empathy deficit incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny self-hatred

Incel dating tip: Make women hate themselves by asking them out

That monster … likes me! Could I be a monster too?

By David Futrelle

Guys who define themselves as “involuntarily celibate” spend rather a lot of their time trying to figure out how to make women as miserable as they are.

And so you find incels regularly advising their celibate colleagues to pointedly ignore all the attractive women in their vicinity. “If u even ACKNOWLEDGE femoids in public ur a bluepilled cuck,” one commenter on recently declared. “Dont give them even the slightest validation, ignore them like nature intended us to.”

Most of his fellow incels agreed. “Yup,” wrote one. “Hurts their ego if nobody looks at them.”

“Giving females attention only benefits them, and not you, so I don’t see why you should,” another agreed.

But one commenter had what he thought was a better idea: Don’t ignore these women. Ask them out! They won’t say yes, obviously. but they might start to worry that they’re as ugly as you are! 

Getlooksordie Recruit - Feb 12, 2018#18 Wrong  As an unattractive guy the greatest insult you can give to a woman is by approaching her. A good pickup line is "I like you. Since we´re in the same league I think it could really work out between us."  After she tells you to fuck off she´ll immediately run to the bathroom to fix herself thinking "why is that ugly guy approaching me? Am I ugly, too???"  Had this exact same thing happen to me IRL so I know.


Incel is weaponized self-hatred.

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Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Wielder of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago


I don’t see why they need to “give up on dating”. As I already made clear, I think if incels want to date they should act on that and ask people out. If they don’t want to date, fine. But I don’t want to hear about how they have no choice, because it’s bollocks. There are men out there with actual physical deformities who are in happy relationships. Men without dicks. Men who are paralysed from the waist down.

It’s insulting, the way incels carry on. “No” is just a word. The world doesn’t end. Yes, you’re right, you can have a good life without sex or dating, but I don’t think any incels doing that would be posting here.

I can’t help noticing you’re talking directly to me, which I guess is cause no-one else is talking to you. I don’t post often, but I read all the threads. 😉

I’m going to stop responding to you now.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Probably for the best. That chew toy was fun for a few minutes, but not very well made. It only took a day before it was torn apart.

6 years ago

@Alan, well how about that. Blimey. O.o

Steph Tohill
Steph Tohill
6 years ago


I see what you mean by Cumberbatch but I think he is conventionally attractive.

Tall, suave, good looking and with an army of female admirers…

Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
6 years ago

@ David, for this relief, much thanks!
Conversations about FGuy have been much more interesting than trying to talk to him.

@ Valentin, with you on the Jack Black thing. He combines four things that are each individually very attractive to me: comic talent, musicality, a particular facial type, and a dynamite smile.

Other examples: Mickey Dolenz from the Monkees-

And Jordan Raskopoulos from Axis of Awesome, who in my opinion used to look like Jack’s cooler younger brother (many other fans agreed), and now looks like Jack’s hotter younger sister.

comment image

The Axis did some great videos explaining her transition.
One is in comical song:

And one that talks about transness more seriously.


Sorry for spamming this thread with my Jordan Nicola Bridget Raskopoulos love, and embed failures, carry on all.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

fuck yes! his smile is dynamite!

also you give some good additional examples of dynamite smiles!

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
6 years ago

I don’t get incels. One is attempting to drum up support on a forum for asexual people. Because…not wanting sex equals incel? Somehow? But only for men? He confuses me.

6 years ago

My take on “feminist” guy was that he desperately wanted us to award him some cookies for his “groundbreaking” “work” with “incels.” I am happy to see that no cookies were given.

My last straw with him was when he asked whether we thought nature or nurture made people gay.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Cats in Shiny Hats,


There are MGTOWs out there who think men convert to homosexuality to avoid women because women are so terrible these days. Perhaps some incels think that men convert to axexuality because women are too horrible to date them, therefore asexual men must be a natural fit for incel?

Pretty much all you need to know about the manosphere is that women are terrible. Everything bad, including bad male behavior is women’s fault. Everything good, men get all the credit for. All logical inconsistencies in their “philosophies” make sense if you keep that in mind.

6 years ago

My take on “feminist” guy was that he desperately wanted us to award him some cookies for his “groundbreaking” “work” with “incels.” I am happy to see that no cookies were given.

Nah – I gave him credit for that. Sorry. 😛

6 years ago

Shadowplay – Oops! I do remember that now. I guess your cookie must have been ruined by others who tried to explain why what he was doing (or rather the way he was doing it) was still sexist. I can’t disagree that it’s at least a start, though.

Anyway, he kept bringing it up and so it looked to me like he still wanted all the cookies, so I’m not unhappy that he got the banhammer.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

If it actually were possible for people to convert to homo- or asexuality, wouldn’t that, plus the horrors of patriarchy, have long since brought about human extinction in a “lesbopocalypse” that zeroed out birthrates? Seems like strong evidence against all supposed “conversion therapies” and arguments that it’s a “lifestyle choice” … though, of course, even if nonhetero sexual orientations were a choice, given they would be choices that didn’t harm others, why should those choices be any skin off anyone else’s nose?

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