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Are incels the new alphas? Incels think women lurk on their forums “because we give them the hate” they know they deserve

Protip: This is not the look of a woman who is secretly in love with you

By David Futrelle

I know I write a lot about incels on this blog. It’s not just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits; it’s also because they’re so perversely fascinating.

They’ve built up an intricate ideological structure on a foundation of almost pure nonsense. Their assumptions about men and women are so divorced from the real world that watching them is a bit like watching aliens try to make sense of human mating patterns based on an out-of-date A-Z guidebook meant for a different planet entirely.

Incels themselves have a rather different notion as to why some people — or at least some women — can’t stop hate-reading their forums and reading about them. It’s because these women secretly love men who talk shit about them.

In a thread posted on the Braincels subreddit last night, a Redditor called geneticwaste43 explained to the “foids” hate-reading the subreddit — “foids” now apparently being incel shorthand for “Femoids,” or women — that they don’t really hate incels at all.

 Foids love incels and secretly want them (self.Braincels) submitted 7 hours ago by geneticwaste43 Why else are they here in.droves. foids want ugly.short incel.cock. because men said no woman wants it. Its a new market to capitalize on. Foids will flood in the next 3 years scooping.up incel cock. Because they cant Prove me wrong foids. You can't. Because youre already here lmfao

Mr. Waste43’s compatriots had similar theories about their female, er, “fans.”

TheIncelNextDoorsponsor a local slut today 21 points 5 hours ago I think many women are attracted to here because we give the hate they don't get from the real world. I mean every woman is literally validated and worshiped to the ground every minute of every day just for having a vagina. Many women, while enjoying the validation actually understand that all of the validation is undeserved and exists just so she potentially spreads her legs in the future. Most women deep down understand that they aren't anything special (hence why most women have low self-esteem). We give them the hate that they deep down agree with and want to be told. Hence why many women like assholes, because they tell the truth they deep down agree with.

It’s almost as if incels are the real aloof asshole alphas that all straight women not-so-secretly hunger for.

maskedcel 3 points 6 hours ago Jokes aside. There is something to be said here about incel detachment from women. Involuntary or not. They'll say they're here because their "curious" or some such, but still...

You might even call incels the ultimate … oh, I can’t even bring myself to say it.

KYUSS03 1 point 2 hours ago The ironic thing is the women here are proving 2 things: 1) they validate those who claim women like to be abused. 2) the losers here have female orbiters. No matter how much they deny it, they're here and unable to leave for a reason. They fucking love it. Congratulations incels, you're the reddit Chads.

Black is white! Freedom is slavery! INCELS are CHADS!!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

‘Foids’ sounds like the response if you ask a Damon Runyan character what brand of car they prefer.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

And to me, ‘foids’ sounds like something found in the Star Wars universe. Or maybe one of the superhero universes, or someplace fantastical like that. Not…what they use it for.

Interestingly, foids is a legitimate term that has meanings well outside what the incels use it for. A fast Google search gives me ‘a plural for fold’, an acronym for the Fiber Optic Intelligence & Defense System 6000 perimeter security system, a shortened version of Feldspathoids, and an Illinois hunting license. Nothing in there about female human-shaped things, at least on the first page of the search.

6 years ago

I think “oid” in general is a funny suffix to put on stuff. Dick Coughlan once used the word “fundamentaloids” to describe religious extremists and I was giggling on and off for an hour. Regardless of what you think of him, he knows how to turn a phrase.

“Moonjews” is another one that tickles my funny bone.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago


When you see a guy
Claiming doomsday is nigh
You can bet he’ll be doin’ it for some foid…

When a bum gets wiped
And an incel complains
It’s a cinch that the toid
Is gettin’ the boid
From all of the foids

6 years ago

@Idly Sambar Revolution:

So, that’s Rollo T. Is there an eye-roll emoji? It must be nice to be so impressed with yourself.

Where’s all my worship and validation? Oh, yeah, I forgot, women my age don’t exist, except as some guy’s wife or mother.

I think the first time I’d even heard of incels was after Elliott Rodger’s shooting spree.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Valentine: I like ‘short’ guys – it means I don’t have to stand on a box to kiss them. 😀

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

Dormousing, I pictured him to look totally different. This sounds horribly looksist, but no wonder he has to try so hard… with his own wife! That is, if even his claims to having one are true.

These guys make fun of new agers and things like astrology but they believe the most woo woo stuff you could imagine, and try to pass it off as something akin to science with their power points.

