UPDATE about 5 minutes after this went up: TRUMP ORDERS MISSILE STRIKES ON SYRIA
Here are a few initial reactions to the strikes on Twitter, followed by my original post:
We are all so so so so dumb pic.twitter.com/vfEOFwUNve
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) April 14, 2018
Could be a coincidence that this military strike is launching just as his "fixer" and longtime attorney's office has been raided and a reports emerge that Mueller has confirmed a critical part of the dossier.
But it also could not be a coincidence.
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) April 14, 2018
This year we have admitted 11 (eleven) refugees from the country we are striking today. https://t.co/3kPLZmBOFd
— . (@swordsjew) April 14, 2018
Never fucking forget. Use every word Trump has ever said against him. pic.twitter.com/HwwRONRIpi
— Deniz S. (@MrFilmkritik) April 14, 2018
By David Futrelle
So much going on today.Trump is losing it on Twitter as he contemplates firing Rod Rosenstein — which would basically trigger a constitutional crises — and/or launching what will almost certainly be a disastrous attack on Syria (even by normal US foreign policy standards).
But wait there’s more! Apparently Mueller has evidence that Michael Cohen lied about not being in Prague for a meeting discussed in the Steele dossier. Gosh, that “dodgy dossier” seems to be full of actual true things, while Michael Cohen’s mouth seems to be full of lies. Oh, and Comey started his book tour today. And Trump fucking pardoned Scooter Libby!
The day isn’t even over yet.
Here’s an actual tweet from the actual president today:
DOJ just issued the McCabe report – which is a total disaster. He LIED! LIED! LIED! McCabe was totally controlled by Comey – McCabe is Comey!! No collusion, all made up by this den of thieves and lowlifes!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 13, 2018
And here’s an old Tweet from his dodgy lawyer:
I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews pic.twitter.com/CMil9Rha3D
— Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) January 11, 2017
NARRATOR: But he had been to Prague.
Here’s Mr. Cohen today:
when ur incredibly stressed and someone says not to worry pic.twitter.com/r4urrv4TK2
— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) April 13, 2018
Meanwhile, some fans of pretty alt-lite ladies are having a little trouble trying to create artistic tributes to their goddesses:
Some transphobes are having trouble with pronouns. The CONCEPT of pronouns, that is.
In other news:
Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills https://t.co/SwP839pQTE
— deray (@deray) April 13, 2018
I envy Zelda:
It's been a roller coaster 24 hours. I was awake for two of them. pic.twitter.com/z8hV7KqbYP
— Curious Zelda (@CuriousZelda) April 13, 2018
Goddamn Trump. Goddamn his incompetent fucking soul to hell.
@PeeVee: Trump already sold his soul when he won the 2016 Republican nomination.
This entire fucking politics in the USA is triggering that little bit of my mental illness that says now and has always said “You won’t survive the next year”.
Fuck him for giving me good reason to think that part of me is right.
Then the fucking devil can collect his bounty right now.
I am sick of having yet another existential crisis every time that evil anus-mouthed shit-for-brains flaps his bloviating gums.
Aside: Michael Cohen’s going to be played by Jeffrey Tambor in the movie, isn’t he?
There is no word in English to describe how much I hate Trump at this moment. Can any non English speakers suggest one?
God, he’s in his 70s, isn’t he? Why can’t he just drop dead already?
That Zelda! What amazing eyes.
If SavvyCat doesn’t have pronounces does that mean we have to say SavvyCat every time we mention SavvyCat?
Kick this Orange terrorist out, deport him and take away his access to the Internet before he gets us all killed.
How weak are we as a country that a minor is more threatening than a grown white man wearing a swatiska and white hood carrying a gun? That poor kid. He was just asking for directions. Shooting, deporting, tasing, handcuffing, etc young kids are ok but reporting and standing up to Nazis, etc are “unacceptable because it’s censoring free speech and it makes you as bad as they are” I’m seriously done.
Just a few
Nahuatl the true language of Mexicans.
Go away – ¡Xiauh!
Arabic: I hate you – أنا أكرهك
French: Je vous deteste.
Spanish: Te odio
Haitian Creole: mwen rayi nou
Cherokke word Hate – Ganaquatisdi
And there is this guy
And look up the same guy to see his other video “how to say f*** you in 35 different languages.”
Nequam: Henry Winkler. With Jon Cryer playing Rosenstein.
I can vouch that there are no words in Elvish or Entish, either.
…I like that one.
Begging your pardon, ma’am, but: What soul?
@Ray of Rays:
What about in the language of Mordor? Though I should probably not utter it here …
Here in the South, we ladies say “Bless your heart!”
I guess that Wag the Dog pic I posted earlier isn’t even a joke now.
The bases struck were empty. Already been evacuated. Totally fake war.
Well, at least that means that the US forces (not necessarily Trump, even, but someone) were smart enough to tell the Russians in advance where the strikes were going. So there’s a reasonable chance that WWIII has been averted, at least for tonight.
Now I just want to see how many Republicans who insisted that Clinton only bombed Serbia to distract the world from his sex life are going to insist that Trump only did this as a distraction technique. *waits* *crickets*
I’m also amazed that Trump hasn’t put out a “Friday the 13th sure was unlucky for Assad!!” tweet.
That being said, I’m still stuck on that first not-missile-related Trump tweet in the OP, the one about “McCabe is Comey!!” I’m trying to find a non-ableist word to describe it, because the only term that comes to mind is “unhinged.” Not in the sense of mental illness, but in the sense of spiralling completely out of control and ceasing to make sense. Any suggestions?
Disconnected from reality?
Nah. That’s normal for a retaliation strike against a nation state. Give them enough warning to clear out the people but not the gear, then take out the facility. Been done for decades.
You want to smack them for using gas, stop them doing it again, but at the same time you don’t really want to kill unnecessarily. That causes complications.
I just want to help the refugees. Just bring some here. We have the room, the resources. I’m so sick of the international community being such apathetic cowards, greedy bloodsuckers, and evil monsters. Our children will be ashamed of us.
That works. The only problem is that it’s a bit long, in the sense that you can’t swear with it. It’s an unfortunate truth that ableist language tends to be a lot pithier than the alternatives. (Compare “Is he n**s???” with “Is he disconnected from reality???”)
What’s stopping you?
Not exactly expecting you to hop a plane to Jordan, though the aid agencies do need skilled bodies! If you do have some skills – Medicines sans Frontieres would REALLY like to hear from you.
But what about looking into sponsoring? Doing work for the agencies that are working with refugees – they NEVER turn down a volunteer?
You want to help – help.