alex jones alt-lite alt-right men who should not ever be with women ever racism trump twitter

Alex Jones’ Heartbreak: Today in Tweets

Alex Jones had a long night

By David Futrelle

In the wake of last night’s missile strikes on Syria, Trump is declaring “mission accomplished!” (Haven’t we heard this before?) Meanwhile, his fans on the far right, from literal Nazi Assad lovers to not-quite-Nazi America Firsters are crying foul. Alex Jones is literally crying.

Alex Jones seems to disagree.

Apparently it’s all the fault of the Deep State.

Meanwhile, every right-wing shithead that has spent the past several years demonizing brown-skinned refugees as terrorists is suddenly a humanitarian.

Among those feeling betrayed, Ann Coulter, who spent the day retweeting angry alt-rightists denouncing their former God Emporer Trump.Ā  There is a slight irony here.

Coulter also retweeted this legitimately cute video, which I thought was a nice change from her usual horribleness.

Not all right-wing racists are mad at Trump, though.

There are several problems with that last tweet, not least the fact that this is not actually a picture of Damascus.

Back here in the US, Starbucks is calling the cops on black men for … going to Starbucks? And the cops are arresting them.

These days I think we can all relate to this:

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6 years ago

Omg yes, the pecans thing!!!!
I’m alright, getting better of my depression and stuff. Found a therapy that works, at last.
If you have twitter, do click my name to be led to mine! I’d love having you all there.

I interacted with David and Auntie Alias a few times but naturally they didn’t recognize me. :p

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

You have a cool twitter timeline, Chiomara. I shall follow you!

(Also, I need to get a twitter account which isn’t in my real everyday name. I have enormous cishetmale privilege but even so, I’ve been stalked before and it wasn’t fun.)

6 years ago

Air strikes on Syria will just kill innocent civilians and strengthen ISIS

The incompetence of our leaders never ceases to amaze me

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Chiomara’s back! Yay!

Lumipuna (formerly Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (formerly Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Hi, Chiomara!

OT, but this Finnish story has an (in my opinion) amusing twist.

What do you say, if you’re a medium counseling a newly divorced woman who’s coping with her heartbreak? One thing you might say is:

I see dildos in beautiful wooden boxes

The woman, Tea Latvala, whose medium years ago told her this line, later became a small entrepreneur sex toy designer – that’s what the story is about. She also eventually found a new love, while still struggling with prejudice and lewd attitudes about her business.

James Hutchings
6 years ago

I bet that kid who mowed the White House lawn never got paid.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

I bet that kid who mowed the White House lawn never got paid.

To this day, Trump still thinks that was Barron.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ chiomara

Hey you’re back! So happy to see you and that you’re ok. Wondered what you were up to. I keep reading the Guardian ‘South America’ section waiting for ‘Mystery woman leads revolution and overthrows government’. Haven’t seen that yet, but I guess that means you’re still working behind the scenes. I like that; it’s subtle.

6 years ago


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Mmm, the black coffee of Mordor. Which I shall not order here.

That reminds me, I once wrote a LOTR altverse fanfic, set in Appalachia, where Saruman was the CEO of a large corporate coffee chain who wanted to bulldoze Gondor Hollow. (It seemed like a good idea at the time.). I should see if the link is still active.

Re: blackmailing Trump, that only works if he has a sense of shame, and if his followers have functioning moral compasses, and if his detractors don’t already know he’s a grotesque, lecherous yam with a penchant for trafficked underage models. At this point, there are no new revelations that would move the needle. Evangelicals don’t care about all the adultery and groping, and they don’t care that Trump has never read the Bible and rarely sets foot in a church. Trump is the embodiment of white patriarchy that their religion demands. He hates all the same people they hate. The only thing that would make them turn on him is if he suddenly started advocating for immigrants, women, and gun control.

Hi Chiomara !! Glad to see you back! Hope all is well with you.

6 years ago

Welcome back chiomara. Missed you.

Scildfreja UnnyĆ°nes
Scildfreja UnnyĆ°nes
6 years ago

Chio! <3 We missed you!

6 years ago

Chio!! Welcome back!
comment image

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago

> Trump is a powerful leader
> The deep state controls everything

Pick one!

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago


Peter couldn’t tolerate the cultural Marxist (i.e not horrifically racist and right-wing) atmosphere in Sweden and moved to Norway.

Then Norway called him up for military service and he moved to England.

How very nationalistic and alpha.

6 years ago


Basically everyone in the unofficial discord is going a wild at you being back. Please to be clicking my link to join (If you have Discord anyway. If you dont you should get it the people there seem to miss you.

– Someone who vaguely remembers your Avatar but was mostly a lurker

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago


Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

also go away fguy, this is now officially the Chio thread

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Chio! Hey! *waves*

6 years ago

Chio, you dont know me bc I lurk a lot, but
WELCOME BACK!! you are so kind and smart; I have always valued your input.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago

Content Advisory: this post contains bitter sarcasm…

re: Starbucks trespassing video… it’s obvious from the film that the perpetrators were Being Black In Public (an arrestable offense in itself), what the film doesn’t show is the Events leading to Starbucks’ employees calling the police:. specifically, were the perpetrators ACTING Black In Public?? After all, Philadelphia is a Jim Crow state, amirite?

off-topic, there’s a lawsuit against a right-wing votor suppression organization, Slate has a write-up

Interesting, and very legally sound, even in these trumpian times!

6 years ago

It’s good to see you again, Chiomara! It’s been lovely to see people reappearing lately – like Nicola Luna, and Sinkable John and even Scildfreja was MIA earlier, for what felt like ages which was Just Not On. (there have been several other lovely people coming back, but I have a bordering-on-significantly-messing-with-ordinary-life problem with remembering names; no slight is intended).
Hoping for still more returnees! I always get such a lot, both info and pleasure, out of reading the smart people around here.

Tashi Licious
6 years ago

There was a time where a particular person commenting constantly was driving people away.
Said person is (probably) gone now.

6 years ago

Squeaks gleefully
OMG YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are you, how are you, how are you?! You shaped my understanding of the world so much, I’m so grateful to this site.

I AM working under the covers, indeed, Lula is coming out of jail, and with a twist, wait for it.
I’m joining the disco rn!!!!

6 years ago


1. Ah, all-caps. Always reassuring.

2. “I FEEL VERY FULFILLED.” (Christy Masters, Michelle and Romy’s High School Reunion.) {click for clip}