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Are incels the new alphas? Incels think women lurk on their forums “because we give them the hate” they know they deserve

Protip: This is not the look of a woman who is secretly in love with you

By David Futrelle

I know I write a lot about incels on this blog. It’s not just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits; it’s also because they’re so perversely fascinating.

They’ve built up an intricate ideological structure on a foundation of almost pure nonsense. Their assumptions about men and women are so divorced from the real world that watching them is a bit like watching aliens try to make sense of human mating patterns based on an out-of-date A-Z guidebook meant for a different planet entirely.

Incels themselves have a rather different notion as to why some people — or at least some women — can’t stop hate-reading their forums and reading about them. It’s because these women secretly love men who talk shit about them.

In a thread posted on the Braincels subreddit last night, a Redditor called geneticwaste43 explained to the “foids” hate-reading the subreddit — “foids” now apparently being incel shorthand for “Femoids,” or women — that they don’t really hate incels at all.

 Foids love incels and secretly want them (self.Braincels) submitted 7 hours ago by geneticwaste43 Why else are they here in.droves. foids want ugly.short incel.cock. because men said no woman wants it. Its a new market to capitalize on. Foids will flood in the next 3 years scooping.up incel cock. Because they cant Prove me wrong foids. You can't. Because youre already here lmfao

Mr. Waste43’s compatriots had similar theories about their female, er, “fans.”

TheIncelNextDoorsponsor a local slut today 21 points 5 hours ago I think many women are attracted to here because we give the hate they don't get from the real world. I mean every woman is literally validated and worshiped to the ground every minute of every day just for having a vagina. Many women, while enjoying the validation actually understand that all of the validation is undeserved and exists just so she potentially spreads her legs in the future. Most women deep down understand that they aren't anything special (hence why most women have low self-esteem). We give them the hate that they deep down agree with and want to be told. Hence why many women like assholes, because they tell the truth they deep down agree with.

It’s almost as if incels are the real aloof asshole alphas that all straight women not-so-secretly hunger for.

maskedcel 3 points 6 hours ago Jokes aside. There is something to be said here about incel detachment from women. Involuntary or not. They'll say they're here because their "curious" or some such, but still...

You might even call incels the ultimate … oh, I can’t even bring myself to say it.

KYUSS03 1 point 2 hours ago The ironic thing is the women here are proving 2 things: 1) they validate those who claim women like to be abused. 2) the losers here have female orbiters. No matter how much they deny it, they're here and unable to leave for a reason. They fucking love it. Congratulations incels, you're the reddit Chads.

Black is white! Freedom is slavery! INCELS are CHADS!!

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Ever get the feeling that what incels really hate is women who judge themselves rather than letting themselves be judged by incels? If they can’t schtup us, they’ll pass judgment on us. Plus, passing judgment is a lot easier than trying to get laid.

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
6 years ago

Personally I keep checking on incels, mostly here until that one showed up in my forum-home, because they scare me to death. I think it’s important to keep track of things and people dangerous to you and yours.

The last comment I had here a day or so ago was my first, but I’ve read here for ages.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
6 years ago

<3 Cats in Shiny Hats, welcome! I love your nickname.

Don't let'em scare you. Like, keep an eye on the squirmy jerks, but don't let'em scare you.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

@Cats in Shiny Hats

Welcome ! Your nym is the best.

Have a welcome package if you haven’t already got it.

6 years ago

Re. “virtue signalling”:

When I see this term, what I read is “I’m incapable of imagining someone displaying a sincere, not-just-for-appearances concern for anything or anyone other than themselves, because I assume that everyone else thinks like I do.”

6 years ago

Why.does like.this

Edit: it feels like writing code
{boolean common.sense = false;}

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

If David didn’t write about incels, I would never have heard of these guys.

Now that I know about them, I sure as hell don’t seek them out.

I rarely click on the links, and I certainly would never comment on a board that has such complete and utter contempt for women, and actually (IMO) for themselves.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

“Ugly. short incel. cock.”?

Uh, news flash, boyos: All male dicks are pretty funny-looking, not just yours. Your wingwongs are nothing special in the annals of peenery.

6 years ago

It’s not like I like you or anything. I really don’t.

6 years ago

So we’re not even “femoids” anymore, just “foids”? How long do you suppose it will be before they’re not even making a pretence of writing in English anymore, and the only thing we’ll be there to do is scratch our heads, wondering what the hell these creepy-ass weirdos are saying about us?

(I mean, I’m half there already; the other half of the time, I’m just laughing and pointing.)

