By David Futrelle
Enjoy your 4/20, however you choose to celebrate it! Or not celebrate it! (Does anyone outside the US know what it is?) Some tweets.
Also, like all Today in Tweets posts, consider this an OPEN THREADDDDDD.
#420day pic.twitter.com/A2g8eWfq1e
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) April 20, 2018
Today is 4/20, so here’s a reminder that if y'all support the legalization of marijuana, you also need to be supporting decriminalization & the release of everyone in prison right now for marijuana-related charges (some of whom are serving as much as 20+ years). #420day
— Deniz S. (@MrFilmkritik) April 20, 2018
Happy birthday to actress Jessica Lange who is turning 69 today, 4/20. pic.twitter.com/CEKUAILTMk
— Vsauce (@tweetsauce) April 20, 2018
Please join me in feeling terrible for this man who has now been paid by 3 major media outlets to discuss why HE is persecuted for believing that 1 in 4 women should be executed by the state pic.twitter.com/Fm8piIm7O6
— Marcia Belsky (@MarciaBelsky) April 20, 2018
Let me leave you with this image in your head:
Science proves flies enjoy ejaculating https://t.co/IgJPw0kllG pic.twitter.com/YIChYfC5Hj
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 19, 2018
I’ve already deleted my browser history, but the problem persists.
That roomba/scale romance really made my day 10000 times better.
I’m coming to the belief that there’s a lot of stuff that internet companies are doing right now which will be illegal in future; some of which will be jail-time illegal, and some of which will be your-shareholders-will-do-jail-time illegal. I think our current situation is the technological equivalent of those nineteenth-century factories, with shitty and harmful practises being cheerfully indulged in as long as they make money.
Maybe Cambridge Analytica will one day be spoken of in the same context as the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. That’s a comforting thought.
Yes! And it happens multiple times in a row, always with a different “reward” – new Samsung phone, gift card from Amazon, Walmart and the like, and those phony ones from Facebook, which I’m not even *on*.
The latest is my phone buzzing loudly and a voice telling me “Congratulations!” First couple of times it did that, it startled the crap out of me.
My desktop browsers are all equipped with both NoScript and uBlock Origin. I almost never see an ad, and am at almost zero risk of malware via advertising, whether browser hijack or much more serious consequences like ransomware.
As for mobile, I have one device with Chrome but I use that browser sparingly and do not keep large amounts of irreplaceable and important data on that device.
If anything, my ad blocking is doing everyone a favor anyway as I’m a particularly poor sales lead. I don’t make much, do very little discretionary spending, and for obvious reasons what discretionary spending I do do involves heavy research and comparison shopping as a rule. If I want it and it exists, I’ll discover it and decide whether or not to get it independently of any ads. Brand choice will likely be much more strongly influenced by product quality and price, especially the latter, than any ad I may or may not see.
Advertising to me pretty much won’t budge your sales figures an iota … unless you’re obnoxious enough about it that you land on my shitlist, in which case they’ll go down slightly, if anything. (Obnoxious ranges from somehow sneaking a popup past my ad blocker to convincing a TV station to display your ad ON TOP OF THE SHOW I’M WATCHING instead of drawing neatly inside the lines surrounding the three-minute breaks that are where all TV advertising is supposed to go. If you do that I won’t buy from you for months, if ever again. And that clock restarts from zero if I see another popup with your logo on it blocking part of my screen during a show.)
The one type of ad I might actually pay attention to and that might actually lead to a sale is a movie trailer aired properly during a break. My main way of knowing that/when something like, say, Infinity War is coming out in theaters is the TV spots. Which is probably due to my lack of a social life, which is probably due in turn to my lack of enough money to be tooling around everywhere in my very own car (or enough to be able to afford downtown bigger-city rents in locations where one might actually have social opportunities without a car).
Even then, the two types of ads I get exposed to still have little effect. Mobile ads that apps throw at me get the back button instantly enough I usually don’t know what the heck they were peddling. And the appearance of TV ads sends me to the fridge, bathroom, computer, or etc. for three minutes. If there’s a trailer for a movie I might actually be interested in I only know about it because of the audio.