Did you catch his red pill shtick? Claiming that his “sexual market red pill” was the first “red pill” and now “progressives” and “leftists” are saying, “no, WE’RE the real red pill”, and the chuckles that came from the audience. When this term red pill first came into vogue (after the release of The Matrix film), it certainly wasn’t being used by PUAs or “alt-righters” or people who otherwise spout the same old same old patriarchal b.s. that has been mainstream blue pill for eons. Somehow these guys came late to the terminology and claim they are the ones who originally used it.

We’re living in some sort of vortex where mainstream conservative sexist ideas are somehow “edgy” and “alternative”. I’m beginning to wonder if the Mandela Effect might be real and we are merging in and out of parallel universes.

Pass me another idli!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Rollo was on Twitter a few weeks ago claiming that the MeToo movement was oppressing men because men sexually harassing women in the workplace = consensual transactional sex. In his mind, there’s only any objection to this because evil feminists have used the concept of affirmative consent to trick people into thinking sexual harassment wasn’t consensual. Or something. He’s one of those people who claims he’s against rape but only thinks rape is a stranger leaping out of an alley with a weapon.

I peeked at his blog and it’s full of middle aged men claiming that ever since they took the red pill, they’re pulling twenty something women. It’s kind of amazing how many middle aged men on the internet sleep with or date hot twenty year olds when I hardly ever notice young women swooning over men old enough to be their fathers out in the “real” world. From what I remember at that age, we were all pretty grossed out when those guys tried to hit on us.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

I feel very non with-it when people talk about the Matrix cos, to me, the red pill is that bit in Total Recall when they’re trying to snap Arnie out of the schitzoid embolism.

6 years ago

@Idli – (I got the spelling right this time)

I pictured him looking totally different, too! I imagined him being much younger. I don’t mean to be ageist; I, myself, am middle-aged. I guess age doesn’t always bring wisdom.

Their stuff is woo to the nth power. I hope the young people who listen to it and are inclined to believe it, eventually catch on.

I only listened to the first few minutes. I knew it was going to be self-aggrandizing crapola.

Red pill vs. Blue pill. What a simplistic way of looking at the world.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

David I searched “Tony Robbins” here to see if you covered this and nothing came up. Do you guys know about the #MeToo-Robbins controversy? A lady at one of his recent UTPW retreats challenged him on his misunderstanding of MeToo. He tried to tonysplain and even physically intimidate her (it was weird, really weird) but she didn’t back down. Robbins said he’s the coach to many powerful men and they tell him they can’t hire women to work for them anymore. He cited one guy who wanted to hire the most qualified applicant, a “very attractive” woman but he had to hire a less qualified man because she was “too much of a risk”.

Anyway, it appears that the original footage of all this has been removed from youtube and all you can get now is audio or just video bits and pieces here and there with youtubers commenting over it so I’m going to leave you with this, which has the audio but no video of it which means you miss out on the physical dynamics and the bit where he physically pushes this woman (in the guise of a lesson experiment). Maybe someone can find the original footage somewhere.

6 years ago

Rollo and rationality aren’t even on the same planet together. As for all those redpillers suddenly getting all the sex with all the young chicks: COOL STORY, BOTS. Either someone’s lying, or someone’s hiring a Russian crapaganda mill to lie for him. You hang with the bittershitters, you a bittershitter yourself. And while 20ish isn’t the most intelligent age, it’s easily old enough to spot a shitty man.

Unless you spend every waking second wearing beer goggles, that is.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Well… but… if they’re involuntary celibates, and if women are flocking to them in droves, whither the celibacy? If it’s actually involuntary, it’s going to evaporate like dew on hot lava, no? And that’ll be the end of inceldom, won’t it?

6 years ago

The name incel is meaningless at this point, just as it is with MGTOW’s. In fact, it’s getter harder for me to tell the two groups apart.

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago


Thank you, I feel better

6 years ago


‘Foids’ sounds like the response if you ask a Damon Runyan character what brand of car they prefer.

I will be more than somewhat pleased if someone writes a story about incels, written in Damon Runyon’s style (“guys and no dolls”?). I don’t have the writing chops to do this myself. In Runyon’s writing:

* The men are grifters and losers
* The women are often scary and difficult to fathom, when they’re not straight-up gold diggers
* There’s strange slang which makes you go “huh?”: “… I never expect to be in love, for the way I look at it love is strictly the old phedinkus…”

Doesn’t that sound like the incels’ world?

