By David Futrelle
I know I write a lot about incels on this blog. It’s not just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits; it’s also because they’re so perversely fascinating.
They’ve built up an intricate ideological structure on a foundation of almost pure nonsense. Their assumptions about men and women are so divorced from the real world that watching them is a bit like watching aliens try to make sense of human mating patterns based on an out-of-date A-Z guidebook meant for a different planet entirely.
Incels themselves have a rather different notion as to why some people — or at least some women — can’t stop hate-reading their forums and reading about them. It’s because these women secretly love men who talk shit about them.
In a thread posted on the Braincels subreddit last night, a Redditor called geneticwaste43 explained to the “foids” hate-reading the subreddit — “foids” now apparently being incel shorthand for “Femoids,” or women — that they don’t really hate incels at all.
Mr. Waste43’s compatriots had similar theories about their female, er, “fans.”
It’s almost as if incels are the real aloof asshole alphas that all straight women not-so-secretly hunger for.
You might even call incels the ultimate … oh, I can’t even bring myself to say it.
Black is white! Freedom is slavery! INCELS are CHADS!!
Sorry, Mr. Waste, most adults left behind playground “keepaway” thinking about the time they hit puberty. Good luck on that 3 year prediction though.
I do find it interesting that he thinks all “incels” have “ugly, short” genitals. Detecting some insecurity there…? Remember, that’s toxic masculinity reinforcing that trope; women by and large have no opinion on size and shape AFAIK (at least insofar as it’s not so big that it’s painful).
I think women are attracted to geneticwaste43 because of his excitingly iconoclastic approach to punctuation.
What the.hell is up with.geneticwaste43’s use.of periods?.
[Edit: Ninja’d by Moggie!]
Gaebolga, maybe someone told him only women get periods, and he felt the need to compensate.
So, incels are now like the Monty Python parrot – they’re pinin’ for the foids?
Oh fucking snap, Moggie!
There’s always something big and dramatic about to happen in incel/MGTOW land. In this case, a flood of foids within three years. It feels rather like apocalyptic Christianity: the end times, the rapture, the second coming, huge events always due to happen real soon now, and certainly within the writer’s lifetime (rather than, say, two hundred years from now).
Maybe the reason incels believe that women reject them for their “ugly, short” genitals is because they probably think that the reason women reject their unsolicited dick-pic is because of size.
Reading these dispatches from the Incel sub-reddit feels like i’m reading a new Alice in Wonderland sequel, except even more bizarre
I’ve always wondered why some apocalyptic cult prophets actually put dates to their end-of-the-world predictions. I mean, every single person who has ever done that has been wrong.
I wonder if it’s the religious equivalent of virtue signaling (and although I hate that term, I can’t think of a better one for this situation) – a kind of “I’m not a charlatan” pose?
They think we’ll be scooping up incel cock because they can’t have it? Is that what feminist guy was doing here, dramatically proclaiming that he has given up trying to date?
All ask the same thing I ask when I read red pill or pua field reports that wind up being someone boasting because a cashier or waitress smiled and wished him a good day. If you guys are so irresistible to women, why don’t you actually have scores of women actually having sex with you? Why is your proof of irresistibility always that a woman acknowledged your existence in some way. Because that’s not the same as same as sex or as sexual attraction.
Typo: It’s mot just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits.
Better fix that; spelling errors nullify your arguments. So sayeth the interwebs
It seems we’re reaching Schrödingers Incel-territory.
Everythings’ turning into Schrödingers whatever these days…
This seems very similar to me to the kinds of dudes who are like “She talks to me and laughs at my jokes, clearly she wants my dick.” Any interaction women have with them must be because they want them, and that must be the only reason. Hence why douchebags get so angry when women “friendzone” them.
It just goes back to what I said a few threads ago: These guys are unhealthily obsessed with sex in a very pins and red yarn conspiracy wall way. Miggies and Incels are just in a space of viewing sex in a negative way, rather than PUAs and their ilk who actively want and desire it. Both are shitty, both are unhealthy, and both are really horrifically fascinating for a lot of people on the outside looking in.
Everything women do (or don’t do) relates back to sex for them. Even women hate-reading their subreddit. Any interaction “foids” have with them MUST be related to sex, regardless of reality, because that’s the only way they view women. Women are sex objects, so whenever the sex object interacts with them, it has to be related to sex (preferably with them).
@ Katamount
I think that’s more of his odd punctuation and that he means “the genitals of men who are ugly and short.” Either way, it’s a tenet of faith among the incels that they are hideous and that’s why the world is against them, and not because of their personalities.
I kinda find it hilarious after we’ve just had an incel troll tryna accomplish Idunnowhat here for weeks.
period is close to space on a phone keyboard; I imagine that’s what’s goin on with that. One handed phone typing. I leave what the other hand is doing up to your imaginations.
Dear incels,
You’re not what foids are looking for. Move along.
Not a bit deal and well beyond the point, but English has an adjectival hierarchy that generally put size before other visual qualities. Little black dress instead of black little dress for example. So, it should be ‘short, ugly incel cock’ (1 comma for describing the person, 2 if describing the penis). Again, unimportant, just summat I noticed…
On topic tho, yeah, I somehow doubt his… height is what’s leading to an infrequency of dates. Maybe work on growing a nonrepellent personality instead?
“Virtue signaling” used to be an evolutionary biology term trying to explain religious behavior – specifically, why humans engage in costly religious practices like tithing and going on pilgrimages. The idea is that when you conspicuously perform religious acts that inconvenience you personally, you’re signaling your commitment to your religious community. Then online conservatives hijacked the term and changed its meaning to “doing or saying a thing I don’t like.”
Kind of like how hypergamy used to mean marry up in socioeconomic status and now it means “women can actually choose their romantic and/or sexual partners? No fair!”
You know… I’m a hobby fantasy writer and I try really hard to come up with non-human species that have as weird and alien ways of looking at the world as possible…
But Incels beat me every time!
The really sad thing about this is that if these jackasses actually did stop caring about women it probably *would* make them more attractive in their day to day lives.
Also, re: virtue signalling, for about the space of a week it was actually used for something useful- it meant people who put on virtue to conceal predatory motives, what some women I’ve known have called “Hugofuckingschwyzering”.
Now it just means ever publicly taking a stance about anything ever.
Oppressed white male alert!
I really like how this harrowing tale is pretty much identical to the tale of our former troll, NWOslave who was supposedly passed over for a job at Pepsi because of feminism.
So they were both qualified but he should have gotten it instead if her because….?
Edit: meanwhile I’ve been overqualified and turned down in favor of an underqualified man who I then had to train and do 60% of the workload for. He did eventually get sacked and I eventually got the position, but come on.