I guess there is no easy fix for the redirection problem I am having on my phone, which is what I use near exclusively for my online activities. Poop.
Congrats on your first 5k! Good luck! “Zombies, Run!” sounds like a fun app. I must get it!
RE: Date formats. I think dd/mm/yyyy makes more sense. My logic: The day is a subset of the month. In turn, the month is a subset of the year.
RE: Internet ads. I guess they’re preferable to all the junk mail I used to find in my physical mailbox.☺
Sort of related to internet ads: Sometimes I wonder why I receive certain article recommendations in my browser. For example, for months I got recommended one ‘sad doggy’ story after the other. I found it odd, because I’ve never owned a dog, and never buy dog food.
These brief articles were mostly about neglected and abused dogs. Some of them were really heart-rending, and, to me, extremely angering, to read about how some people abuse animals.
“In the arms of the angels…”
Surplus-I’m the same. I’m not particularly financially well off, so l don’t waste money buying anything from ads. The only ads I am interested in are ads about an up coming movie. I also hate ads with a burning passion. They are obnoxious and they are a threat to my computer/phone. Many of them contain viruses and other malware. Some even hijack my browser with popup messages, ranging from asking me if really want to leave, to trying to get me to put in my computer’s password. The fake Microsoft “your computer has alerted us that it is infected with a virus” ads (why the hell would my computer alert a third party about a virus? The only person my antivirus software/computer would alert is me) do this and are very hard to get out of. People say that ads are the price we pay for free access to websites, but if ads are a threat to my computer/finaciancial information, why should I put up with it? Advertisers better learn to make ads less obnoxious/dangerous, because people will keep using adblockers and their business will keep suffering.
Internet advertising….
I don’t get that much, or what does come up is pretty much what I was recently looking at. I comparison shop also.
Shoes, the boots I’m wearing. Bought online. Until I cleared the laptop here, I was getting shoe ads.
Economic state. I was online shopping for a used (like 5 years old) car in the $12 thousand range, I’m now seeing a bunch of used car ads.
They pitch to the low bucks too. Some of these things I might even look at. But not after the fact. You have to clear the system. The only net I have is an old (er) mac laptop. It works fine. Mostly. It could be that a lot of ads don’t interface with it. I know little to nothing about these things.
I’m not a fan of advertising, I was just wondering if they couldn’t target people better? For instance, if I happened to go look at a “home depot” type of site online, and something specific, like maybe a particular pipe for under a sink or something.
Well then you’ll get more ads for these same pipes! From the same stores. Wouldn’t it be better to put out a more broader ad for these stores? Like Hey Pipe Shopper, here’s our weekly ad, we have a variety of things you may be interested in.
Instead of – more pipes. Which I have probably now purchased.
Or shoes. No I don’t need to see those exact same boots again, – I just bought them. Not that they should know that, but, if a person did not buy at their site, why not put out a more broader ad that shows other things a person might be interested in?
They even do this at the bottom of shopping sites – “similar products you may be interested in”.
I don’t do a lot of online shopping either, plenty of “window shopping”, comparison shopping, you’ll get enough of advertising. Used cars! Go look, at say a site like Auto Trader, look at any used car you may want. Quit that and go back to looking at whatever, watch the ads pop up. For not only used car sellers, but the specific car.
This actually doesn’t bother me that much. And I glance at some, and in this case, if it was a local seller or something, I might look at it. Or something like furniture or clothes, some vary their ads anyway. Didn’t buy the blue sofa? Backed off that page? Well here’s a green sofa you may be interested in, plus our sales ad.
They could vary their ads a bit. Or, – No, I do not need to see that same toilet pipe again. Til the end of eternity, any time I look at your site. Nor do you need to put it on all the ads of whatever other site I look at, nor do you need to send me a gazillion emails about it.
(I don’t give out my working or personal emails to anyone. I should set up a better shopping only email, for certain things, you might get some coupons.)
No giving out email randomly anyway, unless it would be dedicated to that.
For the most part this isn’t a big issue for me. And if you “clear the system” which I do about daily, that seems to work.
