By David Futrelle
The alt-right appeals to many of the same sort of guys that flock to the Men’s Rights movement and kindred groups like the pickup community and Men Going Their Own Way — young straight white dudes, infused with aggrieved entitlement, looking to blame someone (or a bunch of someones) for their problems with everything from women to … well, mostly women.
And so it’s not surprising to see the alt-Nazi hub The Daily Stormer getting excited about an article on Metro.co.uk heralding the imminent arrival of a new sexbot from the makers of the Real Doll that promises to “love you forever.” Expected to cost around $11,000, it comes complete with an allegedly super-sexy “X mode” and what the Metro describes as “an ever-so-slightly creepy Scottish accent.”
On the Daily Stormer, someone calling himself Spartacus responds to the development with a mixture of wariness and enthusiasm, declaring in a post today (archived here) that what the Metro article describes as the prospect of men spending “a lifetime … making love to the lifeless bodies of machines” is more appealing than a lifetime of bedding
brainless, screeching tubs of lard that were already fucked by a hundred other guys, which is what a lot (most?) women are these days, at least in some parts of the world…
“Spartacus” isn’t thrilled with one feature of the new sexbot.
I don’t even understand why she can talk in the first place.
What’s the point of that anyway?
I mean, there’s no point in having a conversation with a real, flesh and blood woman, so what’s the point of having one with a sexbot?
Like oh so many MGTOWs and MRAs, “Spartacus” thinks that affordable sexbots will ultimately render many women superfluous and drive feminism out of business.
When these things are advanced enough to do the other thing women are good for – making sandwiches – I really think feminism will be over for good.
But “Spartacus” wants the world to know that he and his fellow alt-Nazis aren’t the sort of cucky dudes who would be perfectly content to spend the rest of their lives shacked up with their robot girlfriends.
This isn’t good, or at least not when you look at the larger picture.
If we all, or at least most of us, lived in even vaguely normal/un*iked societies, this wouldn’t really be that big of a deal, it might even be a good thing.
If I lived in any part of western Europe, I’d buy one just because feminists hate it, but also because I’d save money in the long term, what with quality hookers being harder and harder to find these days (not to mention no risk of diseases).
But even if any of you reading this buy one, remember – this is not a healthy, normal thing, and it absolutely isn’t a long-term solution to any problem you have.
Those looking for such a solution might start, he suggests, by acquiring real flesh-and-blood (in the face) girlfriends. His advice on how to do this is rather chilling.
The best way to get a woman and keep her is to just act like a real man, first and foremost by smacking her over the mouth when she acts up and doesn’t do as she’s told. …
if you really wanna buy one of these sexbot things, at least make sure you smack it around once in a while, as practice for a normal relationship.
Don’t ever take dating advice from Nazis. Or any kind of advice, really.
“Spartacus,” like the Nazi he is, ends his article by pointing his finger at what he sees as the real problem — not uppity women but the sinister (alleged) cabal that (allegedly) inspires their (allegedly) bad behavior in the first place. One guess as to who he’s referring to.
[T]he only thing that’ll permanently solve most of our problems with women is manning up and curing the world of the Jew – a disease of which feminism is only a symptom.
That’s right, Nazi dudes. If you can’t get a girlfriend, it’s all the fault of those evil cockblocking Jews, following the precepts of the Protocols of the Elders of You Aren’t Getting Any, Nazi Dudes. New technologies may come and go, but Nazis will never give up their favorite scapegoat for everything they don’t like about themselves and the world around them.
Daily Stormer like all Nazi websites, couldn’t suck any more. Its like these people just want to make everyone else angry at them. Thankfully there’s no way on Earth that any country is going to give up one acre of its territory so they can set up their little all white “utopia.”
Yeah because “obviously” feminism only exists because women “want” to make sandwiches for racist / sexist Neo Nazi pigs like you Spartacus. Never mind that most women, including most white women have better things to do than make you a sandwich when even the most lazy person on Earth can easily do that without complaining.
@CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)
They could if they bought a sexbot equipped with that feature.
…I’ll see myself out.
Wait, feminists hate sexbots?
I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but does anyone know why manospherians are so obsessed with sandwiches?
I get that it’s a “serve me!” kind of thing, but the focus on sandwiches seems kind of specific….
They should have stayed on the dark web where they belong.
You wrote,
Or better yet, they should have actually gotten an education and learned to stop blaming others for their problems.
Maybe it’s sandwiches because that’s frequently something that can be made and carried on a plate to wherever the manly manospherian is doing their manly man things? And then the woman can just go back in the kitchen where she belongs? And it’s not a home cooked meal, so they won’t be expected to sit across from the woman and actually talk to them.
Or maybe they themselves find sandwiches too difficult to make, all those layers you know.
You wrote,
I don’t know, maybe they think that if a man’s hands touch bread that has not yet been made into a sandwich it will melt off or something.
Plus, there are lots of ways to obtain sandwiches other than making it yourself or having a woman make it for you. There’s premade sandwiches at gas stations and grocery stores. There are restaurants and delis and bars. Subway, Jimmy Johns and other fast food sandwich chains.
Men can already get orgasms without the aid of women too.
