advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crank magnetism creepy daily stormer domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with sexbots ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sex sex dolls sexy robot ladies

Sexbots are cool, but don’t forget to smack real-life women and “cure the world of the Jew,” Daily Stormer urges

Is this the kind of robot Nazis really want?

By David Futrelle

The alt-right appeals to many of the same sort of guys that flock to the Men’s Rights movement and kindred groups like the pickup community and Men Going Their Own Way — young straight white dudes, infused with aggrieved entitlement, looking to blame someone (or a bunch of someones) for their problems with everything from women to … well, mostly women.

And so it’s not surprising to see the alt-Nazi hub The Daily Stormer getting excited about an article on heralding the imminent arrival of a new sexbot from the makers of the Real Doll that promises to “love you forever.” Expected to cost around $11,000, it comes complete with an allegedly super-sexy “X mode” and what the Metro describes as “an ever-so-slightly creepy Scottish accent.”

On the Daily Stormer, someone calling himself Spartacus responds to the development with a mixture of wariness and enthusiasm, declaring in a post today (archived here) that what the Metro article describes as the prospect of men spending “a lifetime … making love to the lifeless bodies of machines” is more appealing than a lifetime of bedding

brainless, screeching tubs of lard that were already fucked by a hundred other guys, which is what a lot (most?) women are these days, at least in some parts of the world…

“Spartacus” isn’t thrilled with one feature of the new sexbot.

I don’t even understand why she can talk in the first place.

What’s the point of that anyway?

I mean, there’s no point in having a conversation with a real, flesh and blood woman, so what’s the point of having one with a sexbot?

Like oh so many MGTOWs and MRAs, “Spartacus” thinks that affordable sexbots will ultimately render many women superfluous and drive feminism out of business.

When these things are advanced enough to do the other thing women are good for – making sandwiches – I really think feminism will be over for good.

But “Spartacus” wants the world to know that he and his fellow alt-Nazis aren’t the sort of cucky dudes who would be perfectly content to spend the rest of their lives shacked up with their robot girlfriends.

This isn’t good, or at least not when you look at the larger picture.

If we all, or at least most of us, lived in even vaguely normal/un*iked societies, this wouldn’t really be that big of a deal, it might even be a good thing.

If I lived in any part of western Europe, I’d buy one just because feminists hate it, but also because I’d save money in the long term, what with quality hookers being harder and harder to find these days (not to mention no risk of diseases).

But even if any of you reading this buy one, remember – this is not a healthy, normal thing, and it absolutely isn’t a long-term solution to any problem you have.

Those looking for such a solution might start, he suggests, by acquiring real flesh-and-blood (in the face) girlfriends. His advice on how to do this is rather chilling.

The best way to get a woman and keep her is to just act like a real man, first and foremost by smacking her over the mouth when she acts up and doesn’t do as she’s told. …

if you really wanna buy one of these sexbot things, at least make sure you smack it around once in a while, as practice for a normal relationship.

Don’t ever take dating advice from Nazis. Or any kind of advice, really.

“Spartacus,” like the Nazi he is, ends his article by pointing his finger at what he sees as the real problem — not uppity women but the sinister (alleged) cabal that (allegedly) inspires their (allegedly) bad behavior in the first place. One guess as to who he’s referring to.

[T]he only thing that’ll permanently solve most of our problems with women is manning up and curing the world of the Jew – a disease of which feminism is only a symptom.

That’s right, Nazi dudes. If you can’t get a girlfriend, it’s all the fault of those evil cockblocking Jews, following the precepts of the Protocols of the Elders of You Aren’t Getting Any, Nazi Dudes. New technologies may come and go, but Nazis will never give up their favorite scapegoat for everything they don’t like about themselves and the world around them.

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The Real Cie
6 years ago

“brainless, screeching tubs of lard that were already fucked by a hundred other guys”
This sounds like the porn version of Day of the Triffids to me. Or maybe The Blob.

The Real Cie
6 years ago

Although I may be a brainless tub of lard (I don’t tend to screech), I know better than to ever share one of my BLT sandwiches with a misogynist Nazi. Bastard can make his own sandwich, and he can use the cheap baloney. He can also stay the hell out of my kitchen.

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

I refer to my brother’s kid as my “nubbin”, since they’re my niece/nephew, and I don’t know the assigned gender yet.

Also, I love how these sacks o’ shit are encouraging others to buy sexbots because feminists supposedly “hate” them. Thank the goddess Katie came up with that plan. Worked wonders, I tell ya.

