By David Futrelle
Guys who define themselves as “involuntarily celibate” spend rather a lot of their time trying to figure out how to make women as miserable as they are.
And so you find incels regularly advising their celibate colleagues to pointedly ignore all the attractive women in their vicinity. “If u even ACKNOWLEDGE femoids in public ur a bluepilled cuck,” one commenter on Incels.me recently declared. “Dont give them even the slightest validation, ignore them like nature intended us to.”
Most of his fellow incels agreed. “Yup,” wrote one. “Hurts their ego if nobody looks at them.”
“Giving females attention only benefits them, and not you, so I don’t see why you should,” another agreed.
But one commenter had what he thought was a better idea: Don’t ignore these women. Ask them out! They won’t say yes, obviously. but they might start to worry that they’re as ugly as you are!
Incel is weaponized self-hatred.
Did he… Did he run into the restroom too? Cos how else would he know what she did in there? Maybe she just had to pee like a regular person. Or maybe being hit on by creepy dudes in creepy ways tends to make women wanna leave the situation for a lil bit. Either is far more likely than ‘she ran from my truth bombs and inferior wrists’
Or he’s making it up. That’s possible too
I have unusually petite wrists. Naturally I put any women I see into an existential crisis by looking in her direction. Unlimited power!
Has this dude given any thought to what he’s going to do if the woman says yes?
You’ll find that Incels are hopelessly one-track minded. Their plans only prepare for ONE outcome.
I’m surprised he’d think this would work given that many incels seem to think that every woman is a version of the Mean Girl so commonly found in stuff with teenagers. Mean Girl’s response to a “loser” asking her out is to laugh, call him a loser, and walk away.
If she said yes? He’d probably stand and stare with a deer caught in headlights look while trying to hamster a rationalisation for why she must be lying.
They’ve attached themselves to their self-made identities so strongly that as the post suggests, they’re actively seeking to strengthen it further by attempting to “hurt women’s egos.”
I could say the same of a lot of weather in the Midwest too, especially in the spring. It gets bloody confused, is what. As in “shorts one day, polar expedition outfit the next” confused.
Never quite got used to Southern California weather being so predictable. They need to have a good whomper of a supercell thunderstorm down here. Provided that half the homes don’t slide off/ get buried by mud.
What a state they are
1- It isnt ever going to work- why they bother with dating is beyond me
2- Trying to use a womans insecurity to get a date is immoral. Its not okay. Its manipulative.
I wondered how long we must wait until unfeministguy comments. at least this article is about incels?
What’s weird is that although he never shows signs of listening to anyone, feministguy is slowly starting to say more reasonable things. For example:
This is 101-level stuff, but it isn’t wrong. It could, in fact, have been said by a legitimately feminist guy.
I think it’s just cos it’s what PUAs do and incels hate them.
Stopped clock, I suppose.
I always believed manipulation is wrong, and everyone should have principles and values (be honest, dont lie, dont cheat, dont use someones insecurities to your advantage) WHATEVER the situation
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
I dont like men who are manipulators. I dont like men who lie to and use people. Nothing to do with PUA/INCEL
@ femistguy
Ah, so that’s where the self loathing comes from.
“since we’re in the same league, I think it could really work out between us”
Well, much like my dog, I’m keenly aware of my own cuteness, so good luck with that. Based on that sentence alone, I can extrapolate that the myriad other factors that determine whether relationships work out are not compatible. Of course, incels seem to have trouble grasping that being insufferable, off putting and leaving a bad impression on the first encounter is not the best strategy for endearing yourself to anyone.
@Feminist Guy
They can date but they need to change their shitty personalities and lose the entitlement.
Non conventionally attractive men find girlfriends and get married every single day.
Will they find it harder than their more attractive counterparts? Probably. But the same is true (especially true) for women. But their personality is a killer.
Re: feministroll
Im up for banning. He has failed the troll challenge and willfully ignores our suggestions. He’s definitely a sock, and DOES seem like a blackpiller (Alan, I felt something weird that i couldn’t describe about feministguy, and you hit the nail on the head). And the “what makes people gay” shit he asked a few threads back is awful.
He adds nothing to the conversation. Not even humor. He’s not fun to toy with. He is fucking boring.
He is LOVING the attention. He is a parasite.
Banhammer please!!
I noticed that this time he left boundary violations off the list of not okay things for men to do to women
Joke’s on them, I think I’m less attractive than they could ever state or imply.
I also don’t give a rat’s ass. Beauty is nice, but my life is just fine without beauty, and whether others think I’m attractive or not I don’t struggle with having strong interpersonal connections.
Maybe. But they are better off making peace with being single. And if they do, for some magical unexpected scenario date, then thats good.
@Alan I dont lie to people or manipulate them..
Yeah, all the shit you’ve been doing in here is gross, manipulative gaslighting bullshit. So don’t you EVEN start.
Edit: Sandra, what are you talking about? You’re adorable!
I second the call for the banhammer.
What kupo said!
That’s true, but not for lack of trying though. I mean, I’m not even sure you realize how see-through you are, even though we’ve all been taking great pains to tell you.
@ feministguy
But that in itself is a lie. It like one of those logical paradoxes Kirk would use to blow up a malevolent computer before he copped off with a green lass.
Whadaya mean, BEFORE?!
Give Kirk his proper respect.
If an imcel came up to me and said something like “hey, you seem just as hateful, bitter, self-pitying, toxic and misogynistic as me! I think we’d be great together, wanna get a coffee?”, then I might have a minor crisis about what the hell I did to give off that impression. But just being hit on by someone who is ostensibly unattractive isn’t going to make me feel worse about myself. (Depending on how creepy or boundary-violating the dude is, it may well make me uncomfortable, though.)