If all it took to defeat feminism forever is if women weren’t needed for sandwiches and orgasms, feminism would’ve never even gotten off the ground in the first place
I mean, we’ve said for awhile now that sexbots are nothing more than abuse-trainers for entitled, violent assholes, but I wasn’t expecting them to just say it so literally.
I’m really too naieve.
I’ve always assumed it’s a dominance thing: a sandwich is a simple enough sort of food that even a True Manly Man could make one. You don’t need to have learned how to cook to make a sandwich. Forcing the woman to do so makes it clear that this is about putting her in her place. “Traditionally” brought up men can always argue that they don’t cook because they don’t know how, but that argument doesn’t hold with a sandwich.
And, like @laserqueen said, there’s the portability factor. The True Manly Man is busy doing important things which are probably too complicated for the fragile female brain, but which are also probably necessary to keep her supply of bonbons coming, so he deserves to be served a sandwich while working and doesn’t have time to eat a proper meal. Though since the official history of the sandwich is that it was invented because the Earl of Sandwich didn’t want to interrupt a gambling session, these days the important Manly Man things seem more likely to be playing WoW. Or kvetching on the internet about how women won’t make them sandwiches.
Of topic but is there a commonly accepted gender neutral term for son/daughter?
My mother asked what to call me but I’m blanking on something other then “child” which is kinda infantilizing.
I am going on record as being pro-sexbot. Have at ’em, boys.
The rest of it is just the usual purposeful nastiness. “Look at me, I’m EDGY! I’m a BADASS! I whup my wimminz, WHOO HOO!”
Yeah, whatever. I seriously doubt any of these guys have ever been alone with a woman.
Maybe I’ve just gotten inured to their shtick, if I may be so bold as to insert a good Yiddish word.
@ TreePerson – Offspring? Spawn? Scion?
Now I’m imagining a crowd of disgusted-looking guys shouting “I’m not Spartacus!”
Brood. (Our kids)
Horde (the grandkids)
I won’t normally stoop so low as to mock a small business for going bankrupt, but in the case of the Daily Stormer I’ll make a exception.
Sexbots after spending 10 seconds with these cockalorum pillocks foot fungus scum who think they’re superior but can’t even make a sandwich:
And then robots will go Bender and want to destroy all humanity or at least enslave us.
@Gaebolga (and others)
An interesting range of ideas so far about why sandwiches. My assumption is that it is rooted in the high proportion of basement (and indeed actual children’s bedrooms) dwellers in the population using it. A sandwich is a snack, not a meal, except in extremis. The 3 meals a day don’t need to be demanded; they just appear, courtesy of the mother upstairs. Only snacks need to be summoned.
Tangentially, generally this population writes it as “sammitch”. One might assume a subpar literacy level, but it makes me twitch. My Evil Ex (two decades ago, no longer any kind of a problem) belittled me in a number of ways (don’t get me started – this was at the mild end), one of which was that apparently it’s quaint to pronounce “sandwich” as written. Not that I care how other people pronounce it, but I wish they would do the same for me.
“Sprog” is a generally accepted term for offspring where I’m from. Which is Australia.
Actually, I’m not sure anyone should be taking lessons on suitable language from us ?
Legit spat my tea all over the kitchen bench.
As opposed to consorting with “screeching tubs of lard”. Why the disclaimer? Shouldn’t they be stampeding the sexbot factory and never looking back?
Regarding the sandwiches thing, it’s meant to be doubly degrading. The subtext is that women are the servant class, but they’re so subhuman, they’re not capable of making anything more complicated (nor is it manly to want complicated food).
The sub-subtext, of course, is that the asker isn’t even up to the task of making a sandwich and wait why are you the master race again?
This whole sexbot thing…I’d be very leery of putting any appendage of mine into one of those things. What if the sexbot malfunctions, and rips it right off? A silicone sex doll, or a blow-up doll, is one thing, but something as complex as a robot is another.
Awhile ago, I saw something on the news about a machine meant to assist men in providing sperm samples. It was basically a penis-milking machine.☺ I’m not sure why such a contraption is necessary, tho I have ideas. Just, I wouldn’t want to stick any part of my body into it.
RE: Making sandwiches. My mother’s husband asks her to make sandwiches for him. I know it annoys her, but she puts up with it. Incidentally, she’s retired now, but when she was working, she out earned him.
My dad called his children (4 daughters and a son) kidlets.
But then, my dad was amazing.
Pretty much this. Cooking is a woman’s job, as per patriarchal rules. One of the unmanliest things you can do is cook (unless you are a chef or you’re firing up a barbecue).
So a man can fix himself up a sandwich and still be manly because it doesn’t require any particular knowledge or know-how to pull off. And a man gets bonus points if he can get a submissive woman to do it for him.
In reality, it’s nothing more than performative toxic masculinity. Entirely ridiculous and nonsensical.
I like to think I’m intelligent, but will cop to being overweight. I’m also pretty quiet, however, unless “screeching” also means “making weird, random ‘EEK!’ noises and disassociated brain farts at odd times”.
I certainly haven’t been fucked by a hundred other guys– just one. Now, fucked over, on the other hand…
I’d also wish bubonic plague on sexbots before I wished these winning members of humanity on them. You want Skynet? This is how you’d get Skynet.