
Having a sick day here, so here’s a picture of Sean Hannity surrounded by squids

Hannity and his squid friends

Hey there, sorry I wasn’t able to post a real post today, kinda wrenched my back, nothing serious but hurts like heck and now I’m sleepy from the muscle relaxants they gave me. So I thought I’d post a recent filtering experiment involving Sean Hannity and some squids.

Hoping to resume regular posting tomorrow.  Consider this an open thread.

EDITED TO ADD: Oh. so I was doing some vagina research for a possible upcoming post on MGTOWs and these were the suggested stories that popped up on the Health magazine site under one of the articles I read.

What is going on with vaginas and weird things being put up them!? Is this al Gwynyth’s doing?

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It won’t be Nugent. He’s all old and Trumpian. Yesterday’s news. All heil President Andrew Anglin.

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Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Mmm, muscle relaxers.

Re: wetsuits for compression. My problem would be getting them on with sore/pulled/tender muscles. As it is they require a combination of ballet and weight lifting. Maybe it would be easier with just the top half, though.

Getting them off, even bloody, wouldn’t be much of a problem. You can stand in a warm shower to unclot/rinse the blood, and just peel it off slowly.

6 years ago

Hope you have a good recovery, David.

Seriously – glitter in the vadge area?

Isn’t glitter sharp and scratchy? It’s vile stuff to get in your eyes, I know that (kids’ Christmas crafts session – never to be forgotten).

I’ve had sand in the labia before now, from an interlude on a beach in Michigan, and that was horrible too.

It doesn’t biodegrade too well, either, and presumably it will at some point enter the water supply.

But I suppose it’s all worth it for sparkly flavoured orgasms! Mmm, the taste of organ damage and irreversible pollution.

6 years ago

@Buttercup Q Skullpants; WWTH

Anything is possible.

I was just thinking, the other day, about Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was elected to his first term, I remember older people shaking their heads in dismay and decrying the fact that a B movie actor was now President. At least Reagan had been governor of California.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

And now for some epic tragedy:

1. Around 2017, some popular YouTube pranksters promoted the totally hilarious idea of blasting an air horn at an unsuspecting person’s ear.

2. As we’re increasingly aware, that could very easily result in at least hearing injury, not to mention the possibility of heart attacks etc. in a severely startled person. Unfortunately, there still isn’t enough awareness on how serious sound assault can be.

3. Indeed, at least one prankster named Jake Paul has been already sued for wrecking someone’s ears. Incidentally he’s the brother of Logan Paul because, fuck them that’s why.

4. In a separate incident, Laurie Redmond’s teenage daughter was assaulted with an air horn by an adult male acquaintance. Apparently, she suffered worse injury than you’d actually expect. Now she has both severe tinnitus and severe oversensitivity to sounds – as in she’s permanently disabled and unable to tolerate any normal sound environment.

5. Instead of suing the attacker (a family friend?), Redmond points out that promoting this kind of violence is essentially within the “community guidelines” of YouTube and Facebook, if it’s popular enough. She tried searching some air horn prank videos to report them, and basically all she got for response was Google ads for air horns.

6. I figure the celebrity pranksters can’t be sued unless they assault you personally – especially if their videos have some small print “don’t try this at home” disclaimer. In that case, the platform can’t be sued either.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Interesting discussion on toxic masculinity:

6 years ago

I assume the glitter they’re using is along the lines of edible glitter, which would be less sharp and toxic. Still a bad idea to put in a vagina, though

6 years ago


Speaking of asshole YouTube “pranksters” (h/t Ghazi):

A YouTuber is facing up to two years in prison for filming himself giving Oreo cookies filled with toothpaste to a homeless man and then joking that they would clean him.

Kanghua Ren, who broadcasts under the name ReSet, has more than 1 million subscribers on the video sharing platform.

The Barcelona-based internet personality filmed himself filling the double-stacked chocolate cookies with toothpaste and placing them back in their original packaging.

Prosecutors said Mr Kanghua later deleted the video and offered the homeless man €300 (£259) to remain silent about the saga in an effort to “reestablish his image” and “ingratiate himself with public opinion”.

The vlogger had previously offered sandwiches filled with his cats’ excrement to children and elderly people, prosecutors claimed.

I’m glad at least this guy’s facing consequences, but there has got to be a reckoning for this crap. This state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue and Google/YouTube is the one facilitating it. And who the hell are these 1 million subscribers enabling it?

