By David Futrelle
In the wake of last night’s missile strikes on Syria, Trump is declaring “mission accomplished!” (Haven’t we heard this before?) Meanwhile, his fans on the far right, from literal Nazi Assad lovers to not-quite-Nazi America Firsters are crying foul. Alex Jones is literally crying.
Ah yes, that famous phrase indicating military success pic.twitter.com/HNleChIefM
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) April 14, 2018
Alex Jones seems to disagree.
Alex Jones and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day pic.twitter.com/Ld0bxcjlhJ
— shauna (@goldengateblond) April 14, 2018
Apparently it’s all the fault of the Deep State.
Trump is a strong and powerful leader but the deep state is in complete control of his actions pic.twitter.com/pLjgX2n2sx
— Wild Geerters (@steinkobbe) April 14, 2018
Meanwhile, every right-wing shithead that has spent the past several years demonizing brown-skinned refugees as terrorists is suddenly a humanitarian.
The Alt-Right is shedding crocodile tears about Syrian civilians dying in Trump's bombing campaign, despite having spent years calling all Syrian refugees murderous rapists.
Meanwhile: https://t.co/mrphvzf34B— TakedownMRAs (@TakedownMRAs) April 14, 2018
The weirdest thing about Trump’s base coming unglued about him violating his America First principles by bombing Syria is that they really believed he had principles.
— shauna (@goldengateblond) April 14, 2018
Among those feeling betrayed, Ann Coulter, who spent the day retweeting angry alt-rightists denouncing their former God Emporer Trump. There is a slight irony here.
The author of a book literally titled "In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!" continues to be SHOCKED that Trump is an unprincipled liar. https://t.co/5zcWJzcv2U
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) April 14, 2018
Coulter also retweeted this legitimately cute video, which I thought was a nice change from her usual horribleness.
Not all right-wing racists are mad at Trump, though.
An alt-right Trump-loving 20-year-old hedge fund manager calling for the US to bomb Gaza just for fun after illegally attacking Syria is peak America
This is what US fascism looks like. Ultra-entitled racist capitalist children with no regard whatsoever for human life pic.twitter.com/7lGuKetQnR
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) April 14, 2018
There are several problems with that last tweet, not least the fact that this is not actually a picture of Damascus.
Back here in the US, Starbucks is calling the cops on black men for … going to Starbucks? And the cops are arresting them.
Starbucks needs to buy them free coffee for life.
From somewhere else, so they don't have to go to Starbucks.
— Jenny Trout (@Jenny_Trout) April 14, 2018
These days I think we can all relate to this:
Same. pic.twitter.com/zxfds5xafE
— Danger Fourpence (@DangerFourpence) April 12, 2018
So, after the person of color shot because he has asked his way, now people of color arrested because they sit in a café ? Wow.. This is getting ugly and uglier… How many days till your next elections ?
Well, to no comfort, some ugly things also happen in India : at the beginning of January, a 8 years girl have been raped, beat, stoned and her body hidden for a week. In itself, it is already horrible, and you can add the fact that it had been done mainly because she was muslim (and a defenseless child, but who care, yes ?).
The problem does not stop here : India nationalists have done demonstrations to halt investigation because they do not want “muslim policemen” to do it.
And the inhabitants of the village where the murder have been done refused the child to be burried there (she have been burried some kilometers away outside the village).
And the current investigation had shown that some local policemen have “cleared” some clues, making the investigation more difficult.
And the current prime minister party try again to derail on the risk that muslims are supposed to cause to India.
Nationalism is quite the new synonym for hate in this damn world.
Have a nice day.
Pagan reader
Thanks for fixing the pic.
occasional reader
I hope they catch that demon.
No! That can’t be right! Because then Hannity would have scrupulously avoided reporting on Cohen, or would have disclosed his connection. Because of ethics, you know?
Somewhere Bill O’Reilly is cackling with glee because he’s about to no longer be the one with the most embarrassing sex scandal at Fox News.
Wonkette’s taking names on who other party might be. Wanderer thinks it’s Jeff Gannon.
Now if only these lip-service non-believers actually understood THE PLAN of the Great Orange One, they would know to trust in his mastery of 4D Chessboxin. Oh ye of little faith…
Imperialists out, as the saying goes.
@Ryan: Shoo, no ancient prophecy/conspiracy/alien-crap, please!
@Podkayne and Mrs. Obed:
Sigh…it’s getting hard to tell who’s who and what’s what anymore. (mumbles something about sarcasm needing its own font)
*does Chio dance*
And I think Jones and his ilk breaking down in tears is kind of a sign of what these guys really are: spoiled children throwing tantrums because the nanny has realized they’ve been hogging all the toys and treats all this time.
> Fruitloopsie
Alas, it was not a demon.
The current state of the investigation states there are 8 suspects, 4 of them being policemen. It was not an act commited under an impulsion, it was premeditated : kidnapped January the 10th, she has been beaten and raped during some days, in a hindu temple, before being killed and abandoned in a forest.
According to some suspects, it has been done to chase the Bakarwal tribe (a muslim nomadic tribe) from their state.
Not new, it always was.
Jones day just got worse. A few of the Sandy Hook parents are suing him for defamation for his constant bullshit against them.
Chio’s back? HI CHIO!!! *jumps up and down and waves from the fringe*
Yeah, I hope the court finds him guilty and gives him the highest possible punishment, because those poor parents/relatives/friends of the kids and teachers who were murdered have been through hell dealing with said bullshit, including death threats, from assholes like Jones.
@Faerie Bard
I hope the court guts him for that. He should lose everything.
It is possible some older girls did play an odd prank on Alex Jones in High School. Maybe they made a bet whether the whole proselytising for Satan would scare off guys or not.
A bit sad, he has not pondered this in all these decades.
I always envisage Jones’ mind as one of those telephone switchboards from the 50s. You know, the ones with all the wires and the operators making and breaking physical connections.
Except the operator is both astigmatic and drunk off their arse.