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Terry Crews is a “pathetic cuck” embracing feminism to get attention from women, world’s sexiest MRA charges

Terry Crews apparently has great difficulty attracting the attention of women

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights activists claim to care about male victims of sexual assault. So you might expect them to have nothing but love and respect for actor Terry Crews, who came forward last fall to say he had been sexually assaulted by a “high-level Hollywood executive.”

Apparently not so much, if this tweet from self-proclaimed “Men’s Human Rights Advocate” Paul Elam is any indication. Elam is angry that Crews spoke out about what he called the “cult” of masculinity at this week’s Women in the World Summit in New York city.

Yeah, don’t you just hate it when unappealing men embrace feminism to curry favor with women?

I mean, just compare Crews, that hardcore cuck and woman-repeller, to the men of the Men’s Rights movement.

Here’s Crews:

And here are the tasty man-snacks who attended a retreat organized by Elam’s A Voice for Men:

Elam was behind the camera in that video, but in case you’ve forgotten what he looks like, here’s a picture from his GQ photoshoot (no, really) a couple of years ago. Straight ladies: If you’re wearing a skirt you may want to sit down so no one sees your panties drop right off after taking a look at this meaty chunk of manhood.

How is a pathetic cuck like Terry Crews supposed to compete with that?

H/T to @TakedownMRAs, who called attention to Elam’s tweet

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6 years ago

HAH! Terry Crews is 10,000 times the man Elam is by any possible measure you want to take. Don’t…. don’t try to take on Terry, Paul. You will not come off well in the comparison.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

Well, David’s not wrong, really. If there’s a good phrase to describe Elam, “meaty chunks” is at least in the running.

F is for Fro
F is for Fro
6 years ago

Terry Crews moved up a spot on my favorite people list.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m also betting that the manosphere, who supposedly cares about disposable males, especially coal miners, is not up in arms about Don Blankenship being poised to win the GOP nomination. Otherwise known as the Massey Energy CEO who went to jail because his violations of worker safety laws were just that severe. Violations that led to an explosion that killed 29 miners. But, he’s a right winger, Trump lover, and Hillary hater. So he’s probably all good to them.

ETA: I Googled Don Blankship men’s rights activists and didn’t find anything remotely related to MRAs in the first 5 pages of results. I’m too lazy to try other search terms, but I’m guessing there’s a reason I didn’t find anything.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

What went wrong with Paul Elam’s upbringing that he can’t fathom basic concepts like men who can relate to women as human beings? Terry Crews obviously had a better upbringing than Elam.

6 years ago

D’awww, is Paulie jealous? Sure smells that way.

Miss Edgy Nation
Miss Edgy Nation
6 years ago

Wow, that doesn’t even make sense. I think Elam is just angry about the very existence of handsome black men who make more money than him, and Terry Crews coming forward about sexual assault just made his simmering bile come to a boil.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What went wrong with Paul Elam’s upbringing

His mom made him take diarrhea medicine. Misandry!

Chris O
Chris O
6 years ago

What went wrong with Paul Elam’s upbringing

I think a better question might be: What didn’t go wrong with his upbringing?

6 years ago

You’d think they would get along, given Terry Crews’ history of transphobia.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Brr. Elam’s eyes are just pure, concentrated hatred. They’re like the Vantablack of misogyny.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Oh, shut up, Elam.

Jojo mojo
Jojo mojo
6 years ago

If i was a shitposting man, I would make one of those obnoxious Incel/Chad memes because quite frankly, Terry Crews represents the sheer antithesis of Paul Elam.

6 years ago

Has anyone told Paul Elam that Terry Crews is, y’know, already married?

6 years ago


Aww, really? Hopefully he comes around.

6 years ago

As far as I’m aware, he made one ignorant comment about a year ago. I’m not aware of anything before or after.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

There’s so many boys in the Foster Care system who need stable homes and families. If Paul or any of these “mactivists” gave a fraction of a damn about men and boys, they’d be adopting them.

6 years ago

I love Terry Crews (though disappointed to learn he was being transphobic at some point).

I don’t understand the point MRAs make about Crews being a feminist to gain favor with women (i.e. get in women’s pants) when he is married (and appears happily so).

Although Crews did say toxic masculinity is like a cult, it seemed to me he was saying a lot of women = people. I feel like that’s what they find even more objectionable.

Also Elam trying to undercut Crews is palpable. He calls Crews a former NFL player as if that is all he ever had going for him, not mentioning he’s been an active actor for many years now. I think some people like me know of Crews from his acting and was unaware of his NFL history (though I did find out before this).

6 years ago

Hell, he was an artist before he was a footballer, and he’s still doing that professionally – he co-founded a design studio! Football’s like three ranks down on his CV.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

Terry Crews appear to be on the path of learning in terms of feminism, which means that transphobia is something that he is hopefully learning to dismantle in himself as well. That’s really the point of being a feminist man, to continuously strive to be better, to undo the internalization of toxic behaviours. I am still learning things, and I recognize that I am sometimes hesitant or resistant to changing my stance on certain issuses, and that calls for further self-evaluation and introspection. I hope and believe that Crews is doing the same, if only because I really want him to be as good at lived feminist praxis as I believe he can be.

6 years ago

I thought only hideous feminist harpies were impressed by talk of toxic masculinity and hot babes preferred traditional male topics of conversation? So according to Elam, Crews is not only so lacking in attractiveness that he has to kowtow to women, he even has to lower his standards to the least attractive women of all.

Sounds legit.

6 years ago

I’m not going to look-shame anyone, least of all Elam. But I’m a straight dude, and damn Terry Crews is hot.

6 years ago

I wonder if the manospherians are going to pick this up: TW but a woman horribly abused and tortured her boyfriend. Began psychologically abusing him, and after years of this started abusing him physically as well, and veered straight into torture territory.
On the one hand, I’d think they like a story about an evil woman. On the other hand, they’re not really fond of supporting male victims…

6 years ago

@idli sambar revolution

There’s so many boys in the Foster Care system who need stable homes and families. If Paul or any of these “mactivists” gave a fraction of a damn about men and boys, they’d be adopting them.

Nah, they’ll blame women for a) causing the problem in the first place and b) not fixing the problem once it has been pointed out. Possibly also c) trotting out some evopsych just-so story about how men can’t, and therefore shouldn’t be trying to fix this issue all by themselves because pink, nurturing, natural roles, blah blah blargh. All that and they’ll still feel like they’re the ones on the moral highground.


On the one hand, I’d think they like a story about an evil woman. On the other hand, they’re not really fond of supporting male victims…

Happily, they’re entirely capable of simultaneously blaming every woman on earth for this and mocking the weak, unmanly, low-t, manlet cuck for letting a female do this to him. They might not say that bit publically though. Maybe. Not immediately, anyway. Probably they’ll suggest that this is why all men should get themselves redpilled.

6 years ago

I’ve watched the 25 minute interview* that has got the MRAs so fuming. They’re angry because Crews is ruining their narrative. They have nothing concrete to dismantle his argument, so they resort to ad hominem attacks. Same news, different day.

* Worth a look, although I do wish Joanna Coles hadn’t hijacked the Teen Vogue writer’s (sorry, I don’t want to swipe away to look up her name and lose what I’ve written) anecdote to push the central argument of her book (and victim-blame into the bargain). No ideas that this community aren’t already familiar with, but always worth expressing.

ETA It’s Lauren Duca. Here’s the link