Also, not that I’d ever wish these assholes on someone, or violence on anyone, but if a woman ever did have the unfortunate circumstance of dating one of these human scumbags, I hope to whatever deity would listen that she’s a woman that wouldn’t hesitate to hit back and leave his ass high and dry.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Re: sammich
It’s memes. That’s why the specificity. Pasta isn’t the meme, sammich is. How it became a meme with sammich, no idea. But the reason they use it now is cos it’s memes. Which, along with hate, is the only language they know

If you’ve got siblings, then the order works. ‘My youngest’, for example. If you’re an only, try ‘heir’. Doesn’t specify a binary gender (at least not in more enlightened circles), and is just super cool ?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Google says the origin is a 90’s SNL skit in which Tim Meadows plays a ghetto stereotype weatherman and says “bitch, make me a sandwich” to a tornado. I actually remember that sketch. Over time it morphed into a misogynist joke, I guess.

6 years ago

I don’t even understand why she can talk in the first place.

What’s the point of that anyway?

I mean, there’s no point in having a conversation with a real, flesh and blood woman, so what’s the point of having one with a sexbot?

The same could be said for any of these guys. In fact, I’d take the weakest and shittiest vibrator ever invented over all of them collectively.

When these things are advanced enough to do the other thing women are good for – making sandwiches – I really think feminism will be over for good.

I love how he thinks that slapping a slice of baloney between two slices of Wonder Bread is somehow “advanced”, and yet, simultaneously, menial women’s work. Dude, do you not peanut butter?

If I lived in any part of western Europe, I’d buy one just because feminists hate it, but also because I’d save money in the long term, what with quality hookers being harder and harder to find these days (not to mention no risk of diseases).

But even if any of you reading this buy one, remember – this is not a healthy, normal thing, and it absolutely isn’t a long-term solution to any problem you have.

Dude, make up your small and shitty mind. Is it cool because feminists hate it, or is it unhealthy and abnormal? Pick one, because it can’t be both…

…well, actually, maybe it IS both, because it IS unhealthy and abnormal to fixate so much on doing things feminists hate because you’re just such a spiteful, stinking, hate-mongering git. And frankly, at the rate you’re going, you’d be lucky if even an inanimate object that’s programmed to pretend to like you will put up with your shit for any length of time.

Especially since this…

The best way to get a woman and keep her is to just act like a real man, first and foremost by smacking her over the mouth when she acts up and doesn’t do as she’s told.

…is also what a robot can expect from such a prize-winning specimen of Alpha Manhood™.

But hey! If you want to flush $11,000 or more down the crapper for a thing you’re only going to abuse and mistreat until it shorts out (with any luck, while your dick is in it), go right ahead. As long as no actual human women are involved, knock yourself the fuck out.

6 years ago

Bairn? Bairn is good.

6 years ago

Even if these dudes do buy a sexbot, they’re not going to be satisfied with it. No, not only because they’re not so much interested in having an orgasm provider as they are having a status symbol/built-in mommy that they can abuse and exert power over, although that’s definitely part of it.

Because companies, by and large, aren’t interested in creating a product that a customer only has to buy one of in their lifetime. Designed obsolescence and perceived obsolescence are both going to come into play in short order for these dudes. They’re going to buy Sexbot version 2.0, and within a year or two, version 3.0 is going to come out and make the 2.0 owners feel less manly for not having the most advanced version and bitter about being stuck with a sexbot that has “hit the wall”.

Could be quite the cash cow, actually, if the companies can avoid becoming targeted by the bottomless wells of hatred these guys seem to possess.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

I just use the term “child” as a gender-neutral superset of “son” and “daughter”, irrespective of its subject’s age, unless I require an obscure word, in which case I use “scion”.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

I’m not sure the companies will even have to build obsolescence in. Seeing as these guys are clearly planning to beat their sexbots up, the repair fees alone should keep them in business.

6 years ago

Wapo article going around – 41% of Americans (66% of millenials) don’t know what Auschwitz was. 11% adult Americans (and 22% of millenials) don’t know what the Holocaust was.

You want Nazis? Because that’s how you get Nazis.

6 years ago

I wonder what their reactions would be if there are male sexbots? Oh I know “Those d*mn jooooos and feeeeeemales!”

I defiantly don’t want to know their reactions to child sexbots nor do I want those bots to exist.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago


I’m on the tail end of the millennial generation, and those figures astound me. I spent several months in multiple school years learning about it, and I even attended a presentation by a Holocaust survivor, although unfortunately I couldn’t understand much of it, because I was in the back and he had no microphone and a thick accent.

The good news is, though, that people still think that it’s important to know about. In other words, Holocaust denial of the sort that says, “It wasn’t so bad!” seems to be a position held only by the likes of David Irving.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

41% of Americans (66% of millenials) don’t know what Auschwitz was. 11% adult Americans (and 22% of millenials) don’t know what the Holocaust was.