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

Rollo Tomassi at “The 21 Convention” pretending to science and giving a power point about the luteal phase, follicular phase, etc of the menstrual cycle. If your wife/gf wants to “girls night out” it means she’s ovulating and going out with her girls to find an alpha mate. Also, her female friends can sense on a subtle level that she’s ovulating. Who knew?

Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
6 years ago

I don’t check out the incel fora either.
Why would I go somewhere that serves only raw, pure tripe, when I can come here and get only the best cuts of it, cooked to perfection, seasoned and sauced with David’s delicious snark?

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
6 years ago

I don’t risk the scummy feeling I’d get if I went lurking in an Incel forum. I just come here to mock them.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

I don’t understand why so many people seem to believe short is bad ? I never experienced any problems, at least if someone didn’t want to date me or make friends because I am short they never told me. there are more short people than tall people anyway! they are all incels?!

6 years ago

Somehow i think ‘Reddit chad’ won’t extended beyond that site.

6 years ago

Scooping up the incel cock… I have a picture in my head of a lady with a pooper scooper holding her nose as she cleans the incel cock off the pavement and puts it in a little bag for disposal.


6 years ago


It’s a Yank thing. Something to do with their obsession with high school and college sports.

(Yes, I know it also has it’s roots in anti-immigrant feeling, as first gen immigrants tended to be much shorter than average)

Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

Why are men not worshipping me and my vagina literally every minute of every day then?? I’ve been done out of rightful worship!

Believe it or not incels, some foids find it very hard to get dates despite being single and having vaginas. I’d be happy with someone paying mild attention to my vagina for an hour.

6 years ago

@idli sambar

Why do some douchebags want to invent ulterior motives for everything women do?

Is she talking to you after you approached her at the bus stop? She wants your cock.

Not talking to you after you approached her at the bus stop? More interested in her phone? She specifically doesn’t want your ugly cock.


Usually sex based bollocks, but not always (see: MGTOW attitudes towards marriage and MRA cries of “She’s crying rape in order to get money!”).

6 years ago

I don’t understand why so many people seem to believe short is bad ? I never experienced any problems, at least if someone didn’t want to date me or make friends because I am short they never told me. there are more short people than tall people anyway! they are all incels?!

I’ll be honest, I’ve only ever seen men make fun of short men for being short. Even in a genuinely banterous way. Short guys get dates all the time, so it seems to me like incels are just looking for yet another excuse as to why women won’t go near them. And they’re always superfluous “reasons” of course, so they can continue to gripe about women being shallow bitches instead of having to take a good long look at their own toxicity.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Ooh, sorry, incels. Another reason for you to fulminate against foids!

‘Nerves of steel’: She calmly landed the Southwest flight, just as you’d expect of a former fighter pilot

The pilot’s voice was calm yet focused as her plane descended with 149 people on board.

“Southwest 1380, we’re single engine,” Tammie Jo Shults, a former fighter pilot with the U.S. Navy, said. “We have part of the aircraft missing so we’re going to need to slow down a bit.” She asked for medical personnel to meet her aircraft on the runway. “We’ve got injured passengers.”

“Injured passengers, okay and is your airplane physically on fire?” asked a male voice on the other end, according to an air traffic recording.

“No, it’s not on fire, but part of it’s missing,” Shults said, pausing for a moment. “They said there’s a hole, and uh, someone went out.”

The engine on Shults’s plane had, in fact, exploded on Tuesday, spraying shrapnel into the aircraft, causing a window to be blown out and leaving one woman dead and seven other people injured. Passengers pulled the woman who later died back into the plane as she was being sucked out. Others on board the Dallas-bound flight braced for impact as oxygen masks muffled their screams.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

“Foids” sounds like an unsuccessful spinoff of the Domino Pizza Noid.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Foid rage.

6 years ago


[Bows down in worship]

…Okay, that’s my daily quota done. Praise Katie!

6 years ago

I’ll fess up, I lurked (and actually posted) on an incel board about 10 years ago. I believe it was the loveshy one. That was back in my proto-feMRA/”cool girl” days, so I had significantly more tolerance for that kind of bullshit then. Even so, I was definitely not on the prowl for elusive incel cock, and was more interested in “rationally” attempting to persuade the denizens (I.e. Using really pompous technical vocabulary) that “females” were not literally the source of all evil and awfulness in the world.

It was a waste of my time and a generally terrible idea. Now I can only stomach their bile with David kindly filtering it for me, and diluting the poison with mockery.