By David Futrelle
The misogynistic men I write about on this blog — whether they classify themselves as perpetually dateless incels or “slayer” PUAs — are forever claiming that dating in the Western world, and in the United States in particular, is worse than ever, by which they generally mean that the women they think they’re entitled to seem to want nothing to do with them.
Women, these men complain, are too picky, too feminist, too … fat.
Not that the women they want to date are fat, they’re quick to add; it’s just that, with the allegedly undateable fat women out there effectively off the market (for these guys), the number of acceptably hot women has shrunk.
In one post on the Red Pill subreddit from a few years back that I ran across recently. a fellow called One_friendship_plz offered MATHEMATICAL PROOF of this fat-lady effect. Well, sort of.
In a post titled “Why fat women are ruining the dating scene for men, and how you should prepare for the future,” he declared:
It is high obesity rates (undateable women) and average girls overvaluing their looks causing the dating problem in the USA.
Really. that’s what’s making dating suck? Not things like, oh, this?
did something happen to men where they forgot to talk like human beings pic.twitter.com/wgMkJlQaj3
— . (@swordsjew) April 14, 2018
Apparently not.
Average girls overvalue themselves because they aren’t fat so have more men after them than what they would in a healthy-body sized country. There is basically not enough healthy-sized women to fill the rounds, and 97% of men want a healthy-sized female.
Never mind that he pulled this stat out of his ass and that most people are likely to disagree with Red Pillers as to what counts as a “healthy-sized female.”
When the obesity is closing in on half the population it is INEVITABLE that close to an equal portion of males are going to lose out on the dating game unless they resort to asian countries or they get desperate and.. shivers
I’m assuming that last bit is a reference to homosexuality? Because in addition to being wildly homophobic that’s just … not how sexuality works.
But back to the main point:
So half of all American men won’t be able to date because American women are slightly more likely to be obese than they are?
Red Pillers like to talk about obesity in America as if only women have been gaining weight. In fact, the rates of obesity aren’t radically different between adult women (41.1 percent of whom were classified as obese as of 2016) and adult men (37.9% of whom were classified as obese).
Even if we were to assume that every obese American was in fact “undateable,” which is very definitely not true, men and women would “lose out on the dating game” in similar numbers.
As long as obesity stays, even if women became less promiscuous and more loyal, the competition would still be about being a HIGH SMV [Sexual Market Value] male when there’s a huge portion of women that are undateable solely because of their uncontrollable consumption of mcdonalds.
And now it’s time for MATH:
An average girl can go up 2-3 points on her sexual value based on the percentage of obese women, and if this number keeps increasing then what you’d define to be a 5 would soon become a 7 because of its scarcity.
I would ask One_friendship_plz to show his work here, but obviously he has done none.
Ugly will become average, and average will become hot. and anything that would be hot would become a unicorn (even if it has a shitload of flaws, betas would be in denial.)
Says a dude in desperate denial of his own manifold flaws, most prominent among them the fact that he posts crap like this on Reddit.
Do not ever stop improving your value men, the game will possibly get harder in the future based on how much feminism spreads to the point six figures might not be enough for a decent looking chick in America.
Well, no, not if you’re a Red Pill shithead that rejects close to half of all women as “undateable” based on their weight and calls the few that meet the standards of your boner “decent looking chicks.”
As for me, I will continue fatting, and dating, as usual.
The regime continues to undermine and contradict itself:
Especially where Russia is concerned.
You know, I’ve known more than one American woman who would be considered fat by red pillers who went abroad and got a whole lot more attention from men than they do at home. The notion that women who don’t have supermodel bodies would be shunned in “healthy weight countries” is one of the many, many things wrong with this screed.
Meanwhile, it will all be in vain…because 100% of men who subscribe to redpill nonsense and its arbitrary rating systems will be repulsive to women on sight…and utterly undateable until they give that dumb shit up!
I’m fat yet I probably get asked out more than this dude
Could be because I’m not a shitty human?
I think we all know the answer to this correct statement.
Also why is unicorntje ideal statement for mythical creatures when dragons are better?
And the 1-10 rating system is just annoying
I suspect that what’s giving our redditor the shivers isn’t teh gayz, but dating and possibly having sex with a “fat chick”.
Huh. I’m fat. My wife’s fat. Neither of us had trouble getting laid. I suspect they didn’t think that little theory out too well.
My status with other bitter assholes is ruined!
It’s fascinating how they realise the only thing they have to give to a relationship is cash, and yet are completely oblivious to the fact that women work.
“… uncontrollable consumption of McDonalds…
I am literally surviving on McDonalds. MCD stock my mom left me in her will. Thanks to my money wise mom, I have some money to survive on for a bit, while I look for a new job.
She would eat there a lot too! Thought it would some how be good for her investment, ha. And they do have healthy foods too, salads, healthy smoothies, all kinds of things. And you don’t have to eat there 3 times a day.
I’m not trying to promote them, I sold this stock. I don’t eat a lot of fast food myself. Some. Self and friends here just had some frozen pizza, I would consider this about the same. I don’t have a lot of take out food, put it that way. It gets expensive too.