That’s awful. I’m amongst the older members of the age bracket known as millenials, and we covered it in school in the southern hemisphere. (Interestingly, we covered it rather than some of our more local genocides and atrocities.)

I’m not going to blame the education system, because that seems to be the reflex of every adult who’s disappointed with “the kids these days”, and frankly teachers have a terrible job and are doing great things despite that.

Instead, I’ll ask: how is this not a cultural-osmosis thing? Like, I have never watched Buffy or played a Zelda game, and yet I know who Faith and Willow are and what the Triforce is, because those are topics in our shared culture which get referenced enough that people pick them up. The same is true for a lot of history, geography and literature. How is it that the Holocaust doesn’t get referenced in the same way? Do these people hear people calling one another Hitler on the internet and not stop to ask who he was?

6 years ago

@Laughter, @EJ

Now my anger is more in check … I don’t know.

I’m older, and grew up with an uncle around who was both a Dachau survivor (one of the forgotten millions – he were Romani. Married my aunt after the war as his entire clan were, to put it quite simply, gone) AND willing to talk about it. Sometimes, at least, when he’d had a few.

Can’t get my head around people simply not knowing. Not caring – that I can understand, though never condone or forgive. But not knowing?!

6 years ago

Echoing what others have said about the robots needing to be repaired after X amount of “smacks round the mouth.” Complete lack of foresight on the Nazis’ part.

Which leads me to the next point. As for the only part of the body that they’re actually interested in, have they not considered they’d have to wash it after doing the deed? I mean the ads never go into this detail (because bad marketing) but Nazibags seem to think they can just pump and go and not bother with maintenance. And isn’t their main reason for wanting a sexbot that they don’t have to actually *do* anything for it?

6 years ago

Nothing wrong with sexbots. Nothing wrong with a guy who cant get a date or a girlfriend, having a sexbot because thats all they can get for some kind of experience/intimacy.

Everything wrong with acting like sexbots will end feminism. No it fucking wont. Using sexbots to win a war vs feminism is stupid. I have nothing against sexbots, theres nothing wrong with a guy who is struggling to attract women, getting a sexbot instead. Its the way scum websites like dailystormer/MGTOW try and make sexbots about something which it isnt intended for which gripes me

6 years ago

Re not knowing what the holocaust was:
I once had a student who said out loud in class (don’t remember the context now)
– In South Africa… What was the deal again…? Did the blacks oppress the whites or was it the other way around?
like a legit question.

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago


Speaking of Nazis, in Hungary, a weekly newspaper (close from the Orban lot) had published a first list of 200 supposed persons linked to Georges Soros (to memento, Orban said, during elections, that he have a list of 2000 ‘Soros sycophants’).
To no surprise, there are name of human rights advocates and activists, members of ONG, foreigners, and… some already deceased persons…

Delations (falses, moreover, as many persons, except those nazis, recognize it is a list established by conspiracy theorists) and threats, Nazis love that…

Have a nice day.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

I tell this story a lot, but: there’s a famous impromptu street interview of an Indonesian young man who was seen wearing a chibi anime Hitler backpack. When asked who it was, he said that it was “some European king”, but confessed that he wasn’t very good at foreign history so wasn’t sure.

On the one hand, I can’t name many Indonesian rulers so can’t criticise his lack of education. On the other hand, maybe don’t buy merch of people you don’t know much about, hmmm?

Similarly, I can’t blame Americans for not knowing much about South African history. The Holocaust is a different matter, because the entire Western world should know about that, but there has to be a cutoff point below which people can be innocently ignorant.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

occasional reader,

Considering his age, Soros himself will be likely deceased soon. That won’t stop at least all of the people demonizing him.

6 years ago

They’re still demonizing Alinsky, and he’s been dead 40 years

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago


… The way they talk about him, I honestly thought he was still alive. o.O

Then again, Solanas has been dead for 30 years, so.

6 years ago


Thanks for linking that article. I’d wondered about that very same thing, what are American ‘s levels of knowledge about the Holocaust, especially the concentration camps. If people don’t know what Auschwitz was, then it’s doubtful they know any other WW2 concentration camp by name.

I’m one of the older Generation X’rs (I hate that name). In my high school, we learned plenty about the Holocaust, enough to send a few kids out of the classroom because they were too traumatized to continue to watch death camp footage. Unforgettable.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

what with quality hookers being harder and harder to find these days

That guy runs zero risk of choking on self-awareness the way I just choked on my coffee. Dude, it ain’t the sex workers, it’s just you. Word gets around, yano.