Man, if there’s one thing that really grinds my gears, it’s some flop-haired internet shitbag gawking at the misfortune of others like the rest of humanity is just some video game for his amusement. I hope at least whatever legal trouble he gets into might teach him a lesson; some community service and a hefty fine might do the trick.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

Those one million subscribers are mostly kids whose parents don’t have time for them. Either legitimately because they’re working 65 hours a week to keep the lights on, or less legitimately ’cause they’re bad parents.

YouTube is a babysitter in the same way that the TV was a babysitter in the 80’s and 90’s. I’m not sure which is worse.

6 years ago

YouTube is a babysitter in the same way that the TV was a babysitter in the 80’s and 90’s. I’m not sure which is worse.

YouTube is worse. TV at least had watchdogs. The CRTC makes its fair share of boneheaded decisions, but at least it’s a cop on the beat that is answerable to us as Canadian citizens. Google is answerable to nobody save its shareholders.

I was a latchkey kid myself with two working parents and I sought out my fair share of “edgy” material back in the halcyon days of the internet (insofar as those existed), but I’d imagine even 13-year-old Katamount watching videos on eBaumsworld would be horrified at pranks that vile.

*sigh* I miss the golden age of soundboard phone pranks. At least those are harmless.

6 years ago

And yeah, docs here seem really keen to prescribe pills. Especially when all I’m looking for is a referral for physical therapy.

Never had that experience; my doctor hesitates to prescribe muscle relaxers, for which I am glad. He sent me straight to PT. Now, when I wanted counseling, he wanted to just prescribe antidepressants, which I didn’t want, having had bad experiences with them in the past. Had to use my insurance company to get a referral (we have a program for that).

I was just thinking, the other day, about Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was elected to his first term, I remember older people shaking their heads in dismay and decrying the fact that a B movie actor was now President.

I would love to live wherever you lived. All the older people I knew voted for Reagan, and cheered his election. They were sure he would put those Baby Boomers who kept insisting on environmental things and stopping war and so forth in their place. They still believe he was the best thing since sliced bread (but most of them were old enough themselves to be dead now).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Weren’t a lot of baby boomers pro-Reagan though? It seems like they, more than any generation were happy to take the benefits of the New Deal/Great Society while also being happy to gut these programs for subsequent generations so they could have lower taxes. I mean, #notallbabyboomers, but it seems like a whole lot of them think they bootstrapped into prosperity and think millenials are entitled and lazy and that’s why they’re less prosperous. Because economic anxiety is a valid excuse for embracing racism and misogyny, but it is not an excuse for embracing more progressive economic policies.

6 years ago

@WWTH: I don’t know the statistics RE: baby boomers being pro, or con, Reagan. It certainly seems like many boomers turned to the right politically, as they aged. My husband is a baby boomer, and he says his generation are a bunch of sellouts.?

I’m not sure if you were referring to my post, but if you were…by “older people” I meant those older than the boomers, people like my parents, the silent generation types.

The baby boomers protested against the Vietnam War. I don’t blame them. Partly through their efforts, they got the voting age lowered from 21 to 18. The same with the drinking age. But then, at around the time the boomers began to age, the drinking age was raised back up to 21. I realize it’s a minor issue, but c’mon, really now…

6 years ago

I hope I haven’t offended any baby boomers. Like WWTH says, #notallbabyboomers.

The boomers were my mentors at work, and sometimes my anti-mentors.☺ It’s bittersweet for me to see so many of them retire. I’m also very close in age to the youngest of them.

Just, sometimes I get annoyed at living in their shadow.

6 years ago

Of course you have offended the boomers. All of them, everywhere. Who do you think invented the concept of perpetually offended? Weren’t you kids. 😛

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve always gotten the impression that there were a small core of true hippies who really meant it and a whole bunch of other people who wanted to rebel in their youth and (understandably) didn’t want to be drafted but weren’t truly political.

Although I don’t think that part is specific to baby boomers. Most people in any generation aren’t really and truly political. I just think there’s a sort of generational privilege that US baby boomers have. Particularly of course, white ones. They came of age during a time when the middle class was growing, college and housing was affordable, wages were growing and there were plentiful opportunities to get a good paying job at a young age and build a career from there. A lot of them just don’t seem to understand that they were gifted with a combination of a solid economy and economic policies that were helping them out a lot and not everyone has that.

6 years ago


I lived in Connecticut during Reagan’s two terms. So, a liberal, affluent state.

But, y’know, I was only 12 or so years old when Reagan was sworn in to his first term. I remember a few of my teachers talking among themselves about how ridiculous it was that the star of “Bedtime for Bonzo” was going to be President. I think at least one local TV station ran that movie.

