @TakedownMRAs posted an amazing Tweet last night documenting what is either a new low or a new high — I can’t decide — in the fight of brave men against the evil gynocracy.

In this case the evil gynocracy was represented by a women who responded to a request for a nude pic by sending the pic-requester a pic of an angry chef’s forehead instead. What followed may surprise you. Or maybe not; nothing is shocking any more.

someone asked me for a nude so i sent them a really zoomed in picture of gordon ramsay’s forehead wrinkles and said it was my cleavage and then they sent a wanking video and now i’m in tears some guy just wanked over gordon ramsay’s forehead

I wish I could give you a link to the original discussion but, alas, both of these accounts have vanished — though several accounts have, er, borrowed Em’s original post and are reposting it as their own funny story.

Did I mention that you all should be following @TakedownMRAs? Because you should.

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Jarred H
6 years ago

“Yeah, it’s rude that he asked you for nudes, except he’s really complimenting you! So you were the rude one for toying with his emotions!”

My money says it’s extremely likely that “John” likes to ask random women for nudes himself.

6 years ago

How could anyone possibly take that pic for anything but someone’s forehead? Oh wait, MRAs. Never mind.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Did I mention that you all should be following @TakedownMRAs? Because you should.

Yeah, I used to follow TakedownMRAs until he force unfollowed me. About 5 times. Always re-followed, (giving him the benefit of the doubt because, well, Twitter is weird at times) and got the hint after being force-unfollowed for the 5th time.

And then never answered my question as to why.

He was the second person I followed, after you.

Good honest way to treat fans and allies? Not in my book. But hey, YMMV.

6 years ago

How does one mistake cleavage for forehead?

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Em is still there, but she changed her @ and her tweets are protected

John Lakeshow is gone.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

Why is it that people named John are always the most boring, long-winded contrarians ?

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Sinkable John,

Well, not all of them. ?

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

I saw an epic take down of a dick pic once. The woman’s answer do the dick pic message:

‘Hmm. This looks weird. Are you sure this is normal? Have you shown this to a doctor? I really would, if I were you!’

That whole ‘asking for nudes is a compliment’ thing is about as convincing as the ‘catcalling is a compliment’ thing.

Namely not at all.

I’ve had men on public transport undress me with their eyes since I was 13. Men started hitting on my back then as well. They just wanted to get off and weren’t interested in me as a person. And usually triple my age and upward.

These days I’m fat, so I’m mostly invisible to men. They keep leering at my boobs.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

So in addition to not being able to see the real world as it really is (or at least as well as most people can see it, anyway), these guys really can’t tell the difference between a forehead and cleavage? What cleavages do these guys normally look at, ASSuming that the original unnamed guy wasn’t pulling the OP’s leg about masturbating to that pic?

And OT, this came over my Yahoo feed a while ago. Evidently the Democratic Party is suing the Russian government, U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign and WikiLeaks over their interference in the 2016 elections.

Not sure how far this can go, or even if it’s a good idea at this point, but there it is.

6 years ago


Years back, the Sun ran a bunch of cleavage shots. Since the Sun is very well known for page three (a usually very fetching topless woman) there was no doubt at all that at least some people had a wank over these pics.
The following day the paper ‘fessed up – all the pics were of builder’s arsecracks. 😛

6 years ago

I’m assuming that if you zoom in on a single wrinkle and rotate it 90°, it looks vaguely like cleavage?

Also, according to someone in the replies, John read some of the responses, admitted he was wrong, apologized and then deleted his Twitter account out of embarrassment. So file under clueless rather than malicious in this case, I guess…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

First of all, how is that toying with emotions? Are we to assume the nude pic asker had deep emotional feelings for Ems?

Second of all, technically, it was a real nude pic because it was a pic of Ramsey’s naked forehead.


From what I can gather, the lawsuit is extra insurance in case Trump fires Rosenstein and hires someone who will fire Mueller. Notice this was done days after Mitch McChinless killed the bill to protect Mueller and the investigation and after Trump said he’s considering trying to fire his way out of being investigated. The civil suit is entirely separate from the Mueller probe but is going after the same thing. This way, if the investigation does get killed, it will go on in civil court. This was probably a major factor in why the Cohen investigation was handed off too.

