By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights activists claim to care about male victims of sexual assault. So you might expect them to have nothing but love and respect for actor Terry Crews, who came forward last fall to say he had been sexually assaulted by a “high-level Hollywood executive.”
Apparently not so much, if this tweet from self-proclaimed “Men’s Human Rights Advocate” Paul Elam is any indication. Elam is angry that Crews spoke out about what he called the “cult” of masculinity at this week’s Women in the World Summit in New York city.
Yeah, don’t you just hate it when unappealing men embrace feminism to curry favor with women?
I mean, just compare Crews, that hardcore cuck and woman-repeller, to the men of the Men’s Rights movement.
Here’s Crews:
And here are the tasty man-snacks who attended a retreat organized by Elam’s A Voice for Men:
Elam was behind the camera in that video, but in case you’ve forgotten what he looks like, here’s a picture from his GQ photoshoot (no, really) a couple of years ago. Straight ladies: If you’re wearing a skirt you may want to sit down so no one sees your panties drop right off after taking a look at this meaty chunk of manhood.
How is a pathetic cuck like Terry Crews supposed to compete with that?
H/T to @TakedownMRAs, who called attention to Elam’s tweet
To be fair to Paul Elam, I don’t think he’s ever publicly professed to have given a shit about male victims of abuse, so he shouldn’t be unfairly lumped in with MRAs who profess to do so.
And if that isn’t damning with faint praise, I apparently don’t know what that means.
Welp, looks like all that compassion for male victims of abuse and harassment went right out the window the minute said victim empathizes with women based on his experiences. It’s almost like it was all just rhetoric in a game of oneupmanship with feminists (read: women) and not genuine concern for male victims of abuse and harassment….
And can we bury the word “cuck” about a mile underground and salt the earth over it? The definition drift has been getting out of hand….
Yes Elam, yes…Crews really struggles for female attention…
Anyway I thought feminist men were pathetic chucks and women apparently hate cucks.
So how would men ‘claiming’ to be feminists help them to get laid?
That good old MRA ‘logic’.
Maybe it’s because he’s married and his wife seems to like him?
I’m not going to look it up but I seem to remember Elam being very outspoken against relationship counselling for troubled marriages, that there was some case involving him abandoning his children, and that he’s spoken of his upbringing – in which his father was violently abusive and his mother supported the family – as an example of what goes wrong when women are in charge.
So if someone appears to have a good marriage, you can see it might possibly annoy him.
Dude’s a failure in every way that matters.
Yeah, when manospherians of any stripe bring up sexual assault or domestic violence happening to men, it’s absolutely not meant as a call to fix the issue. Just like parents who talk about how their own parents beat the crap out of them as kids to justify hitting their kids or crusty old sergeants complain that they got smoked for hours for sneezing while they can only write a counseling statement for these “pampered privates,” it’s all about telling people that they should stop complaining because other people got the same or worse and didn’t complain in the past.
And, yeah, definitely agree that Terry Crews ruins their narrative. After all, a guy can’t be both popular with women and espouse feminist values because women love the negging. So they just have to pretend he does fit the narrative by saying he’s either BSing or not actually popular with women. Honestly, Paul went with the ballsier choice of reality denying.
If Terry fucking Crews doesn’t qualify as a proper man in your eyes, then your concept of masculinity is less than useless.
Wow..Paul Elam is still alive? I figured it was possible to be such a worthless waste of organs that you just phase out of existence.
It’s been a while. I haven’t popped on a Manosphere site of any type for 3 years now (til last week). I thought by now they; the sites, the mission, the men, would have all just gotten lives and moved on by now but that doesn’t seem to be the case if comedic material is still available. So what’s the deal? Has the Manosphere peaked or is it the perpetual motion machine that Tesla dreamed of (and maybe invented if the conspiracies are true)?
Dr. Thang: I’d think The Thing What Squats in the White House would have disabused you of that notion by now.
True, or the entire “men’s” “right’s” “movement”, or mgtows, or incels…I guess I didn’t think that one through.
I need everyone to read this thread if you haven’t already. It’s an incredible and crystal-clear dissection of the “disaffected hateful young men on the internet” phenomenon, and says a lot of insightful things.
Yeah, but art’s the territory of those silly, untalented, unskilled feeeemales. Football is MAYUNLY MAN MAN stuff, and thus the only thing they care about. (Until the feeeemales start to get attention for their art, and then art is also MAYUNLY MAN MAN territory.) [/sarcasm]
This whole exchange proves to me that the MRM is nothing but a bait and switch cult designed to turn well-intentioned young men with legitimate issues into misogynists.
Elam couldn’t care less about Mr Crews’ struggles with sexual assault.
#IStandWithTerry #BelieveHer #BelieveHim #MeToo #TimesUp #StandWithAllVictims #RapeCulture #ScrewTransphobia #ScrewMRApeNazis #SoManyHashtags
I don’t like playing the Oppression Olympics but it is indeed much worse and more frequent for women especially disabled, woc and transwomen. I’m just sick and tired of people playing the “Men can be victims too!” card whenever someone even mentions that female victims exist and then when a guy comes forward those very same poop-nuggets will just mock him and make misognyistic comments (calling him a woman) so it’s clear they don’t care about male victims they just want to silence women and girls.
TIL, Old Spice and Bounce are both owned by P&G
I’m a poor judge of the male form. I’m not judging these people for their looks, I’m judging them for their values.
And Terry, with lived experience that more closely matches my own, wins over the manosphere every time.
The latest entry in Mick Dash’s year-long Yahoo Answers tantrum against WHTM calls David out for sexually objectifying “meaty chunk of manhood” Paul Elam:
Tsk, tsk, treating Paul Elam as a mere object of sexual desire.~ Aren’t you ashamed of yourself, Dave?~
I guess Mick has tired of me answering his WHTM-bashing questions by advising readers to check out the site for themselves, because he’s blocked me from answering his questions now.
Wow, is he still going? You almost have to admire his persistence. That’s Sysiphian levels of pointless endeavour.