My parents were Republicans, but right around the time Reagan began his first term, my father began to turn away from them. He rolled his eyes at the idea of Reagan being President. I think he realized the political Right didn’t speak for him. By the time he died in 2012, he was a lefty.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh my god. Now Rudy Giuliani is joining Trump’s legal team.

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Jojo mojo
Jojo mojo
6 years ago

Re: dumbasses being assholes on Youtube

I am in no way surprised to know that a Paul brother did something that was borderline illegal and only got away with it by some technicality. I can see big problem of using Youtube as a baby-sitter considering i work with children on the regular as a substitute teacher-assistant. The biggest difference between Youtube and TV that worries me the most is that at least with the latter, it was a big barrier for entry while anyone can technically get into the former with very little (relative) effort.

It makes me feel like a crotchety old-man (at 25) to complain about this new fangled Yootoob personalities these kids are into, but it does make me worried that in order to get famous, specially the kids/dumbass young adults, who think “pranks” are the pinnacle of comedy would just lead to increasing escalation.

Re: Barbara Bush
I know Barbara Bush is bound to have some skeletons in the closet (she is after all the mother of a president that, at best, was an incompetent dumbass that fucked everything up), but I don’t really feel like rummaging there. I just personally feel that unless a public figure was a blatantly publicly vile/terrible person or an out and about charlatan (Hitler for the former, Ronald Reagan for the latter, though i’m pretty sure those names are interchangeable), I like to think that they were a “good” person. I rather not speak ill of the dead unless they did so themselves while living and even then, it’ll be just acknowledge that they died and nothing more (so when Rush Limbaugh kicks the bucket, the only thing i’ll say about it is, “rest in piss fuck-o”)

TL; DR: Her son may have been an incompetent asshole who fucked everything up (at best) but my condolences to Barbara Bush’s family either way.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Does saying awful things about hurricane refugees, adding insult to the injury Katrina dealt them, suffice for “blatantly publicly vile”?

Of course, it’s probably possible to dig up similar ugliness by all prominent Republicans (and not a few Democrats).

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

off-topic discussion about the Philly Starbucks incident

something I think a theologian at Boston University named Dan Hauge said to me on Twitter once: “I think one issue is, we whites imagine the endgame of anti-racism as harmonious relationships rather than equal power to shape society.”

“harmonious” being defined as “black people let white people do what they want and white people will let black people do what white people want them to do…”

6 years ago

Dormousing it, the silent generation and the greatest generation were big supporters of Reagan. Yes, there were Reagan boomers; I knew about 3 in my entire college set. Some boomers hated the activist boomers who protested the war, attended civil rights rallies, etc.

Every generation is a mixed bag. Conservative and liberal, sexist and feminist, racist and anti-racist. But some time in the late 90s, I started seeing this trend of blaming the boomers for everything – most of the people blaming them were members of my parents generation (silent generation). Most of the things they were blaming them for were liberal things.

By the late 00s, that had switched, and boomers were being blamed for conservative things, this time by Gen X, then followed by millennials. But very few of them have done the necessary research to find out what boomers really are – it is just conventional wisdom that keeps getting passed down through the generations, and many boomers for some odd reason seem very quick to agree that their generation is just totally awful.

Much of what we are blamed for was done by someone else – there are things that boomers have done wrong, of course. Every generation screws up. But seriously, we were being blamed for the fact that there were so many of us! Really? I somehow think that might have been something to do with an earlier generation.

Blaming boomers is the easy way out, but it is as inaccurate as blaming the millennials, Gen X, or any other heterogenous group of people.

And no, we did not invent the concept of being perpetually offended. Our parents were much too good at that for us to have invented it. Thank you.

Jojo mojo
Jojo mojo
6 years ago

I won’t defend her saying something as completely tasteless and thoughtless as that, but I still wouldn’t consider something like that enough to disrespect the dead (not saying you are). At the end of the day, it was simply something that was insensitive and ignorant, and I don’t feel I have any right to judge on that realm, considering how i know that I and people that i know and love, both alive and not, have said things like that.

Jojo mojo
Jojo mojo
6 years ago

This conversation about the baby boomers just makes me think of

I do wonder what the post-millenials (Generation AA? Baby slumpers?) will have to deal with once us Gen Z/millenials become a bunch of crotchety old fogies who demand that these damn kids get off own lawns. I mean, if still have lawns after the massive debt/nukes.