In other words, I think the suit is a good idea.

F is for Fro
F is for Fro
6 years ago

…Ummm. Yeah, that’s not cleavage. Definitely forehead.

This reminded me of a friend who wanted to buy a Lancer EVO, but couldn’t spot one in a hypothetical police lineup.

…He ended up not liking the EVO.

6 years ago

comment image?itemid=4674808
That woman is so funny, I can not believe anyone would think that’s a cleavage and equate that to “playing with someone’s emotions” what narcissistic and weak wankers.

Hey ladies if a guy sends you unwanted dick pics then send some back.

And for the guys who is reading this if you see a guy cat cal- I mean ‘complimenting’ a woman then do the same to him. And if he gets uncomfortable tell him to smile.

After all they are just compliments.

Knitting cat lady
That’s really disgusting. I’m sorry you went through that.

Speaking of catcalling, I know this is a little old and I’m not sure if anyone posted this already.
I wish this law is everywhere in the world.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

If this were to become a viral meme anytime a guy anywhere asks for pix that would be epic brah!

6 years ago

Here are some of my dicks pics

6 years ago

Heh…this exchange made Bye Felipe!

(I went there looking for the one where a guy demanded pix of a woman’s pussy, so she sent him one complete with her fingers…petting a very lovely tabby kitty. He didn’t get the joke, natch.)

6 years ago

Also, Dick Van Dyke is my favorite Dick of all.

6 years ago

I don’t even really understand what the humor is behind the “haha, you masturbated to something but you thought it was something else!” thing.

The (gross and rude) guy didn’t masturbate to Gordon Ramsey’s forehead, he masturbated to the thought of a woman’s breasts (a specific woman who he chose to harass and send her an unsolicited wanking video). The photo is just a visualization aid.

Sort of like reading erotica or something. It wouldn’t make much sense to go “Haha, you masturbated to words on a page! Someone made all those up, you know, they aren’t even real!” I mean, yeah, they’re not wrong, but the point isn’t the words themselves, it’s the thoughts/fantasies that the words evoke.

Don’t get me wromg, I’m glad that the boundary-crossing jerkoff is getting mocked, but I’m just kind of baffled about what’s particularly funny about it.

flexitarian haruspex
flexitarian haruspex
6 years ago

Don’t get me wromg, I’m glad that the boundary-crossing jerkoff is getting mocked, but I’m just kind of baffled about what’s particularly funny about it.

This is how I feel about The Big Bang Theory… and pretty much all sitcoms ever. :/

6 years ago

@Catalpa: Since the internet is shock full of cleavages anyway and thoughts can be found free in your head, I think the whole point of asking a specific woman for nude pics is that you want her to bend to your whims and obey you. That’s part of what he was wanking to. And then he actually didn’t.

6 years ago

Also, adding: I think the tricked dudes see it this way too. They get upset and feel cheated when they realize they wanked to the wrong thing. If they were just like *shrug* “whatever, I had a good wank to a good fantasy”, it wouldn’t be funny.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago


I think the tricked dudes see it this way too. They get upset and feel cheated when they realize they wanked to the wrong thing.

I’d agree with that reading. I think there’s also an aspect of what might almost be called sympathetic magic there: by masturbating over a depiction of a person, they somehow now feel as if they have some ownership over the actual person.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

And then there’s the homophobia. Don’t forget, these types tend to think that “teh gays” is somehow contagious. They might genuinely fear that such an event could be the “gateway drug” to becoming something they fear and hate …

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

They know 150 different ways to spot a virgin, but don’t even know what cleavage looks like?

This is a good example of what many women find frustrating about online dating. So many men act interested, but don’t even read profiles, don’t bother to listen, treat women as a set of interchangeable body parts, and spam them with crude, sexist messages. Women can respond with any nonsense (like the horse ebooks OKC account) and these dudes just plow on ahead with their quest to get laid. There’s no attempt at conversation, just “show me your tits”. In fact, conversation is seen as a tedious obstacle to sex. It’s so dehumanizing.