I mean, work conditions are right back there, too with most jobs being eliminated in favor of year-round cyclical rotations of contracted employees with no benefits, employees expected to work 80+ hour work weeks during “crunch” times which are created by poor project management, employees pissing in bottles so they can meet their quotas and having to stay late unpaid to have their personal effects searched to ensure they’re not stealing. Plus employers paying less than minimum wage and getting away with it by giving out visa gift cards with fees attached (that they no doubt get a nice bonus from the card issuer for) in lieu of checks. And that’s before the wage theft and physically impossible to meet rules around start and end times, breaks, and overtime.
Your comment reminds me of a stupid argument I had recently. I noted that meritocracy was a cruel lie, and that no matter how hard we work, we will not “get rich” because that’s not how capitalism functions. Yada, yada, everyone here is familiar with this.
The response (somewhat paraphrased) was “typical lazy leftie, looking for handouts.”
Like most of us, I’m part of the precariat; I’m a contract academic with no job security, no sick leave, no health cover, etc. I work ridiculous hours, have far more contact teaching hours than permanent academics, haven’t had a weekend or day off in months (as for a holiday, just lol).
I seriously love my work, but the strain and the insecurity is increasingly hard to deal with.
The thing is, most people are in a similar situation. Unstable, short-term, long hours – more and more of us are living with this, so it’s not something that requires imagination or empathy to envision. And yet, to criticise it is still unthinkable.
(oh, and to top it all off, a certain make-the-dog-do-a-nazi-salute-for-lulz twerp weighed in, with “you’re all ‘gibs me dis, gibs, me dat'” which added a lovely racist layer of icing to the cake of stupid)
So how many of you are getting browser-hijacking ads from WHTM? I use Google AdSense for the ads (got rid of the other more obnoxious ad network after a very generous donor gave me enough $ to eliminate them) and they’re supposed to filter this shit out.
If you are getting these or other really bad ads, there’s unfortunately not much I can do about it. So just go ahead and use ad blocker or any of the other alternatives people have mentioned. Seriously, I’m fine with it. If you feel guilty, just toss me a few bucks.
Ideally I’d like to get rid of the google ads too, but that sort of depends on how the next fund drives do.
Not something I’d ask normally, a person’s finances are their own, but how about giving a target amount during the next fund drive? I’ve not noticed you do one before – and the work you do DOES definitely rate payment for, and payment more reliable than ad income (which is dying a death).
Yesterday was cops making jokes about arresting lids smoking pot instead of looking into much more harmful crimes in my state
Sorry with my bitterness it easily annoys me
Yesterday was cops making jokes about arresting lids smoking pot instead of looking into much more harmful crimes in my state
Sorry with my bitterness it easily annoys me
When my phone gets hijacked, it’s almost exclusively your site. And I detest that because, well, I love this site.
Although maybe it *is* somehow connected to Google, because it did it to me on Google’s reverse image search.
Used TinEye, instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I get them so frequently that I had to completely give up on browsing WHTM on my phone. Ad blockers aren’t an option, unfortunately; there aren’t any for non-rooted Android because Google threw a greedy-ass temper tantrum and banned them all. (Conflict of interest? What’s that?) *rolls eyes*
Have you tried the AdBlock browser from the play store? Works well on my Android phone and resolves the ads issues when I get them.
House 420 is for sale in Iqaluit. It’s “cozy” they say. I’m sure it is, if you’re stoned.
https://atiilu.com/homes-for-sale/ (And scroll down, or search for 420)
That’s weird. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten a browser hijack ad from WHTM while using my android phone, although I’ll occasionally get them from other sites. And yeah, I’m usually using firefox with a couple of security extensions, but I’m not getting them when I use Chrome or other browsers either.
Any chance that there’s a phone virus involved?
I use stock Android and Chrome, I don’t get any unusual or problematic ads.
If you do see them, it should be possible to gather the URLs that led you there from your browser history and paste them in a comment or email to David. That should indicate what the culprit is.
I’ve been getting hijacked on lots of the last 10 posts of David’s, though not this or I think the last couple.
Will follow Jo’s suggestion and email some URL/s to David