By David Futrelle
In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, yet another man with what appears to be a merely theoretical understanding of the subject has decided that he needs to explain sex to us all.
Be warned: He uses … metaphor.
It’s not pretty.
Here’s the whole text if you don’t want to squint to read that:
The Rigged Exchange (self.MGTOW)
submitted 7 months ago by slyn69
when you boil male female relationships down to their most basic exchange, the man provides resources and utility and the woman provides access to sex. already, this is a completely unfair exchange when you realize that women actually enjoy and crave sex as much as men, if not more-so. on top of that, it is the expectation on the man to perform sexually, pleasure his woman and bring her to orgasm multiple times.its like, if u and a woman were making an apple pie together. your job would be to grow the apples, pluck them. plant the wheat, grind it into flour. mead the dough. add the sugar. turn it into a pie. then u bring your pie around to all the women u know hoping one of them will open her oven for you. she doesnt even turn the oven on, thats still your job. then, after the pie is done cooking, u have to feed it to her.
Er, “mead the dough?”
I’m not sure this guy is much of a baker, if you catch my drift.
I’ll leave it to the rest of you to tease out all the implications of the rest of this metaphor because I’m a having a little trouble trying to figure out what, sex-wise, each of the pie-making steps he mentions actually refer to.
The oven is the vagina, right? Is the pie the penis? Because I’m pretty sure you don’t bake pies by repeatedly putting them in and pulling them out of the oven.
And if we ignore this little metaphorical oddity and accept that putting the pie in the oven is penis-in-vagina fun time, then why does the guy have to feed her the pie afterwards? What if she wants to, er, eat it beforehand? Or maybe just use her hand? What if he wants to eat her pie or, I dunno, put his finger in it? If her pie, in this metaphor, is actually the oven, dude should probably wear oven mitts, right? Do they make those for tongues?
I have so many questions.
I suspect this guy will be “meading” his own dough for a while, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge.
Scildfreja Unnyðnes and Nicolaluna.
Our seagull munching vampire engineer is a possible MRAL too though. He once had a very MRALesque tearful confession about how his trolling habit was a psychological issue and he was in therapy. Followed by a return to the same old troll behavior. Then there’s the fact that seagull man made an extremely brief return, proclaimed himself a god and flounced a couple of days before feminist guy showed up. Of course, like I said before, I just don’t want to believe there’s more than one person so obsessedwith this place.
Wooow, MRAL? Fuck, dude is as much an oldie as I am. Except I’ve hung around because I like Dave’s writing and the comments (trolls excluded) are always interesting and knowledgeable when I dip into them. To stay around because of a hate-boner or whatever else he’s got going on? Thats’… well, that’s something, that’s for sure.
Definitely sounds like him, though. I can confirm that much.
Good to have an old timer confirm it. I’m familiar with his work because I read the archives, but never interacted with his original persona. Whether that persona is the closest one to the real him, who knows.
And now you’ve given this idiot the same publicity that you receive from this website. Bad publicity is still publicity.