And now I have a craving for McDonalds! 😀
I really don’t know what I’d get there though, and there’s a Portillos much closer.
My mom, 🙂
She did keep reasonably healthy too. Did probably drop dead from a coronary, so there’s that. She was reasonably healthy though, and lived to be 79.
She became too sedate after retiring from work, and McDonalds wise, they added their coffees and frappucinos and these things too, – and she discovered these drinks.
Which IMO are like rocket fuel! I had one with her once, some kind of chocolate, mocha, whatever it was I looked it up online and it had like 1600 calories and Nth g sugar too, I forget the exact on that, high number anyway. Not to mention all the caffeine.
And mom loved these drinks and would get them all the time! 🙂
A 🙂 because she loved them so, a happy thing for her 🙂
I had one – I really could not even tolerate it. Like liquid candy.
Another thing that should be a “once in awhile” type of thing.
McD’s, mom was lovin’ it, seniors should have what they want, and she was happy with this investment too. And so am I. Wouldn’t be typing this here without it.
Roald Dahl could be a serious pootybutt about some things, but one thing he got right: A good person is attractive no matter what they look like.
I picked up the same thing, and it rankled. This dude doesn’t just hate women, he also seems to resents them for the fact that he’s attracted to them. The air in my room feels dirty now that I’ve read that.
I am curious as to the “97% of men want a healthy sized woman”.
Now let’s for one second imagine that stat is true, in many Western societies, obesity rates among men and women are comparable, I.e 97% of men aren’t of a healthy weight.
So why do they deserve a slim woman?
Most of these guys are white guys from middle-class backgrounds who go to college. The comparable women in their demographic aren’t even fat. Like the average young woman they see, even as Americans, is like 5’5″ and 130ish lbs. I don’t see how anybody could walk around the average campus and say “My god, all of these girls are too fat”
Which makes me wonder how much of this is ignoring their own fatness (which I suspect a lot of “swole” middle age participants in these circles do) and how much of it is a completely skewed perception about how 3-dimensional women actually look.
And yet again, wlw only exist in porn to these dudes.
Seriously, keep acting like you’re our only option bruh. Let’s see how that works out for you.
You’re absolutely right. They do hate themselves for wanting something they can never have. It’s hard to explain. This goes beyond “sour grapes”.
these are also the kind of men who have never been emotionally honest in their life, as that would involve a level of self awareness and reflection of which they are simply not capable.
If they could honestly admit to themselves that they’re angry with their own self. It would go a long way towards solving their problems, but there is a certain class of people who are deeply, and I mean deeply, emotionally lazy. Given the opportunity to do any hard emotional work, they ALWAYS take the easy route. And it’s much, much, easier to hate women for being unavailable to them., than to do the work to fix themselves, or eliminate their desire.
These guys are a perfect example of one of the primary Buddhist precepts that desire produces suffering. As vile and repulsive as these men are, I do feel sorry for them too sometimes, because they cause so much of their own suffering, and then lash out at everyone else in the world because of it.
Sorry, can you clarify what it is ‘they can never have’?
ETA: I don’t mean to be rude, just still reeling from some daft comments posted recently
Fguy, is that you?
Well, I guess I’m just so lucky
That I’ve got the interwebs
Otherwise, who knows! I may never have been counter
To the ramblings of these plebs
I’ve got my share of problems
Stuff like papers being due
And all the laundry pilin’ up
That I’d best attend to
But bein’ large ain’t my problem
When it comes to my love life
Somehow, I got a girlfriend
(An’ I hope she’ll be my wife)
Oh, somehow bein’ large ain’t my problem
Maybe it’s just y’all’s toil and strife
No. Ikeke has been here for years, she’s not a troll. I interpreted the “can never have” just in reference to how nobody wants to be around an extremely unpleasant misogynist. Not anything about their looks necessarily.
Ah. Saw a new name showing up right after a troll got banned and implying something very similar to what that troll kept nattering on about, and so I had to wonder.
Anyone want to lay odds on how long until that troll completes knitting his next sock?
Thank you for clearing that up. Damn, fguy left a bad taste in my brain
Sorry if my question was rude. I was trying to be not-rude but also wanted to be sure of what you meant, when it should have been obvious to me really, if it were not for recent events
I’m rail-thin, mostly due to forces outside of my control, and these dudes are right that I wouldn’t touch them with a ten-foot pole. Not because I have an over-inflated sense of some bullshit “sexual marketplace value”, but because these guys are toxic, bigoted assholes and no one should have to endure their company.
And I’m also ace, so I was never really a part of the dating supply to begin with. If that means I’m also contributing to these dickheads’ sad boner challenges, then I take satisfaction in that.
Huh. Is this just sour grapes since Trump supporters are having to hide their affiliations to get responses on dating sites?
Oh, probably. Not that it’s going to help. Sooner or later, these asshats are going to let it slip that they have some deeply disturbing and fucked-up notions about women, and they’ll get dumped accordingly, even with their MAGAt hats kicked to the back of their closets and buried under a pile of crusty sweatsocks.
With any luck, it will happen BEFORE they get a chance to do anything remotely sexual with their unlucky dates.