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

Moggie, Tony Robbins is a very famous, very wealthy American motivational speaker who charges incredible amounts of money for his seminars and retreats. In the US there is an entire subculture (not unlike PUA) of motivational speakers and their followers, some of whom live from retreat to retreat. In fact, PUAs often appropriate material from Robbins and other motivational speakers. The creator of RSD (PUA name “Tyler Durden”) announced some years ago he was going to transition into more mainstream motivational speaking territory (there’s huge money to be made there, more than in PUA) but I take it his attempt failed because he’s unknown in the circuit.

Both Tony Robbins and RSD, as well as other PUA cults, borrow theory and lingo from David Deida, author of the (old) new age book “The Way of the Superior Man”. The theory has a lot to say about “the dance of masculine and feminine ‘energies’ ” and “polarity”. If you youtube search David Deida prepare to be grossed out by the corniness. I’d post a bunch of clips here for LOLZ but I don’t know if it’s congruent with comments policy.

“I peeked at his blog and it’s full of middle aged men claiming that ever since they took the red pill, they’re pulling twenty something women. It’s kind of amazing how many middle aged men on the internet sleep with or date hot twenty year olds when I hardly ever notice young women swooning over men old enough to be their fathers out in the “real” world. From what I remember at that age, we were all pretty grossed out when those guys tried to hit on us.”

I have an ageist neighbor who for years would only date women 20ish years younger than him. Eventually he found a young, stable life partner and after a decade of living together, when she hit her 40s, she got pregnant from a 20 year old.

I have an aunt who says, “I keep aging while the men I date stay the same age.”

For all this hawing and hooing about younger women, it really is older women with younger men that you meet more of. “Women age like milk while men age like wine”. Sure, brah. They have no idea how easy it is for women, almost at any age, to date younger. And while women age, they don’t go bald like men do and we all know the role hair plays in looks.

If women really are lonely old cat lady spinsters how come these dudes keep talking about it? I mean, what’s there to discuss if the women all around you are holed up and hoarding cats? The fact they these dudes keep hammering on about it proves that it’s not the case. It’s actually THEY who are isolated and lonely and getting old and dying in that condition scares them to death.

In all their rants I actually read the subtext of deeply scared, suffering sentient beings and sometimes I feel deep empathy for them.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@idli sambar revolution

David I searched “Tony Robbins” here to see if you covered this and nothing came up. Do you guys know about the #MeToo-Robbins controversy? A lady at one of his recent UTPW retreats challenged him on his misunderstanding of MeToo. He tried to tonysplain and even physically intimidate her (it was weird, really weird) but she didn’t back down.

I saw that astounding video. Now that it seems to have disappeared from the Web (I checked briefly and couldn’t locate it), I’m sorry that I didn’t post it on WHTM.

I don’t recall him pushing the woman (Nanine McCool), but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. What I do recall is that he used his bigger, taller body to physically walk her back. McCool walked back but she didn’t back down. The whole scene reminded me of the Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump debate in which he stalked her.

And now Robbins has apologized. Guess he was misreading the tea leaves about the #MeToo movement — but not anymore.

Looks like Robbins has a side hustle.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@idli sambar revolution

If women really are lonely old cat lady spinsters how come these dudes keep talking about it? I mean, what’s there to discuss if the women all around you are holed up and hoarding cats? The fact they these dudes keep hammering on about it proves that it’s not the case. It’s actually THEY who are isolated and lonely and getting old and dying in that condition scares them to death.

Me again.

Yep, yep, yep.

6 years ago

Here’s the Tony Robbins video. He has her make a fist and he pushes her backwards while pressing his fist into hers. The physical intimidation he pushes on her…..its gross. He’s disgusting.

6 years ago

It’s simple, y’all…cats are better company, by far, than these dudes. Even when kitties are hissing and spitting and horking up hairballs, we’d all much rather be with a kitty. It drives them up the wall!

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I wonder if maybe the incels are learning … slowly.

I mean, consider the name of their new reddit.

If “wristcel” means undateable due to bad wrist circumference …
and “heightcel” means undateable due to being too short …
then doesn’t “braincel” mean undateable due to bad brain thinking?

If they’re now becoming aware on some level that the problem is with their thinking, rather than their wrists or their height or etc. …

Or, maybe they were thinking something else when they came up with that name and totally overlooked the truth they accidentally implied …

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

@Surplus: Are you suggesting that the Incels are becoming… Self-aware? Are we nearing the SinCelGularity? Scary prospect!